Overview: This page exclusively covers the 500 or so zombie lies in Knox's English-only 2013 book. See this page for Knox's zombie lies to media and paying groups.
Category: Knox Provides Proofs
1. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies - Series Overview
Posted by Chimera
Reason whythere’s no similar shot of RS showing warmth to AK
1. Series Context
Knox lies?! Anyone who reads here for a while is left in no doubt of that.
Anyone who watched the trial in Italian concluded that. Even her own lawyers concluded that. They publicly requested in 2008 that she stop all her lying.
Numerous sworn witnesses in court, with no dog at all in this fight, contradicted her. Easily identifiable lies now number up in the thousands. They tend to be malicious (how she hates others), and they tend to be narcissistic (how she loves herself).
To close case-watchers they stand out a mile.
And yet amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
Past posts and series addressed Knox lies at (1) the time of arrest and 2007 hearings, (2) the 2008 hearings, (3) Knox at trial, (4) Knox in prison, (5) Knox at the Hellman appeal, (6) Knox back in Seattle, when (7) she wrote her book, (8) Knox emailing Judge Nencini, (9) Knox in recent paid presentations, and (10) Knox on US media and especially Netflix (with more to follow).
This further 8-part series puts (2) above along side (7) above to show further how it is a really, really bad idea to believe anything at all in Knox’s book.
Knox very often lies by omission - she leaves out numerous key facts - and her shadow writer and editors seemingly enable that. I will address some of Knox’s key omissions in this first post.
What Was Omitted From The Book
(1) Knox At Trial In 2009”¦
Here is Knox’s entire text of a full two days at court on June 12-13, 2009 in Waiting to be Heard (Chapter 26, Pages 324-327).
“Your Honor, I’d like to speak in Italian,” I said politely. I didn’t think about whether it would work or whether it was a good idea. All I could think was, I have been waiting my turn for nearly two years. This is it!
At least prison life had been good for my language skills.
I was relieved to be able to speak directly to the jury. The hard part wasn’t the Italian; it was being an active listener for hours at a time, making sure I heard the questions correctly and that my questioners didn’t push me around.
Pacelli tried to insinuate that I’d come up with Patrick’s name on my own in my interrogation. “No,” I said. “They put my cell phone in front of me, and said, ‘Look, look at the messages. You were going to meet someone.’ And when I denied it they called me a ‘stupid liar.’ From then on I was so scared. They were treating me badly, and I didn’t know why.
“It was because the police misunderstood the words ‘see you later.’ In English, it’s not taken literally. It’s just another way of saying ‘good-bye.’ But the police kept asking why I’d made an appointment to meet Patrick. ‘Are you covering for Patrick?’ they demanded. ‘Who’s Patrick?”’
We went over how I found the room for rent in the villa, my relationship with Meredith, my history with alcohol and marijuana, and what happened on November 2. The prosecution and the civil parties were confrontational. I was able to respond. It took two exhausting days, and there were a few questions I couldn’t answer.
I’d purposely tried to forget the emotional pain of the slap to my head. Other memories had become muddled by time. For instance, I remembered calling my mom only once after Meredith’s body was found, but cell phone records indicated that I’d made three calls while Raffaele and I were standing in my driveway.
During my testimony, I was clear. I never stumbled or stalled. I just said, This is what happened. This is what I went through.
I relaxed a little when it was Luciano’s turn to question me.
“During the interrogation, there were all these people around me,” I said. “In front and behind me, yelling, threatening, and then there was a policewoman behind me who did this.”
I slapped my own head to demonstrate.
“One time, two times?” Luciano asked.
“Two times,” I said. “The first time I did this.”
I dropped my head down as if I’d been struck and opened my mouth wide in surprise.
“Then I turned around toward her and she gave me another.”
“So you said what you said, and then you had a crisis of weeping. Then they brought you tea, some coffee, some pastries? When did this happen? If you can be precise,” Luciano asked.
“They brought me things only after I made declarations - depositions” - that Patrick had raped and murdered Meredith, and I had been at the house covering my ears.
“I was there, they were yelling at me, and I only wanted to leave, because I was thinking about my mom, who was arriving soon, and so 1 said, ‘Look, can I please have my phone,’ because I wanted to call my mom. They told me no, and then there was this chaos. They yelled at me. They threatened me. It was only after 1 made declarations that they said, `No, no, no. Don’t worry. We’ll protect you. Come on.’ That’s what happened.
“Before they asked me to make other declarations-1 can’t say what time it was””but at a certain point I asked, ‘Shouldn’t I have a lawyer or not?’ because I didn’t honestly know, because I had seen shows on television that usually when you do these things you have a lawyer, but okay, so should I have one? And at least one of them told me it would be worse for me, because it showed that I didn’t want to collaborate with the police. So I said no.”
Then it was Mignini’s turn. “Why did you say, ‘Patrick’s name was suggested to me, I was beaten, I was put under pressure?”’
As soon as I started to answer, Mignini interrupted with another question. He’d done the same thing to me during my interrogation at the prison. This time, I wasn’t going to let it fluster me. I was going to answer one question at a time. Showing my irritation, I said, “Can I go on?”
I described my November 5 interrogation again. “As the police shouted at me, I squeezed my brain, thinking, ‘What have I forgotten? What have I forgotten?’ The police were saying, `Come on, come on, come on. Do you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember?’ And then boom on my head.” I imitated a slap. “‘Remember!’ the policewoman shouted. And then boom again. ‘Do you remember?”’
When Mignini told me I still hadn’t proved that the police had suggested Patrick’s name, my lawyers jumped up. The exchange was so heated that Judge Massei asked if I wanted to stop.
I said no.
At the end, the judge asked what I thought of as a few inconsequential questions, such as, Did I turn up the heat when I got to the villa that Friday morning? Did we have heat in the bathroom, or was it cold? Rather, the judge was trying to catch me in an inconsistency. Why would I come home to a cold house when I could have showered at Raffaele’s?
Then it was over.
In the past I hadn’t been great at standing up for myself. I was proud that this time was different.
When the hearing ended, I got two minutes to talk to my lawyers before the guards led me out of the courtroom. “I was nervous when you first spoke,” Luciano admitted, “but by the end I was proud of you.”
Carlo said, “Amanda, you nailed it. You came across as a nice, intelligent, sincere girl. You left a good impression.”
I took this to mean that I didn’t come across as “Foxy Knoxy.”
For a while during the trial, the guards would let my parents say hello and good-bye to me in the stairwell just before I left the courthouse for the day. My mom, my dad, Deanna, Aunt Christina, and Uncle Kevin were waiting for me there that day. They hugged me tightly. “We’re so proud of you,” they said.
I hadn’t felt this good since before Meredith was murdered.
After another few days in court, the judge called a two-month summer break.
(2) What The Book Description Omits
I am not expecting a complete trial transcript by any means, but here are some of the numerous vital details conveniently left out.
(a) First, to state the obvious…
(1) AK omits that her book directly contradicts a lot of what was said on the witness stand (okay, that’s not saying much)
(2) AK omits that her book leaves out a lot of what was said on the witness stand (okay, that’s not saying much)
(b) Second who asked the questions
(3) AK omits that she was questioned by Francesco Maresca (Kercher lawyer)
(4) AK omits that she was questioned by Guilia Bongiorno (Sollecito lawyer)
(5) AK omits that she was questioned by Luca Maori (Sollecito lawyer)
(6) AK omits that she was questioned by Giancarlo Massei (Trial Judge)
(7) AK omits that a taped phone call was played (with Filomena Romanelli)
(c) Third, how much makes no sense
(8) AK claims she didn’t expect to be interrogated, but leaves out that she showed up unannounced and uninvited
(9) AK omits telling the Court she doesn’t know how to delete “sent” messages, as she’s not a “technical genius”
(10) AK claims she was asked about “imagining things”, but not about the list she had put together
(11) The same 2 “slaps” are used to: (a) get Knox’s attention; (b) get Knox to remember; (c) get Knox to stop lying; (d) to get Knox to say Meredith had sex; (e) to get Knox to give up a name; (f) to confirm a name. So, I assume she was smacked about 12 or 14 times….
(12) AK knew Meredith screamed, but only because it was suggested to her
(13) AK knew Meredith’s body made a “thud”, but only because it was suggested to her
(14) AK knew about the sexual assault, but only because it was suggested to her
(15) AK knew about Meredith having her throat cut, but only because an anonymous officer told her—or was it gestured?
(16) AK knew Meredith took a long time to die ... because she watches CSI
(17) AK knew about the gurgling sounds Meredith made .... because she watches CSI
(18) AK asked for pen and paper to write that she didn’t know what the truth is
(19) AK tells her Mother PL is innocent, but isn’t sure she didn’t imagine it (and report that)
(20) AK, in the same testimony, imagines both: (a) PL is guilty; and (b) PL is innocent. Well, 1 of those must be true.
(21) AK needs a mop for a little puddle at RS’ home, yet hops around on a bathmat in her own home
(22) AK doesn’t think to flush a toilet that had been used 12+ hours before
(23) AK is asked to imagine things, even though there is all this hard evidence
(24) AK was starved, yet the police still brought her tea “and other things”
(25) AK saying “I can’t lie. I was there” is just a euphemism for screwing with RS. Not an admission of guilt
(26) “Hickies” from boyfriend apparently look like cut marks
(27) AK supposedly had a class project once where she describes the 10 minutes prior to discovering a body
(28) AK doesn’t know Ficarra’s name (her supposed abuser), but does remember it after another 4 years
(29) AK doesn’t clean up blood after seeing it in her bathroom
(30) AK is freaked out by an open door, which she suspects a housemate left while throwing out the garbage
(31) AK doesn’t think its strange that her lamp got locked in Meredith’s room
(32) AK doesn’t remember calling her mother in court, but remembers it fine after another 4 years
(33) AK only knew Meredith a month, and just wants to get on with her life (some “friend”)
(34) AK imagines things that last for years, but this is the only situation where it ever happened
(35) AK “might” have been interrogated by dozens of people. Or it could have been a few, and the faces weren’t familiar
(36) Despite huge amounts of evidence, the police ask Amanda to imagine what could have happened
(37) The police investigative technique of asking witnesses to “imagine things” is only ever applied to AK. Never before. Never afterwards.
(38) AK doesn’t really know what the word “confirm” means
(39) AK has trouble—even years later—distinguishing between imaginary and reality.
To put it mildly, what Knox said previously in court in 2009 does not match up with her book in 2013 and her 2015 addition.
Seems that AK is either: (a) forgive me, but a complete bullshitter, who lies through her teeth as often as breathing; or (b) has an extremely limited grasp of reality, which even Sollecito and others who know her have suggested, coupled with a very poor memory; or (c) a combination of (a) and (b).
This makes it very hard for us to distinguish between what she genuinely can’t remember - psychologists feel she may have blanked out the attack on Meredith - and what are actual new lies.
Not an envious task for any trial court. Judge Massei seems to have had a hard time making any sense of it whatsoever. Judge Nencini hardly bothered.
Series will continue
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Explanation
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2. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #1 to #16
Posted by Chimera
1. Series Overview
This series shows Knox contradicting Knox.
Especially Knox at trial contradicting Knox in her book. Knox often lies by omission - she leaves out key facts - and her shadow writer and editors seemingly enable that.
Please see Part 1 here and in particular this:
... amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
(Long post, click here to go straight to Comments.)
2. Unpromising Legal Context Emerging
Sollecito has just shown Knox her probable way forward.
He has just lost a Supreme Court appeal for compensation for his four years in prison, because he provably lied to the cops. And he has just agreed to confess publicly that he provably lied in his book.
Pending an outcome of mafia investigations which may provide further proof that two courts were bent, Sollecito seems to have had his final day in court. Those pesky lies….
What of Knox? She just might get a very minor financial award if the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sees any merit in her claims that she was denied a lawyer on 5-6 November 2007.
Oh yes. The night she talked her head off to investigators and was difficult to stop.
There’s no way her calunnia conviction can be overturned, the Supreme Court made quite sure of that in 2013, and again in 2015. She is a convicted felon for life. (Oh, Netflix did not mention that?)
And there is no sign that her team have even asked the ECHR for a retrial on the calunnia, surely knowing her claim was incredibly weak - leaving Patrick languishing in prison for several weeks was not a smart legal move.
So going forward Knox has only the same two unpromising legal initiatives to look forward to in which Sollecito just bombed out so bad:
To lose a case for a damages award for the one year she waited for trial, and to lose a case for all the copious defamation in her book. Those pesky lies….
3 Telling Contradictions 1 to 16
1. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: You know, there was so much confusion during the night, and so many hours of interrogation, that my sense of time was gone.
CP: When you wrote the memorandum, were you hit by police?
AK: When?
CP: When you wrote the memorandum. Were you hit by police?
AK: No.
CP: Mistreated?
AK: No.
CP: Did the police suggest the contents?
AK: No.
CP: You gave it to them freely?
AK: Yes.
CP: Voluntarily?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 129] I had so many questions that I didn’t ask aloud. But my main thought was If I’m going into hiding, I need to make sure the police understand that I’m not sure about Patrick. I’d caved under the police’s questioning. It was my lack of resolve that had created this problem, and I had to fix it. I needed to say that I had doubts about what I’d signed, to let the police know they couldn’t rely on my declarations as the truth.
[Comments] The logic Knox claims here is rather difficult to follow. If you were to follow the June 2009 testimony and book, you would think that AK freely wanted to write statement to claim that she wasn’t sure anything she had previously said was true. Police statements try to get people saw they saw/heard/did something specific, they don’t couch everything with ‘‘maybe’‘. It still also doesn’t explain that if AK thought that the police considered her and Sollecito suspects, why would they get her to finger someone else completely? If anything it would hurt any potential case]
2. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: But in fact, you were sure that Patrick was innocent?
AK: No, I wasn’t sure.
CP: Why?
AK: Because I was confused! I imagined that it might have happened. I was confused.
CP: Did you see Patrick on November 1, yes or no?
AK: No.
CP: Did you meet him?
AK: No.
CP: Then why did you say that you saw him, met him, and walked home with him?
AK: Because the police and the interpreter told me that maybe I just wasn’t remembering these things, but I had to try to remember. It didn’t matter if I thought I was imagining it. I would remember it with time. So, the fact that I actually remembered something else was confusing to me. Because I remembered one thing, but under the pressure of the police, I forced myself to imagine another. I was confused. I was trying to explain this confusion, because they were making me accuse someone I didn’t want to accuse.
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 129/130] In naming Patrick, I’d unintentionally misled them. What if they thought I did it on purpose? They’d wasted time on me when they could have been out pursuing the real killer.
[Chapter 11, Page 139] I was consumed by worry for Patrick. I felt that time was running out for him if I didn’t remember for sure what had happened the night of Meredith’s murder.
[Comments] In the trial testimony, AK claims (and yes, they are talking about the 3rd statement) that she was confused. However, in the book she claims to have wanted to write the statement in order to clear things up. Not at all the same thing. And again, please read the statement, and this fine work from Peter Hyatt, and decide if this is meant to ‘‘clear up’’ anything at all]
Read Peter Hyatt here.
3. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Did you ever tell your mother, in English, that you felt horrible because Patrick was in prison because of your fault?
AK: Yes, so many times.
CP: Did you say it on November 10?
AK: I don’t remember the dates, but I talked about it with my mother, yes.
CP: So if you were perfectly aware that Patrick was in prison by your fault, that he was innocent, why didn’t you tell the penitentiary police?
AK: Well, it’s true that after several days in prison, I did come to realize that what I had imagined was nothing but imagination, not a confusion of reality. So I realized that he wasn’t guilty of these things, and I felt really really bad that he had been arrested.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 15, Page 175] “I didn’t come up with those things on my own” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.” “Amanda,” she said, her eyes wide, “I can’t believe you had to go through that by yourself.” I told her that I had signed the witness statements out of confusion and exhaustion, that as soon as I had a few minutes by myself, I realized that what I’d said under pressure might be wrong. “I thought I could fix my mistake by explaining it in writing,” I said. “Instead, they arrested me.” Mom listened, pulling me close. There was never a moment when it seemed that my words weren’t reaching her.
[Comments] AK doesn’t mention telling her Mother on the phone that PL is innocent. Instead, the closest thing we get is a personal visit where she ‘‘explains’’ her so-called interrogation. Odd that the phone call is left out entirely.
4. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: In the memorandum of the 7th, why didn’t you mention Patrick?
AK: I think I thought that everything would be clear since I had written that everything I had said in the Questura wasn’t true. So that meant also the fact that Patrick—
CP: But you didn’t mention Patrick.
AK: I said what I had done myself, and that was the important thing. The fact that I hadn’t been with him, for me that showed that I couldn’t say what had happened that night, in the house. I could only say what happened to me, and the fact was that I wasn’t with him.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 155] And then, right after the nun had left, detail after detail suddenly came back to me. I read a chapter in Harry Potter We watched a movie. We cooked dinner. We smoked a joint. Raffaele and I had sex. And then I went to sleep. What I’d said during my interrogation was wrong. I was never at the villa. I’d tried to believe what the police had said and had literally conjured that up. It wasn’t real.
[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 156-159] The actual letter…. It read: Oh my God! I’m freaking out a bit now because I talked to a nun and I finally remember. It can’t be a coincidence. I remember what I was doing with Raffaele at the time of the murder of my friend! We are both innocent! This is why: After dinner Raffaele began washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was giving him a back massage while he was doing it. It’s something we do for one another when someone is cleaning dishes, because it makes cleaning better. I remember now that it was AFTER dinner that we smoked marijuana and while we smoked I began by saying that he shouldn’t worry about the sink. He was upset because the sink was broken but it was new and I told him to not worry about it because it was only a little bad thing that had happened, and that little bad things are nothing to worry about. We began to talk more about what kind of people we were. We talked about how I’m more easygoing and less organized than he is, and how he is very organized because of the time he spent in Germany.
It was during this conversation that Raffaele told me about his past. How he had a horrible experience with drugs and alcohol. He told me that he drove his friends to a concert and that they were using cocaine, marijuana, he was drinking rum, and how, after the concert, when he was driving his passed-out friends home, how he had realized what a bad thing he had done and had decided to change. He told me about how in the past he dyed his hair yellow and another time when he was young had cut designs in his hair. He used to wear earrings. He did this because when he was young he played video games and watched Sailor Moon, a Japanese girl cartoon, and so he wasn’t a popular kid at school. People made fun of him. I told him about how in high school I had been unpopular as well, because the people in my school thought I was a lesbian.
We talked about his friends, how they hadn’t changed from drug-using video game players, and how he was sad for them. We talked about his mother, how she had died and how he felt guilty because he had left her alone before she died. He told me that before she died she told him she wanted to die because she was alone and had nothing to live for. I told Raffaele that wasn’t his fault that his mother was depressed and wanted to die. I told him he did the right thing by going to school. I told him that life is full of choices, and those choices aren’t necessarily between good and bad. There are options between what is best and what is not, and all we have to do is do what we think is best. I told him that mistakes teach us to be better people, and so he shouldn’t feel nervous about going to Milan to study, because he felt he needed to be nearer to his friends who hadn’t changed and he felt needed him. But I told him he had to be true to himself.
It was a very long conversation but it did happen and it must have happened at the time of Meredith’s murder, so to clarify, this is what happened. Around five in the evening Raffaele and I returned to his place to get comfortable. I checked my email on his computer for a while and then afterward I read a little Harry Potter to him in German. We watched Amelie and afterward we kissed for a little while. I told him about how I really liked this movie and how my friends thought I was similar to Amelie because I’m a bit of a weirdo, in that I like random little things, like birds singing, and these little things make me happy. I don’t remember if we had sex. Raffaele made dinner and I watched him and we stayed together in the kitchen while dinner was cooking. After dinner Raffaele cleaned the dishes and this is when the pipes below came loose and flooded the kitchen floor with water. He was upset, but I told him we could clean it up tomorrow when I brought back a mop from my house. He put a few small towels over the water to soak up a little and then he threw them into the sink.
I asked him what would make him feel better and he said he would like to smoke some hash. I received a message from my boss about how I didn’t have to come into work and I sent him a message back with the words: “Ci vediamo. Buono serata.” While Raffaele rolled the joint I laid in bed quietly watching him. He asked me what I was thinking about and I told him I thought we were very different kinds of people. And so our conversation began, which I have already written about. After our conversation I know we stayed in bed together for a long time. We had sex and then afterward we played our game of looking at each other and making faces. After this period of time we fell asleep and I didn’t wake up until Friday morning. This is what happened and I could swear by it. I’m sorry I didn’t remember before and I’m sorry I said I could have been at the house when it happened. I said these things because I was confused and scared. I didn’t lie when I said I thought the killer was Patrick. I was very stressed at the time and I really did think he was the murderer. But now I remember that I can’t know who the murderer was because I didn’t return back to the house. I know the police will not be happy about this, but it’s the truth and I don’t know why my boyfriend told lies about me, but I think he is scared and doesn’t remember well either. But this is what it is, this is what I remember.
[WTBH, Chapter 15, Page 159]I was a little girl again. I was doing what I’d done since I was seven years old, whenever I got into trouble with Mom. I’d sit with a Lion King notebook propped up against my knees, write out my explanation and apology, rip it out, fold it up, and then either hand it to Mom or, if I wasn’t brave enough, put it somewhere I knew she’d immediately find it.
[Comments] AK writes another statement on November 7, and Carlo Pacelli is correct, it actually doesn’t mention PL at all. AK, in what might be a surprise bit of honesty, tends to write out explanations when she gets into trouble. Doesnt seem to work here though.
5. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Excuse me, avvocato. To just return to this question. The defense is expressing his perplexity and we also feel it. You are saying: “I didn’t know if Patrick was innocent or not.” This is on the 6th and the 7th. But on the 10th, you essentially say that he’s innocent. So what the defense lawyer is asking is, what happened in between to make you change your mind? To change your conviction about the role of Patrick? It’s this.
AK: Well, yes. I knew he was in prison uniquely because of my words. At first I didn’t know this. I thought the police somehow knew whether he was guilty or not. Since I didn’t know, I was confused. But in the following days I realized that he was in prison only because of what I had said, and I felt guilty.
CP: Why didn’t you tell the police this in the following days, or to the PM?
GCM: Excuse me, avvocato? The days following which day?
CP: I’m talking about the 10th of November. The day of the conversation with her mother? Why didn’t you ever tell the police or the publicco ministero?
AK: I had clearly written down in the memorandum that everything in my declarations couldn’t be true because I didn’t really remember them. And then, whenever police came to talk to give me paper or anything, they treated me like “Oh, so you have another truth now.” So this was my way of telling them that nothing I had said in the Questura was usable.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
WTBH, Chapter 27, Pages 321-327] AK gives a very abbreviated version of this, and leaves out the contradictory statements altogether.
[Comments] AK leaves out the phone call on November 10 in the book. She also seems to intentionally garble whether or not she knew the accusation was false. Carlo Pacelli rightfully asks why she was so unsure on November 6/7, but she is so certain on November 10 that PL was innocent. What changed? But a clear answer is never given.
6. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: I think I’m talking about November 30th. On November 30, you were in front of the Tribunale degli Esame. Why didn’t you declare this circumstance, that Patrick was foreign to all this, totally innocent?
AK: So, that date is when I arrived here, to the Camera di Consiglio?
CP: Yes.
AK: That’s it. So I said, I made a spontaneous declaration in front of those judges, saying that I was very upset about the fact that Patrick had been put in prison because of me. I said that. If I’m not mistaken.
CP: Listen, the first time you ever actually said that Patrick had nothing to do with it, when was it? Do you remember? Of these people you told, was it to your lawyers? Or was it your mother on the phone on the 10th?
AK: That Patrick had nothing to do with it? I imagined that he was innocent because—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] in the book AK skips over the November 30, 2007 hearing altogether. This was the 3 Judge panel, headed by Massimo Ricciarelli. 3 weeks after Judge Claudia Matteini had denied them release, AK/RS were able to challenge it. At this point though, the police had a much stronger case, and Guede had been caught.
7. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Excuse me, but apart from your mother, who else did you tell about this?
AK: I wrote it down, and I also told my lawyers.
CP: Can you be a bit clearer about this?
AK: You mean about whom I told?
CP: I mean about the fact that Patrick had nothing to do with the crime and was in prison because of you. As you yourself said. Who did you tell besides your mother?
AK: I also told my lawyers.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Yet another claim that doesn’t appear in the book. AK does include several scenes where Dalla Vedova and Ghirga are frustrated she and RS can’t be release (since it would be an admission of jumping to wrong conclusions). But nowhere in the book does AK clearly and unequivically say to her lawyers that PL is innocent. Probably a good thing for them, since leaving an innocent man in jail would end their careers.
8. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Excuse me. Before you told your mother, did you tell anyone else?
AK: Yes, I wrote it in my memorandum of the 7th, and then when I discussed the situation with my lawyers, I explained why I had said these things. And I explained the fact that I couldn’t talk about the guilt of this person. I thought that, at a certain point, thinking about how Patrick was, I thought that it wasn’t even possible that he could be guilty of something like that, because he wasn’t like that. But I wasn’t actually in the house seeing anything, so I couldn’t actually state whether he was guilty or not.
GCM: Yes. But before you told your mother on November 10th in that recorded conversation, did you tell others? That Patrick, as far as you knew, had nothing to do with it?
AK: I had explained the situation to my lawyers, and I had told them what I knew. Which was that I didn’t know who the murderer was. That.
CP: But listen, in the memorandum of the 7th, you did repeat that Patrick was the murderer. Do you contest that? You expressly say “I didn’t lie when I said Patrick was the murderer. I really did think he was the murderer.” So in the memorandum of the 7th, you confirm—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 18, Page 207] Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
[Comments] Again sticking the knife in her own lawyers. In the trial testimony she claims that she told Ghirga and Dalla Vedova were told PL was innocent, yet did nothing. In the book she leaves that out but claims they knew Mignini/Comodi were trying to frame them with falsified evidence, yet did nothing about it. And just to clarify, LG and CDV are DEFENSE lawyers.
9. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Signorina Amanda, did you accuse Patrick to save yourself?
AK: No!
CP: Well then, why?
AK: Because the police suggested—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] Everyone was yelling, and I was yelling back. I shouted, “I don’t understand what the fuck is happening right now!” A beefy cop with a crew cut thought I’d said, “Fuck you,” and he yelled, “Fuck you!” back. They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Comments] In the June 2009 testimony, at least in this part, AK claims that she gave up the name because of suggestibility. In the book, however, she claims it was forced and beaten out of her. Not the same thing at all]
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 120] They said, “Your memories will come back. It’s the truth. Just wait and your memories will come back.” The pubblico ministero came in. Before he started questioning me, I said, “Look, I’m really confused, and I don’t know what I’m remembering, and it doesn’t seem right.”
[Comments] Slightly off tpoic, but her AK acknowledges that PM Mignini wasn’t there for the first interrogation, but that he came in later. So that part of AK’s original claim is false obiously.
10. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: And then something happened to the faucet of the sink?
AK: Yes. While Raffaele was washing the dishes, water was coming out from underneath. He looked down, turned off the water and then looked underneath and the pipe underneath “got loose” [in English, the lawyer translates “broke” (si e rotto), the interpreter translates “slowed down” (si e rallentato)] and water was coming out.
GCM: Can you say what time this was?
AK: Um, around, um, we ate around 9:30 or 10, and then after we had eaten and he was washing the dishes, well, as I said, I don’t look at the clock much, but it was around 10. And…he…umm…well, he was washing the dishes and, umm, the water was coming out and he was very “bummed” [English], displeased, he told me he had just had that thing repaired. He was annoyed that it had broken again. So, umm…
LG: Yes. So you talked a bit. Then what did you do?
AK: Then we smoked a joint together. What we did is, we said all right, let’s find some rags, but he didn’t have a “mop” [in English] how do you say “mop”? [The interpreter translates “lo spazzolone”, the lawyer “il mocio”] he didn’t have one, and I said don’t worry, I have one at home, I’ll bring it tomorrow, the leak is in the kitchen, it wasn’t like it smelled bad or anything, we could just forget about it for the night, and then think about it tomorrow. So, we went into his room, and I think I, yes, I lay down on his bed, and he went to the desk, and while he was there he rolled the joint, and then we smoked it together.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 62] After the movie ended, around 9:15 P.M., we sauteed a piece of fish and made a simple salad. We were washing the dishes when we realized that the kitchen sink was leaking. Raffaele, who’d already had a plumber come once, was frustrated and frantically tried to mop up a lot of water with a little rag. He ended up leaving a puddle. “I’ll bring the mop over from our house tomorrow. No big deal,” I said.
[Comments] First, didn’t Raffy’s Dad call around 8:30, and they mentioned the leak then? Second, if there is just a ‘‘small puddle’’ why would it be necessary to grab a mop the next day? Seems like an excuse just to cover the possibility of being seen with a mop.
11. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Now we come to the morning of Nov 2nd. What did you do the next morning, when you woke up?
AK: So, when I woke up, I don’t remember what time it was, but I think around 10, 10:30, I was there and I saw that Raffaele was still sleeping, so I watched him for a little while, then I said, okay, I’m going home to take a shower and change, and when I come back, we’ll go, because we had this plan to go to Gubbio, because it was a holiday that day, there was no school for me, or anyway I was going to skip it. [Laughs.] Anyway, I wanted to go see Gubbio. So, I left his house, and when I got near my house, I saw that the door was open. And I thought, strange, because usually we had to lock that door, but I thought, if someone didn’t close it properly, obviously it would open. I thought maybe someone had gone out very quickly, or just downstairs to get something, or to take out the trash, or something. When I went in, I called out “Is anybody there?” and no one answered, so I closed the door, but I didn’t lock it, because I thought maybe someone would come, maybe they had just gone out to get cigarettes or whatever. Then I went into my room, um, and I changed, well no, I made a mistake, I went into the bathroom. I had these earrings, I had a lot of them, I like earrings, I had had them pierced recently, and I always had to wash them carefully because one was a little infected, and I had to take the earrings out and clean the ear, and that’s when I saw some drops of blood on the sink. At first I thought they had come from my ears. But then when I scratched the drops a bit, I saw they were all dry, and I thought “That’s weird. Oh well, I’ll take my shower.” Then when I got out of the shower, I saw that I had forgotten my towel, so I wanted to use the bathmat to get to my room, and that’s when I saw the bloody stain that was on the bathmat. And I thought “Hm, strange.” Maybe someone had a problem with menstruation that didn’t get cleaned up right away. I used the mat to kind of hop over to my room and into my room, I took my towel, and I used the mat to get back to the bathroom because I thought well, by now…then I put the mat back where it was supposed to go, then I dried myself, put my earrings back, brushed my teeth, then I went back into my room to put on new clothes, I took—no!
LG: You dried your hair”“
AK: Then I went into the other bathroom to dry my hair, because there was no hair dryer in my bathroom. So I went there, I took the hair dryer, I was drying my hair, and then when I put the hair dryer back, I saw that in the toilet, which was that kind of toilet that isn’t really flat, it’s like this, kind of ew, that there were faeces on that upper part, and that for me was the strangest thing of all. In fact [swallowing], of all the things I saw, in the bathroom of Laura and Filomena who are very clean people, for me it was strange, and I thought, “What? What could this be?” Okay, so I didn’t know what to think, but it was strange. Then I took this mop that was near my room that was in a closet thing near my room, and I went to Raffaele’s house, locking the door behind me, because all the time I was doing these things, nobody had come back to the house. So um, I thought, strange, okay, let’s see what Raffaele says, because I didn’t know what to think, and so I wanted to talk it over with him. When I got back to his house, I…he was in the bathroom, and I started to clean up the floor in the kitchen, but it was by now almost dry, just a bit of water left because it had evaporated. Then he came out and we made breakfast, and while we were preparing it and drinking coffee, I explained to him what I had seen, and I asked him for advice, because when I went into my house, everything seemed in order, only there were these little weird things, and I couldn’t figure out how to understand them.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65] 0n that cold, sunny Friday morning, I left Rafael asleep in his apartment and walked home to take a shower and get my things together, thinking about our romantic weekend in the Umbrian hills. In hindsight, it seems that arriving home to find the front door open should have rattled me more. I thought, That’s strange. But it was easily explained. The old latch didn’t catch unless we used a key. Wind must have blown it open, I thought, and walked inside the house calling out, “Filomena? Laura? Meredith? Hello? Hello? Anybody?” Nobody. The bedroom doors were closed. I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the sink? My confusion increased. We were usually so neat. I went to my room and, while putting on a white skirt and a blue sweater, thought about what to bring along on my trip to Gubbio with Raffaele.
I went to the big bathroom to use Filomena’s blow dryer and was stashing it back against the wall when I noticed poop in the toilet. No one in the house would have left the toilet unflushed. Could there have been a stranger here? Was someone in the house when I was in the shower? I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
By the time I was a block from home I was second-guessing myself. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe there was a simple reason for the toilet being unflushed. I needed someone to say, “, you’re right to be scared. This isn’t normal.” And if it wasn’t okay, I wanted someone to tell me what to do. My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK sees blood, assumes someone had their period, and doesn’t think to clean it up?! She also sees (and probably smells) that the other toilet hadn’t been flushed in several hours and doesn’t think to flush it?! She does however, remember to that there was a small puddle of water from RS’ sink the night before, and grabs the mop, but didn’t think to check to see if the puddle was still there?!
[Comments] So AK sees blood in the sink, realises it wasn’t from ‘‘dripping’’ and that it might have been from her earrings. Yet she doesn’t think to clean that up either?!
[Comments] And taking your earrings out of ‘‘newly pierced’’ ears makes no sense as it causes: (1) infection; and (b) the risk of the holes closing over.
[Comments] AK claims that she used the bathmat to hop across the floor because it was wet. Okay, if water is so dangerous, why not have the mop in the bathroom to remove what I assume was a lot of water? Remember, she took the mop back to deal with that ‘‘small puddle’’ at RS house.
[Comments] And using the bathmat to hop across the floor?! So if she looked and bent down to grab it, then presumably she saw the bloody ‘‘orange’‘.
[Comments] If AK is so blase about finding blood in her bathroom, unflushed toilets, and she knows the front door doesn’t lock properly, then what exactly is there to be so worried about?
[Comments] If AK did call her mother to report these things, why did Edda not just say: (a) clean up the drips; (b) flush the toilet; and (c) close the door? Seems like a reasonable parent response.
[Comments] If everyone is supposedly gone for the long weekend, why would seeing an empty house be disturbing?
[Comments] Both the book and the trial testimony leave out that AK would have encountered Filomena’s broken window as she approached. Either she never noticed, or broken windows are just something that happens. Nothing to see here people…
[Comments] A contradiction here. In the book she claims to have left RS asleep. In the trial she claimed he had woken up, and she told him she was leaving. Not the same thing
[Comments] To re-iterate, how could AK be so indifferent about: (1) blood in the sink; (2) blood on the bathmat; (c) showering in a bloody bathroom; (d) hopping across a bloody mat; (e) unflushed toilet; (f) the smell of unflushed toilet; (g) door wide open; (h) Filomena’s broken window, yet be so careful as to grab the mop for the leak under RS sink?!
12. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: How worried were you when you left your house?
AK: Well, I had this strange sensation like, “What?” and it was a bit like that, I didn’t know how to explain it in my mind. That’s why I wanted to ask Raffaele. So he suggested I ask my roommates. So first I called Meredith, who didn’t answer, and then I think I called Filomena, and she explained to me that Laura was in Rome, and that I should call back Meredith and then return to the house to see if there was anything stolen. I told her, look, everything seemed to be there, not as if someone entered and took things away, because my computer was still in my room, I saw that the television was still in the living room. For me, I hadn’t even thought that there was a robbery. I thought maybe someone went in and out really quickly, because if someone leaves faeces in the toilet, maybe something had happened and they had had to leave really really fast. Maybe. So Raffaele and I went out and went to my house to look around and see how things were. This time we opened the doors, for example the door to Filomena’s room, and I saw that her window was broken and there was a big mess. That’s when I thought, oh gosh, it was a robbery. And I was running around everywhere.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66] I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
[Comments] AK claims in the 2009 trial testimony not to be scared, but rather to have merely found things odd. In the book, however, she claims to have been freaked out, yet still able to grab the mop.
13. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: How did you interpret the fact that Meredith’s door was locked right then? Did it seem to you something normal or abnormal? Did it happen sometimes or very rarely?
AK: Well, it happened to me sometimes to find that her door was locked, for example if I called Meredith and she had just gotten out of the shower, and wanted to change her clothes, and I would get near the door, I would notice it was locked. But, then she was inside. She also locked it when she went to England. But the fact that it was locked then, I didn’t know if she had gone to England, and if it was locked and she wasn’t inside, for me that was strange and I didn’t…
LG: Okay, so that gives some clarification about Meredith’s locked door.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69] I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace.” I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!” That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. “Please come in before you get hurt!” As soon as we got inside, we went back to Meredith’s closed door. “I can try to kick it down,” Rafael offered. “Try it!”
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend, but Filomena wheeled around and shouted, “She never locks her door!” I stepped back and let her take over the conversation, Italian to Italian. The rapid-fire exchange stretched way past my skills.
[Comments] in the trial testimony, AK claims it was no big deal, yet in the book she claims to be freaked out. She later dials it back, as if trying to cover both versions.
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69/70] I called my mom again. “Mom,” I said. “Someone broke into our house, and we can’t find Meredith. What should we do?” “, call the police,” she said. My stepfather, Chris, yelled into the speakerphone, “, get the hell out of the house, this instant!” While I was talking to them, Raffaele called his sister to see what she thought. She was a police officer in Rome. Raffaele dialed 112””Italy’s 911””for the Carabinieri, which was separate from””and more professional than””the Perugian town police. As soon as he hung up, I said, “Let’s wait for them outside.” Even without Chris’s insistence, I was too spooked to be in the house. On the way out I glanced from the kitchen into the larger bathroom. The toilet had been flushed. “Oh my God!” I said to Raffaele. “Someone must have been hiding inside when I was here the first time””or they came back while I was gone!”
[Comments] Just an observation here. AK seems to insert her Stepdad, Chris Mellas, into the 2nd phone call with her Mum. However, there doesn’t seem to be any mention of him in the trial transcript.
14. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
Then we went out of the house, because I was taken by this…I don’t know, I felt really strange. I don’t know, the situation was too strange, I didn’t know what to think. So we went out of the house, also to look from outside at that window, and while we were outside, two people from plainclothes police came up to us and said “Ciao, we’re the police”. So I immediately thought that they were the people that Raffaele had called,
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 70] We ran out and waited on a grassy bank beside the driveway. I was shivering from nerves and cold, and Raffaele was hugging me to calm me down and keep me warm, when a man in jeans and a brown jacket walked up. As he approached us he said he was from the police. I thought, That was fast. Another officer joined him.
[Comments] Keeping with the discrepency in urgency, AK tells the Massei Court that she and RS went outside since they were perplexed and thought that going outside might give answers. IN the book, she claims that she and RS were freaked out by the prospect of a burglar, and ran outside. Just a thought, perhaps the book was distorted with all the freaking out just for editor’s purpose.
15. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I had taken a really quick look to see if the faeces were still in the toilet, and they had gone down a bit, whereas when I saw them they were on top, the fact that I didn’t see them, I thought mamma mia, someone flushed the toilet. I didn’t really look inside, just from the entrance to the bathroom. . So then I was taken by this sense of fear, because I thought mamma mia, while I was taking my shower, someone was here in the house!
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Chapter 6, Page 70] In court, AK adds the details tthat she took a look to see if the s*** was still in the toilet. (Again, why anyone wouldn’t flush a toilet after 12 hours is a bit beyond me, unless they knew something). In the book, she goes directly to the break in
16. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes, because I told them, look, the door is locked, and Filomena was going Mamma Mia, it’s never locked, it’s never locked, and I said no, it’s not true that it’s never locked, but it is strange.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend, but Filomena wheeled around and shouted, “She never locks her door!” I stepped back and let her take over the conversation, Italian to Italian. The rapid-fire exchange stretched way past my skills. Filomena shouted at the Postal Police officers, “Break down the door!”
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69] I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace.” I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!” That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. “Please come in before you get hurt!” As soon as we got inside, we went back to Meredith’s closed door. “I can try to kick it down,” Rafael offered. “Try it!”
[Comments] AK tries to paint herself as the voice of reason in court and on page 71. She forgets that she wrote on page 69 she was freaked out.
More to come.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 1-16
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3. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #17 To #26
Posted by Chimera
The reason why there’s no similar shot of RS showing warmth to AK
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Series Overview
The title above captures the point of this series in a nutshell.
My previous post listed numerous omissions by Knox in the book of damning exchanges that hurt her at trial. This and future posts show how Knox’s trial testimony contradicts with what the book did actively claim.
Of relevance is that we have identified 518 lies in the Knox book, and 90 demonizations some of which are expected to incur charges
2 Telling Contradictions 17 to 26
17. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: All right, I’ll reformulate the question. Meredith, before she was killed, did she have sex?
AK: I don’t know.
CP: Then why, in the interrogation of Nov 6 at 1:45, did you say that Meredith had sex before she died?
AK: Under pressure, I imagined lots of different things, also because during the days that I was being questioned by the police, they suggested to me that she had been raped.
CP: And the police suggested to you to say this?
AK: Yes.
CP: And to make you say this, did they hit you?
AK: Yes.LG: Now what interests me is that you should be precise about the term “hit”, because being hit is something…was it a cuff on the head, two cuffs on the head? How precise can you be about this “hitting”?
AK: So, during the interrogation, people were standing all around me, in front of me, behind me, one person was screaming at me from here, another person was shouting “No no no, maybe you just don’t remember” from over there, other people were yelling other things, and a policewoman behind me did this to me [you hear the sound of her giving two very little whacks].LG: I wanted to know this precise detail.
AK: Yes.
LG: After all that, that whole conversation, that you told us about, and you had a crying crisis, did they bring you some tea, coffee, some cakes, something? When was that exactly?
AK: They brought me things only after I had made some declarations. So, I was there, they were all screaming at me, I only wanted to leave because I was thinking that my mother was arriving, and I said look, can I have my telephone, because I want to call my mom. They said no, and there was this big mess with them shouting at me, threatening me, and it was only after I made declarations that they started saying “No, no, don’t worry, we’ll protect you,” and that’s how it happened.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103] November 5, 2007, Day Four Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said. I have no idea how many cops were stuffed into the cramped, narrow room. Sometimes there were two, sometimes eight””police coming in and going out, always closing the door behind them. They loomed over me, each yelling the same thing: “You need to remember. You’re lying. Stop lying!” “I’m telling the truth,” I insisted. “I’m not lying.” I felt like I was suffocating. There was no way out. And still they kept yelling, insinuating.
[Chapter 10, Page 116] They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Chapter 10, Page 118]
“Why did he kill her? Why did he kill her?” I said, “I don’t know.” “Did he have sex with Meredith? Did he go into the room with Meredith?” “I don’t know, I guess so. I’m confused.” They started treating me like someone who’d been taken advantage of. They told me they were helping me, that they were trying to get to the truth. “We’re trying to do our best for you.”
[WTBH, Chapter 26, Page 324]
I’d purposely tried to forget the emotional pain of the slap to my head.
Comments On This Above
AK uses the same two “smacks” in numerous different situations. Obviously, they all didn’t happen, if she was even hit at all, which numerous witnesses denied. Here are seven different claims.
- (a) In 2009 testimony, AK claims police hit her to get her to say MK was victim of sexual assault
(b) Also in 2009 testimony, AK claims she was hit because she didn’t remember
(c) A bit later in 2009 testimony, AK implies that she was hit when she wanted to talk to her mother
(d) In Chapter 10, AK claims she was hit because the police didn’t have her attention
(e) Also in Chapter 10, AK claims she was hit after she dropped PL’s name
(f) And, in direct contradiction to point “a”, AK claims the topic of PL forcing sex on MK comes up “after” she is hit.
(g) And, another contradiction, AK claims she was hit only once
Nothing like a little inconsistency here…..........
18. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes, it was really really cold. First, Raffaele gave me his jacket, but then the others saw that I was cold, really in shock, so they said come, come, let’s get in the car and get warm. And inside that car, we talked more about… we kept on saying “But what did you see? Who was there?” So in the car, heh, still using Raffaele a bit like an interpreter, they explained to me that they heard from someone, from someone else, from one of the officers who were talking, that she…
LG: Meredith
AK: ...that Meredith had had her throat slit, and at that point I became a bit…uh [sigh]...I closed myself off a bit inside…I cried a bit because I kept thinking but…how is it possible? No…[slightly desperate laugh], it was too much, so [sigh, voice trembling], and then, we went to the Questura.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 78/79] As I sat waiting to hear what else the police needed from me, I asked the detective if it was true that it was Meredith who had been murdered. I still couldn’t let go of the tiniest hope that the body in her room hadn’t been Meredith’s, that she was still alive. The detective nodded and ran his finger in a cutting motion across his neck. I covered my mouth with my hands and shook my head back and forth. No. “I just can’t believe it,” I said softly.
He nodded again, soberly, looking me in the eye.
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 82] When I wasn’t on the phone, I paced. I walked by one of Meredith’s British friends, Natalie Hayworth, who was saying, “I hope Meredith didn’t suffer.” Still worked up, I turned around and gaped. “How could she not have suffered?” I said. “She got her fucking throat slit. Fucking bastards.” I was angry and blunt. I couldn’t understand how the others remained so calm. No one else was pacing.
Comments On This Above
In the 2009 testimony, AK claims that RS found out how MK died, yet in the book, AK writes she was told (by the rather cold gesture) from a detective. However, this gesture is actually meant to indicate death, not specifically that someone did have their throat slashed. But AK does correctly know that manner of death—just like if she was there. She also notes in the book “bastards” suggesting there was more than 1 killer—just like if she was there.
19. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: I’m asking you this because in your first interrogation, in the Questura, on the afternoon of Nov 2, you talked about a corpse in the closet.
AK: Yes, in fact.
LG: Can you explain to the court why you said this?
AK: Well, outside of the house, everyone was talking and crying, people saying different things, asking and calling different things, and they were mostly talking about what they had seen inside the room. I was thinking, a foot? What could a foot be doing in Meredith’s room? So Raffaele asked certain people, for me, to explain what they had seen, and we heard that there was a corpse in the closet, covered with a cover, with one foot out, and that’s the image I understood, that there was a corpse in the closet, shut inside the closet, but there was a foot sticking out. That’s what I understood, but then it was all confusion…
LG: Sorry, were you finished?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 72] Sitting outside on the front stoop, I heard someone exclaim, `Aimadio” - “armoire.” They found a foot in the closet, I thought. Then, “Corpo!’ - “A body!” A body inside the wardrobe with a foot sticking out? I couldn’t make the words make sense. Filomena was wailing, “Meredith! Meredith! Oh, God!” Over and over, “Meredith! Oh, God!” My mind worked in slow motion. I could not scream or speak. I just kept saying in my head, What’s happening? What’s happening?
[Chapter 6, Page 66] I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
[Chapter 6, Page 66] Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried. “I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Chapter 6, Page 69] I ran back upstairs and knocked gently on Meredith’s door, calling, “Meredith. Are you in there?” No sound. I called again, louder. I knocked harder. Then I banged. I jiggled the handle. It was locked. Meredith only locks her door when she’s changing clothes, I thought. She can’t be in there or she’d answer. “Why isn’t she answering me?” I asked Rafael frantically. I couldn’t figure out, especially in that moment, why her door would be locked. What if she were inside? Why wouldn’t she respond if she were? Was she sleeping with her earphones in? Was she hurt? At that moment what mattered more than anything was reaching her just to know where she was, to know that she was okay.
[Chapter 6, Page 69] I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!”
[Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend,
Comments On This Above
In June 2009, AK claims to be confused about hearing of a foot, and that she has to have it explained to her later. Yet in her book, she is immediately informed of a body. And of course, let’s not forget these book quotes where AK is both worried and nonchalant.
Indicative that AK suggests to her mother about blood and the toilet, but Edda “doesn’t” suggest flush, and clean it up. Almost as if she knew it had some later significance. Also noteworthy, AK writes that she is worried something may have happened to MK, but when she is told of a body, she doesn’t make the connection.
20. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Is it true? Do you remember? AK: [Sigh, voice trembling] As I was coming to understand what had happened in that house, I felt very very scared, scared even to get near the house, because I saw that there was blood also downstairs in the boys’ apartment, that they wanted to ask me “But is it normal for there to be blood in this apartment?” so I said “No”, and then they wanted me to look at all the knives, and it made a strong impression on me, and all the emotion that I had been keeping inside me escaped, because I’d had this shock, this inability to understand what had really happened, and since I didn’t want to accept it…
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100/101] The police told me to go into my room, and they watched while I did. “Is anything missing?” they asked. “Everything looks okay,” I said, my voice small and quavering. I felt like a kid who’s terrified to go down the hall in the dark. Distraught, I forgot to check if my own rent money was still in the drawer of my desk. “Now come back to the kitchen.” I did. “Open the bottom drawer and look through the knives. Do you see any missing?” This is where we kept our overflow utensils, the ones we almost never needed. When I pulled open the drawer, stainless steel gleamed up at me. “I don’t know if there’s one missing or not,” I said, trembling. “We don’t really use these.” I reached in, pushed a few knives around, and then stood up helplessly. I knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon””that they were asking me to pick out what might have been used to slash Meredith’s throat. Panic engulfed me.
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 335] On the witness stand, Marco Chiacchiera of the Squadra Mobile had explained that “investigative
intuition” had led him to the knife. That flimsy explanation did not help me understand how the police could pull a random knife from Raffaele’s kitchen drawer and decide that it was, without the smallest doubt, the murder weapon. Or why they never analyzed knives from the villa or Rudy Guede’s apartment.Then we heard the prosecution’s hired forensic experts describe the knife as “not incompatible” with Meredith’s wounds. I wasn’t the only person who was perplexed. The experts debated the meaning of this phrase as intensely as they did the physical evidence being presented.
Comments On This Above
In Court, AK claims that the police wanted her to look at all the knives. Yet in the book, she says she was asked if any were missing. Not the same thing.
In the Prosecution testimony, AK claims it was “intuition” that led Marco Chiacchiera to the knife. What she leaves out is that an impression of the knife had been left on the bedsheet in blood, and that they were looking for a specific impression.
21. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Okay. I won’t show you myself, it would be ridiculous. [Laughing murmurs] Still on the day of Nov 4, you spent a lot of time in the Questura, you and Raffaele had a long conversation that was recorded. First you were in the Questura, then you went home, then you came back, and you were talking, it’s all in the dossier. At a certain point, you were talking about someone called either “Shaki” or “Icam”. Do you remember that circumstance and what you were talking about with reference to this person?
AK: Okay, um, I thought of him because the police asked me repeatedly who I thought could be a dangerous person, someone who could be…who frequented the house, a man, they only wanted to know about males who visited the house, who were strange or seemed so to us for some reason, and the only person who for me, during the little time I had been in Perugia who had made a negative impression on me was this boy that also Meredith knew, whose nickname, not his real name, was Shaki, or “Shaky”. Meredith and her friends said they called him Shaki or “Shaky” because he moved in a strange way when he danced, and then one time I had a…he went for example to the place where I worked, at the time when I was supposed to go home, it was very late, and he offered me a ride home on his motorbike. But during the ride, he insisted that I go have some dessert with him, and I said, “Look, I really want to go home,” and he said “No, look, I’m giving you a ride, a bit of dessert is nothing,” and he took me to have it, and then he took me to his house, which to me… I kept telling him again and again, “Look, I really want to go home, it’s really late, I’m really tired,” and he kept saying “No, no, relax, relax, come on, sit down on my bed, relax, make yourself comfortable”. I said “No, look, take me home.” So he finally brought me home, and that was it, but it left me with an ugly impression because I thought he wanted to somehow try something, and he was the only person that had made an impression of strangeness on me, like he had intentions that were different from what I wanted. So he made that impression on me, but that’s all, because everybody else I met was nice.
Knox At Trial In 2009…
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] “Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested. I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.“As I was running through the list of male callers at No. 7, Via dells Pergola, I suddenly remembered Rudy Guede for the first time. I’d met him only briefly. I said, “Oh, and there’s this guy””I don’t know his name or his number””all I know is that he plays basketball with the guys downstairs. They introduced Meredith and me to him in Piazza IV Novembre. We all walked to the villa together, and then Meredith and I went to their apartment for a few minutes.”
Comments On This Above
AK claims in both the trial and in the book to have been asked about men visiting the house. This is reasonable, especially because if a break in was faked, it would be useful to know who had access, and who had been by. But on November 5th, while mentioning a brief description of Rudy (whose name she can’t remember), AK leaves out the fact of the list of names she had been painstakingly building, which was key in disproving Knox’s Interrogation Hoax.
22. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: When I talked about the piercings she got in her ears, I remember that she said she had a lot. If I say to Amanda, if I ask Amanda, eight on the left ear and four on the right ear, could that be the number of piercings?
AK: Exactly.
LG: More or less, to have an idea, because it’s a lot.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65] I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself.
Comments On This Above
AK claims also to have taken her “newly pierced” earrings out to do that. Bullshit. You don’t take new earrings out for several weeks. You clean them (best you can) in your ears. Also, unless incredibly infected, there is no blood, but maybe some puss and blistering. This seems like an attempt to talk away the obvious appearance of blood. And of course, the obvious question: why the hell didn’t AK clean it up when she saw it there?
23. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Okay. Then you were interrogated, let’s say interrogated, it was just for information. So you were interrogated.
AK: Mm.
LG: During the interrogation, there were several people in the room, did someone come who was involved in Raffaele Sollecito’s interrogation? He was being interrogated in one place, you in another.
AK: So, there were lots and lots of people who came in and went out, and after one had come in and gone out, another policewoman told me that Raffaele said that I went out of the apartment—at least, Raffaele apparently said that I [stammering] had gone out of his house.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,”she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.”My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
Comments On This Above
AK claims both in court and in the book that she had been interrogated, and that during it RS destroyed her alibi. However, the unanimous police version is that there never was an interrogation, and that until RS revoked his alibi (proven contradictions with his phone records) all that went on was list-building of names.
24. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: So, all papers they brought me to sign, at that point, they were all the same to me, so I can’t even say what I had to sign, arrest warrant, declarations, whatever, because at a certain point, I just wanted to sign and go home.
LG: Right. But instead?
AK: Instead, no. After a while they told me I had to stay in the Questura, so I had to stay, and I rolled up in a fetal position to try to sleep, on a chair, and I fell asleep, then I woke up, and I was there thinking and some people were going in and out, and during this period of time, I was telling them: “Look, I am really confused, these things don’t seem like what I remember, I remember something else.” And they said “No no no no no, you just stay quiet, you will remember it all later. So just stay quiet and wait, wait, wait, because we have to check some things.” And at that point I just didn’t understand anything. I even lost my sense of time.
LG: And I wanted to ask you after how long they took you to prison. At some point there was a car, a police wagon that took you to prison. After how much time was that? You don’t know?
AK: Well, I can’t say, but what I can say is that I stayed a while in the Questura, and during that time I kept trying to explain to the police that what I had said was not certain, and they took my shoes during that time and they took some pictures, they undressed me to take the pictures, and so it seemed like a long time.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 125] Just a few more hours and I’ll see Mom, I thought. We’ll spend the night in a hotel. I asked permission to push two metal folding chairs together, balled myself into the fetal position, and passed out, spent. I probably didn’t sleep longer than an hour before doubt pricked me awake. Oh my God, what if I sent the police in the wrong direction?
Comments On This Above
Indicative that despite this brutal interrogation AK not only remembers it word for word, but remembers afterwards sleeping a fetal position. She also claims to have been bombarded by questions, but if an interpreter is necessary, then it would have slowed things down considerably.
25. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: All right, I’ve finished the subject of the night in the Questura. When you made your first declaration, it was without the pubblico ministero. Then he came. Can you tell us if there was some discussion about a lawyer? If you remember, and whatever you remember.
AK: So, before they asked me to make further declarations—I really can’t tell you what time it was, I was lost after hours and hours of the same thing—but at one point I asked if I shouldn’t have a lawyer? I thought that, well, I didn’t know, but I’ve seen things like this on television. When people do things like this they have lawyer. They told me, at least one of them told me that it would be worse for me because it would prove that I didn’t want to collaborate with the police. So they told me no.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118-120] At 1:45 A.M. they gave me a piece of paper written in Italian and told me to sign it. On Thursday, November 1, on a day when I normally work, while I was at my boyfriend Raffaele’s place, at about 20:30, I received a message on my cell phone from Patrik, who told me the club would remain closed that night because there weren’t any customers and therefore I would not have to go to work. I replied to the message telling him that we’d see each other right away. Then I left the house, saying to my boyfriend that I had to go to work. Given that during the afternoon with Raffaele I had smoked a joint, I felt confused because I do not make frequent use of drugs that strong. I met Patrick immediately at the basketball court in Piazza Grimana and we went to the house together. I do not remember if Meredith was there or came shortly afterward. I have a hard time remembering those moments but Patrick had sex with Meredith, with whom he was infatuated, but I cannot remember clearly whether he threatened Meredith first. I remember confusedly that he killed her. As soon as I signed it, they whooped and high-fived each other. Then, a few minutes later, they demanded my sneakers. As soon as I took them off, someone left the room with them. Eventually they told me the pubblico ministero would be coming in. I didn’t know this translated as prosecutor, or that this was the magistrate that Rita Ficarra had been referring to a few days earlier when she said they’d have to wait to see what he said, to see if I could go to Germany. I thought the “public minister” was the mayor…
The pubblico ministero came in.
Comments On This Above
Knox knew very well who Mignini was. She and Mignini had been together for extended periods on each of the previous three days. Each time at the house. Both Knox’s book, and Ghirga’s own words, confirm that Mignini was not present for the 1st statement at 1:45. So that part of the book (that he led the charge) has to be complete B.S. Also indicative is that AK deliberately hedges her bets in wording everything in “maybe”. This hardly sounds conclusive.
26. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: All right, now I’ll pass to another subject, the recorded conversations of the 10th and the 17th of November. The dates aren’t important but it’s about two conversations in prison, the first one with your mother on Nov 10, we talked about it before, and the second on the 17th with your mother and your father, both. They were transcribed, they must be in the dossier of the GUP. In these conversations, on the 10th with your mother, on the 17th with your mother and your father, there is a sentence… [long pause, flipping pages] here it is: it’s the famous sentence “I was there. I can’t lie about this. I’m not scared of the truth.” Here it is, page 8, Presidente, of the transcription Nov 17. I repeat, she’s speaking with her parents, and she says: “It would be stupid to lie about this because I know I was there.” Do you remember that conversation?
AK: Of course.
LG: What did you mean by “I was there”.
AK: I was in Raffaele’s apartment and I wasn’t afraid [laughing] to say it.
AK: Yes.
AK: Honestly, I thought, like the police had told me—the police had told me they had already found the guilty person. And they had suggested Patrick so much that I thought maybe it really was him. But apart from that, in that memorandum that I wrote in prison, the important thing for me was to tell what I knew, and what I knew was where I was on that evening.
CP: Patrick was in prison because of YOU! You didn’t even say it to the PM on the 8th.CP: In the memorandum of the 6th you name Patrick. On the 7th you write another memorandum confirming that Patrick is the assassin. But on the 10th, you tell your mother that you feel terrible because you got him put in prison and you know he is innocent. Do you confirm this?
AK: At the moment when I named Patrick, I didn’t know if he was innocent or not. I only said it because I was following the suggestion of the police. But when I wrote in the memorandum that I couldn’t accept the things I had said in the Questura, for me that meant I couldn’t know whether he was the murderer or not, I could only know that I wasn’t there.
CP: But then why on the 10th, three days later, did you say “I feel bad about what I did to Patrick?” To your mother?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
At trial, Knox tries to spin this to mean being at RS’ house (presumably screwing and getting high) and even that seems left out of the WTBH book on what she testified, chapter 26, pages 322-327).
Comments On This Above
AK had admited to being at the house in her three 5-6 Nov 2007 statements, two of them in evidence as the courts noted guaranteed not coerced. And AK gets questioned on why she would (a) tell her Mum Patrick is innocent but not tell PM Mignini; and (b) write PL is the killer, yet again, tell her Mum PL is innocent. Very valid contradictions to bring up in Court. Yet AK in the book version of the testimony omits all of this.
These contradictions are all proofs of lies. And as my Post #1 showed, the “rushed” version in the book of Knox’s two days on the stand omitted numerous details from the actual June 2009 testimony.
- AK didn’t delete the message sent to Patrick (PL) since she’s “not a technical genius” and doesn’t know how
- AK admits to knowing Guede, but not well
- AK admits PL was nice to her, and she had no reason to fear him
- AK doesn’t contest Guede lawyer Pacelli’s assertion that Mignini was not at the “1st statement”
- AK leaves out that there were arguments in court regarding the admissibility of the 1st and 2nd statements
- AK leaves out that she showed up uninvited on November 5, and was actually told to go home
- AK leaves out that she volunteered the 3rd statement, asked for paper and a pen
- AK omits the November 10 phone call to her Mom, where she says PL is innocent
- AK wrote yet another note on November 7, (WTBH, Page 55), yet in her book omits that Pacelli asked her about it
- AK was asked (by PL lawyer Pacelli) why she didn’t mention PL to Mignini on Nov 8 at bail hearing with Judge Matteini). That’s not in book
- AK omits that she testified her lawyers knew PL was innocent and yet did nothing
- AK omits that she answered questions about her movements the day before
- AK omits that she was asked about the sink leak and the mop
- AK omits in her book version that she was asked out November 6
- AK omits that she was asked about the locked door
- AK omits that she was asked if she saw Meredith’s body
- AK omits that she testified to being asked by police about men who visited
- AK omits that she tried to use her earrings as a way to explain away blood
- AK omits that she was asked about her “mass email”
This list could be far longer. The point is made that the trial transcript covered far, far more than what AK lists. True it was supposed to be restricted to the calunnia charge, and true, I don’t expect her to write a trial transcript. However the book version does not remotely reflect what actually happened on those 2 days.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 17-26
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4. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #27 To #34
Posted by Chimera
Guede was handcuffed and put in that cage; for some reason not RS or AK
Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.
Series Overview
Knox’s trial testimony over two days in June 2009 is about 200 pages long.
In her book, this was boiled down to a little more than one page. Anything that made her look bad was simply left out. That was one of only two times she was ever pressed hard for the truth.
The other time was at the 17 Dec 2007 interrogation she herself requested of Dr Mignini, from which she withdrew without clear answers under mild questioning, seemingly in tears.
Pretty well at all other times Knox desperately spins and misleads.
Her Perugia lawyers don’t ever seem to believe her and have previously asked her to stop, but seem to have given up now (or not been paid). It seems certain that the Knox book (not published in the UK or Italy for legal reasons) was never run past them.
We have highlighted 500-plus provable lies and 90 provable demonizations in that book - large numbers, but still a fraction of her total record if one includes her paid talks.
This series contrasts what Knox was edged into admitting on the stand with her wild claims in the book when she was under no control. The previous posts appeared here and here and also here.
Numbering of instances resumes from the previous post.
2 Telling Contradictions 27 to 34
27. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: I took so many creative writing courses, but in one of them, they asked me to write a piece on the ten minutes prior to the discovery of a body.
CDV: This was the subject given to you by the teacher?
AK: Yes. It was exactly the subject.
CDV: For everyone?
AK: What?
CDV: For all the students, or just for you?
AK: No, for all the students.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] I haven’t found it in WTBH, and It seems extremely farfetched
28. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes. They called me downstairs and told me that they had to confiscate some things in my room. They told me I could either go up with them and do what I wanted and they would come later with a warrant, or I could let them take whatever they wanted spontaneously. I said they could, so they came up with me and they came into my room and looked in all my things, and they took everything on which I had written anything.
CDV: Listen, in relation to this diary, there is a part in which you tell about the AIDS tests that were made in the first days. Can you tell us? It’s written in the diary, but you can tell us exactly what happened, and also why you wrote about it in the diary?
AK: So, the first thing that happened when I got to prison was that they made a [blood] analysis. After the analysis, they called me downstairs and told me that they had to make further tests because I might have AIDS. I was really shocked because I didn’t understand how it could have happened that I could have gotten AIDS. But they advised me to think about where I might have caught it, so they wanted me to really think about it. So I was writing in my diary about how astonished I was, and then I wrote down every partner that I had ever had in my life…
CDV: How many are there? Do you remember their names?
AK: Seven.
CDV: These are the partners that you had in your life?
AK: Yes. All of them.
CDV: Why did you write them down? For some kind of check?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, page 137] After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this?
[WTBH, Chapter 12, Page 149] “Wouldn’t listen to you?” the doctor asked.“I was hit on the head, twice,” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp.“Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “I’ve heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 154] In forbidding me from watching TV or reading, in prohibiting me from contacting the people I loved and needed most, in not offering me a lawyer, and in leaving me alone with nothing but my own jumbled thoughts, they were maintaining my ignorance and must have been trying to control me, to push me to reveal why or how Meredith had died.
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 192] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me .This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 192-194] Vice-Commandant Arguer every night at 8 P.M. in his office””the last order before lights out at 9 P.M. I thought he wanted to help me and to understand what had happened at the questura, but almost immediately I saw that he didn’t care. When I ran into him in the hallway he’d hover over me, his face inches from mine, staring, sneering. “It’s a shame you’re here,” he’d say, “because you are such a pretty girl,” and “Be careful what you eat””you have a nice, hourglass figure, and you don’t want to ruin it like the other people here.“He also liked to ask me about sex. The first time he asked me if I was good at sex, I was sure I’d misheard him. I looked at him incredulously and said, “What?!“He just smiled and said, “Come on, just answer the question. You know, don’t you?“Every conversation came around to sex. He’d say, “I hear you like to have sex. How do you like to have sex? What positions do you like most? Would you have sex with me? No? I’m too old for you?“His lewd comments took me back to the pickup lines used by Italian students when I’d relax on the Cuomo steps in Perugia. I wondered if I should just chalk up his lack of professionalism to a cultural difference. Sitting across the desk from him, I thought it must be acceptable for Italian men to banter like this while they were on the clock, in uniform, talking to a subordinate””a prisoner. He had me meet with him privately and often showed up during my medical visits, but I had always been so sheltered, I didn’t think of what he did as sexual harassment””I guess because he never touched or threatened me. At first when he brought up sex I pretended I didn’t understand. “I’m sorry””Mi displace,” I’d say, shaking my head. But every night after dinner, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I had no choice but to meet with him. After about a week of this behavior, I told my parents what Arguer was saying. My dad said,“Amanda, he shouldn’t be doing that! You’ve got to tell someone! “Knowing that Dad thought this was wrong validated my own thoughts. But Arguer was the boss””what could I do? Whom could I tell? Who’d take my word over his? Silently, I rehearsed what I would say to him: “These conversations repulse me.” But when we were face-to-face, I balked, settling on something more diplomatic””“Your questions make me uncomfortable,” I said.“Why?” he asked. I thought, Because you’re an old per. Instead I said, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but it’s my own business, and I don’t like to talk about it.”
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 194] I still wasn’t sure this was something I should bother Luciano and Carlo with. But when it continued for a few more days, I did. Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime At-giro calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.“But I was so lacking in confidence I couldn’t imagine it would be okay to resist Arguer directly. I reminded myself that the pressure I felt during these sessions wasn’t anything close to the pressure I’d been put under during my interrogation. Arguer usually sat back and smoked a cigarette, and I knew that I could just wait out his questions. Eventually he’d send me back to my cell. I didn’t tell him off because I’m not a confrontational person.
[WTBH, Chapter 17, Page 197] November 15-16,2007 Vice-Commandant Arguer broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong.
[WTBH, Chapter 17, Page 199] The untruths kept coming””seemingly leaked from the prosecutor’s office. In mid-November the press announced that the striped sweater I’d worn the night of the murder was missing, implying I’d gotten rid of it to hide bloodstains. In truth I’d left it on top of my bed when I came home to change on the morning of November 2. The investigators found it in January 2008””in the same spot where I’d taken it off. It was captured in photos taken of my room, which my lawyers saw among the official court documents deposited as the investigation progressed. The prosecution quietly dropped the"missing sweater” as an element in the investigation without correcting the information publicly. Convinced that arguing the case in the media would dilute our credibility in the courtroom, Carlo and Luciano let the original story stand. Things that never happened were reported as fact.
[Chapter 18, Page 209] And if I was drop-dead sexy, it was news to me. Vice-Comandante Argiro always made a production out of opening my mail, winking and chattering about how many admirers I had.
[WTBH, Chapter 18, page 212/213] Arguer was standing a foot behind me when I got the news. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with lots of people,” he chided. I spun around. “I didn’t have sex with anyone who had AIDS,” I snapped, though it was possible that one of the men I’d hooked up with, or even Rafael, was HIV-positive.“You should think about who you slept with and who you got it from.“Maybe he was trying to comfort me or to make a joke, or maybe he saw an opening he thought he could use to his advantage. Whatever the reason, as we were walking back upstairs to my cell, Arguer said, “Don’t worry. I’d still have sex with you right now. Promise me you’ll have sex with me.”
[WTBH, Chapter 18, Page 215/216] That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. But when I told them, Luciano and Carlo seconded that idea. “It could be a ploy by the prosecution to scare you into an even more vulnerable emotional state so they can take advantage of you,” Carlo said. “You need to stay alert, Amanda, and don’t let anyone bully you.“In the end, I don’t know if they made up the HIV diagnosis. It wasn’t the doctor who said I should think about whom I’d had sex with, but Arguer. It might have been that the test was faulty, or Arguer could have put the medical staff up to it so he could ask me questions and pass the answers along to the police. It was nearly two months before the doctors let me know that the HIV test had come out negative. When they did, I thought, Oh, thank God! But I was still seeing the doctors twice a day, and it had been a longtime since anyone had even brought it up.
[Comments] This all makes for a nice story. However, if you read AK’s June 2009 testimony, NONE of this appears in there. She never mentions sexual assault, sexual harassment, or violations of her rights. No complaint was ever filed by her lawyers, or family (the ECH appeal is not the same thing). Funny that none of this made it into her testimony, if she was so badly mistreated. Below is the closest thing (from the trial testimony), but AK herself is likely the source of the leak
29. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: More than that, it was panic, I was crying.
CDV: This was during the first period of time that you were in prison? Do you remember the period of time?
AK: Yes. In fact, I didn’t understand anything. I was there with a climate who was going crazy, who kept yelling “Don’t touch me! You have AIDS!” and then there was this inspector who kept coming to talk to me, saying “Ah, come on…”
CDV: What? An inspector or a doctor?
AK: There was an inspector who called every day…
CDV: And then there was a doctor?
AK: And there was also a doctor who also called me every day
CP: I think I’m talking about November 30th. On November 30, you were in front of the Tribunals deli Same. Why didn’t you declare this circumstance, that Patrick was foreign to all this, totally innocent?
AK: So, that date is when I arrived here, to the Camera Di Consiglio?
CP: Yes.
AK: That’s it. So I said, I made a spontaneous declaration in front of those judges, saying that I was very upset about the fact that Patrick had been put in prison because of me. I said that. If I’m not mistaken.
CP: Listen, the first time you ever actually said that Patrick had nothing to do with it, when was it? Do you remember? Of these people you told, was it to your lawyers? Or was it your mother on the phone on the 10th?
AK: That Patrick had nothing to do with it? I imagined that he was innocent because—
CP: But when did you said it for the first time? In the phone call with your mother on November 10th?
AK: I don’t know when the first time I told someone was.
GCM: Excuse me. Before you told your mother, did you tell anyone else?
AK: Yes, I wrote it in my memorandum of the 7th, and then when I discussed the situation with my lawyers, I explained why I had said these things. And I explained the fact that I couldn’t talk about the guilt of this person. I thought that, at a certain point, thinking about how Patrick was, I thought that it wasn’t even possible that he could be guilty of something like that, because he wasn’t like that. But I wasn’t actually in the house seeing anything, so I couldn’t actually state whether he was guilty or not.
GCM: Yes. But before you told your mother on November 10th in that recorded conversation, did you tell others? That Patrick, as far as you knew, had nothing to do with it?
AK: I had explained the situation to my lawyers, and I had told them what I knew. Which was that I didn’t know who the murderer was. That.
CP: But listen, in the memorandum of the 7th, you did repeat that Patrick was the murderer. Do you contest that? You expressly say “I didn’t lie when I said Patrick was the murderer. I really did think he was the murderer.” So in the memorandum of the 7th, you confirm—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Chapter 19, Page 224] Seeing how the prosecution treated Patrick in the two weeks since his arrest should have given me in sight into how they worked. My lawyers told me it had been widely reported the week before that Patrick had cash register receipts and multiple witnesses vouching for his whereabouts on the night of November 1. A Swiss professor had testified that he’d been at Le Chic with Patrick that night from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. But even though Patrick had an ironclad alibi and there was no evidence to prove that he’d been at the villa, much less in Meredith’s bedroom at the time of the murder, the police couldn’t bear to admit they were wrong. Patrick went free the day Guide was arrested. Timing his release to coincide with Guide’s arrest, the prosecution diverted attention from their mistake. They let him go only when they had Guide to take his place.
[Comments] In the book, AK claims that the police intentionally held onto PL until they had another suspect (Guide). But she conveniently omits she plainly told her mother PL was innocent. In fact, she could have gotten him released….. Oh wait, she could have just not accused him in the first place.
30. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: I see. From certain declarations which you spontaneously emitted in the following days, you were heard to mention a certain “June”. Who is this June?
AK: June is the friend of Laura who found me the job with Patrick, because he worked for Patrick. In fact, he was my personal contact at work. At least, he was the one who often had to translate for me, to tell me what I was supposed to do, also because since my Italian wasn’t great, I would listen to Patrick, and then turn to June to ask him what I was really supposed to do. He spoke to me in English.
LG: But what is his nationality?
AK: I think he was Albanian? I don’t remember. But he was a foreigner. He hadn’t been in Italy very long.
LG: We’ve already spoken about your relations with Patrick. But I wanted to ask you one thing. Did Patrick ever have any complaints about you? For example, because you didn’t show up for work, or because of the way you worked?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] June was one of the 7 names AK dropped in the list building exercise of November 5. But that list is never mentioned in her book.
31. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: I felt fine. I remember that Laura sometimes complained that there were draggier around, but I felt quite safe.
LG: I see. Do you remember when you called Filomena, more or less, on that morning?
AK: I called Filomena when Rafael advised me to call someone.
LG: And what did Filomena say?
AK: Filomena was worried. She asked me if I had called Meredith, and I said I had already called but she wasn’t answering. I told her what I had seen, and she said “OK, when you’ve finished, go to the house and check everything that happened and call me back.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
I called Filomena first and was relieved when she picked up. “Ciao, ,” she said.“Ciao,” I said. “I’m calling because when I came home from Rafael’s this morning, our front door was open. I found a few drops of blood in one bathroom and shit in the other toilet. Do you know anything about it?”“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice instantaneously on high alert. “I didn’t stay there last night””I was at Marco’s””and Laura’s in Rome on business. Have you talked to Meredith?”“No, I tried you first,” I said.“I’m at the fair outside town,” she said. “I just got here. Try Meredith, and then go back to the house. We need to see if anything was stolen.” She sounded worried. I called Meredith on her British phone. A recording said it was out of service. That struck me as odd. Then I pulled up Meredith’s Italian number. It went straight to voice mail.
[Comments] AK gets these details consist, but they are different than what the actual phone records show. Specifically, she made the 3 and 4 second calls to Meredith’s phones BEFORE calling Filomena. AK claims in the book that the British phone was out of service, and the Italian phone went straight to voicemail. Odd that she remembered those details while forgetting the phone calls to her Mom. However, when Filomena called these numbers, the phones rang and rang
32. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Did you try to climb over the balcony?
AK: Yes. When I saw that Meredith’s door was locked, and that if she was in there, she wasn’t answering, I really wanted to find out whether she was in there or not. I was confused about this, because why should her door be locked if she wasn’t inside? So first I tried—the way the house is situated, she had a window near that little balcony, so I first tried to climb over the balcony to see if I could see inside. But I couldn’t, and [laughing] Rafael was saying “No, get back here!” and pulling me back onto the balcony. So then he tried to knock the door down.
LG: Yes, and I know that you had tried to open the door together, hadn’t you?
AK: Yes. Rafael tried giving it a kick, and also pushing it with his shoulder to open it, because we didn’t know why that door should be locked.
LG: And you also tried calling out Meredith’s name?
AK: Of course, and I also tried looking in the keyhole.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
“I’m coming home this second,” she said, her voice constricted. Meredith’s door was still closed, just as it had been when I was home earlier. I called out, “Meredith.” She didn’t answer. Could the have spent the night with Giacomo? Or with one of her British friends? Still, at that moment I was more worried about the smashed window in Filomena’s room than about Meredith’s closed door. I ran outside and around the house to see if the guys downstairs were home and to see if they’d heard anything during the night. Outside, away from Rafael, my anxiety soared. My heart started racing again. I pounded on their door and tried to peer through the glass. It looked like no one was home. I ran back upstairs and knocked gently on Meredith’s door, calling, “Meredith. Are you in there?” No sound. I called again, louder. I knocked harder. Then I banged. I jiggled the handle. It was locked. Meredith only locks her door when she’s changing clothes, I thought. She can’t be in there or she’d answer. “Why isn’t she answering me?” I asked Rafael frantically. I couldn’t figure out, especially in that moment, why her door would be locked. What if she were inside? Why wouldn’t she respond if she were? Was she sleeping with her earphones in? Was she hurt? At that moment what mattered more than anything was reaching her just to know where she was, to know that she was okay. I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace. “I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!“That possibility hadn’t occurred to me.
[Comments] Interesting, AK says that she is freaked out, but laughs when talking about it. Also, she is merely confused, but risks her well being out of worry?!
33. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009. . .
AK: They wanted me to be careful, but above all, they wanted me to go to them, to try to find myself. I was so disoriented, and I didn’t know where to go, where to look. So they thought maybe I should go to be with them, but I didn’t want to leave Perugia or Italy, because of collaborating with the police, and then, I just didn’t want to leave this place.
LG: How many times did you go to the Questura in the following days, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th?
AK: I went back every day.
LG: And more or less for how many hours, for how much time?
AK: It depended, but it was always for several hours.
LG: But did you also go to class on those days? You tried to continue your normal life?
AK: Yes. Finally on the 5th, I had time to go to class. And then Rafael was called.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 83] The police weren’t stopping to sleep and didn’t seem to be allowing us to, either. Rafael and I were part of the last group to leave the questura, along with Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, and the other guys from downstairs, at 5:30 A. M.
[Comments] As for the police “targeting” AK on November 2 (into Nov 3), she lets it slip that EVERYONE in the house was detained. She also complained (the call was recorded), that she was hanging around the police station, and since they WEREN’T asking questions, it was a waste of her time.
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100] The police took all three of us back to the villa, with Laura and Filomena riding in the backseat of one squad car and the interpreter and me in another. We ducked under the yellow police tape that blocked off the front door and put on protective blue shoecovers. I hadn’t been back in our apartment since Meredith’s body was discovered and the Postal Police had ordered us outside. Tingling with fear, I never thought to reprise my “ta-dah” from the day before.
[Comments] On November 4, yes, AK does go back to the house with the police, but so did Laura and Filomena. Some targeting.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 105] But by that time I wasn’t paying attention to the news. I was desperate to get back to my regular routine, an almost impossible quest given that any minute I expected the police to call again. I didn’t have a place of my own to live or clean clothes to wear. But trying to be adult in an unmanageable situation, I borrowed Rafael’s sweatpants and walked nervously to my 9 A. M. grammar class. It was the first time since Meredith’s body was found that I’d been out alone. Class wasn’t as normal as I would have liked. Just before we began the day’s lesson, a classmate raised her hand and asked, “Can we talk about the murder that happened over the weekend?”
[Comments] Oh, look, AK still has time to go to class on November 5
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] I said, “I’ll just come with you. “Did the police know Id show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Rafael in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark. “
[Comments] So AK is not only free during the day but the evening too. And she lets it drop that she wasn’t actually called to the police station. She just showed up.
34. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009. . .
CD: What did you—what was your evaluation of this broken window?
AK: I was perplexed, because. . . First I thought “Oh, a robbery”, but then I didn’t understand, because nothing had been taken from the house, at least—there was a mess in the room, but the computer was there, all the things, the things of value, and Laura’s room was perfectly clean, and mine was as if no one had touched anything, so for me I didn’t understand these things. In fact, I remember having talked with Laura and Filomena and Rafael, at the house of a friend of Laura’s, in the days after, when we were trying to figure out how everything could have happened.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 68] I gasped. The window had been shattered and glass was everywhere. Clothes were heaped all over the bed and floor. The drawers and cabinets were open. All I could see was chaos. “Oh my God, someone broke in!” I shouted to Rafael, who was right behind me. In the next instant, I spotted Filomena’s laptop and digital camera sitting on the desk. I couldn’t get my head around it. “That’s so weird,” I said. “Her things are here. I don’t understand. What could have happened?” Just then, my phone rang. It was Filomena. “Someone’s been in your room,” I said. “They smashed your window. But it’s bizarre””it doesn’t look like they took anything. “
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] They jumped out, and Filomena stormed into the house to scavenge through her room. When she came out, she said, “My room is a disaster. There’s glass everywhere and a rock underneath the desk, but it seems like everything is there. “
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] The men seemed satisfied; their work was done. They said, “We can make a report that there’s been a break-in. Are you sure nothing was stolen?”
[WTBH, Chapter, 6, Page 75] We waited in the driveway for what seemed like forever. The police officers would come out, ask us questions, go in, come out, and ask some more.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 27-34
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5. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #35 To #38
Posted by Chimera
Publisher Jonathan Burnham paid up to $4M with zero due diligence???
Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.
Series Overview
As wide as the Grand Canyon…
That seems to be the gap between the truths Knox is mostly forced to tell on the stand as contrasted with the multitude of lies in her book. Seriously bizarre.
Clearly Knox and her shadow-writer Linda Kulman and PR team gambled that no-one would transcribe and translate the Knox testimony and contrast it with that of the investigators (our Interrogation Hoax series) and with that of Knox herself in her book (this series).
That gamble to lie flat-out in English about Italians has been quite central to the Knox PR. But every time we transcribe a tape or translate a document we expose some more of this despicable charade.
Now the book is in legal trouble for the third time, for myriad defamations - the first time publishing was cancelled in Italy and the UK and the second time OGGI was sued for publishing defamatory excerpts.
Knox’s Friday stint on the stand at trial was posted here and here and also here and here.
These final four posts cover her Saturday stint on the stand. Numbering of instances resumes from the previous post.
2 Telling Contradictions 35 to 38
35. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GM: On page 40 (I don’t know if it corresponds) of the minutes of your interrogation of December 17, you said, I’ll read it, that: “I turned off my phone to save my battery.” Do you remember that?
AK: Well, if it’s written there, it must be okay.
GM: Today you’re saying one thing, in the interrogation you said another. [Voice intervenes: can you be more precise about the page?] Page 40: I’ll read it. “But why did you turn off your phone?” Interrogation of Dec 17. “To save my battery.” “Do you usually keep it on at night?” [He stops, annoyed at some murmuring.]
GCM: Excuse me, excuse me.
CP?: We’re not interrupting, we’re finding the page.
GCM: Please, please [because of noise]. 39, 40, but anyway, these were the words. 39 or 40 is the page. Please, go ahead, pubblico ministero…GM: I see. Now you’re saying this was the motive.
GCM: I heard an objection. [Annoyed voices.] Please, please. Go ahead. [Voices arguing, dalla Vedova (I think it’s him) is standing up.]
GCM: This is an analysis. Indeed, yesterday Amanda Knox stated that turning off the cell phone was to guarantee her a free evening without being… [interruption] Excuse me. But at the interrogation of Dec 17 she said that it was both to save battery and also for this reason [interruptions, arguing]. So, I thought I understood that she had two reasons. We’re not arguing about that.
[defense]: Also not to be called by Patrick.
December 17, 2007 Questioning
PM Mignini: But why did you switch off your phone?
Knox: To save the battery, usually I keep it on at night if the following morning I have things to do, but the morning after was the day that everyone was going to skip school and we were going to go to Gubbio the day after with Raffaele. So I switched off my phone because I didn’t want that maybe Patrick might call to tell me to go to work. That’s why I switched it off and saved the battery.
Interpreter: To not have the battery discharge
PM Mignini: But you could recharge it
Interpreter: Since she was out of the house she wanted to save the battery because the next day she would have gone to Gubbio with Raffaele and since the day”¦ she leaves it on during the night when the following day she has to go to school, but the following day there was no school and so she switched it off also to not run the risk that Patrick would change his mind and would call her to go to work
PM Mignini: Because there was the risk, that is you weren’t sure that”¦
Knox: He had told me that I didn’t need to go to work but it was still early and I didn’t know if he might have called back to tell me “Yes, now I need you””¦
Interpreter: No, when Patrick had called saying that she didn’t need to work it was still early enough and the situation could still change in the sense that more people could turn up and he couldn’t”¦
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 61/62] Around 8:30 P.M. I suddenly remembered that it was Thursday, one of my regular workdays. Quickly checking my phone, I saw that Patrick had sent me a text telling me I didn’t have to come in. Since it was a holiday, he thought it would be a slow night. “Okay,” I texted back. “Ci vediamo piu tardi buona serata!”“” “See you later. Have a good evening!” Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
[Comments] in the trial testimony and December 17 questioning, AK cites both (a) saving the battery; and (b) not wanting to risk getting called back to work. In the book she lists avoiding PL, but nothing about the battery. Still, doesn’t exactly scream of dedication.
December 17, 2007 Questioning
PM Mignini: After having talked, after you were heard at the Questura, did you go away or did you wait?
Knox: The first day I was questioned I was there for hours”¦ maybe 14”¦
Interpreter: The first time it seems to her that she had been there a very long time, 14 hours
PM Mignini: But questioned
Knox: No, maybe they questioned me for 6 hours but I stayed at the Questura a very long time”¦
[Comments] Off topic, but AK admits in interview that she wasn’t questioned for 14 hours. At the police station yes, but not questioned.
36. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GM: Why did you speak about Patrick only in the interrogation of Nov 6 at 1:45? Why didn’t you mention him before? You never mentioned him before.
AK: Before when?
GM: In your preceding declarations, on Nov 2 at 15:30, on Nov 3 at 14:45, then, there was another one, Nov 4, 14:45, and then there’s Nov 6, 1:45. Only in these declarations, and then in the following spontaneous declarations, did you mention the name of Patrick. Why hadn’t you ever mentioned him before?
AK: Because that was the one where they suggested Patrick’s name to me.
GM: All right, now is the time for you to make this precise and specific. At this point I will take…no, I’ll come back to it later. You need to explain this. You have stated: “The name of Patrick was suggested to me. I was hit, pressured.”
AK: Yes.
GM: Now you have to tell me in a completely detailed way, you have to remember for real, you have to explain step by step, who, how, when, was the name of Patrick suggested to you, and what had been done before that point. The name of Patrick didn’t just come up like a mushroom; there was a preceding situation. Who put pressure on you, what do you mean by the word “pressure”, who hit you? You said: “They hit me”, and at the request of the lawyer Ghirga, yesterday, you described two little blows, two cuffs.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 107] “I’m sure it’s going to be quick,” Rafael said. I said, “I’ll just come with you.” Did the police know I’d show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Rafael in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark.”
[Comments] Yes, this was mentioned before, but just to repeat: AK claims this was a police sting, but she showed up: (a) uninvited; (b) unannounced; and (c) resisted Rita Ficarra’s instruction to go home.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 112] “Why did you pause it?” “I don’t remember.” “Why? Why? What time?” “I don’t remember!” I said it forcefully, trying to shake them off, but it didn’t work. They were peppering me relentlessly. The questions seemed simple, but I didn’t have the answers. And the more they asked, the more I lost my bearings. I was getting hot, looking around for air.
[Comments] This supposed switch to ‘‘bad cop’’ is never explained in any way. According to AK, she is being asked general questions (and again, she showed up unannounced to the police station), and all of a sudden the police are suddenly browbeating her. Keep in mind, that Sollecito had been called in to answer discrepencies in his account—the phone records didn’t match his story. But AK says they went after her BEFORE RS pulled her alibi. Check here.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103] November 5, 2007, Day Four. Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left. “Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114/115] “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.” “Did he know Meredith?” “Yes, she came to the bar.” “Did he like her?” “Yes, he liked Meredith. He was nice to her, and they got along.” “Did he think Meredith was pretty?” “Well, Meredith was pretty. I’m sure he thought she was pretty.” “When did you leave to meet Patrick?” “I didn’t meet Patrick. I stayed in.” “No, you didn’t. This message says you were going to meet him.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] “Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?”
[Comments] So, if the book is correct, AK has told the police that PL is: (a) her boss; (b) at Le Chic; (c) a rough description, yet the police still want to know who he is. Of course, the book omits the fact that AK had already named PL in her infamous ‘‘7 person list’’ for Rita Ficarra, and drawn a map, and given his cell #. For original sources read posts 2, 3, 4, 5, 11,and 12.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] The silver-haired police officer took both of my hands in his. He said, “I really want to help you. I want to save you, but you need to tell me who the murderer is. You need to tell me. You know who the murderer is. You know who killed Meredith.” In that instant, I snapped.
[Comments] So AK tells the police who PL is, yet they still smack her, getting her to say who she went to meet. Really?
37. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: And we must avoid interruptions, but when you have finished, we can discuss your answer.
AK: Thank you. So, here is…how I understood the question, I’m answering about what happened to me on the night of the 5th and the morning of the 6th of November 2007, and when we got to the Questura, I think it was around 10:30 or nearer 11, but I’m sorry, I don’t know the times very precisely, above all during that interrogation.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH cont] The more the confusion grew, the more I lost the sense of time. But I didn’t do my homework for a very long time. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me, to ask me to help them by telling them who had ever entered in our house. So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.” So I said okay and went with them, and they started asking me to talk about what I had been doing that evening.
At least, they kept asking about the last time I saw Meredith, and then about everything that happened the next morning, and we had to repeat again and again everything about what I did. Okay, so I told them, but they always kept wanting times and schedules, and time segments: “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember.
And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.” And I said, but what is he saying, that I wasn’t there? I was there! Maybe I can’t say exactly what I was doing every second, every minute, because I didn’t look at the time. I know that I saw the movie, I ate dinner. And she would say “No no no, you saw the film at this time, and then after that time you went out of the house. You ate dinner with Raffaele, and then there is this time where you did nothing, and this time where you were out of the house.” And I said, no, that’s not how it was. I was always in Raffaele’s apartment. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me,
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] They gave me a chair outside the waiting room, by the elevator. I’d been doing drills in my grammar workbook for a few minutes when a silver-haired police officer””I never learned his name””came and sat next to me.
[Comments] So in the book it is “grammar drills”, but in Court it is “paragraphs of reading”
[WTBH cont] So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] “Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested. I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.”
[Comments] in both the trial testimony and in the book, AK leaves out the fact that she was giving names and numbers (and addresses) in her “list”
For original sources read posts 10, 11,and 12.
[WTBH cont] “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
[Comments] AK had been building her “list of 7” until she had been informed that she no longer had an alibi. THEN she had to come up with someone—anyone—and she did. The June 2009 testimony and book and surprisingly consistent (for Knox), yet it does not in any way reflect what actually happened. Reread these posts
For original sources read posts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 and 9.
[Comments] And again, to repeat from before, how exactly could this “sting” be planned for that night? Knox showed up to the Questura: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so?
[WTBH cont] I was always in Raffaele’s apartment
[Comments] RS has repeatedly thrown AK under the bus on this. To this day, he refuses to provide an alibi. For multiple examples see here.
38. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: [taking advantage of a tiny pause to slip in without exactly interrupting] Excuse me, excuse me, the pubblico ministero wants to hear precise details about the suggestions about what to say, and also about the cuffs, who gave them to you.
AK: All right. What it was, was a continuous crescendo of these discussions and arguments, because while I was discussing with them, in the end they started to little by little and then more and more these remarks about “We’re not convinced by you, because you seem to be able to remember one thing but not remember another thing. We don’t understand how you could take a shower without seeing…” And then, they kept on asking me “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.” Then they told me this thing about how Raffaele was saying that I had gone out of the house. I said look, it’s impossible. I don’t know if he’s really saying that or not, but look, I didn’t go out of the house. And they said “No, you’re telling a lie. You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.” Sure, take it. “All right.” So one policeman took it, and started looking in it, while the others kept on yelling “We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?” But I kept saying no, no, I didn’t go out, I’m not pro-pro-pro—-
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH cont] “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.” [Comments] Notwithstanding the fact that this browbeating was made up, it is told differently. At trial, AK says she was threatened because she wasn’t sure of what she was saying, while in the book she claims it was due to not remembering at all.
[WTBH cont] “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] “Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[Comments] Again, aside from the fact this “interrogation” didn’t happen, these events change as well. In the Trial testimony, AK says she handed over her phone since the police wanted to verify that she had received such a message from Patrick. In the book, the police seem to be searching for people AK may have talked to.
[Comments] And, as mentioned before, if this really was a sting, why wouldn’t the police have pulled AK/RS phone and text records beforehand? Why would the police set up such a sting on the offchance AK would show up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so?
[WTBH cont] “You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] They said, “Why did you delete Patrick’s message? The text you have says you were going to meet Patrick.” “What message?” I asked, bewildered. I didn’t remember texting Patrick a return message. “This one!” said an officer, thrusting the phone in my face and withdrawing it before I could even look. “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] “Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] The interpreter offered a solution, “Once, when I had an accident, I didn’t remember it. I had a broken leg and it was traumatizing and I woke up afterward and didn’t remember it. Maybe you just don’t remember. Maybe that’s why you can’t remember times really well.” For a moment, she sounded almost kind. But I said, “No, I’m not traumatized.” Another cop picked up the same language. He said, “Maybe you’re traumatized by what you saw. Maybe you don’t remember.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said. “I’m trying to help,” I said. “I’m trying to help, I’m desperately trying to help.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] The silver-haired police officer took both of my hands in his. He said, “I really want to help you. I want to save you, but you need to tell me who the murderer is. You need to tell me. You know who the murderer is. You know who killed Meredith.” In that instant, I snapped.
[Comments] So AK tells the police who PL is, yet they still smack her, getting her to say who she went to meet. Why?
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 35-38
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6. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #39 To #52
Posted by Chimera
Jason Flom, Barry Scheck, Greg Hampikian
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. Series And Post Overview
Does even this series on Knox in court v Knox in book relate to the Innocence Project’s plight?
Sure it does.
Had Barry Scheck & company done some due diligence, before adopting and touting Knox for a dangerous serial orgy of Italy-bashing, they would have checked some trial transcripts and the judges’ report and avoided Knox’s terrible book.
Maybe even read a bit here. With that done, as it should have been, they would not now be in the legal soup:
- They would KNOW that Knox is a convicted felon for life and rightly served three years.
- They would KNOW that Knox lies over 500 times in her 2014-16 book.
- They would KNOW that at least 90 of those are malicious demonizations of nice people.
- They would KNOW of the underhand way she got off.
But instead?
Instead they have let themselves be led by the nose, by a grandstanding and pathetic sycophant of Knox.
A quack who is utterly incompetent in the forensics of the case, and whose motives are fishy to say the least.
2 Telling Contradictions 39 to 52
39. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: And we must avoid interruptions, but when you have finished, we can discuss your answer.
AK: Thank you. So, here is…how I understood the question, I’m answering about what happened to me on the night of the 5th and the morning of the 6th of November 2007, and when we got to the Questura, I think it was around 10:30 or nearer 11, but I’m sorry, I don’t know the times very precisely, above all during that interrogation.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
The more the confusion grew, the more I lost the sense of time. But I didn’t do my homework for a very long time. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me, to ask me to help them by telling them who had ever entered in our house. So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men.
So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.” So I said okay and went with them, and they started asking me to talk about what I had been doing that evening. At least, they kept asking about the last time I saw Meredith, and then about everything that happened the next morning, and we had to repeat again and again everything about what I did.
Okay, so I told them, but they always kept wanting times and schedules, and time segments: “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this.
Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.”
And I said, but what is he saying, that I wasn’t there? I was there! Maybe I can’t say exactly what I was doing every second, every minute, because I didn’t look at the time. I know that I saw the movie, I ate dinner. And she would say “No no no, you saw the film at this time, and then after that time you went out of the house. You ate dinner with Raffaele, and then there is this time where you did nothing, and this time where you were out of the house.” And I said, no, that’s not how it was. I was always in Raffaele’s apartment.
40. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me,
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108]
They gave me a chair outside the waiting room, by the elevator. I’d been doing drills in my grammar workbook for a few minutes when a silver-haired police officer””I never learned his name””came and sat next to me.
[Comments] So in the book it is “grammar drills”, but in Court it is “paragraphs of reading”
41. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108]
“Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested.
I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.”
[Comments] in both the trial testimony and in the book, AK leaves out the fact that she was giving names and numbers (and addresses) in her “list”. See here. See here. See here.
42. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114]
Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
[Comments] AK had been building her “list of 7” until she had been informed that she no longer had an alibi. THEN she had to come up with someone—anyone—and she did. The June 2009 testimony and book and surprisingly consistent (for Knox), yet it does not in any way reflect what actually happened. Reread these posts
[Comments] And again, to repeat from before, how exactly could this “sting” be planned for that night? Knox showed up to the Questura: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so?
43. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I was always in Raffaele’s apartment
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] RS has repeatedly thrown AK under the bus on this. To this day, he refuses to provide an alibi. See here.
44. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: [taking advantage of a tiny pause to slip in without exactly interrupting] Excuse me, excuse me, the pubblico ministero wants to hear precise details about the suggestions about what to say, and also about the cuffs, who gave them to you.
AK: All right. What it was, was a continuous crescendo of these discussions and arguments, because while I was discussing with them, in the end they started to little by little and then more and more these remarks about “We’re not convinced by you, because you seem to be able to remember one thing but not remember another thing. We don’t understand how you could take a shower without seeing…” And then, they kept on asking me “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.” Then they told me this thing about how Raffaele was saying that I had gone out of the house. I said look, it’s impossible. I don’t know if he’s really saying that or not, but look, I didn’t go out of the house. And they said “No, you’re telling a lie. You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.” Sure, take it. “All right.” So one policeman took it, and started looking in it, while the others kept on yelling “We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?” But I kept saying no, no, I didn’t go out, I’m not pro-pro-pro—-
“Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117]
People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[Comments] Notwithstanding the fact that this browbeating was made up, it is told differently. At trial, AK says she was threatened because she wasn’t sure of what she was saying, while in the book she claims it was due to not remembering at all.
45. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[Comments] Again, aside from the fact this “interrogation” didn’t happen, these events change as well. In the Trial testimony, AK says she handed over her phone since the police wanted to verify that she had received such a message from Patrick. In the book, the police seem to be searching for people AK may have talked to.
[Comments] And, as mentioned before, if this really was a sting, why wouldn’t the police have pulled AK/RS phone and text records beforehand? Why would the police set up such a sting on the offchance AK would show up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so?
46. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
They said, “Why did you delete Patrick’s message? The text you have says you were going to meet Patrick.” “What message?” I asked, bewildered. I didn’t remember texting Patrick a return message. “This one!” said an officer, thrusting the phone in my face and withdrawing it before I could even look. “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
The interpreter offered a solution, “Once, when I had an accident, I didn’t remember it. I had a broken leg and it was traumatizing and I woke up afterward and didn’t remember it. Maybe you just don’t remember. Maybe that’s why you can’t remember times really well.” For a moment, she sounded almost kind. But I said, “No, I’m not traumatized.” Another cop picked up the same language. He said, “Maybe you’re traumatized by what you saw. Maybe you don’t remember.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said. “I’m trying to help,” I said. “I’m trying to help, I’m desperately trying to help.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117]
People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118]
me. I didn’t understand that I was about to implicate the wrong person. I didn’t understand what was at stake. I didn’t think I was making it up. My mind put together incoherent images. The image that came to me was Patrick’s face. I gasped. I said his name. “Patrick””it’s Patrick.” I started sobbing uncontrollably. They said, “Who’s Patrick? Where is he? Where is he?” I said, “He’s my boss.” “Where did you meet him?” “I don’t remember.” “Yes, you do.”
[Comments] This sequence makes little sense (and yes, it is in sequence). Even as an “abbreviated” writing it makes no sense. According to AK, (a) she received the message fro Patrick, and that he is her boss; (b) AK is asked about this specific message, and why she deleted it; (c) AK confirms that PL is her boss; (d) the interpreter suggests that AK can’t remember anything, despite dropping the name; (e) AK gets hit by Ficarra to “get her attention”, even though she told the Court it was to get the name in the first place; (f) the police insist on asking who AK went to meet, despite the message which supposedly said who she was going to meet; and (g) the police revert back to asking who Patrick is, even though she had told them twice who he is.
[Comments] And of course, the police already have Patrick’s name, general address and telephone number. AK gave it to them, but ignore that. See here.
[Comments] And of course, the police couldn’t have expected to launch this brutal interrogation give, AK showed up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so
47. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] This question, if it actually was posed, seems rather odd. AK is being accused of lying to them, and protecting the real murderer. Seems that killing MK would be the reason AK went to meet him.
48. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Okay. Fine. So, they had my telephone, and at one point they said “Okay, we have this message that you sent to Patrick”, and I said I don’t think I did, and they yelled “Liar! Look! This is your telephone, and here’s your message saying you wanted to meet him!” And I didn’t even remember that I had written him a message. But okay, I must have done it. And they were saying that the message said I wanted to meet him. That was one thing. Then there was the fact that there was this interpreter next to me, and she was telling me “Okay, either you are an incredibly stupid liar, or you’re not able to remember anything you’ve done.” So I said, how could that be? And she said, “Maybe you saw something so tragic, so terrible that you can’t remember it. Because I had a terrible accident once where I broke my leg…”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Read the above book quotations. AK gives the name PL, tells police he is her boss, repeats that he is her boss, (and remember, she already included him in her “list”), but police seem to think she has trouble with her memory.
49. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: It’s difficult for me to say that one specific person said one specific thing. It was the fact that there were all these little suggestions, and someone was saying that there was the telephone, then there was the fact that… then more than anything what made me try to imagine something was someone saying to me “Maybe you’re confused, maybe you’re confused and you should try to remember something different. Try to find these memories that obviously you have somehow lost. You have to try to remember them. So I was there thinking, but what could I have forgotten? And I was thinking, what have I forgotten? what have I forgotten? and they were shouting “Come on, come on, come on, remember, remember, remember,” and boom! on my head. [Amanda slaps herself on the back of the head: End of video segment] “Remember!” And I was like—Mamma Mia! and then boom! [slaps head again] “Remember!”
GCM: Excuse me, excuse me, please, excuse me…
AK: Those were the cuffs.
[Voices: “This is impossible!” “Avoid thinking aloud!” “Or suggestions”]
GCM: So, the pubblico ministero asked you, and is still asking you, who is the person that gave you these two blows that you just showed us on yourself?
AK: It was a policewoman, but I didn’t know their names.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103]
Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,” I said defiantly, trying to combat hostility with hostility. I didn’t remember that I’d deleted Patrick’s message.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Comments] At trial, AK is saying she was hit because she: (a) couldn’t remember. But in the book she claims it was because she was: (b) lying; and to (c) get her attention. But to restate from before, at this point AK has already given the name PL, and his phone number (from her list of 7). However, for some inexplicable reason, the police apparently need to beat the name out of her, even though they already have it.
[Comments] And of course, what better way to launch such an interrogation by not calling in the suspect and hoping they arrive: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so
50. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Go on, go on. The person who was conducting the interrogation…
AK: Well, there were lots and lots of people who were asking me questions, but the person who had started talking with me was a policewoman with long hair, chestnut brown hair, but I don’t know her. Then in the circle of people who were around me, certain people asked me questions, for example there was a man who was holding my telephone, and who was literally shoving the telephone into my face, shouting “Look at this telephone! Who is this? Who did you want to meet?” Then there were others, for instance this woman who was leading, was the same person who at one point was standing behind me, because they kept
moving, they were really surrounding me and on top of me. I was on a chair, then the interpreter was also sitting on a chair, and everyone else was standing around me, so I didn’t see who gave me the first blow because it was someone behind me, but then I turned around and saw that woman, and she gave me another blow to the head.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] More of the same, but in the book, AK claims to have given the name, and only after is smacked on the head
51. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: All right. It seems to me that the thoughts of the people standing around me, there were so many people, and they suggested things to me in the sense that they would ask questions like: “Okay, you met someone!” No, I didn’t. They would say “Yes you did, because we have this telephone here, that says that you wanted to meet someone. You wanted to meet him.” No, I don’t remember that. “Well, you’d better remember, because if not we’ll put you in prison for 30 years.” But I don’t remember! “Maybe it was him that you met? Or him? You can’t remember?” It was this kind of suggestion.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Okay, this appears to be a new version entirely. In this one AK claims that the police have the message, and are asking (a) about multiple names to see who it belonged to. But it directly contradicts what AK says earlier this day, that (b) they wanted to confirm the message from PL, telling AK not to work
(from earlier in trial testimony)
Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
(despite AK saying PL is her boss)
Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out
[Comments] I know I’m repeating this, but if AK/RS really were targeted in a sting, why wouldn’t phone and text records have been pulled before launching the interrogation? Why wouldn’t the police have these answers before breaking the 2 of them? Also, if you were trying to lure someone, wouldn’t asking them to arrive be a good idea, instead of telling them to go home?
52. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: So, there was this thing that they wanted a name. And the message—
GCM: You mean, they wanted a name relative to what?
AK: To the person I had written to, precisely. And they told me that I knew, and that I didn’t want to tell. And that I didn’t want to tell because I didn’t remember or because I was a stupid liar. Then they kept on about this message, that they were literally shoving in my face saying “Look what a stupid liar you are, you don’t even remember this!” At first, I didn’t even remember writing that message. But there was this interpreter next to me who kept saying “Maybe you don’t remember, maybe you don’t remember, but try,” and other people were saying “Try, try, try to remember that you met someone, and I was there hearing “Remember, remember, remember,” and then there was this person behind me who—it’s not that she actually really physically hurt me, but she frightened me…
GCM: “Remember!” is not a suggestion. It is a strong solicitation of your memory. Suggestion is rather…
AK: But it was always “Remember” following this same idea, that…
GCM: But they didn’t literally say that it was him!
AK: No. They didn’t say it was him, but they said “We know who it is, we know who it is. You were with him, you met him.”
GCM: So, these were the suggestions.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[Comments] According to the book, AK tells the police instantly who PL is. And once more, they have his phone number from the list she wrote. No argument at all
See here. See here. See here.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[Comments] So not only does AK immediately give PL’s name—in contradiction to her trial testimony—but the police still want to know who he is. And then, after the police repeatedly accuse her of not remembering (or was it not paying attention), we have this.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118]
I didn’t think I was making it up. My mind put together incoherent images. The image that came to me was Patrick’s face. I gasped. I said his name. “Patrick””it’s Patrick.” I started sobbing uncontrollably. They said, “Who’s Patrick? Where is he? Where is he?” I said, “He’s my boss.”
[Comments] That’s right, after twice telling the police who PL is, the police still .... want to know who PL is.
[Comments] And the book floats 2 conflicting narratives, that (a) the police want to know who Patrick is; and (b) who AK went off to meet. Keep in mind AK already said that PL is her boss (and they do have the list). This seems to be the most redundant interrogation in history.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 39-52
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7. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #53 To #69
Posted by Chimera
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. Series Context
Knox lies?! Anyone who reads here for a while is left in no doubt of that.
Anyone who watched the trial in Italian concluded that. Even her own lawyers concluded that. They publicly requested in 2008 that she stop all her lying.
Numerous sworn witnesses in court, with no dog at all in this fight, contradicted her. Easily identifiable lies now number up in the thousands. They tend to be malicious (how she hates other), and they tend to be narcissistic (how she loves herself).
To close case-watchers they stand out a mile.
And yet amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
Past posts in this series and other series addressed Knox lies at (1) the time of arrest and 2007 hearings, (2) the 2008 hearings, (3) Knox at trial, (4) Knox in prison, (5) Knox at the Hellman appeal, (6) Knox back in Seattle, when (7) she wrote her book, (8) Knox emailing Judge Nencini, (9) Knox in recent paid presentations, and (10) Knox on US media and especially Netflix (with more to follow).
This further 8-part series puts (3) above along side (7) above to show further how it is a really, really bad idea to believe anything at all in Knox’s book.
It was illegally targeted to derail the Nencini appeal. Both Knox and Sollecito took numerous panic actions in 2013-14.
2. Telling Contradictions 53 To 69
53. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
(See here for all full names}
GM: Now, what happened next? You, confronted with the message, gave the name of Patrick. What did you say?
AK: Well, first I started to cry. And all the policemen, together, started saying to me, you have to tell us why, what happened? They wanted all these details that I couldn’t tell them, because in the end, what happened was this: when I said the name of “Patrick”, I suddenly started imagining a kind of scene, but always using this idea: images that didn’t agree, that maybe could give some kind of explanation of the situation. I saw Patrick’s face, then Piazza Grimana, then my house, then something green that they told me might be the sofa. Then, following this, they wanted details, they wanted to know everything I had done. But I didn’t know how to say. So they started talking to me, saying, “Okay, so you went out of the house, okay, fine, so you met Patrick, where did you meet Patrick?” I don’t know, maybe in Piazza Grimana, maybe near it. Because I had this image of Piazza Grimana. “Okay, fine, so you went with him to your house. Okay, fine. How did you open the door?” Well, with my key. “So you opened the house”. Okay, yes. “And what did you do then?” I don’t know. “But was she already there?” I don’t know. “Did she arrive or was she already there?” Okay. “Who was there with you?” I don’t know. “Was it just Patrick, or was Raffaele there too?” I don’t know. It was the same when the pubblico ministero came, because he asked me: “Excuse me, I don’t understand. Did you hear the sound of a scream?” No. “But how could you not have heard the scream?”. I don’t know, maybe my ears were covered. I kept on and on saying I don’t know, maybe, imagining…
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 105] “˜’ .... There was a bloody handprint smeared on the wall and a bloody shoeprint on the floor. A blood-soaked handkerchief was lying in the street nearby.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 21, Page 254] “˜’ ... “Amanda, the investigators are in a conundrum,” Carlo said. “They found so much of Guede’s DNA in Meredith’s room and on and inside her body. But the only forensic evidence they have of you is outside her bedroom. Raffaele’s DNA evidence is only on the bra hook. If you and Raffaele participated in the murder, as the prosecution believes, your DNA should be as easy to find as Guede’s.” “But Carlo, no evidence doesn’t mean we cleaned up. It means we weren’t there!” “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede. I know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just adding another link to the story. It’s the only way the prosecution can involve you and Raffaele when the evidence points to a break-in and murder by Guede.”
[WTBH, Chapter 23, Page 274] “˜’ ... Guede’s lawyers must have realized that he was better off in a separate trial, since the prosecution was intent on pinning the murder on us. The evidence gathered during the investigation pointed toward his guilt. His DNA was all over Meredith’s room and her body, on her intimate clothing and her purse. He had left his handprint in her blood on her pillowcase. He had fled the country. The prosecution called Guede’s story of how he “happened” to be at the villa and yet had not participated in the murder “absurd”””though they readily believed his claims against Raffaele and me. One of the big hopes for us was that with so much evidence against Guede, the prosecution would have to realize Raffaele and I hadn’t been involved”¦.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 23, Page 274] ... He didn’t look like a murderer. He was wearing jeans and a sweater. It was almost impossible to imagine that he had cut Meredith’s throat. But if he hadn’t, his DNA wouldn’t have been everywhere in Meredith’s room.”
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 339] “Copious amounts of Rudy Guede’s genetic material had been found in Meredith’s bedroom, on her body, in her purse, and in the toilet.”
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 342] “˜’ .... Had Raffaele been in the room, his DNA would have been as abundant as Guede’s. It would be illogical to suggest that it was left on a single small hook on Meredith’s bra and nowhere else.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 28, Page 352] “˜’ ... Guede had stolen! He had killed Meredith! He had left a handprint in Meredith’s blood! He had fled! He had lied!’”˜
[Comments] It makes no sense to get AK to “imagine” what could have happened. And, if as AK says is true, then with all the abundant evidence present, what happened should be pretty clear, they would just need a suspect. If only police knew who what men visited upstairs…. perhaps Knox could make a list for them ....
[Comments] Just to clarify, all that evidence proves beyond any doubt that Guede did it. And that evidence was gathered by .... oh right, those CSI who failed to meet those international standards regarding AK and RS. Makes sense to me.
54. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: An image of Piazza Grimana, that’s right. Now listen, in the interrogation, page 95, the same interrogation, but the same expression turns up in other places, I can give references if necessary…
[Start of 6:54 minute video segment] ...I asked this question: Why did you throw out an accusation of this type? In the confrontations with Mr. Lumumba (I was continuing and you answered right away): “I was trying, I had the possibility of explaining the message in my phone. He had told me not to come to work.” Perfectly normal things. So, faced with a perfectly normal circumstance, “My boss texted me to tell me not to come to work and I answered him,” you could have just stated that. End of response. Instead, faced with the message, and the questions of the police, you threw out this accusation. So I am asking you, why start accusing him when you could calmly explain the exchange of messages? Why did you think those things could be true? }}
AK: I was confused.
GM: You have repeated that many times. But what does it mean? Either something is true, or it isn’t true. Right now, for instance, you’re here at the audience, you couldn’t be somewhere else. You couldn’t say “I am at the station.” You are right here, right now
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] A very valid point by PM Mignini. AK can calmly explain a message, yet gets so worked up she imagines other things…..?!?!
55. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: My confusion was because firstly, I couldn’t understand why the police was treating me this way, and then because when I explained that I had spent the whole time with Raffaele, they said “No, you’re a liar”. It was always this thing that either I didn’t remember or I was lying. The fact that I kept on and on repeating my story and they kept saying “No, you’re going to prison right now if you don’t tell the truth,” and I said “But I’ve told the truth,” “No, you’re a liar, now you’re going to prison for 30 years because either you’re a stupid liar or you forgot. And if it’s because you forgot, then you’d better remember what happened for real, right now.” This is why I was confused. Because I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand anything any more. I was so scared and impressed by all this that at some point I thought What the heck, maybe they’re right, maybe I forgot.
GM: So, and then, you accused Lumumba of murder. This is the conclusion
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] It is always this thing or that, and you are either forgetting, or lying? Well, having read Linda Kuhlman’s book (which has your name on it), I believe that most of what you say is bullshit.
[Comments] So AK would go to jail for 30 years because she is either: (a) a stupid liar, or (b) you forgot? So is AK claiming she was threatened with false imprisonment for not remembering something
[Comments] Maybe you forgot being a party to a murder? Not likely.
56. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: Lapses of memory. Moments where you couldn’t remember things that you had done. “What did I do yesterday? I don’t know.”
AK: [Laughing] I’ve had that problem all my life.
GM: What?
AK: I’ve had that problem all my life. I can’t remember where I put my keys.
GM: So it happened to you at other times? Explain it to me. You previously mixed up things, didn’t know whether you had dreamed things or they were real?
AK: No, not that part about the imagination! I would forget for example what I ate yesterday for dinner, yes, that happened to me, but not to actually imagine things.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Page 459, Author’s Note]
The writing of this memoir came to a close after I had been out of prison for over a year. I had to relive everything, in soul-wrenching detail. I read court documents and the transcripts of hearings, translated them, and quoted them throughout. Aided by my own diaries and letters, all the conversations were rendered according to my memory. The names of certain people, including friends, prisoners, and guards, have been changed to respect their privacy….
Now that I am free, I’ve finally found myself in a position to respond to everyone’s questions. This memoir is about setting the record straight.
[Comments] AK jokes in Court that all her life she has problems mixing up and not remembering things, yet this book, written 6 years after the fact is supposed to be accurate.
[Comments] What court documents does she refer to? AK does reference the Matteini decision (fairly accurately) which saw PL locked up, but it was her frame job that caused it.
[Comments] What transcripts does AK refer to? TJMK has done several, but none are referenced in WTBH
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #1
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #2
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #3
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #4
[Comments] Names have been changed to protect privacy? Really, AK accuses prison staff of harassment and sexual assault, yet changes the names? And remember, even though Carlo Dalla Vedova and Luciano Ghirga leave her in that hell, she still thanks them in her book.
[Chapter 11, Page 137] “˜’ ... Still, what came next shocked me. After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this? ....’”˜
[Chapter 12, Page 149] “˜’ .... I was hit on the head, twice.” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp. Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “Ive heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
[Chapter 16, Page 191] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me. This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
How each visit went depended on the doctor, and I was grateful for any gesture that wasn’t aggressive or disdainful. A female physician liked to talk to me about her trouble with men. And one day, when I was being seen by an older male doctor, he asked me, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“It’s a lion,” I said. “Like The Lion King””Il Re Leone.”
The next time I saw him he handed me a picture of a lion he’d ripped out from an animal calendar. I drew him a colorful picture in return, which he taped to the infirmary wall. Later, when he found out that I liked the Beatles, one of us would hum a few bars from various songs to see if the other could name the tune.
[Chapter 16, Page 194] “˜’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
[Chapter 17, Page 197] “˜’ ... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong”¦.’
[Comments] Read some of this and this and this and this and decide for yourself how reliable she is as a narrator.and
57. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: The knives… You started to tremble and cry and covered your ears with your hands. Suddenly. Can you explain why?
AK: As I said…
GCM: Tell him if the episode is true, if it happened, how and why.
AK: All right. The fact that I cried in the house when I saw the knives is true. I cried, because when I entered the house, I had to look around to see if anything was missing that could have been used to kill someone, it made a strong impression on me. It was as if all that time, I hadn’t been able to even accept the fact that she was really killed, Meredith, and then having to actually be inside the house, looking at knives, being actually there, it was as though the people around me…I was there, and they were asking me to look if there were any knives missing. I said “Okay”, but the situation was so heavy, I don’t know, it really hit me.
GM: So when you looked at the knives, you felt disturbed.
AK: Yes, I was disturbed, it made such an impression on me.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100/101]
“Everything looks okay,” I said, my voice small and quavering. I felt like a kid who’s terrified to go down the hall in the dark. Distraught, I forgot to check if my own rent money was still in the drawer of my desk.
“Now come back to the kitchen.”
I did.
“Open the bottom drawer and look through the knives. Do you see any missing?”
This is where we kept our overflow utensils, the ones we almost never needed. When I pulled open the drawer, stainless steel gleamed up at me. “I don’t know if there’s one missing or not,” I said, trembling.
“We don’t really use these.”
I reached in, pushed a few knives around, and then stood up helplessly. I knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon””that they were asking me to pick out what might have been used to slash Meredith’s throat. Panic engulfed me.
[Comment] The crying and ear covering discussed at trial is not listed in the book. And Knox knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon? Wow….
58. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: Okay. Okay. Listen, another question. The lamp that was found in Meredith’s room, a black lamp with a red button, that was found in Meredith’s room, at the foot of the bed. Was it yours?
AK: I did have a lamp with a red button in my room, yes.
GM: So the lamp was yours.
AK: I suppose it was.
GM: Was it missing from your room?
AK: You know, I didn’t look.
GM: Did Meredith have a lamp like that in her room?
AK: I don’t know.
GM: Now, another question. You told us before, this story about the door, about knocking down the door, that Raffaele tried to break down the door. You said that you tried to explain that sometimes she did have her door locked, you told us about this point. Now, I want to ask you this question: Raffaele didn’t by any chance try to break down the door to get back the lamp we talked about?
AK: [perfectly calm reasonable voice] No, we didn’t know the lamp was in there.
GM: You didn’t know that your lamp was in there?
AK: In the sense that the lamp that was supposed to be in my room, I hadn’t even noticed it was missing. I tried—
GM: You didn’t see that it was missing?
AK: No, I didn’t see that it was missing.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] The topic of the lamp is left out of the book.
59. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
MC: But from the records, we see that you called your mother—not only from the records but also the pings [?] that you first called your mother at 12. At midday.
AK: Okay?
MC: What time is it at midday? What time is it in Seattle, if in Perugia it is midday?
AK: In Seattle it’s morning. It’s a nine hour difference, so three in the morning.
MC: Three o’clock at night?
AK: Yes.
MC: So your mother was surely sleeping.
AK: Yes.
MC: But at 12:00 nothing had happened yet. That’s what your mother also said—
AK: I told my mother—
MC: —during the conversation you had with her in prison. Even your mother was amazed that you called her at midday, which was three or four o’clock at night, to tell her that nothing had happened.
AK: I didn’t know what had happened. I just called my mother to say that we had been sent out of the house, and that I had heard something—
MC: But at midday nothing had happened yet in the sense that the door had not been broken down yet.
AK: Hm. Okay. I don’t remember that phone call. I remember that I called her to tell her what we had heard about a foot. Maybe I did call before, but I don’t remember it.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66]
My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK didn’t remember the call in court in 2009, but does remember it 4 years later, in 2013?
60. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: So either you had a particular motive, or it was a habit.
AK: Yes. Well, since I don’t remember this phone call, because I remember the one I made later, but obviously I made that phone call. If I did that, it’s because I thought that I had something I had to tell her. Maybe I thought right then that there was something strange, because at that moment, when I went to Raffaele’s place, I did think there was something strange, but I didn’t know what to think. But I really don’t remember this phone call, so I can’t say for sure why. But I guess it was because I came home and the door was open, and then—
MC: It’s strange. You don’t remember the phone call, but do you remember the conversation with your mother in prison?
AK: I had so many. But yes.
MC: This conversation must have been the one of the 10th of November. Do you remember when your mother said “But at 12, nothing had happened yet.”
AK: I don’t remember that.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66]
My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK didn’t remember the call on November 10, 2007, yet she still does remember it for the 2013 book?
61. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
MC: And in the morning you went out around 10:30.
AK: Around then.
MC: You went to get the mop.
AK: Yes. To take a shower and change, and get the mop, yes.
MC: But hadn’t you taken a shower the evening before, at Raffaele’s place?
AK: Yes, but then we made love. So I wanted to take another shower.
MC: The next day. Not right away after. But the next day.
AK: Well, we made love and then I fell asleep. Then, the next morning, I wanted to take a shower
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Yes, a woman smelling of cat-piss is every man’s dream
62. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Of November. November 2.
AK: Sorry. Dates…
FM: So, you called your mother three times. Do you remember that?
AK: I remember calling my mom. I don’t remember how many times. There was so much to think about right then.
FM: Fine. Do you remember speaking to your mother in prison on November 10th about this very phone call?
AK: I don’t remember specifically, but probably we talked about it, yes.
FM: Do you remember how surprised your mother was that you didn’t even remember about this phone call?
AK: I remember her being a bit surprised that I didn’t remember very well. But in the end I explained to her that there was just so much movement going on right then, so much confusion, and the whole morning was so emotional, and so all the specific things got mixed up.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] Again, AK says that she was mixed up about the November 2007 calls, and that she is still mixed up about it (in June 2009). Yet her memory is clear in April 2013.
63. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Yesterday, you mentioned having a lot of friends, both in the US and in Perugia. Did you consider Meredith Kercher to be a friend?
AK: Yes.
FM: Did you suffer from the loss of this friend?
AK: Yes, I was very, very shocked by it. I couldn’t even imagine such a thing.
FM: Do you think about her in your daily life, do you think about this friend who was with you in your house?
AK: Yes, I remember her. But in the end, I only knew her for one month, and more than anything, I am trying to think how to go forward with my own life, so yes, I remember her, and I am so upset about what happened, and sometimes it seems to me that it can’t be real. I don’t really know what to think of this thing. But yes. I suffered.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] AK only knew MK for a month, and she’s trying to get on with her life. Yet, in WTBH, it comes off as an emotionally devastating loss.
64. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: And Patrick Lumumba, did you consider him as a friend, or not?
AK: I saw him, yes, pretty much as a friend, for the short time I had spent around him. I had a good relationship with him.
FM: In the days spent at the Questura—later we’ll look at them one by one in order—did you ever think that Patrick Lumumba might be guilty?
AK: Before I was interrogated on Nov 5th/6th, I never thought that.
FM: So you thought it for the first time on the 5th and 6th?
AK: Yes, yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] With friends like these .......
65. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: I’ll ask you later about imagination. Now tell me when you changed your mind about Patrick Lumumba.
AK: I changed my mind when I realized that my imaginings were not really memories, but just imagination.
FM: When? When?
AK: The more time passed, the more I felt sure. But definitely, when I was in prison and alone in my cell, I had so much time to rethink about all the facts I remembered, and about the fact that I remembered not having been with him on that night. The more I thought, mamma mia, he’s probably innocent.
FM: How many days later?
AK: How many days?
FM: Weeks, days, hours, I don’t know. The question is: when?
AK: I already had a doubt when I was in the Questura. But I became completely sure when—at least I was completely sure that I had never been with him, so what everyone was thinking, that it was him, was only because I myself had said something, and that convinced me that he was innocent. But in the end, I just couldn’t know for sure. I could only know that what I myself had said was not the truth.
FM: And when did this happen?
AK: When I was in prison, I guess, but I already had doubts—
FM: But when in prison?
AK: —while I was in the Questura…
FM: But when? Can you tell me? A few days later? A few weeks later?
AK: No, but even this feeling of doubt starting getting stronger, already on the very next day. As soon as I had time to get paper and try to remember things—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Francesco Maresca (the Kercher lawyer) is trying to get a clear answer from AK (as did Lumumba lawyer Carlo Pacelli) as to when exactly AK knew that PL was an innocent person. And like his predecessor, he gets the runaround. Interestingly though, his questions are not appearing anywhere in WTBH
66. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: What do these words mean to you: state of confusion, and imagination?
AK: The sense I had at that moment, when I was trying to remember things that I didn’t remember—
FM: I’m not talking about that moment. I am asking you in general. In general, for you, what is a “state of confusion” and what is “imagination”?
AK: According to me, it depends on the situation. I can only talk about my own experience, which was, that I had to, forced myself—because they told me that I had to remember something else—to recall something else, so I forced myself so hard, that I was trying to imagine the reality that I had apparently forgotten, and I got confused as to whether the things I had imagined were really memories or just imagination. Because they were fragmentary. They were just images of things I had seen in my life, for example Piazza Grimana, that I saw every day, Patrick, whom I saw almost every day. These things, which were fragmented, I didn’t know if they belonged to that evening, to that sequence of events, or that line of reasoning. I didn’t know, and not knowing what was reality and what was my imagination, this was the state of confusion.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Wow…..
67. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: But have you had other moments in your life in which you were in a state of confusion like this?
AK: No.
FM: So you’ve had only this experience.
AK: Yes.
FM: So this mechanism of the imagination, you only lived through it in this experience.
AK: Yes.
FM: And so, only in this experience did you separate and then mix up reality with imagination and fantasy.
AK: Yes.
FM: You also mentioned frustration yesterday.
AK: Yes.
FM: For your interrogation by the pubblico ministero and by the police.
AK: Yes.
FM: What does frustration mean to you?
AK: I was frustrated because I felt that even if I was giving, it wasn’t being received. For instance, I felt that I was giving and giving, but they always wanted something—always more, and they didn’t want to listen to me. They asked me something and I answered, it was never enough, never the thing that they wanted to hear. So I was frustrated. I didn’t know how to answer any more, because I had already said, repeated, repeated—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] so AK only has these moments when she risks being implicated in a murder? Good to know
68. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Yesterday, you said you saw the drops of blood in the sink, in the bidet.
AK: I didn’t see them in the bidet.
FM: I’m sorry. Okay. In the sink. And on the bathmat, right?
AK: Yes, but after I got out of the shower.
FM: When you used it to get back to your room?
AK: Yes.
FM: All right. On the bathmat, you saw drops like on the sink, or…
AK: No, it was a larger stain.
FM: A larger stain. Did it look like a footprint to you?
AK: No. I just saw a stain.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65/66]
I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There
was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the
droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself.
It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on
the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the
[Comments] So seeing blood in your bathroom is no biggie? Okay
69. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: So the idea of returning to the house to check your friends’ things, was given to you by Sollecito if I understood correctly.
AK: He…
FM: He invited you to clarify matters by telephoning?
AK: I asked him advice about what to do, because I didn’t know what to think. He said “Call your roommates to see if they know anything, if anything happened to them.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66/67]
My mom did not say hello, just “, are you
okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in
my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.
Hearing Mom’s voice calmed me. It can’t be that bad, I thought.
Pm out of the house. Nothing happened. Pm safe. No one’s in danger.
[Comments] At trial, AK says that Sollecito came up with the idea to call the others. In the book, her Mother did.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 53-69
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8. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #70 To #90
Posted by Chimera
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. The Full Series And What It Proves
And so we conclude this expose of yet another 90 Knox lies.
This series demonstrates how Knox, testifying for two days on the stand in 2009, was blatantly contradicted by Knox herself 90 times in her 2013 book.
The extended-version 2015 paperback corrected NOT A SINGLE LIE despite the numerous obvious defamations. Italy still has another several years to charge Knox, just as Sollecito was charged and put on trial in a Florence court.
In that Florence court Sollecito of course lost. He himself conceded he had maliciously made things up. He could really offer no defense.
Knox’s book is much, much worse. Her malicious stalking knows no bounds.
1. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies OVERVIEW
2. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #1 To #16
3. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #17 To #26
4. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #27 To #34
5. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #35 To #38
6. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #39 To #52
7. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #53 To #69
8. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #70 To #90
2. Telling Contradictions 70 To 90
70 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: You underwent pressure, as you said, from the police who were asking you for information. Was that also true in your interrogations of the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th, or only for the one from the 6th?
AK: The police repeated their questions and wanted, above all, for me to tell them who could have done this, but I didn’t know how to respond. I told them about all the people that I knew. The most intense pressure was in the Questura between Nov 5 and 6, because I never lived through anything like that. Before that, they would ask me and then say “Okay, fine.” They wouldn’t say, for example, “Maybe you don’t remember well” or “Maybe you’re a liar”, for example. The didn’t say those things.
GCM: So, there was a difference. All right. Go ahead.
FM: So the other statements were made in a more natural, a lighter way.
AK: Lighter, yes. But still always repeating.
FM: Who was present, the same policemen or different ones?
AK: There were so many policemen…
FM: When you say “so many”, what do you mean? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty?
AK: Well…
FM: For you, “so many” means how many?
AK: In the sense that I didn’t recognize the policemen from one time to another. There were some who were always there, for example, like the person who led the interrogation on the 5th. That was a person who was already there the first days that I was there. But in the sense that one person said they were from Rome, one was from Perugia, one from Cabria that was going to arrive, so it was difficult to know them all.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] AK in one sense seems to be backtracking on the number who were actually there. Of course, no explanation as to why they would all be there to spring this trap on AK. Remember, she showed up: (a) uninvited; (b) unannounced; and (c) refused to leave
71 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: In your room in via della Pergola, was there a central light?
AK: There was one but it didn’t work, so I used the little bedside lamp.
FM: The lamp.
AK: The little lamp, yes.
FM: And you previously stated that you didn’t look for the lamp either; you only looked for your computer when you went into your room. You didn’t look for your money, you didn’t look for your lamp.
AK: So, I saw the window only the second time that I entered the house. The first time I went into the house I didn’t even think of looking to see if anything was missing, because I saw going into the living room, it really looked like someone had just gone out of the house, everything was in order, just as I had left it. But the second time, I didn’t even think of looking for the lamp: the computer was the important thing for me. All my documents were in it.
FM: But the first time, when you took your shower and then you returned to your room, first you undressed and then you dressed, all this, you did it without any light?
AK: It was the middle of the morning, there was already light.
FM: Did you open your shutters or were they already open?
AK: I don’t remember.
FM: To get to your room, to get to the window, you walked in the dark?
AK: But it wasn’t dark in my room. Often—
FM: I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
AK: All right. Usually I only turned on that little lamp at night. Really at night, or in the evening, when I wanted to…So I didn’t even think of turning it on. It really wasn’t dark in my room when I went in.
GCM: It wasn’t dark, but where was the light coming from? Natural light?
AK: Natural.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] No mention of any of this. The missing lamp is only a red flag, and despite repeated questioning, AK dances around it
72 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: You mentioned to your friends in the Questura that according to you, Meredith died slowly.
AK: They said…
FM: How did you come to say that?
AK: I heard that her throat was cut, and from what I saw in CSI [Crime Scene Investigation] of these things, these things are neither quick nor pleasant. So when they said “We hope she died quickly,” like I don’t know, in some other way, I said “But what are you saying, her throat was cut, good Lord, bleargh.” I had remained at that point, that brutality, this death that was really blechh, that made a horrible impression. That was what really struck me, that fact of having your throat cut. It seemed so gross, and I imagined that it was a very slow and terrifying death. So when they said “We hope it was like this,” I said “No, I think it was really gross, disgusting.”
FM: And do you know if, when Meredith was murdered, she screamed or shrieked?
AK: I don’t know.
FM: Did someone tell you?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] This also is missing from the book. Aside from being cold, there is no innocent way Knox could actually have known.
73 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Tell me? No, uh, no. No, I didn’t know if she screamed or not.
FM: Did you talk about it with someone immediately after?
FM: Did you talk about it with someone immediately after, when you were there at the house, about whether she screamed or shrieked?
AK: Not about that, no.
FM: And did the police talk to you about the scream or not, when they interrogated you on the 2nd, the 3rd or the 4th. Did they talk to you about the fact that she screamed?
AK: I don’t remember.
FM: Why did you say yesterday that they did? If I’m not mistaken.
GCM: Not on the 4th.
AK: The 2nd, 3rd and 4th…..On the 5th and 6th, they asked me if I heard the scream.
FM: So on the 5th and the 6th, the police told you that she screamed.
AK: They asked me if I had heard her scream. I said no. They said, but how is it possible that you didn’t hear her scream, if she was killed so near you? I said, “I don’t know, maybe I had my ears covered.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Text missing on this topic
74 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: On November 4, at 3:24 in the morning, you wrote a very long e-mail to 25 people. Okay?
AK: Yes.
FM: All right, but why did you write it at 3 in the morning, after having been in the Questura, where you said you were very tired, nervous, stressed and so forth. I mean, how did you come to write such a long e-mail instead of going to bed. This is the question.
AK: Precisely because I was stressed and felt exhausted because of the police, I had to somehow let off steam, because the whole situation was so heavy that I couldn’t even sleep. So I needed to write. I needed to let off steam by writing, especially to the people who were worrying about me. So I addressed it to all the people whose e-mail addresses I had in my e-mail. I wrote down everything and sent it to them. Then I felt better.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 8, Page 96] As many answers as the police had demanded of me, they weren’t giving up much information. Then I wrote a long e-mail, which I sent to
everyone at home, explaining what had happened since I’d gone back to the villa on Friday morning. I wrote it quickly, without a lot of thought, and sent it at 3:45 A.M.
It was another night of fretful sleep.
[Comments] Knox does admit to sending a long email, but doesn’t include it in her book. Read for yourself
75 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes.
FM: You told your mother that you were very worried.
AK: I didn’t understand why there would be Meredith’s blood on a knife that was found in Raffaele’s house. Because [tense laugh] for me that was impossible.
GCM: Excuse me, but with respect to the knife, which knife did they talk about? I saw that it remained a little general.
FM: Because she—oh, no, sorry, Presidente.
GCM: Yes? Which knife did they talk about?
AK: We were talking about a knife that had Meredith’s blood…on this knife. And for me, I couldn’t understand it because it was impossible.
GCM: So, with reference to that knife. Please go ahead, avvocato.
FM: Why did you say to your mother “I’m worried because there is a knife of Raffaele’s.”
AK: Well, I was worried because to me that was impossible. I didn’t understand how that could be.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] This is omitted from the book
76 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes, he came into my bar once, for example, but there was always this fact that I had to work there, he came in, I don’t think I even gave him a drink, because—I don’t remember the situation that well, but I think he came in and then went out. I don’t remember. But really, I didn’t know him at all.
GB: Did you exchange telephone numbers? Did you call each other?
AK: No.
GB: Listen. A witness came here, whose name was Kokomani.
AK: [Tiny snigger]
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] No mention of Bongiorno at all in the book questioning AK at all
[Comments] Nothing says professionalism like snickering at someone’s name.
77 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: Were you wearing that suit that we saw that the police was wearing? With the shoe covers, the gloves?
AK: No, no, I was still wearing my own clothes. They gave me those—things that you put on your shoes.
GB: The shoe covers. And gloves?
AK: They gave me gloves when I went upstairs to look through the knives.
GB: Yes, but excuse me. The day you went downstairs with the police and entered into the apartment downstairs, you went in together with the police and you didn’t have gloves?
AK: No, I didn’t have gloves.
GB: Did you see, during all these police operations every time you went there—but in the end, how many times did you go to the house? The day of the 2nd, of the finding, and on the 4th?
AK: Mhm.
GB: On those occasions, did you see whether the police all had on these shoe-covers, gloves, suits all the time?
AK: I saw that the people I was with had things on their feet. I don’t know if they all had gloves.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 25, Page 304/305]
When she answered Prosecutor Mignini’s questions, she was clear, straightforward, and self-serving. She was smarter than her fellow officers. She knew the court was looking for police slipups. “We did our jobs perfectly, all the time,” she testified. “We didn’t hit Amanda.” “We’re the good guys.”
When the defense questioned her, Napoleoni’s manner switched from professional””albeit dishonest””to exasperated, incredulous, and condescending. For instance, when Raffaele’s lawyer Giulia Bongiorno asked if the gloves police used at the crime scene were sterilized or one-use gloves, Napoleoni took a snarky tone, saying, “It’s the same thing.”
“By one-use gloves you mean that they are gloves that can be used only once, right?” Bongiorno asked.
“Obviously, yes,” Napoleoni said haughtily.
“Therefore it means that every time you touched an object you changed gloves?”
“No, it means that I put them on when I enter before I touch objects, and that’s what I did.
“But therefore with the same gloves, without changing gloves, you touched the various objects in the room in the course of the search?” Bongiorno asked.
“It’s obvious, yes.”
I knew it was the police’s job to analyze the scene of a crime, gather dues, and determine who did it. But here in Perugia the police and the prosecutor seemed to be coming at Meredith’s murder from the opposite direction. The investigation was sospettocentrico””“suspect-oriented” - they decided almost instantly that Raffaele and I were guilty and then made the clues fit their theory. Instead of impartiality, the prosecution’s forensic experts were relentless in their drive to incriminate us. Their campaign was astonishing for its brashness and its singleness of purpose.
[Comments] While AK doesn’t directly mentioning being questioned in the book, it appears that Bongirono is attempting to lay the groundwork for a contamination claim. Funny… in spite of not meeting any “international standards” when investigating AK/RS, the Italian CSI still did a great job against Guede. Odd…..
78 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: Listen, it has been asked by the lawyer for the civil plaintiff if you had ever before experienced strange episodes with your imagination, or superimposing of memories. So, I wanted to complete that. Has it ever happened in your life before this to be interrogated with the methods that you have described?
AK: Absolutely not.
GB: So you connect this episode of your imagination with those methods?
AK: Certainly.
GB: When you refer to the fact that this famous interpreter told you an episode about her personal life, to solicit a memory from you, I wanted to understand: this interpreter, was she an interpreter that was speaking aloud and everyone was listening, or was it between just the two of you? And in what language did all this happen?
AK: Oh no, it was really just between the two of us. She was right here, and she was really talking right into my ear the whole time, saying “Come on, stop it,” because I was saying the truth because I wanted to go home, “come on, maybe you just don’t remember”, it was like this the whole time. It wasn’t like she was translating what I saw saying to them. Well yes, she also did that, but she was talking in my ear the whole time.
GB: So, it is correct to say that during the interrogation, this interpreter was having a conversation with you that could not be heard by third parties.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] Bongiorno is attempting the baseless and dishonest suggestion that Anna Doninno (Knox’s interpreter on November 5/6) was actually deliberately misrepresenting what AK was tell the police, and also what the police were telling AK.
79 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: No. They wrote; they asked me: “Okay, what do you imagine?” And I said “Maybe I imagine this,” and they said “Okay, let’s write this, and then you tell us if it’s all right or not. So they were writing, saying “Okay, you met Patrick at Piazza Grimana, for example, you saw this, you covered your ears.” “Okay, fine, fine.”
GB: Okay. But when they made you sign the statement, you didn’t explicitly ask to reread it or to change anything?
AK: They gave it to me to read, but…well, I did like this and then I just signed.
GB: Did you ever have any judicial experiences when you were in America?
AK: Absolutely not.
GB: From the telephone call we heard about yesterday, you had a friend who was consulting a lawyer. You never thought in those days, seeing that you were constantly called to the Questura, about calling a lawyer?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] It is still never explained: the police have all this very abundant evidence (according to AK/RS), and it proves guilt against Guede is rocksolid. However, the police have to ask AK to imagine what happened, and they apparently “selectively contaminate” the crime scene.
80 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: When you, on the morning of the finding of the body, when before that you went to take a shower, you said: “I got out of the shower and didn’t have any shoes, so I jumped on the bathmat.”
AK: Yes.
GB: This bathmat that we’re talking about is the bathmat that you saw projected here in court in a video?
AK: Yes.
GB: Do you remember how you slid with the bathmat? When you took it from the bathroom to your room, did you have both bare feet on it or just one foot.
AK: Sometimes I…heh heh…by mistake, I put my foot on the floor like this, but I tried—I slid along trying to kind of make little jumps with the bathmat, but I didn’t quite succeed.
GB: But it can be said that you were pressing on the bathmat with your foot?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] Bongirono is lobbing softballs, but AK still doesn’t make sense
81 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
LM: Just a couple of details. Luca Maori, Raffaele Sollecito’s defense. Referring to the moment in which you found yourselves, you and Raffaele, in front of the house in via della Pergola, at the moment in which you discovered that there were some problems, and then Raffaele called his sister. Did you hear Raffaele’s telephone conversation with his sister?
AK: No, they were talking between themselves on the telephone, and I was nearby, but I wasn’t listening.
LM: And do you know what Raffaele’s sister advised him to do?
AK: I didn’t hear her words, but she advised him to call the police or—as I understood it, to call the police.
LM: Then, did you hear Raffaele’s next telephone call, to the police or carabinieri? Did you hear it?
AK: Yes, Raffaele called the police, yes. I was there, nearby.
LM: Okay. What did Raffaele say? Do you remember?
AK: Mm…it was in Italian.
[WTBH] Text missing here
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] No mention that Lucas Maori asked AK any questions either
82 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: They, who they? Sorry, but could you give names or titles? You were giving your statement to the PM.
AK: The PM and the policemen who were there. But when I made that declaration, also the PM was one of the people who said to me, “So, you did this, you followed this person, you heard this, but why?” That’s how it was.
CP: So it was the pubblico ministero who put the words “I heard thuds” into your mouth?
AK: He wanted to know how come I hadn’t—
CP: I asked you a question.
[WTBH] Text missing here
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] Carlo Pacelli (Lumumba lawyer) asks AK about yet another incriminating comment—that she admitted to hearing “thuds”, but that doesn’t appear in the book
83 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: She won’t answer me, Presidente. Ahh. You said that you had good relations with Patrick.
AK: Yes.
CP: Then why, in your statement of Nov 6 2007 at 5:45, did you say you were very frightened of Patrick.
AK: Because, imagining him as being capable of murdering someone, at that moment I was scared.
CP: Did someone suggest this to you? The PM?
AK: They asked me what Patrick was like? Was he violent? I said no, he’s not violent. But are you scared of him? And I said yes, because thinking that he was the person who killed her, I was scared. Also because in those days I was thinking generally that there was a murderer, and I was frightened.
CP: Why didn’t you say this to the police in the statement of 1:45?
AK: Say what?
CP: That you were afraid of Patrick.
AK: Because they hadn’t asked me yet.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] More B.S. on the witness stand. Perhaps AK means “(If) I imagine PL as the killer (it will get me off the hook)”
84 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: When you gave your declaration to the examining tribunal, you confirmed the memorandum of Nov 6. Why didn’t you exonerate Patrick?
AK: I wrote in the memorandum that I was trying to express my doubts. So I was confirming the fact that I wrote those things to say that what I had said before was an error. Including what I had said about Patrick.
CP: Listen, in your memorandum of November 6, you explicitly say—you were writing in English?
AK: Yes.
CP: And you wrote it freely, yes?
AK: Yes.
CP: You say “I stand by my statements that I made last night about events that could have taken place in my home with Patrick.”
AK: In my memorandum, I recognized the fact that I had made those declarations, but that I had a lot of doubts as to the facts that were in my declaration.
CP: Do you know what the word “confirm” means in Italian?
AK: I wrote in English.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comment] Pacelli again trying to get a straight answer from AK as to why she didn’t retract the false accusation
85 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Okay.
CDV: I read on page 6 that you said in that conversation: “Yes, when I was in the room with him, I said something,” between parentheses ‘laughs’, “and then when I went back into the room, I was crying. I was very, very worried about this thing with the knife, because there’s a knife from Raffaele’s…” First question: this was on November 17. What knife were you talking about, and how could you know about this knife at this date?
AK: I heard for the first time about the knife from a police inspector while I was in prison. He showed me an internet article which said that there was blood on a knife that they had found in Raffaele’s house. And I said that for me, I was worried because for me, that was just impossible. I didn’t understand how such a thing could be.
CDV: So, when you’re talking about there being a knife from Raffaele’s, you meant this knife that you had heard about in this way, from Raffaele’s house.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Carlo Dalla Vedova is trying to get Knox to explain away get another incriminating remark: that she knew the knife came from Sollecito’s home
86 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: They’re very—
INT:—very agitated.
AK: Yes. Raffaele also. I am angry. First I was scared. Then I was sad. Then I was confused. Then I was angry, and now I don’t know. I can’t [murmurs in English to interpreter: “I can’t really wrap my mind”. Interpreter helps her.] really wrap my mind around this. I didn’t see her body. I didn’t see her blood. It’s almost as though it hadn’t happened. But it did happen, in the room right next to mine. There was blood in the bathroom where I took a shower today. The door of the house was open to the wind and now I am without a house and forever, without a person who was a part of my life. And I don’t know what to do or think.
CDV: Perfect. I request the acquisition of this document for the dossier.
GCM: All right. Do you have any other questions, avvocato?
CDV: There is another document extracted from the same diary, I’ll call it that. Also this one, if I could ask you to confirm it and to read it? And in between, I’ll ask this question. When you were in the Questura, you were writing this?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Again, nothing of this in AK’s book, but here AK is trying to dial back the callous remarks she keeps making
87 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes I said “hit”, which means hit (punched).
CDV: No, you had clearer ideas compared with other times? When you wrote, you felt less confused?
AK: Yes, I felt less confused.
IVTO: (inaudible)
GCM: Please. The defence has asked you, when you wrote, if you found yourself in a calm situation, composed, attentive, alert basically?
AK: I did this precisely to calm myself.
CDV: So, when you say: “I have clearer ideas than before, but I’m still lacking some details and I know this isn’t helpful to me”, what did you mean exactly? That you felt more sure at that moment about what had happened?
I felt that the truth of the situation wasn’t that which had happened in the questura. So I felt it necessary to write these things because for me that was the truth.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] F my life. Are we going to start with the “best truths” again?
88 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: You have said that you meant to go to Gubbio the day after, at what time had you planned to leave?
AK: Only for a day, we’d thought of “¦
GCM: Yes, but in the morning, after lunch? [156]
AK: When we woke up, we’d go there and usually “¦
GCM: Go where?
AK: To Gubbio.
GCM: As soon as you woke up you would have gone to Gubbio.
AK: Yes, it was very relaxed this “¦
GCM: How would you have gone there?
AK: He has a car.
GCM: And so you would have left for Gubbio as soon as you had woken up, is that right?
AK: Yes, get ready, then leave “¦
GCM: However, you have said that as soon as you woke up you went to the house in via della Pergola.
AK: Yes.
GCM: You didn’t leave immediately for Gubbio why this change of plan?
AK: It wasn’t really a change of plan, he was still asleep, so I thought I’d take a shower before leaving because I also wanted to change my clothes
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] In the book—at least in parts of it—AK claims she wasn’t alarmed by what she saw. So why not just: (a) flush; (b) wipe up the blood; (c) close and lock the door; and (d) head out to Gubbio?
89 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: Were you at Raffaele’s house?
AK: Yes, I think I was “¦
IVTO: (inaudible)
GCM: What?
AK: Yes, I had returned to Raffaele’s house, I asked him what I should do and he said ring my flatmates. So I called her when I was in Raffaele’s apartment. But then I think she called me again while we were walking to the house, my house.
GCM: So, you called Romanelli when you were at Raffaele’s house?
AK: Yes.
GCM: That’s how it was?
AK: Yes. [163]
GCM: The first call was mde from Raffele’s house.
AK: From Raffaele’s, yes.
GCM: I put it to you that, at least from Romanelli’s statements, it happened differently.
AK: Okay.
GCM: “She told me that she had taken a shower, that it seemed to her that there was blood, and that she was going to Raffaele’s”.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Judge Massei picks up on a serious discrepancy. AK claims in court to have made the call from Sollecito’s house. Yet, Filomena told the Court that AK told her she was heading to Sollecito’s house. Very observant of the Judge.
90 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: What happened is that we were “¦ he had called the police. While he was talking to them we were there and then we went out of the house and immediately the police arrived, the two of them together.
GCM: Now, I’d also like to ask you, it has emerged that, when they searched Raffaele Sollecito’s house, perhaps on November 6, but I don’t want to err, there was strong smell of bleach. We also have the testimony of the lady who cleaned the apartment of Raffaele Sollecito, who says that bleach was never used.
AK: I never used bleach in Raffaele’s house.
GCM: Did you ever see Raffaele use it?
AK: No.
GCM: How do you explain the presence of the smell, which is a smell “¦
AK: I have never smelled bleach in Raffaele’s house
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Again, missing from the book, but AK is asked about the smell of bleach.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 70-90
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