Knox Book Lies - The Dark Side (Series Overview)
Also Implacably Nasty: Star Wars’s Anakin Skywalker’s Yellow Sith Eyes As He Moves To The Dark Side
1. A Thematic Overview
Our complete analysis of of Knox’s perversions of truth in Waiting to be Heard will go live here on a new page in due course.
Meanwhile, please reflect upon this summary. A taste of things to follow. Our survey of Sollecito’s book will also go live in due course. Here is one previous review of that book.
Plots fit for Hollywood (a fictional film, and a fictional book)?
(a) Consider this screenplay for Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith
Fiction: Anakin Skywalker is a hero of the Republic, Jedi Knight, and well respected warrior. He fought for the forces of good, risking his life many times in the process.
Without much reason or plausibility he becomes the evil Sith Lord, Darth Vader. He then departs from his good self, and goes on a homicidal rampage through his old home, slaughtering many, and helping destroy the Republic.
Reality: Skywalker had many emotional and anger issues, was power hungry, controlling, and had gone on a previous murderous rampage.
(b) Consider this screenplay for Waiting to be Heard by Amanda Knox.
Fiction: Amanda Knox is attending school in Seattle, with ambitions to travel, discover herself, and work professionally as a translator. Without much reason or plausibility, she is convinced to start engaging in casual sex, throwing all her ambitions away for some thrills.
It ends with the coincidental murder of her roommate, and the misery and destruction it would bring down on her family, and Italians who would rather rely on prejudice than admit they were wrong. And of course, there was never any evidence against her.
Reality: Knox was known in Seattle for a stormy childhood, casual sex, drugs and alcohol before going to Italy. Knox could be controlling, narcissistic, and show a mean streak.
She got arrested for a rock throwing riot, staged a prior break-in as a ‘‘prank’‘, and published a rape story on MySpace.
She went to Italy without a plan or direction and her drug use increased further. Police knew that she slept with one drug dealer in return for free drugs and because of her trail to him caused his incarceration.
Her behaviour was not received well in Italy, especially by the women she lived with, and she felt herself shut out and isolated, with no real friends. Knox was upstaged by a roommate who was far more serious, driven, and likeable.
In 2007 Knox floundered. She was clearly headed toward a confession or self-incrimination when her lawyers stopped her 17 December interview.
Through 2008 Knox’s tendency to lie was increasing and her lawyers held her back and distanced themselves from certain statements.
In mid 2009 she seriously escalated. Adopting a hard sarcastic voice on the witness stand, she did not appear truthful to most of watching Italy, and Judge Massei accepted very little.
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 Knox’s dishonesties continued to escalate, even as the Hellmann appeal court refuted some of them, and the Supreme Court hit a new level of disbelief toward them.
In April 2013 in the book Waiting to be Heard the volume and scope and nastiness of Knox’s lies really peaked - even though prior to publication for legal reasons the book had been semi-expurgated.
And ever since Knox has tried to sustain that peak, rendering her unable to face the Nencini appeal court, unlike Sollecito who was backpedalling.
2. Preview Of Coming Analysis Of Knox’s Book
I now focus from here on some of what Knox falsely claimed in the book. For the quotes I have put in both chapter and page numbers from my version.
Dissecting The “There Is No Evidence” Claim
Knox claims on TV over, and over, and over, and over again that ‘‘there is no evidence against me’‘, rather than, as many say here, directly saying she did not kill Meredith.
Click for Post: 1. The interview with Diane Sawyer, right when this book was released.
Click for Post: 2. The first interview with Good Morning America, a book tour stop, listed here.
Click for Post: 3. This interview with a radio station in New Zealand.
Click for Post: 4. This interview with an Australian radio station.
Click for Post: 5. This Canadian interview with Anna Tremonti of the CBC.
Click for Post: 6. A family interview on Good Morning America.
Click for Post: 7. The first Chris Cuomo interview, May 2013, listed here.
Click for Post: 8. This promotional piece with Amazon editor Neal Thompson.
Click for Post: 9. This one with Seattle journalist Linda Bryon.
Click for Post: 10. This video that went on the air in Germany.
Click for Post: 11. This piece on NPR with Jackie Lyden, here.
Click for Post: 12. This live interview with the Today Show, Knox says she won’t return.
Click for Post: 13. Her email to Judge Nencini.
Click for Post: 14. This cringe-worthy appearance with Simon Hattenstone, January 2014, before the verdict.
Click for Post: 15. This interview in early 2014, after the Florence Appeals Court confirms the 2009 trial verdict.
Click for Post: 16. This one supposedly at UW, after Nencini confirmed Massei’s verdict.
Click for Post: 17. This press release comes out after the Nencini Report is issued.
Click for Post: 18.This May 2014 interview with Chris Cuomo. See also the British interviews here and here.
See also the British interviews here and here.
Really? No Evidence???
In Amanda Knox’s own words:
- (Chapter 13, Page 112) you mention a LONG list of what you and Raffaele talked about, but don’t remember if you read or had sex?
- (Chapter 17, Page 136) you reference the missing sweater (Filomena saw you wear that day), but it still was never found.
- (Chapter 17, Page 139) you mentioned the writings (you said you would kill for a pizza).
- (Chapter 18, Page 143) you claim the blood on the faucet was from your pierced ears. (According to Barbie Nadeau, your mother said the blood was from your period).
- (Chapter 18, Page 143) you acknowledge Raffaele took away your alibi.
- (Chapter 19, Page 151) you claim that Guede backs your alibi, but refutes Sollecito, which doesn’t make sense if you were together.
- (Chapter 19, Page 152) you acknowledge the knife with your DNA on the handle, Meredith’s on the blade—the infamous double DNA knife.
- (Chapter 20, Page 155) you say you were there. (You claim it meant RS apartment), yet you let PL remain in prison.
- (Chapter 20, Page 156) you admit writing a letter (you claim it was misinterpreted), claiming that Raffaele killed Meredith and planted your fingerprints.
- (Chapter 21, Page 164) you reference RS DNA on the bra clasp but saying it does not implicate you directly.
- (Chapter 21, Page 165) you admit (and I believe this), that much of your knowledge comes from crime TV.
- (Chapter 21, Page 165) you sarcastically admit you were the last person to wash up in a bloody bathroom.
- (Chapter 21, Page 169)—the Matteini decision—you say that the prosecution had stacked so much evidence Guede’s testimony wouldn’t have mattered.
- (Chapter 22. Page 173) you mention the police arresting the wrong people, but hypocritically, omit your false accusation of PL.
- (Chapter 22, Page 178) you reference Meredith’s DNA on the knife (which RS claimed was during a cooking accident).
- (Chapter 22, Page 178) you reference your bloody footprints, and mentioned Raffaele’s
- (Chapter 23, Page 183) you reference the bra clasp having Raffaele’s DNA
- (Chapter 23, Page 184) you acknowledge claims of a partial crime scene cleanup.
- (Chapter 25, Page 209) you acknowledge Filomena testifies you brought other ‘‘friends’’ to the house.
- (Chapter 25, Page 211) you acknowledge the cut on your neck, which you claim was a hickey.
- (Chapter 25, Page 216) you acknowledge telling the police Meredith always locked her door, though you try to spin it.
- (Chapter 25, Page 217) you acknowledge your cellphone and Raffaele’s were turned off, though you give different reasons why.
- (Chapter 26, Page 220) you acknowledge Quintavalle claims he saw you in his store the morning after, looking pale, and checking out cleaning products.
- (Chapter 26, Page 221) you acknowledge Nina Capezzali testifies she heard a scream at about 11:30pm, something you put in your statement.
- (Chapter 26, Page 223) you acknowledge Curatolo saw you in the Piazza, but claim it provides you an alibi, whenever it happened.
- (Chapter 26, Page 226) you acknowledge that phone records contradict your own account.
And we still haven’t really gotten to those pesky statements you wrote and signed here and here and here.
So. Was Knox lying in all those media appearances? Or lying throughout her book? Or both?
3. Knox’s Trouble Keeping Details Straight
When Exactly Did Patrick Text You?
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44, 45) Knox says she got text not to come to work BEFORE cooking dinner, washing dishes, having the pipe burst.
2. (Chapter 13, Page 113) Knox wrote a letter to police, saying she got the text not to come in to work AFTER cooking dinner, washing the dishes, having the pipe burst.
Why Did you Turn Your Phones Off?
1. (WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 44) Knox says she turned your phone off so Patrick couldn’t text her in case he changed his mind.
2. (WTBH, Chapter 25, Page 217) Knox sarcastically says the phones were turned off so they could watch a movie undisturbed.
3. (Honor Bound, Page 22) Sollecito says the phones were turned off so you two wouldn’t be disturbed doing ooh-la-la.
4. (December 2007 Interview with Mignini) Knox says she turned the phone off because it only had a limited charge. Knox also claims she doesn’t know if Raffaele turned off his phone.
5. (At trial) Defence lawyers contested that the phones were ever shut off.
The Pipe-Leak at Raffaele’s Apartment
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44) Knox says Raffaele had already had a plumber come once
2. (December 2007 interview with Mignini) Knox claims it is the first time the leak ever happened.
Harry Potter in German?
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44/45) You make dinner, wash dishes, have the pipe leak, then go read HP in German
2. (Chapter 13, Page 113) You say you read HP in German to Raffy before Amelie, and before dinner
How Many Partners in Italy?
1. (Chapter 2, Page 16) Cristiano, the man she met on a train (actually a drug dealer named Frederico). The first.
2. (Chapter 3, Page 23) Mirko, a man she met at a cafe. The second.
3. (Chapter 4, Page 35) Bobby, a man supposedly introduced by Laura and Filomena. The third.
4. (Chapter 5, Page 38) Raffaele, who she met at a music concert. The fourth.
5. (Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox claims of 3 partners in Italy (4 in Seattle, so 7 total). This is her ‘‘HIV-hoax’‘. Well, she lists 4 just in Italy in the book.
6. Laura and Filomena complained of Knox bringing MANY strange men home.
A Hypocrite In Knox’s Own Words
(Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox complains about being characterized as a sex obsessed slut. She frequently complains about how she is perceived.
(Chapters 2, 3, 4) Read for yourself.
Meredith’s Time of Death
(Chapter 26, Page 221) Stomach digestion analysis is not an accurate way to determine a person’s T.O.D.
(Chapter 26, Page 222) Stomach digestion analysis is an accurate way to determine a person’s T.O.D.
When Knox Becomes A Suspect
(Chapter 7, Page 54) Knox claims that she and Raffaele were already suspected, and the police decided to tap their phones.
(Chapter 7, Page 54) Knox claims ALL the people in the house were detained: herself, Laura, Filomena, Giacomo. the other men downstairs.
(Chapter 8, Page 69) Knox says she is staying behind to help the police
(Chapter 8, Page 69) Knox thinks running away would be seen as a failure as an adult.
(Chapter 9, Page 76) Supposedly, British tabloids are reporting that one of Meredith’s female roommates was a suspect.
(Chapter 10, Page 81) Despite the ‘‘50 hour interrogation’’ Knox still finds time to attend class on Monday
(Chapter 10, Page 83) Knox says the police suspected them, and were trying to separate her and Raffaele.
(Chapter 10, Page 83) Knox says she had to beg the police to let her into the police station while Raffaele was being questioned. Some suspect.
For some context please see this post.
4. Stuff That Is Outright Disturbing
(Chapter 2, Page 16) Knox meets a drug dealer on a train, and ditches her sister to be with him.
(Chapter 2, Page 20) Knox goes with her Grandma to get medications for her STD (and writes about it)
(Chapter 2, 3, 4) Knox has her ‘‘campaign for casual sex’’ and writes about it.
(Chapter 8, Page 73) Knox publishes personal details about Meredith, including questions about whether she like anal.
(Chapter 10, Page 82) Knox skips the memorial of her ‘‘friend’’ to go strum a ukulele, and is annoyed it paints her as cold.
(Chapter 12, Page 104) Knox seems to enjoy the false detail with which she describes being strip searched.
In fact disturbing that this book was ever written. Hello? Son of Sam?
For all the bad feelings Amanda claims to have about Lumumba’s false arrest, she still blames it on the police. Either she can’t (or pretends she can’t) see that her statements are what caused it to happen.
5. Obviously False Claims
(Chapter 6, Page 49) Knox claims that Raffaele reported the break in before the postal police came. This was proven false.
(Chapter 10, Page 80) Knox claims to be assaulted by Officer Ficarra. Never happened. She also claimed to not have an interpretor. But see here and see here.
(Chapter 10, Page 89) The ‘‘interrogation’’ with Mignini. Detailed, but total BS. It never happened.
(Chapter 11, Page 95) Knox claims she was told she was being held for ‘‘bureaucratic’’ reasons. She knew why she was arrested.
(Chapter 11, Page 96) Knox sends her 3rd statement. Read it and tell me that this is not total junk.
(Chapter 11, Page 100) Knox describes a search that would qualify as sexual assault, if it were actually true.
(Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox herself released the positive HIV test, and used it to try to gain sympathy.
(Chapter 20, Page 155) Knox misrepresents the grilling from Mignini, and who her lawyers were. See the transcripts here and here and here and here.
(Chapter 22, Page 180) Knox supporters claim Guede got his sentence reduction to testify, but here Knox admits Guede went ‘‘short-form trial’’ for the 1/3 reductions.
Knox had another attorney, Giancarlo Costa., who was present with Luciano Ghirga at Knox’s December 2007 questioning from Mignini. He left shortly after this, likely due to frustration. In the book Knox lists Ghirga and Vedova (who was not yet retained). In fact, Costa is not mentioned at all throughout the book. Probably to his benefit, as Ghirga and Vedova are ‘‘quoted’’ as saying many false and insulting things, including being credited with helping to write this ‘‘memoir’‘.
Knox also adds stories about other people engaging in drug use and casual sex, but I disbelieve just about everything she says.
6. Tortured Logic
Myth: There is no evidence, and what there is, is unreliable (mantra of Knox US lawyer Ted Simon)
Fact: For there to be unreliable evidence, there has to be evidence in the first place. Is this moron really a lawyer?
Myth: There is no evidence against Knox and Sollecito, and the evidence is only circumstantial.
Fact: For evidence to be ‘‘merely’’ circumstantial, it still has to exist. And different types of circumstantial evidence together can be very compelling.
Myth: If the prosecution actually had a case, there would be no need to drag Knox’s personal and sex life into the spotlight.
Fact: The prosecution actually has a very strong case, it is Knox who keeps bringing up her sex life (either as a diversion, or because she’s weird)
Myth: There is no evidence against me (Sollecito interviews), and nothing very strong against Amanda.
Fact: You just admitted there is something against Amanda.
Myth: The evidence against Guede is rock solid. The evidence against Knox and Sollecito is contaminated.
Fact: The same CSI’s investigate the whole crime scene. Either they did a good job, or they didn’t, you can’t have it both ways.
Myth: There is nothing to place Amanda and Raffaele in Meredith’s bedroom.
Fact: Aside from RS’s DNA on bra-clasp and AK’s shoeprint,
-There is Filomena’s room (alleged point of entry), with mixed DNA from Amanda/Meredith. It was ransacked BEFORE with window was broken.
-There is no trace of Guede in Filomena’s room (even though he supposedly scaled the wall, and broke in through the window).
-There is Amanda’s bedroom (lamp taken for cleanup) and wiped of prints
-There is Amanda’s bathroom (used to washup), mixed DNA from Amanda/Meredith, RS’s footprint on mat.
-There is Laura/Filomena’s bathroom (Rudy used), which Knox deliberately avoided flushing the toilet.
-There is the hallway (access between the rooms) with Knox and Sollecito’s bloody footprints, wiped away, revealed with luminol..
(Actually as the entire house is considered a crime scene, elsewhere in the book Knox does attempt to explain some of this.)
Myth: There is no forensic evidence Knox and Sollecito were involved.
Fact: Aside from the autopsy wound pattern, making it a sure thing three were involved, check the other “non-existent” evidence listed here:
-Knox’s false accusation of Lumumba to divert attention from herself.
-Knox’s false accusations of police brutality to try to get off on the charges.
-Knox and Sollecito both turning off their cellphones (then denying it, then offering different justifications for it)
-Knox and Sollecito both gave numerous false alibis.
-Knox knew inside details, such as Meredith screaming, having her throat cut, and where she died.
-Testimony from witnesses such as Curatolo, Quintavalle
-Testimony from Laura, Filomena, and Meredith’s British friends.
To this day, Knox and Sollecito cannot provide a clear or consistent account of where they were, and what they were doing. They would likely have been convicted on these facts alone, and the book does address (but dismiss), many of these points.
7. My Own Conclusions
WTBH is about 90-95% total bullshit, and I am giving Knox the benefit of the doubt here. She sprinkles truth here and there, just enough to make it arguable.
Knox writes in lurid detail about her sex life, and keeps bringing up her rabbit vibrator. It doesn’t help clarify what she was doing when the murder took place, and doesn’t really give any information that would lead to other suspects. All it does is reinforce the notion that she is unstable, sex obsessed, and totally clueless to the reactions of other people.
My own take is that this is Knox’s revenge. She is getting to slime everyone she didn’t like—which is just about everyone.
While Sollecito obviously didn’t write Honor Bound (he just couldn’t with his poor English skills), I believe that Knox is the primary author of WTBH. Linda Kulman may have helped with some parts, but this sounds to me like Amanda.
While Knox repeatedly goes on the ‘‘No Evidence’’ mantra, this book (if you can stomach reading it), very much refutes her media claims. In a very loopy way, Honor Bound (authored by Andrew Gumbel), does the same thing, tacitly admitting many key prosecution facts. Both books are arrogant, nasty, spiteful, partial confessions.
Here is a screwed up thing: This is only a partial summary. The full book analysis is coming. The floodgates are opening.
8. This isn’t the Beatles, but…
The payback is here
Take a look, it’s all around you
You thought you’d never shed a tear
So this must astound you, and must confound you
Buy a ticket for the train
Hide in a suitcase if you have to
This ain’t no singing in the rain
This is a twister that will destroy you
You can run but you can’t hide
Because no one here gets out alive
Find a friend in whom you can confide
Julien, you’re a slow motion suicide
(Lyrics from ‘‘Julien’’ by Placebo)
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Phew! For a “Partial Summary” this Chimera-Post boggles my mind, with its comprehensible comprehensiveness
Thanks Chimera, can’t wait for the Full Version.
Long overdue. Thanks a million to Chimera for picking up the baton on the Knox book, and also to those who worked so hard on the Sollecito book.
Grossly irresponsible parents sent a loose cannon to Europe without the slightest constraints - the opposite of how Sollecito’s father managed him - which might have saved Meredith’s life.
Then they urged her on down the slippery slope with zero restraint, ever - leading to all thee of them facing future calunnia trials.
Strong evidence that this is one reason, the ultimate cowards reason, for Curt Knox putting his own daughter and thus Meredith at risk, and then pushing AK between himself and the fire.
Grossly irresponsible book agent and PR manager and shadow writer and publishers for putting out such unchecked crap. They KNEW it was libelous because their Italian and British lawyers said so.
Because of her foolish self but also because of all of them, and especially Fischer, Moore and Sforza, she will face her own future book trial.
Start the blame game. Demolish one another.
I have often wondered how many people have been abused by Knox lies in the past but have just had to suffer the consequences. Most people (siblings, classmates, neighbors) don’t take notes or record conversations.
I suspect it has been quite easy for her to simply restate history, “i didn’t say that” “you heard me wrong” “you misunderstood me.” A childhood of working one separated parent against another has likely honed her skills. Those who may have tried to confront her would have been met with the flippant arrogance of denial followed by end of discussion.
Thus the casual manner that she fingered Patrick, in a less documented setting might have worked, part of a practiced skill: cry, scream, make an outrageous statement, anything to redirect attention away from herself, lie her way out of it later. Of course putting it in writing painted her into a corner that could not so easily be lied out of.
Her parents seem to be the biggest suckers believing and repeating her lies (for which they will soon be in court to answer for) and in my opinion they share some blame for raising a brat (psychopath) kid.
Some behavior of hers lead to the title shit head from Curt Knox, it doesn’t seem to be enough though for him to not stand behind her every silly tale.
Edda Mellas also pushed Knox between herself and the fire after the calunnia charges against Curt & Edda were filed, quoted as saying plaintively that they were only repeating what Knox had told them. Gee thanks mom.
@Chimera, this is awesome. Yes, yes “the floodgates are opening”, so true. Thank you. I like the analysis of WTBH because I never read Knox’s book, her “revenge” where she slimes everyone. Who needs more of “the best truth she is able to think”.
IMO, Knox was secretly jealous of Meredith’s close relationship with her father and destroyed it. She also got involved with a young guy Raffaele who was almost enmeshed with his father, and she destroyed that, too, or tried to. The atom is daddy and she will split it.
She was enraged deep down at her own father but she couldn’t attack him or his second wife’s children directly (and probably felt some real affection for the half-sisters as children) so she went over to Italy to attack somebody else, people she thought she could then disappear from, people who weren’t entirely real to her.
She ruined her dad and three other dads: Curt, John, Francesco, Chris. Colin and his dad will be next.
It’s somewhat horrifying that Knox has taken the job of a journalist like Meredith’s father as if she’s trying to be Meredith’s father (Luke, I am your father says Darth Vader).
John Kercher was a journalist, then he wrote a book about his daughter. Knox has done the same. She is now a “journalist” like John and has written a book about herself and his daughter. It’s a vicarious connection with the deceased’s family or to assume an ascendancy over them all.
Even her initials as journalist Emile Monte EM if spelled backwards are ME, the first letters in Meredith’s name. It was John Kercher that Knox claimed she wanted to meet and speak to on his arrival in Italy after the murder.
She’s afraid of Arlene and envious of Stephanie as Woman of the Year, the sister a shadow of Meredith that keeps following her.
I agree with Chimera that Amanda probably wrote most of the book herself because it’s in her character to not want to share the limelight with a co-author. Her control freak ways, plus she considers herself an artist and her book is her baby, her masterpiece. The power of her voice and all that. Hands off. She has probably put stuff in it in code and smirked all the way to the printers.
@Chimera, you mention a sweater that Filomena saw Knox wearing, a sweater that was never found. Was it perhaps like the one she wears on the cover of her book?
Yes, thank you, Chimera, this is an awesome post. I can’t stomach the thought of reading either book but reading your analysis gives me the info in a more palatable way. I try to watch the interviews but I get so frustrated I have to turn them off. It’s almost March and I am on pins and needles awaiting how it will all unfold.
@ Hopeful - Thanks for the feedback, (and with the last one too). It would be extremely morbid to wear the same sweater as a book cover photo, but I wouldn’t put it past her. Thought it was a striped sweater though.
Yes, Knox has ‘‘Daddy-Issues’‘. Huge understatement.
Arguably the most absurd lie is in the ‘‘photo section’‘. Knox says (June 2009), she testified in Italian without and interpreter. Well, the interpreter is in the photo she includes.
(photo section 2, page 200, between chapters 24 and 25). Even a mild proofread would have caught it.
As for not wanting to share the limelight, Hopeful, go on YouTube, and watch Amanda’s testimony on video. She was annoyed the interpreter was ‘‘hogging the limelight’’ and slowing down the questioning.
@ Mark - you are probably right, Knox likely has done damage before, but gotten away due to the lack of paper trail. Scary.
@ Cardiol - You’re welcome. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait much longer.
@ Wascana - You’re welcome. It was difficult to stomach for me as well. But if you really read between the lines, there is a gold mine of info there. Likewise with ‘‘Honor’’ Bound.
@ Peter - Thanks as always for the edits.
It is mind-blowing: People on this site doing more fact checking, and reviewing, than the actual editors and fact checkers. Ergon was right: citizen journalism is the new norm.
Prediction 1: I would actually wager money that Diane Sawyer spent far more time analyzing Knox’s Book ‘AFTER’ the interview in 2013 than before, likely in shock and disbelief.
Prediction 2: I would wager even more money that someone (likely Bob Barnett or Ted Simon), will throw Knox under the bus to disavow the book. Yes, I believe they knew it was B.S. to begin with, but it won’t stop them.
Prediction 3: I would bet, only a bit though, that at least one Italian lawyer (Bongiorno or Ghirga most likely), will throw their client under the bus. Giancarlo Costa - not mentioned in the book - had enough sense to walk out.
Any takers?
@Mark - Awesome comments. I hope some of them come forward one day, the sooner the better.
Amanda seems to be doing pretty good in America. If she is a sociopath, she’s hiding it pretty well.
There are a lot of scenarios what could have happened that night. In the United States, you must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (somewhere around 90-95% sure.)
Am I 90-95% she has lied and she knows more than she has admitted. Yes. Am I 90-95% she actively participated in the murder. No.
Sociopaths do ‘hide it well’.
It’s one of their distinguishing features.
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