Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Tracking The Increasingly Shrill Steve Moore #1: Welcome to “G-Man Case File”

Posted by Jeff Friend

Pepperdine University north of LA which late in 2010 gave the already-shrill Moore the boot

Greatness is not always recognized when it is among us. How many artists have been appreciated only after their death? How many authors become famous posthumously? John Kennedy Toole, for example, didn’t have any of his novels published until 11 years after he died. Nowadays A Confederacy of Dunces is considered a classic.  And when one thinks of the book’s main character, Ignatius J. Reilly, it is not hard to also think of Steve Moore.

Whereas Ignatius stumbled about New Orleans wielding his delusional, hubristic opinions and poisoning the air around him with acid reflux, Steve Moore performs this very same trick on his blog and in his media appearances.

In my opinion, Mr. Moore’s performance is underappreciated. His online oeuvre far too unnoticed. A courageous and learned man is standing in the gap girded with an unquestionable intellect and wielding a delightfully pugnacious spirit. We mere mortals cannot afford to let this man pass through our lives without the proper appreciation.

Therefore, I will review Mr. Moore’s blog post-by-post from its very beginning. (I am a completest; especially where genius is concerned.) During this project, we will travel arm-in-arm through the on-the-spot reactionary flourishes and the make-it-up ““as-you-go-along assertions and interpretations that only Mr. Moore would dare to offer up for public consumption.

I hope you will take this journey with me.

Enter the Shrillness:The Debut of Steve Moore’s “G-Man Case File” Blog in Mid 2011

Steve Moore’s first post on his G-Man Case File blog was Perils of the Presumptive Headline dated June 21, 2011.

It starts with a dictionary definition for those readers who aren’t familiar with the word “presume”:

According to the dictionary, to presume is:

1. To act overconfidently; take liberties.
2. To take unwarranted advantage of something; go beyond the proper limits:
3. To take for granted that something is true or factual

This never-before-used preamble to an essay establishes the theme of Mr. Moore’s subsequent discourse on presumption by the media, specifically The Daily Beast.

Possibly the greatest example of the perils of presumption is the Chicago Daily Tribune, November 3, 1948. The editors, apparently wanting to scoop everybody, put the interest of the paper (scooping others) and the interest of themselves (career boost) above the interest of the public, whom the press is assumed to serve, and printed a headline about a “fact” that they knew was not a fact when they printed it.  And it never became fact.

In doing so, they became the absolute symbol of the worst mistake a “news” organization can make. The photograph of Harry Truman holding the “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN” headline is likely the most humiliating moment the Tribune ever experienced, and continues to experience. It is a black mark on their credibility and their heritage.

Stand by, it’s about to happen again, and I’m giving you advance notice

After the above lesson on the little known “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline published in error by the Chicago Daily Tribune (a lesson infused by deft overstatement that would later become one of Mr. Moore’s favorite arrows in his quiver), Mr. Moore doesn’t launch into the stark details of the case. Instead he launches into a scathing attack on The Daily Beast itself.

Mr. Moore’s courage comes to the forefront when describing the Daily Beast as “well-funded and poorly regarded” and “the site displays every bit of the integrity and nobility of purpose that its title would have you believe. It appears to feed on sensationalism and makes its bones off of others (sic) misery.”

You can clearly see that sensationalism and stories of other people’s misery would indeed differentiate The Daily Beast from all other news organizations throughout the history of journalism! Note to The Daily Beast? You might want to refrain from being the only news journal on the internet to contain sensationalist stories. “Jerusalem More Divided Than Ever”?! Please.

Also, it appears that if you actually go to The Daily Beast website and actually read the story at that website just mentioned in the blog, then Mr. Moore declares “You’re not going to “˜get’ this article, or even care if you did.”

Attaching yourself to the dubious cause of Amanda Knox, then insulting any reader of your very first blog post that may be interested in reading anything about the case other than your own words? Genius. It’s like Picasso just painted a portrait of a middle finger. That, my friends, is art.

A lengthy diatribe about The Daily Beast then follows, with the argument that the journal may have a reporter on the ground in Perugia who speaks Italian and attends court “every day” (as Mr. Moore mockingly highlights) but the whole thing is apparently just a front for The Daily Beast to make a profit by promoting Amanda Knox’s guilt.

That, it is argued, obviously sells better than the story of an innocent, young damsel in distress being railroaded by a corrupt foreign judicial system that’s out to prosecute Americans (USA! USA! USA!).

Condemning The Daily Beast for profiting from Amanda Knox’s predicament while at the same time you are taking advantage of the death of an innocent college coed to build a career for yourself by publicly supporting her murderer with the use of misinformation takes courage.

Mr. Moore has courage in spades.

But Seriously…

Running a winning campaign invariably starts rather high-key, to get radical early adopters on board, and then moves to a cooler tone to capture the middle ground.

This series will plot how Steve Moore’s pro-Knox campaign is increasingly doing the reverse. He first surfaced in mid-2010 with dubious motives and credentials and a poor grasp of Italian justice and the officials involved.

One of his first acts was to confuse on TV the Italian equivalent of the FBI with figments of his imagination on the Perugia police force. His claims became more confused from there. 

The Daily Beast’s Barbie Nadeau was one of the first of many to ask exactly what sources Steve Moore had consulted, as no-one in officialdom in Perugia had been approached and he reads and speaks no Italian at all. She was the first of many to draw a blank on this score.

And most recently, retired FBI agent Steve Moore accused the Italians of “manipulating evidence to make Knox look guilty” based on an “independent investigation” he conducted using what he calls “raw materials.” When asked by NEWSWEEK, neither the Italian state forensic department, the coroner who conducted the autopsies on Kercher, nor the homicide squad in Perugia had been contacted by Moore for original reports and documents, calling into question just where Moore’s “raw materials” came from.

Soon after this we posted repudiating ten of the false claims about the case that Steve Moore by then had made.

And soon after this again Pepperdine University (north of Los Angeles) laid Steve Moore off from its campus security unit. Pepperdine were seemingly unhappy about his bashing of Italian justice in the media - Pepperdine has a lot of exchange students in Italy and Italian law enforcement had done an excellent job of keeping them safe - and espousing a possible killer when his day job was supposed to be to keep other students safe. 

By the start of 2011 Steve Moore had still not posted the much-requested resume to back up his escalating claims of amazing experience and amazing crime fighting breakthroughs. So we posted a first analysis of his puffed-up claims and a second analysis.of what Steve Moore had come out with instead. 

In April 2011 Steve Moore was a party to one of the biggest fiascos so far of the Knox campaign. Twice we took apart his droning presentation (see this post and this post) during which some of the remaining panel and the small audience chose to head out for home. 

The humor Mr. Moore derives from discussing the title “The Daily Beast” as if he doesn’t know where the name came from is priceless. He will certainly NOT be accused of reading an Evelyn Waugh novel!

Posted by Jeff Friend on 01/01/14 at 03:32 PM in


We have corrected dozens of his notorious mistakes but not one correction that I noticed ever stuck;

I look forward to where you get to his explanation for why the Knox-Mellases shooed him away after he ecstatically attached himself to Knox as her security detail on her return to Seattle.

Michelle Moore tries so hard to claim that his monomania is all professional, science, the norm, what anyone in the FBI would do. Yeah, sure. FBI acquaintances and similar agents I have met (a lot) all have had their lusts and emotions rigorously trained out of them.

No properly trained agent gets hyperinvested and superheated like Steve. They are known for their cool.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 08/28/14 at 02:55 PM | #

Thank you Jeff for so eloquently highlighting Moore’s many character flaws!  Seriously, if the Moores didn’t exist in the world I would be deprived much hilarity! :D

Posted by MHILL4 on 08/28/14 at 03:20 PM | #

Hamster in a wheel. Like some other Knox obsessors (Fischer for sure) Steve Moore has long hinted a bizarre obsession over a purely mythical Knox. Read his ecstatic burbles when they first met.

Eyebrows went up at Pepperdine, chez Moore, etc, and so his stint in the wheel began.  He is fated to keep running from this “wrong” impression for life.

Luckily for California he is connected to their power supply. Though he apparently falls out now and then.


Posted by Peter Quennell on 08/28/14 at 04:02 PM | #

Cool cartoon, Peter!

One can easily imagine this Moore flatfoot back at the FBI asking his superior stuff like “Uh, what if the bomb had exploded in my face?” and the guy answering “We were prepared to take that risk” 😊

Posted by Bjorn on 08/28/14 at 05:36 PM | #

This maybe OT, although Steve Moore does sound like a typical narcissist, in which case here is a nice description of both his, and our anti-heroine’s, condition


“...For NPD, there is no single, scientifically verified treatment of choice. Instead, we have limited evidence that many treatments work. These include cognitive behavioral therapies, mindfulness based therapies, psychodynamic therapies, and therapies like schema therapy that draw from multiple traditions. But there are two caveats. First, people with NPD are often unwilling to enter treatment because in their mind they do not have a problem – everyone else does [Lol! Sound familiar?]. Second, it is challenging for clinicians to keep individuals with NPD in treatment.

Narcissism is increasing, notably in the form of grandiose narcissism and NPD. About two thirds of college students in America in the 2000’s had narcissism scores higher than the average student in the 1980’s, and the lifetime rate of NPD symptoms in young people is about three times higher than in seniors.  Still, I remain optimistic that people can change if they are motivated, have the right tools, and know what type of narcissism they are dealing with…”


In my opinion, in the case of both AK and RS there are clear signs of the abuse of psychedelics before they were ill-met in Italy. Usually what happens when a psychedelic is taken in a non-supportive environment, where there is insufficient conscious integration of the experience, is that the ego - so far from being gently dissolved to allow valuable insights from the Self - actually feels under threat and so becomes strengthened through denial, leading to increased narcissism (including NPD) and aberrant behaviour in general.

Remember , AK told us in no uncertain terms “All you need is love”. That’s what WE needed apparently. Projection much?

Posted by Odysseus on 08/28/14 at 05:43 PM | #

“Second, it is challenging for clinicians to keep individuals with NPD in treatment.”

An understatement! One word - exhausting…as in : drained, completely drained.

Quite true about the ego inflation or distortion - when the strength of the experience is more than the aptitude to handle it. Egos can be fragile things, especially in some…

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 08/28/14 at 08:42 PM | #

This case has attracted its share of buffoons, though Steve Moore certainly takes the cake right out of Bruce Fischer’s fur-lined mitts. But watch out! Nigel Scott and David Anderson could steal the buffoonery spotlight, with Franceso Sforza waiting in the wings.

Posted by Skeptical Bystander on 08/28/14 at 08:56 PM | #

Thats very interesting and maybe worrisome, several new insights into elevated NPD scores.

American parents can really get fervently behind their kids and the schools make them publicly perform a lot. When I lived in foreign capitals and could see parents & kids from a lot of places mixing together, the higher level of self-confidence in many American kids did stand out. Many envied that.

I’d say though some European and some east Asian parents & schools instilled a greater edge in their kids’ depth of facts and logic. Professor Chami here has talked of this.

International employers and even many American employers would tend more to recruit the latter. Team players are most often preferred. The Steve Moores and Amanda Knoxes, and the Nigel Scotts and David Andersons and Franceso Sforzas that Skep just mentioned, would rarely go far.

It is a myth that most great advances are made by perverse individuals, Ayn Rand style, and that we have a huge need for those.

We do need some Steves Jobses and Bill Gateses, in their early “invented in a garage” days, for economic growth. But then they too often set about creating scorched earth around their empires.

Right now we have an increasing number of billionaires with huge opinions of themselves who have created scorched earth around their empires to keep competitors out. These are sharply slowing growth and creating militants in poverty areas around the world.

So jumping NPD scores look to me bad news.

Maybe the Steve Moores and Amanda Knoxes, and the Nigel Scotts and David Andersons and Franceso Sforzas, are militants, correctly seen? In their irrational hatred of officials, in this case Italian, are they so different from the Timothy McVeighs?

Posted by Peter Quennell on 08/28/14 at 09:23 PM | #

BTW Nigel Scott was a minor-league politician till he was voted out and some of them get kicks out of giving “bureaucrats” sharp pokes.

David Anderson has described what militated him. His expert testimony helped to falsely convict someone in the UK. Instead of blaming his faulty science he blames the bureaucrats and gives himself a free pass.

Frank Sforza is said to have been a nice guy way back but is said to have gone through a sharp change around 2008. Partly the siren call of Knox and $$$ and cops freezing him out but the Perugia theory is like Odysseus’s, that hallucinogenics took their toll. 

And the causes of Bruce Fischer’s militancy - that he hid them for so long tell us what his demons are. As SeekingUnderstanding says, contending with NPD is hard work, and they never seem to just suddenly get well.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 08/28/14 at 09:57 PM | #

Scoop is my third favourite Waugh novel after Vile Bodies and The Loved One.  A Handful of Dust is up there too. 

Why am I unsurprised that ex-agent Moore has never read nor heard of any of them? 

How about David Marriott as Mr Joyboy?

Posted by Stilicho on 08/28/14 at 11:16 PM | #

Thank you Jeff. Very well written. Now that Ted Simon has parachuted out of the burning Cessna, how much longer will Steve stay ‘in control’??? It’s funny how we have not heard anything from him, well, since the car park CCTV video was released. And then there was that little drug ‘thingy’ just won’t seem to go away:

Amanda Knox under the influence of drugs that led to Meredith Kercher murder? New angle a shift from PR team’s ‘naive girl’ defense - August 28, 2014

Posted by Johnny Yen on 08/29/14 at 01:33 AM | #

Oh wait, that’s right he did write some blog post about Raffaele standing in front of some tanks! LOL!

Posted by Johnny Yen on 08/29/14 at 01:36 AM | #

It’s not Steve’s fault really, since he has to keep fooling his wife (the famous Michelle Sings Celestial Eastern Moore.) into believing that he is a famous crime fighter. (aka Dell Comics) Mind you in this he has it easy since the Silly Hysterical Harriden is as ‘nutty as a fruit cake’ She will believe anything she is told, even to the extent of Knox innocence.

Some of her blogs are a hoot and well worth the visit. Must be difficult for her though with a vocabulary of about 120 words. The word was out several years ago about her invoking God to intervene. Sorry God does not like murderers. It’s in the bible. The nicest thing is that with people like these rooting for Knox then dear Amanda has no chance at all.

I wonder just what stupid thing they will do when Knox guilt is confirmed? Probably chain themselves to the White House railings. Sorry Steve, given your age you should be really advanced within the FBI hierarchy by now. To bad you and they parted by mutual agreement.

Posted by Grahame Rhodes on 08/29/14 at 01:48 AM | #

Brilliant, JeffF (I am not a published author and hence cannot be more explicit)

“‘Well, a “rath” is a sort of green pig: but “mome” I’m not certain about. I think it’s short for “from home” — meaning that they’d lost their way, you know.’”

Posted by chami on 08/29/14 at 09:50 AM | #


I can well understand how draining it must be.

Posted by Odysseus on 08/29/14 at 03:58 PM | #

It’s been confirmed that Amanda Knox did receive her BA in Creative Writing from UW on August 22, 2014 after getting her final credits.

The purple graduation gown she wore for the picture circulating on the internet may have been ordered from here even though the official undergraduate gown for UW is black.

Posted by Ergon on 08/30/14 at 08:25 PM | #

I hope she was taught - and indeed learnt - how to carefully distinguish between fiction and non-fiction, in both style and content.

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 08/30/14 at 08:37 PM | #

Rumor has it she’s working on a novel, SeekingUnderstanding.

Posted by Ergon on 08/30/14 at 10:54 PM | #

thanks for the warning…

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 08/30/14 at 11:04 PM | #

You don’t suppose Knox ever read John Kennedy Toole or Evelyn Waugh, Jeff? For a creative writing BA, I wonder what she DID read? 😊

Posted by Ergon on 08/31/14 at 06:24 AM | #

I’m guessing she read American Psycho.

Posted by Jeff Friend on 08/31/14 at 09:21 AM | #


“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”? (We know obKnoxious is a Harry Potter fan).

Though I haven’t read any Harry Potter books (not my cup of tea at all) it seems one of the characters in The Chamber of Secrets, Gilderoy Lockhart, authored numerous books (all about himself and his own adventures) and entertained hoards of adoring female fans. Apparently his lies and eventual cowardice put lives at risk, and he wiped people’s memory (if their memories did not serve his fantasy portrayal of himself) showing no empathy or remorse for his action.

Yes, I think she’s read that alright.

Posted by Odysseus on 08/31/14 at 11:50 AM | #


That does seem right. What an amazing choice of name for a narcissist! - Gilderoy Lockhart.
“Gilded, roy(al), locked heart..”
Dickens too was very good at choosing these coded names.

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 08/31/14 at 12:48 PM | #

Ha! Very good observation. Rowling does seem to be clever in that way.

I suspect that AK is in some way modelling herself on the author and maybe wants to be equally rich/famous/adored - thus the creative writing interest. She lives in her own bubble, so incidentals like a murder charge and looming incarceration won’t appear on her radar.

Posted by Odysseus on 08/31/14 at 01:22 PM | #

So true. ‘What a nuisance. Wish everyone would forget it. Want to get on with my life.”

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 08/31/14 at 02:13 PM | #

I’ve read Steve Moore’s book, Jeff, and he doesn’t do Dashiell Hammett or Mickey Spillane well.

Amanda Knox, on the other hand is an aspiring writer who’s read many books, we are told.

The Mirror interviewed her prison guard Angela Antonietti:

Angela revealed how the student had special privileges because of US Government pressure on the Italians.

“Once in prison, instead of socialising, Knox grew obsessed with books, <u>reading Kafka and Dostoevsky</u> late into the night.

“The only time she seemed anxious was when she was waiting for her mother to send the second Harry Potter book. It’s the most emotion I ever saw in her.”

“It was all political but she had all the books she wanted. She had so many she could have started a library. She always had money in her prison bank account, too, unlike the other prisoners. She just did whatever she wanted.”

I guess that’s why being in prison didn’t make her a better writer 😊

Posted by Ergon on 08/31/14 at 06:14 PM | #

With thanks to Skeptical Bystander of ORG for this snippet from the translated Nencini report:

“And this, from page 221 (of the Italian version”:

“The Court holds that the behavior of Prof. Carla Vecchiotti is deserving of condemnation, since before making an incorrect statement in a report, and then deriving from it further incorrect considerations on the reliability or unreliability of laboratory analyses performed by others, <u>it should have been her duty to ask Dr. Patrizia Stefanoni for the positive and negative controls whose existence she had asserted at a trial hearing</u>. Only in the case where they were not provided should Prof. Vecchiotti have then drawn the conclusions that were due.”


As I pointed out before, it appears that Gill knew the Conti-Vecchiotti Report had been discredited, but did not enquire into the reasons WHY. Since the source of his claim, that the Murder of Meredith Kercher trial was a miscarriage of justice is the Conti-Vecchiotti report, does that not discredit his book?

Posted by Ergon on 09/01/14 at 04:46 PM | #

Professor Gill did indeed have a duty to his field, colleagues and readers to check all available sources. He did not.

Posted by Ergon on 09/01/14 at 04:49 PM | #


Posted by Bettina on 09/02/14 at 04:32 AM | #

Re Knox’s BA degree at UW, what “fun” it must be to go to class with an utterly despicable person and a convicted murderer on top of it.

Shame on the University of Washington for awarding the same degrees to a majority of well-intentioned, pure-hearted young men and women, and to the most abject of criminals.

It would have been easy for an upstanding Professor, Dean, Vice President, President, etc., to defer awarding the degree pending the final clarification of Knox’s legal status - as of this moment she is guilty as hell, legally speaking, and has yet to serve her sentence.

In the absence of such an action, one can reasonably assume that there are no such upstanding faculty members at the University of Washington, or the upstanding faculty members have been overpowered by the criminal-friendly ones.

The University of Washington has debased itself to the promiscuous, criminal, and murderous level of Amanda Knox, and no amount of PR can reverse that fact.

Posted by Bjorn on 09/02/14 at 04:35 PM | #


Certainly if I was considering someone for a position, and they presented a CV with this degree from UW, I would be influenced, and cautious, and think twice about it.

They don’t seem to have thought about the effect on the other students of the detrimental association ?

I heard that the students on her former course - Foreign Languages, I believe - petitioned for her not to rejoin the course, as it was having an adverse affect on them when they were applying to go for stays in their foreign countries.

And that was why she transferred to ‘Creative Writing’, I understood.

Posted by SeekingUnderstanding on 09/02/14 at 06:16 PM | #

Hi Bjorn, well UW’s most famous convicted murderer is Ted Bundy, but AK does occupy a place on this list of UW alumni 😊

Posted by Ergon on 09/02/14 at 07:47 PM | #

Back (slightly late) from a conference over this American long weekend (after which all schools and colleges resume) to find some more tips and observations in the email. These are two of interest where the writers said to post them if they might interest everybody.

FOA has purchased google advertising for keywords like “kercher” “daniel kercher” and “amanda fox”


Intriguing question: why no ads for Raff?

Sincerely… [A supporter of justice (well versed in online marketing) Who requests to remain absolutely anonymous.]

My Name is Ian and earlier this year I believed the conspiracy theories but after a short while I realized the truth because of TJMK and am now baffled as to how People can deny the evidence against AK and RS.

I wanted to say what I have to say because maybe if you post this and a Conspiracy theorist reads it they may help them to realize the truth on their own instead of when one of them confesses.

Initially I took TJMK as a Knox Hating Website but then read more in depth on the evidence that proved AK and RS guilty and realized that the Anti-Justice Society are just paid people and incompetent experts who probably believe the conspiracy theories, both of whom are believed by people who take it as gospel truth (as I did for a short time) because of the claims of discrimination.

The evidence I first noticed were the desk lamp which can’t be explained in a way that stands up to scrutiny, plus the evidence suggesting that RG could not have closed Meredith’s bedroom door and that his footprints lead straight towards the front door and not towards the bathroom or Filomena’s room where mixed DNA and blood were found, plus this:

“How The Clean-Up And The Locked Door Contribute To The Very Strong Case For Guilt” written by James Raper

All of which made me scratch my head and think. Yes this is just some of the evidence, but it sure made me think.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 09/02/14 at 09:54 PM | #

Re UW, such big institutions often move furtively after the damage is already done to correct regulations and close loopholes, furtively because they dont want to ruffle governing bodies and big donors.

Plus there was a time not so long ago where the student newspaper and some faculty were fervently on Knox’s side believing that some huge injustice was being done.

You can see here how Knox gamed the system or fell through the cracks to head for Perugia with zero serious study in mind but with UW still legally tied in.

The post quoted in that was dated February 2009. This next one was dated June 2009.

This was posted in October 2009 late in the trial after we heard that views about Knox were becoming more mixed:

And this report by Andrea Vogt on stealthy but widespread reforms (way beyond UW) trying to head off legal liabilities of US colleges in such (quite frequent) cases was dated October 2010.

Late in 2012 a UW hall was booked and paid-for for this fizzle of a Sollecito book-promotion event.

Money might have played a role. The unproven speculation around Perugia was that big bucks might have changed hands in 2011 and big bucks certainly did change hands here:

Knox was a finally-convicted felon on the calunnia charge in the period from Cassation’s ruling in April last year; did that bend UW rules? Seems so.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 09/02/14 at 10:22 PM | #

While watching Fox News of all things. I became interested in the notion that ,In their opinion, US news has and is becoming more and more just opinion based. in other words it has nothing to do with the news really. I should have known since it’s obvious but to have Fox, of all news programs, say this is indicative of how some sites are waking up.

Posted by Grahame Rhodes on 09/03/14 at 01:11 AM | #

Hi, everybody, thank you for your replies and additional info.

Thank you, Ergon, I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but I believe there is a big difference between Ted Bundy and Amanda Knox as far as the University of Washington is concerned.

When he graduated in 1972, Ted Bundy (from the University’s standpoint) was a charming young man with no criminal record, and the University cannot be blamed for awarding a degree to a criminal.

Amanda Knox, by contrast, is a convicted felon and murderer, which the University knew full well.

At best her murderer status is in the process of being finalized, which could justify at least some restraint in actually awarding her degree.

As Blackadder would probably say: “You see, Baldrick, academic dishonesty is not tolerated at the University of Washington—felony and murder, on the order hand, are keenly encouraged [laughter]”. Sadly there’s nothing to laugh about.

Posted by Bjorn on 09/03/14 at 03:10 AM | #
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