Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Why The Italian Court System Is Very Unlikely To Do Any Favors For Sollecito & Knox Ever Again

Posted by Peter Quennell

1. Context

By any standards the ruling by the Supreme Court’s Fifth Chambers in 2015 springing RS and AK was a confusing bit of legal work.

The statement from the Bench in March was unquivocal but the written report six months later was a lot less so.

We have taken it apart in numerous posts, for example here and here. Also here and here and here.

The other day we corrected the Kentucky Bar Association when, in promoting a talk by Knox, they stated that Knox was “definitively acquitted”.

No she wasn’t.

Read here. The Fifth Chambers was assigned the case through quite open defense manipulation. It does not normally handle murder cases, and neither the lead judge nor the writer of the sentencing report had previously handled murder cases. Their reasoning was torturous, evidence was cherry-picked, and it seems certain any experienced and trained murder-case judges would have found for guilt here.

Read here  Knox was in fact found to have been at the scene of the crime, and with blood on her hands. The Supreme Court’s Fifth Chambers in fact handed down the weakest possible “not guilty” sentence, not guilty due to “insufficient evidence” (though see below; most of it they ignored, and the trial prosecution was not even at the Supreme Court) which allows an appeal if the prosecution or victim’s family wish to take up that option.

So the 2015 report was not THAT confusing, and really only gave RS and AK half a break.

2. New Development

So why is the Italian Court System unlikely to do any favors for Sollecito & Knox ever again?

In a nutshell: too many lies. In fact it is a crime in Italy to lie about a court outcome. Judgements are only ever issued in non-editable photocopies so they cannot be monkeyed with.

Knox and Sollecito and their foolish lawyers and apologists have been very publicly lying about the true outcome for two years. They have mangled a translation, cherrypicked repeatedly, and ignored half of the truth.  They have made numerous claims like “definitively acquitted” which the report itself does not support.

This lying on a grand scale is believed to have finally touched a real nerve in the Italian courts. Just way too many lies.  Already the defamations by Sollecito in his book had been ruled against by the Florence court, and some negative outcome seems to be in the works.

Now we see Sollecito’s appeal seeking major damages for having been locked up so very sharply shot down.

Any past mafia influence seems to have waned. And it looks like the incessant very public lying by Sollecito and Knox and their lawyers and apologists will cost them in future in court.

Amanda Knox’s numerous defamations and toxic PR are expected to cost her big soon too. Wise move? Mislead no more.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 07/05/17 at 05:16 PM in


Take a look at this inflammatory stupidity. It is EXACTLY the kind of mangling of the truth that could land the writer in court and does RS and AK no good at all.

The writer is in Bari. WHAT a surprise.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 07/06/17 at 07:39 PM | #

One of the PMF forums seems to have called it quits. The other (dot net) still goes strong.

Here’s a topic of frequent interest which just came up once again, and my quick summary of what we know.

By bedelia:

I believe that the statement by the State Department “source” was actually a low level Knox groupie (working for the State Department) who implied that the US cared more about Knox than is/was the case. Other than Senator Cantwell I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone official in DC express support for her.

Hmmm. We dont have a smoking gun, but, but, but… For starters read Ergon here.

We know that the low level guy who puffed himself up to the FOA was a James Moninger.

Now below the Secretary of State (Clinton then Kerry) there is an array of political appointees who dont have much to do except to get the backs of the higher-ups.

We know Heavey and Moore and John Douglas did a presentation to one or several of them (as well as to an almost empty room at the Congress).

We know that one of the political appointees enthusiastically accepted Karen Pruett’s dishonest petition with phony signatures. No word on what happened to that.

We know that the Rome Embassy (consular officer) monitored Knox’s progress at trial and at Capanne - at great cost (maybe $0.5 million) to taxpayers. .

We know that not all of the cables from the Rome Embassy to State were released to Andrea Vogt. Why not? (The ones seen reported Knox’s handling was fair.)

This might have all amounted to a potential roadblock to an extradition request though judges normally handle those.

Did this matter pre-verdict in Rome? Possibly there was some whispering in ears. It would have helped Obama/Clinton and Renzi in elections coming up to not have an extradition fight.

But I think the Fifth Chambers was mainly got to by other means. Sollecito organized it via an unsavory relative (now dead) when he flew to the Dominican Republic midway through the Nencini appeal.

Maybe Bongiorno was in the loop. She became very macho indeed right after that, and remains that way.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 07/08/17 at 03:53 AM | #

Re the last couple of paras directly above, Jamie on PMF added something pretty interesting.

I added a post right under that on what we know about the role of the the masons.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 07/08/17 at 08:35 PM | #
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