Overview: This page exclusively covers the 500 or so zombie lies in Knox's English-only 2013 book. See this page for Knox's zombie lies to media and paying groups.
Overview Of Four Series On This Page
Posted by Chimera
1. Currently 26 Posts In 4 Series On Knox Book
You won’t be reading a page like this any time soon! The book is possibly the most dishonest ever written. Deliberately so. Knox was almost certainly going down for the count. The corruption of the 2011 appeal was unraveling - and so the book doubled-down!
- 1. Amanda Knox Book - Knox’s 518 Lies (12 posts)
2. Amanda Knox Book - Some 90 Of Knox’s Demonizations (4 posts)
3. Amanda Knox Book - Knox Herself Proves 90 Lies (8 posts)
4. Amanda Knox Book - Knox’s 48 Tortured Logics (2 posts)
Curt Knox’s and David Marriott’s intention was to steamroll out this inflammatory work, only in English, long before (1) Italians could catch on, and (2) translations into English of court documents could reach critical mass.
And in particular (3) before the Knox and Sollecito appeal of 2011 they helped corrupt could be repeated, honestly and legally this time around.
2. Judicial Context Of Book Publication
Knox’s bizarrely-titled Waiting To Be Heard was released in the US in April 2013, right in the middle of her judicial process which was still alive.
Curt Knox’s and David Marriott’s intention was to steamroll out this inflammatory work, only in English, long before (1) Italians could catch on, and (2) translations into English of court documents could reach critical mass.
And in particular (3) before the Knox and Sollecito appeal of 2011 they helped corrupt could be repeated, honestly and legally this time around.
Perfectly obviously to any watching Italian and to objective members of the foreign press, and complained about publicly by prosecutors, Knox’s and Sollecito’s first-level appeal in 2011 was bent.
It was bent via (1) illegal judge shopping by defense teams for an ill-qualified renegade judge, (2) illegally expanded scope of the appeal, (3) illegal appointment of external DNA consultants, in theory neutral but with illegal ties to defense teams and a pro-Knox American academic, and (4) frequent flouting of judicial law.
In such contexts of illegalities, Italian law requires that chief prosecutors file a complaint with the Rome Supreme Court. This was done in February 2012. From then on, the two appellants and their families and legal teams absolutely knew a complete reversal was in the cards.
So with the very obvious intention of bending opinion against a rerun of their first-level appeal, the Sollecito (late 2012) and Knox (early 2013) teams raced two inflammatory books into print.
Sollecito’s book is analyzed by others here on another TJMK page. Sollecito & Gumbel were taken to court in Florence by prosecutors for diffamazione. [They later lost.]
3. Book Writing And Publication
The Knox book was written in Seattle in 2012, ostensibly by Knox, with Linda Kulman as shadow-writer. Several of the Knox PR hoaxers were heavily involved. As this series will show, their work is riddled with false claims, more than one on every page.
The Knox publication sale, for a price up to $4 million, was organized by Knox’s US lawyers Robert Barnett and Ted Simon. We see no sign either they or the publishers did due diligence. Waiting To Be Heard was published (and reissued in 2015) only in English, and initially only in the US. Very few Italians are aware of the lies that Knox has published about them, even now.
The book seems to have received zero editorial or legal vetting by anyone in Italy, not least by Knox’s own lawyers in Perugia. The extended version in 2015 received not one correction of the myriad wrong claims, and all of the demonizations remained intact.
4. False Claims, Diffamaziones, Defamations
Bear in mind Knox was found guilty of criminal lying by all courts, and rightly served three years for framing an innocent man. She is a felon for life.
Bear in mind throughout the judicial process Knox was monitored by (1) her lawyers, (2) her family, (3) the US Rome Embassy, (4) the Italian Member of Parliament Rocco Girlanda, and (5) media insiders weaponized by the Knox public relations.
Bear in mind not ONE complaint was ever put before a judge - a felony by the lawyers if they were hiding abuse claims. In fact in contrast Knox’s own lawyers instead publicly complained that Knox was lying all the time, and requested that she be stopped.
“Lies” in this series refer to any attempt by Knox in her book to deceive the reader or the court, ranging from the very frequent embellishments of Knox herself to the very frequent denigration of others, and to statements of evidence and timelines that are shown to be incorrect.
All dialogue in the book, of which there is a lot, is simply invented by Linda Kulman and bears little resemblance to how Knox herself spoke or those around her spoke. Typically the real Knox was brasher and more unpleasant, and those around her smarter and more classy.
In numerous places the book and afterword contradicts what Knox has said previously, including on the stand at trial in mid-2009.
Numerous people were demonized by Knox throughout, often in proximity to utterances of how amazing Knox thinks she is. These demonizations have only ever been published in English and even now are often unknown to Knox’s targets in Italy.
They include diffamazione false accusations - similar to the calunnia felony Knox served three years for, but intended to sway the judicial process still under way. For example: Knox describes at length an illegal interrogation by Dr Mignini on 5-6 November 2007. He was actually at home in bed.
A key false claim in the 2015 Afterword was that Knox was “exonerated” or “found innocent” by the Supreme Court. That court, though provably bent, in fact ruled that Knox was present at the scene of the crime with blood on her hands. The ruling was a mere “insufficient evidence” (as that court ignored most of it) which can be appealed.
5. Legal Problems Early On & Now
UK and Italy editions were withdrawn at the last moment for fear (correctly) that they were defamatory. The US edition was released again in 2015, unamended, with an equally untruthful Afterword (also analyzed in this series). It is available on Amazon Italia, significant for legal reasons.
Sollecito accepted that he had no choice but to admit publicly to diffamazione - that key passages are invented and defamatory. He wrote an apology, and paid a fine and court costs. The same is expected to happen for the Knox book, and the statute of limitations still has several years to run yet.
Archived in Publishing Context
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1. Demonizations: Knox’s Main Targets In Italy
Posted by Chimera
The book is possibly the most dishonest ever written. Deliberately so. Knox was almost certainly going down for the count. The corruption of the 2011 appeal was unraveling - and so the book doubled-down!
Perfectly obviously to any watching Italian and to objective members of the foreign press, and complained about publicly by prosecutors, Knox’s and Sollecito’s first-level appeal in 2011 was bent.
It was bent via (1) judge shopping by defense teams for an ill-qualified renegade judge, (2) illegally expanded scope of the appeal, (3) illegal appointment of external DNA consultants, in theory neutral but with illegal ties to defense teams and a pro-Knox American academic, and (4) frequent flouting of judicial law.
In such contexts of illegalities, Italian law requires that chief prosecutors file a complaint with the Rome Supreme Court. This was done in February 2012. From then on, the two appellants and their families and legal teams absolutely knew a complete reversal was in the cards.
Curt Knox’s and David Marriott’s intention was to steamroll out this inflammatory work, only in English, long before (1) Italians could catch on, and (2) translations into English of court documents could reach critical mass.
Included among around 100 false accusations: AK accuses (1) Judge Paolo Micheli (pre-trial) and Judge Giancarlo Massei (trial) of professional misconduct; (2) Judge Claudia Matteini (preliminary hearing) of incompetence; (3) Prosecutors Mignini/Comodi of misconduct and suborning perjury; (4) Rita Ficarra of assault; (5) Ficarra, Monica Napoleoni, Marca Chiacchiera, Patrizia Stefanoni of committing perjury; and (5) translator Anna Donnino of misrepresenting herself.
(6) Knox also accuses the justice officials of trying to frame her and RS—and vilify them in the media—to save their careers and to look good. (7) She also claims that the police coerced/bullied her into making the false accusation of Patrick Lumumba. AK also accuses prison officials (8) of sexual assault; (9) of intimidation; (10) of sexual harassment; (11) of harassment; (12) of covering up police brutality; (13) of leaking confidential medical records; (14) of providing an unsafe environment for her; (15) of keeping her in isolation unnecessarily; and (16) of denying her counsel.
But throughout the judicial process Knox was monitored by (1) her lawyers, (2) her family, (3) the US Rome Embassy, (4) the Italian Member of Parliament Rocco Girlanda, and (5) media insiders weaponized by the Knox public relations. Not ONE complaint was ever put before a judge - a felony by the lawyers if they were hiding abuse claims.
Here is a thumbnail of each false claim, and there is more detail in the posts below:
(1) “Mayor” Mignini—framed her
(2) Comodi—framed her
(3) Ficarra—abuser, hitter
(4) Napoleoni—accused of perjury
(5) Donnino—duplicitous double agent
(6) Court interpreter—useless
(7) Chiacicelli—framed her via the knife he found
(8) Stefanoni—accused of withholding data, and incompetence
(9) Other CSI people (though not Guede evidence)
(10) Dozen of unnamed police Nov 6
(11) Dalla Vedova and Ghirga—alleges they ignored complaints
(12) Neighbor Nina—who heard screams
(13) Qunitavalle—lying shop owner
(14) Curatolo—lying drug addict
(15) Matteini—jumping to conclusions
(16) Patrick—he kind of deserved what happened to him
(17) Prison guards—sexual harassment (Agiro is the only one named)
(18) Prison medical staff—commit sexual assault and leak private information
(19) Filomena—drug use at home
(20) Laura R—drug use at home
(21) Judge Micheli—incompetent pre-trial judge who runs a “farce” of a court
(22) Judge Massei and his panel—idiot trial jury
(23) Kokomani—deranged drug dealer
(24) Spiderman Guede—committed attack alone
(25) Sollecito—the doofus boyfriend
(26) Postal Police—clueless and incompetent
(27) Reporters, in fact virtually everyone in the media
(28) Biscotti—Guede lawyer an opportunist
(29) Kercher family—cold and unforgiving, and whatever else
(30) Battistelli, framed her
(31) Finzi, framed her
(32) Profazio, framed her
(33) Trump, wrong politics
Archived in Who Knox Demonizes, List Of Main Targets
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2. Main Demonizations In Knox’s Book #1 To #30
Posted by Chimera
Demonization #1
[Chapter 2, Page 16] “... We shared a joint, and then, high and giggly, we went to his hotel room. I’d just turned twenty. This was my first bona fide one-night stand. I’d told my friends back home that I couldn’t see myself sleeping with some random guy who didn’t matter to me. Cristiano was a game changer. We didn’t have a condom, so we didn’t actually have intercourse. But we were making out, fooling around like crazy, when, an hour later, I realized, I don’t even know this guy ...”
‘‘Cristiano’’ is actually Federico Martini, a drug dealer who swapped drugs for sex
Demonization #2
[Chapter 2, Page 22] “... They said I wasn’t the first roommate they’d interviewed. A guy they called “totally uptight” was interested in renting, until he found out they smoked””cigarettes and marijuana. “Are you okay with that?” Filomena asked”|”
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #3
[Chapter 3, Page 37] “...Around our house, marijuana was as common as pasta. I never purchased it myself, but we all chipped in. For me, it was purely social, not something I’d ever do alone. I didn’t even know how to roll a joint and once spent an entire evening trying. I’d seen it done plenty of times in both Seattle and Perugia, but it was trickier than I thought it would be. Laura babysat my efforts, giving me pointers as I measured out the tobacco and pot and tried rolling the mixture into a smokable package. I never got it right that night, but I won a round of applause for trying. Either Filomena or Laura took a picture of me posing with it between my index and middle finger, as if it were a cigarette, and I a pouty 1950s pinup.
I was being goofy, but this caricature of me as a sexpot would soon take hold around the world.
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #4
[Chapter 4, Page 46] “... Giacomo handed me a beer, and I pushed my way through the crowd to find Meredith. When we had rejoined the guys, they introduced us to a friend who, I’d later learn, had moved to Italy as a kid, from Ivory Coast. His name was Rudy. They sometimes played pickup basketball with him. The five of us stood around for a few minutes before walking home together. The guys invited us to their apartment, but Meredith and I first stopped at ours to drop off our purses.
“Ready to go downstairs?” I asked her.
“You go. I’ll be down in a second,” she said.
When I opened the door to the downstairs apartment, Giacomo, Marco, Stefano, and Rudy were sitting around the table laughing. “What’s funny?” I asked. “Nothing,” they said sheepishly. I didn’t think another thing about it until months and months later, when it came out in court that just before I’d opened the door, Rudy had asked the guys if I was available.
A short time later, Meredith came in and sat down next to me at the table. The guys passed us the joint they were smoking. We each inhaled, handed it back, and sat there for a few minutes while they joked around in Italian. Tired and a little stoned, I couldn’t keep up with their conversation. After a little while I told Meredith, “I’m going up to bed.”
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #5
[Chapter 5, Page 54] “... Raffaele looked surprised, then pleased. “Do you want to come to my apartment and smoke a joint?”
I hesitated. He was basically a stranger, but I trusted him. I saw him as a gentle, modest person. I felt safe. “I’d love to,” I said.
Raffaele lived alone in an immaculate one-room apartment. I sat on his neatly made bed while he sat at his desk rolling a joint. A minute later he swiveled around in his chair and held it out to me….
The marijuana was starting to kick in. “You know what makes me laugh?” I asked.
“Making faces. See.” I crossed my eyes and puffed out my cheeks. “You try it.”
“Okay.” He stuck out his tongue and scrunched up his eyebrows.
I laughed.
By then, Raffaele had moved next to me on the bed. We made faces until we collided into a kiss. Then we had sex. It felt totally natural. I woke up the next morning with his arm wrapped snugly around me. ....’
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #6
Chapter 7, Page 77] “... Now I see that I was a mouse in a cat’s game. While I was trying to dredge up any small thing that could help them find Meredith’s killer and trying to get my head around the shock of her death, the police were deciding to bug Raffaele’s and my cell phones.
Knox claims she was illegally targeted, but MANY phones were tapped.
Demonization #7
[Chapter 8,] When we finished, a detective put me through a second round of questioning, this time in Italian. Did we ever smoke marijuana at No. 7, Via della Pergola? “No, we don’t smoke,” I lied, squirming inwardly as I did.
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #8
[Chapter 8] I didn’t think I could take any more surprises, but they kept coming. Next, the police opened up a closet to reveal five thriving marijuana plants. “Does this look familiar?” they asked.
“No,” I said. Despite my earlier lie about not smoking in our house, I was now telling the truth. I was stunned that the guys were growing a mini-plantation of pot. I couldn’t believe I had talked to them every day since I’d moved in six weeks earlier and they’d never mentioned it. I said, “I don’t really hang out down here a lot.”
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #9
[Chapter 8] Laura and Filomena were each consulting a lawyer about how to get out of the lease. No doubt their lawyers were also counseling them on other things, such as how to deal with the police and on our pot-smoking habit, but they didn’t mention any of that.
Accusation of illegal drug use.
Demonization #10
[Chapter 10, Page 103] “... Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted.
Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said. I have no idea how many cops were stuffed into the cramped, narrow room. Sometimes there were two, sometimes eight””police coming in and going out, always closing the door behind them. They loomed over me, each yelling the same thing: “You need to remember. You’re lying. Stop lying!” “I’m telling the truth,” I insisted. “I’m not lying.” I felt like I was suffocating. There was no way out. And still they kept yelling, insinuating. The authorities I trusted thought I was a liar. But I wasn’t lying. I was using the little energy I still had to show them I was telling the truth. Yet I couldn’t get them to believe me.
We weren’t even close to being on equal planes. I was twenty, and I barely spoke their language. Not only did they know the law, but it was their job to manipulate people, to get “criminals” to admit they’d done something wrong by bullying, by intimidation, by humiliation. They try to scare people, to coerce them, to make them frantic. That’s what they do. I was in their interrogation room. I was surrounded by police officers. I was alone.
False accusation of illegal interrogation.
Demonization #11
[Chapter 10] Just then a cop””Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop
and the mop at the villa””opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on
Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you.
He’s taken away your alibi.”
My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that
Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me.
How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was
just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
“Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me.
“I don’t remember texting anyone.”
They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history.
“You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?”
“My boss at Le Chic.”
“What about his text message? What time did you receive that?”
“I don’t know. You have my phone,” I said defiantly, trying to combat hostility with
hostility. I didn’t remember that I’d deleted Patrick’s message.
They said, “Why did you delete Patrick’s message? The text you have says you were
going to meet Patrick.”
“What message?” I asked, bewildered. I didn’t remember texting Patrick a return
“This one!” said an officer, thrusting the phone in my face and withdrawing it before I
could even look. “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?”
“He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.”
“Did he know Meredith?”
“Yes, she came to the bar.”
“Did he like her?”
“Yes, he liked Meredith. He was nice to her, and they got along.”
“Did he think Meredith was pretty?”
“Well, Meredith was pretty. I’m sure he thought she was pretty.”
“When did you leave to meet Patrick?”
“I didn’t meet Patrick. I stayed in.”
“No, you didn’t. This message says you were going to meet him.”
“No. No, it doesn’t.”
False accusation of illegal interrogation. For someone in ‘‘trauma’‘, AK seems to “remember” it quite well.
Demonization #12
[Chapter 10] A beefy cop with a crew cut thought I’d said, “Fuck you,” and he yelled, “Fuck you!”
They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed,
“You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?”
That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head.
“Why are you hitting me?” I cried.
“To get your attention,” she said.
“I’m trying to help,” I said. “I’m trying to help, I’m desperately trying to help.”
The pressure was greater than just being closed in a room. It was about being yelled
at relentlessly by people I trusted completely, by people I’d been taught to respect.
Everything felt bigger, more overwhelming, more suffocating, than it was because
these were people whom I thought I was helping and they didn’t believe me; they kept
telling me I was wrong.
False accusations of abuse and physical assault.
Demonization #13
[Chapter 11, Page 125] “... I signed my second “spontaneous declaration” at 5:45 A.M., just as the darkness was beginning to soften outside the small window on the far side of the interrogation room”|”
False accusation; it really was a spontaneous declaration Knox absolutely insisted to make.
Demonization #14
[Chapter 11, Page 127] “... Around 2 P.M. on Tuesday””it was still the same day, although it felt as if it should be two weeks later””Ficarra took me to the cafeteria. I was starving. After the interrogation was over they brought me a cup of tea, but this was the first food or drink I’d been offered since Raffaele and I had arrived at the questura around 10:30 P.M. Monday. With my sneakers confiscated, I trailed her down the stairs wearing only my socks. She turned and said, “Sorry I hit you. I was just trying to help you remember the truth.”
False accusation; AK was never hit.
Demonization #15
[Chapter 11, Page 129] “... “We need to take you into custody,” she said. “Just for a couple of days””for bureaucratic reasons.”
False accusation; Dr Mignini fully briefed Knox on why she was being locked up.
Demonization #16
[Chapter 11, Page 129] “... I needed to say that I had doubts about what I’d signed, to let the police know they couldn’t rely on my declarations as the truth. I knew that undoing the cops’ work would almost surely mean they’d scream at me all over again. As paralyzing as that thought was, I had to risk it. In naming Patrick, I’d unintentionally misled them. What if they thought I did it on purpose? They’d wasted time on me when they could have been out pursuing the real killer”|.”
False accusation; AK wasn’t screamed at in the first place, and she did intentionally mislead them.
Demonization #17
[Chapter 11, Page 136] “... I was on the police’s side, so I was sure they were on mine. I didn’t have a glimmer of understanding that I had just made my situation worse. I didn’t get that the police saw me as a brutal murderer who had admitted guilt and was now trying to squirm out of a hard-won confession”|.”
False accusation; police had formed no such view. And ‘cConfessing’’ means admitting guilt, it does not mean ‘‘accusing’’ someone else. And “hard won”? AK flipped almost instantly once she was told Sollecito was blaming her.
Demonization #18
[Chapter 11, Page 136] “... My memoriale changed nothing. As soon as I gave it to Ficarra, I was taken into the hall right outside the interrogation room, where a big crowd of cops gathered around me. I recognized Pubblico Ministero Giuliano Mignini, who I still believed was the mayor”|.”
Starting at the house the day after Meredith died Dr Mignini repeatedly explained to Knox who he was. On the next two days he took her back to the house in the same car.
Demonization #19
[Chapter 11, Page 137] “... Still, what came next shocked me. After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this? ....”
Knox falsely accuses the medical staff of sexual assault.
Demonization #20
[Chapter 11, Page 139] “... I was consumed by worry for Patrick. I felt that time was running out for him if I didn’t remember for sure what had happened the night of Meredith’s murder. When I’d said, “It was Patrick,” in my interrogation, the police pushed me to tell them where he lived. As soon as I’d mentioned his neighborhood, several officers surrounding me raced out. I figured that they’d gone to question him. I didn’t know that it was too late, that they’d staged a middle-of-the-night raid on Patrick’s house and arrested him”|.”
Knox claimed to ‘‘witness’’ Patrick murdering Meredith but accuses the police of acting inappropriately.
Demonization #21
[Chapter 12, Page 149] “... “I feel terrible about what happened at the police office. No one was listening to me,” I said. Tears sprang to my eyes again.
“Hold up there, now,” Argirò said. “Wouldn’t listen to you?” the doctor asked. “I was hit on the head, twice,” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp.
“Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “I’ve heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said. Their sympathy gave me the wrongheaded idea that the prison officials were distinct and distant from the police.
“Do you need anything to sleep?” the doctor asked. I didn’t know what he meant, because the idea of taking a sleeping pill was as foreign to me as being handcuffed. “No,” I said. “I’m really tired already.”
Knox falsely accuses the police of assault, and the medical staff of covering up frequent incidents.
Demonization #22
[Chapter 13, Page 154] “... Argirò had said this seclusion was to protect me from other prisoners””that it was standard procedure for people like me, people without a criminal record””but they were doing more than just keeping me separate. In forbidding me from watching TV or reading, in prohibiting me from contacting the people I loved and needed most, in not offering me a lawyer, and in leaving me alone with nothing but my own jumbled thoughts, they were maintaining my ignorance and must have been trying to control me, to push me to reveal why or how Meredith had died”|.”
Knox falsely claims the guard locked her up in isolation and lies about the reason for it.
Demonization #23
[Chapter 14, Page 165] “... There hadn’t been enough time between their hiring and this preliminary hearing for Carlo and Luciano to meet with me. But more time might not have made a difference. It turned out that, mysteriously, Mignini had barred Raffaele’s lawyers from seeing him before his hearing. Would the prosecutor have treated me the same? I think so. I can’t be certain who ordered that I be put in isolation and not allowed to watch TV or to read, to cut me off from news from the outside world. But I believe that the police and prosecution purposely kept me uninformed so I would arrive at my first hearing totally unprepared to defend myself.
I do know this: if I’d met with my lawyers, I could have explained that I was innocent, that I knew nothing about the murder, that I imagined things during my interrogation that weren’t true. The only thing my lawyers knew about me was that when I talked I got myself in trouble. I understand their impulse to keep me silent then, but in the end, my silence harmed me as much as anything I’d previously said”|.”
Knox falsely accuses of the authorities of trying to prevent her and RS from seeing counsel in order to make the frame job much easier.
Demonization #24
[Chapter 15, Page 175] “... I went through my interrogation with her step by step””the repeated questions, the yelling, the threats, the slaps. I explained to her how terrified I’d felt”|’
Again false accusations of assault, verbal abuse and intimidation
Demonization #25
[Chapter 15, Page 175] “... “I didn’t come up with those things on my own,” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.”
Knox falsely accuses the police of making threats to ensure co-operation.
Demonization #26
[Chapter 16, Page 191] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me. This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
How each visit went depended on the doctor, and I was grateful for any gesture that wasn’t aggressive or disdainful. A female physician liked to talk to me about her trouble with men. And one day, when I was being seen by an older male doctor, he asked me, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“It’s a lion,” I said. “Like The Lion King””Il Re Leone.”
The next time I saw him he handed me a picture of a lion he’d ripped out from an animal calendar. I drew him a colorful picture in return, which he taped to the infirmary wall. Later, when he found out that I liked the Beatles, one of us would hum a few bars from various songs to see if the other could name the tune.
AK lies about there being no medical privacy in prison. There are Italian laws to ensure that there is, and there is no proof that they are not observed.
Demonization #27
[Chapter 16, Page 192] “... But sometimes what I thought was a kind overture would take an ugly turn. I was required to meet with Vice-Comandante Argirò every night at 8 P.M. in his office””the last order before lights out at 9 P.M. I thought he wanted to help me and to understand what had happened at the questura, but almost immediately I saw that he didn’t care.
When I ran into him in the hallway he’d hover over me, his face inches from mine, staring, sneering. “It’s a shame you’re here,” he’d say, “because you are such a pretty girl,” and “Be careful what you eat””you have a nice, hourglass figure, and you don’t want to ruin it like the other people here.”
No groundwork. AK accuses a guard at the prison of sexual harassment despite never claiming this to her family or staff of the American Embassy, or “monitoring” MP Rocco Girlanda. If she claims she told her lawyers they will be made to testify.
Demonization #28
[Chapter 16, Page 194] “... Silently, I rehearsed what I would say to him: “These conversations repulse me.” But when we were face-to-face, I balked, settling on something more diplomatic””“Your questions make me uncomfortable,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
I thought, Because you’re an old perv. Instead I said, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but it’s my own business, and I don’t like to talk about it.”
“... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
No groundwork. AK in effect accused Dalla Vedova and Ghirga of not reporting alleged sexual harassment. She never claimed this to her family or staff of the American Embassy, or “monitoring” MP Rocco Girlanda.
Demonization #29
[Chapter 17, Page 197] “... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong”|.’
No groundwork. Three pages late, another accusation of sexual harassment either never passed on or never acted upon.
Demonization #30
[Chapter 17, Page 202] “... Investigators apparently had confiscated the knife””a chef’s knife with a black plastic handle and a six-and-a-half-inch blade””when they searched Raffaele’s apartment after our arrest. It was the only knife they considered out of every location they’d impounded, the top knife in a stack of other knives in a drawer that housed the carrot peeler and the salad tongs. I’d probably used it to slice tomatoes when Raffaele and I made dinner the night Meredith was killed.
The officer who confiscated the knife claimed that he’d been drawn to it by “investigative intuition.” It had struck him as suspiciously clean, as though we’d scrubbed it. When he chose it, he didn’t even know the dimensions of Meredith’s stab wounds”|.”
AK accuses the police of taking a knife at random for evidence, which is professional misconduct—rather than them checking for a specific imprint, which is what actually happened.
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3. Main Demonizations In Knox’s Book #31 To #60
Posted by Chimera
Demonization #31
[Chapter 17, Page 203] “˜’ ... The knife was a game changer for my lawyers, who now feared that the prosecution was mishandling evidence and building an unsubstantiated case against me. Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
AK and allegedly her lawyers accuse the prosecution of engaging in a witch hunt, of trying to frame her.
Demonization #32
[Chapter 17, Page 203] “˜’ ... I was choked with fear. The knife was my first inkling that the investigation was not going as I’d expected. I didn’t accept the possibility that the police were biased against me. I believed that the prosecution would eventually figure out that it wasn’t the murder weapon and that I wasn’t the murderer. In retrospect I understand that the police were determined to make the evidence fit their theory of the crime, rather than the other way around, and that theory hinged on my involvement. But something in me refused to see this then”¦’
AK accuses the prosecution of misconduct by trying to shape the evidence to fit pre-conceived notions.
Demonization #33
[Chapter 18, Page 207] “˜’ ... Overnight my old nickname became my new persona. I was now known to the world as Foxy Knoxy or, in Italian, Volpe Cattiva””literally, “Wicked Fox.” “Foxy Knoxy” was necessary to the prosecution’s case. A regular, friendly, quirky schoolgirl couldn’t have committed these crimes. A wicked fox would be easier to convict.
They were convinced that Meredith had been raped””they’d found her lying on the floor half undressed, a pillow beneath her hips””and that the sexual violence had escalated to homicidal violence.
They theorized that the break-in was faked. To make me someone whom a jury would see as capable of orchestrating the rape and murder of my friend, they had to portray me as a sexually deviant, volatile, hate-filled, amoral, psychopathic killer. So they called me Foxy Knoxy. That innocent nickname summed up all their ideas about me”¦’”˜
AK accuses the prosecution of engaging in a smear campaign. Did they hire Marriott-Gogerty?
Demonization #34
[Chapter 18, Page 208] “˜’ ... My supposedly obsessive promiscuity generated countless articles in three countries, much of it based on information the police fed to the press. It seemed that the prosecutor’s office released whatever they could to bolster their theory of a sex game gone wrong. They provided descriptions of Raffaele’s and my public displays of affection at the questura and witness statements that portrayed me as a girl who brought home strange men. Whatever the sources, the details made for a juicy story: attractive college students, sex, violence, mystery”¦’”˜
AK still accusing the prosecution of doing a smear job. Pot, meet Kettle.
Demonization #35
[Chapter 18, Page 213] “˜’ ... Argirò was standing a foot behind me when I got the news. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with lots of people,” he chided. I spun around. “I didn’t have sex with anyone who had AIDS,” I snapped, though it was possible that one of the men I’d hooked up with, or even Raffaele, was HIV-positive.
“You should think about who you slept with and who you got it from.” Maybe he was trying to comfort me or to make a joke, or maybe he saw an opening he thought he could use to his advantage. Whatever the reason, as we were walking back upstairs to my cell, Argirò said, “Don’t worry. I’d still have sex with you right now.
Promise me you’ll have sex with me.” But sometimes I was just angry”¦.’”˜
AK again accuses this prison guard of sexual harassment, and possibly coercion. Again, it goes unreported.
Demonization #36
[Chapter 18, Page 217] “˜’ ... A few months after that, they released my prison journal to the media, where instead of reporting that I’d had seven lovers altogether, some newspapers wrote that Foxy Knoxy had slept with seven men in her six weeks in Perugia”¦.”
AK accuses the prison medical staff of violation patient confidentiality.
Demonization #37
[Chapter 19, Page 224] “˜’ .... Seeing how the prosecution treated Patrick in the two weeks since his arrest should have given me insight into how they worked. My lawyers told me it had been widely reported the week before that Patrick had cash register receipts and multiple witnesses vouching for his whereabouts on the night of November 1. A Swiss professor had testified that he’d been at Le Chic with Patrick that night from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. But even though Patrick had an ironclad alibi and there was no evidence to prove that he’d been at the villa, much less in Meredith’s bedroom at the time of the murder, the police couldn’t bear to admit they were wrong”¦.’”˜
AK accuses the police of mistreating Lumumba, and trying to cover up incompetence.
Demonization #38
[Chapter 19, Page 224] “˜’ ... Patrick went free the day Guede was arrested. Timing his release to coincide with Guede’s arrest, the prosecution diverted attention from their mistake. They let him go only when they had Guede to take his place”¦’”˜
AK accuses the police of knowingly keeping an innocent person in prison.
Demonization #39
[Chapter 19, Page 226] “˜’ ... The prosecution could have redeemed themselves. Instead, they held on to Raffaele and me as their trophies.
I learned that when he signed the warrant for Patrick’s release, Giuliano Mignini said that I’d named Patrick to cover up for Guede. It was his way of saying that the police had been justified in their arrest of three people and that any confusion over which three people was my fault. I was made out to be a psychotic killer capable of manipulating the police until my lies, and the law, had caught up with me”¦.’”˜
AK accuses the prosecution of trying to cover up their mistakes.
Demonization #40
[Chapter 19, Page 227] “˜’ ... Any communication with Patrick would be publicized and scrutinized and played to my disadvantage, especially if I explained why I’d said his name during my interrogation. I’d have to go into how the police had pressured me, which would only complicate my already poor standing with the prosecution. If I said I’d imagined things during the interrogation, I’d be called crazy. If I said I’d been abused, it would be seen as further proof that I was a liar”¦.’
Once again, there was no pressure, except RS pulling her alibi.
Demonization #41
[Chapter 20, Page 230] “˜’ ... “It’s risky,” Carlo said. “Mignini will try to pin things on you.” “He already has,” I told them. The first time I met Mignini at the questura, I hadn’t understood who he was, what was going on, what was wrong, why people were yelling at me, why I couldn’t remember anything. I thought he was someone who could help me (the mayor), not the person who would sign my arrest warrant and put me behind bars”¦’”˜
According to Dalla Vedova, Mignini typically tries to frame people. Did CDV ever report any of these incidents?
Demonization #42
[Chapter 20, Page 231] “˜’ ... I hadn’t considered that the prosecution would twist my words. I didn’t think they would be capable of taking anything I said and turning it into something incriminating, because everything I said was about my innocence and how I wanted to go home. I was saying the same thing again and again”¦’”˜
AK accuses the prosecution of trying to distort her words, which at a minimum would be professional misconduct.
Demonization #43
[Chapter 21, Page 252] “˜’ ... One morning, when I was walking into the bathroom to put something away, I bumped into Cera, and she kissed me on the lips. I just stood there staring at her, too surprised to know what to say. “Your face is telling me that was not okay,” she said quickly. “I’m really sorry.” She never made physical advances after that, but she did once ask if I was curious what it was like to have sex with a woman, like her. My stock answer””an emphatic no “”made her feel bad”¦’”˜
AK accuses an inmate of making advances on her.
Demonization #44
[Chapter 21, Page 254] “˜’ ... “Amanda, the investigators are in a conundrum,” Carlo said. “They found so much of Guede’s DNA in Meredith’s room and on and inside her body. But the only forensic evidence they have of you is outside her bedroom. Raffaele’s DNA evidence is only on the bra hook. If you and Raffaele participated in the murder, as the prosecution believes, your DNA should be as easy to find as Guede’s.” “But Carlo, no evidence doesn’t mean we cleaned up. It means we weren’t there!” “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede. I know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just adding another link to the story. It’s the only way the prosecution can involve you and Raffaele when the evidence points to a break-in and murder by Guede.”
Again, CDV seems to think the prosecution is framing AK and RS. This claim was never reported.
Demonization #45
[Chapter 22, Page 261] “˜’ ... Oh my God. I’ve been formally charged with murder. I wanted to scream, “This is not who I am! You’ve made a huge mistake! You’ve got me all wrong!” I was now fluent enough in Italian to see how ludicrous the charges were. Along with murder, I was charged with illegally carrying around Raffaele’s kitchen knife. It was galling. Real crimes had been committed against Meredith; the police owed her a real investigation. Instead, they were spinning stories to avoid admitting they’d arrested the wrong people”¦’”˜
AK accusing the police of attempting a cover-up of their own incompetence.
Demonization #46
[Chapter 23, Page 273] “˜’ ... The first day of the pretrial was mostly procedural. Almost immediately Guede’s lawyers requested an abbreviated trial. I had no idea the Italian justice system offered this option. Carlo later told me that it saves the government money. With an abbreviated trial, the judge’s decision is based solely on evidence; no witnesses are called. The defendant benefits from this fast-track process because, if found guilty, he has his sentence cut by a third”¦’”˜
AK accuses CDV and Ghirga of incompetence and malpractice. She has been in custody a year, and they are only ‘‘now’’ just telling her about this?!
Demonization #47
[Chapter 23, Page 274] “˜’ ... Guede’s lawyers must have realized that he was better off in a separate trial, since the prosecution was intent on pinning the murder on us. The evidence gathered during the investigation pointed toward his guilt. His DNA was all over Meredith’s room and her body, on her intimate clothing and her purse. He had left his handprint in her blood on her pillowcase. He had fled the country. The prosecution called Guede’s story of how he “happened” to be at the villa and yet had not participated in the murder “absurd”””though they readily believed his claims against Raffaele and me. One of the big hopes for us was that with so much evidence against Guede, the prosecution would have to realize Raffaele and I hadn’t been involved”¦.’”˜
AK again accuses prosecutors of trying to frame her. In reality, Guede feared an alliance between AK and RS to pin it all on him.
Demonization #48
[Chapter 23, Page 276] “˜’ ... The pretrial judge, Paolo Micheli, allowed testimony from two witnesses. The first was DNA analyst Patrizia Stefanoni for the Polizia Scientifica. Starting right after we were indicted, Raffaele’s and my lawyers had requested the raw data for all Stefanoni’s forensic tests. How were the samples collected? How many cotton pads had her team used to swab the bathroom sink and the bidet? How often had they changed gloves? What tests had they done - and when? Which machines had they used, at what times, and on which days? What were the original unedited results of the DNA tests?
Her response was “No. We can’t give you these documents you continue to ask for, because the ones you have will have to suffice.”’”˜
Demonization #49
[Chapter 23, Page 277] “˜’ ... The other testimony came from a witness named Hekuran Kokomani, an Albanian man the prosecution called to prove that Raffaele and I both knew Rudy Guede. Our lawyers argued that Raffaele had never met Guede. I’d said “Hi” to him once when we hung out at the apartment downstairs. My other encounter with him was taking his drink order at Le Chic.
Kokomani said he’d seen the three of us together on Halloween, the day before the murder.A massive lie.Kokomani’s testimony made the pretrial seem like a farce. According to him, after dinner on Halloween, driving along Viale Sant’Antonio, the busy thoroughfare just above our house, he came
upon a black garbage bag in the middle of the road. When he got out of his car, he realized the “bag” was two people: Raffaele and me. He told the court that Raffaele punched him, and I pulled out a huge knife the length of a saber, lifting it high over my head. “Raffaele said, ‘Don’t worry about her. She’s a girl,”’ Kokomani testified. “Then I threw olives at her face.”“¦.’”˜
AK accuses Judge Micheli of misconduct in how he handled the pre-trial, and Guede’s short form trial.
Demonization #50
[Chapter 24, Page 287] “˜’ ... We held onto the belief that the law would be on my side when my trial started. I was innocent. No matter how the prosecution misconstrued things, there would never be evidence enough to convict me. And I had the great consolation of knowing that prison wasn’t my world. In time, I’d be set free. I could survive this as long as it took. But I never thought it would take years”¦.’”˜
Once again, AK accuses the prosecution of trying to frame her.
Demonization #51
[Chapter 24, Page 287] “˜’ ... We held onto the belief that the law would be on my side when my trial started. I was innocent. No matter how the prosecution misconstrued things, there would never be evidence enough to convict me. And I had the great consolation of knowing that prison wasn’t my world. In time, I’d be set free. I could survive this as long as it took. But I never thought it would take years”¦.’”˜
Once again, AK accuses the prosecution of trying to frame her.
Demonization #52
[Chapter 25, Page 296] “˜’ ... Smoking pot was one of the ways we socialized together. But when Raffaele’s lawyer Luca Maori cross-examined her about her drug use, Filomena rewrote our shared history. “To tell you the truth, I sinned once,” she said, looking down at her lap. “I sinned.”
AK returns to making accusations about drug use against Filomena.
Demonization #53
[Chapter 25, Page 296] “˜’ ... During her testimony a week later, Laura also avoided eye contact””and it was every bit as hurtful. But I was pleased that, at least under questioning, she didn’t make it seem that my behavior had been out of step with the rest of the house. When Mignini brought up names of guys who’d come over, Laura replied, “Those are my friends.” When he asked if anyone in the villa smoked marijuana, she said, “Everyone.”
And similar accusations against Laura and the others.
Demonization #54
[Chapter 25, Page 303] Everything she did and said””her choice of words, the content, and the emphasis””was to impress the judges and jury with her professionalism. She defended the shoddy work of her investigators. She was repellent. She was in control of herself, sitting in a court of law and lying without a second’s hesitation. When she answered Prosecutor Mignini’s questions, she was clear, straightforward, and self-serving. She was smarter than her fellow officers. She knew the court was looking for police slipups. “We did our jobs perfectly, all the time,” she testified. “We didn’t hit Amanda.” “We’re the good guys.”
AK accuses Monica Napoleoni of trying to cover up assault and police misconduct.
Demonization #55
[Chapter 25, Page 304] “˜’ ... When the defense questioned her, Napoleoni’s manner switched from professional “”albeit dishonest””to exasperated, incredulous, and condescending. For instance, when Raffaele’s lawyer Giulia Bongiorno asked if the gloves police used at the crime scene were sterilized or one-use gloves, Napoleoni took a snarky tone, saying, “It’s the same thing.”
AK accuses Monica Napoleoni of perjury.
Demonization #56
[Chapter 25, Page 308] “˜’ ... On the stand, my chief interrogator, Rita Ficarra, seemed much smaller than she had at the police station. Middle-aged, with dull, shoulder-length brown hair, she came across as reasonable. Who would believe that she’d been ruthless, questioning me for hours, refusing to believe that I didn’t know who’d murdered Meredith? I wondered how this woman, who now struck me as average in every way, had instilled such fear in me. Like Napoleoni, Ficarra insisted, “No one hit her.” She was serene and straight-faced as she testified. Ficarra elaborated. “Everyone treated her nicely. We gave her tea. I myself brought her down to get something to eat in the morning,” she said, as if she were the host at a B&B. Then she added, “She was the one who came in and started acting weird, accusing people.”
There was no formal ‘‘interrogation’‘, but AK still accuses Rita Ficarra of perjury.
Demonization #57
[Chapter 25, Page 310] “˜’ ... Judge Massei asked Ficarra if I spoke to her in English or Italian.
“In Italian,” Ficarra answered. “I repeat that she speaks Italian. She spoke only Italian with me. I don’t understand a word of English.”
I remembered my interrogation, when they yelled that if I didn’t stop lying and tell them who had killed Meredith they would lock me up for thirty years. That was still their goal. I was terrified now that I was the only one who saw through them”¦.’
AK accuses Ficarra of trying to cover up abuse and assault.
Demonization #58
[Chapter 26,Page 317] “˜’ ... Instead they glossed over these facts and used Capezzali’s testimony to determine what time Meredith had died. Based on the scream, they decided that she died at 11:30 P.M. Even though Meredith’s digestion indicated an earlier time of death, they were fixated on that scream. Meredith had been murdered by 10 P.M., based on her stomach contents, but the prosecutors invented a scenario in which Meredith was home alone between 9:30 P.M. and 11:30 P.M. According to their argument, the sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine tightens at the moment of trauma, and digestion temporarily stops. Left unanswered was what trauma in that two-hour space interrupted her digestion””the same two hours when the prosecution said she was relaxing on her bed with her shoes off, writing an essay due the next morning. They were ignoring basic human physiology and hanging Meredith’s time of death on an older woman’s urination habits”¦.’”˜
AK accuses the prosecution of trying to gloss over exculpatory evidence.
Demonization #59
[Chapter 26, Page 321] “˜’ ... At first my lawyers said letting me testify was a risk. I could be provoked. They worried the prosecution would push me to unwittingly say something incriminating. I’d fallen for Mignini’s word-twisting when he interrogated me in December of 2007. I’d dissolved into tears at my pretrial.
But I was adamant. “I’m the only one who knows what I went through during the interrogation,” I told Luciano and Carlo. “Having you defend me isn’t the same as defending myself. I need to show the court what kind of person I am.”
AK accuses Mignini of deliberately distorting what she said in the December 2007 interview.
Demonization #60
[Chapter 26, Page 323] “... The first person to question me was Carlo Pacelli, Patrick’s lawyer. Lawyers technically aren’t allowed to add their own commentary at this point, only to ask questions. But he made his opinions known through pointed questions like “Did you or did you not accuse Patrick Lumumba of a murder he didn’t commit?” and “Didn’t the police officers treat you well during your interrogation? The lawyer looked disgusted with me. I sat as straight as I could in my chair and pushed my shoulders back””my I-will-not-be-bullied stance.
Within a few minutes I realized that the interpreter hired to translate my English into Italian - the same useless woman I was assigned earlier in the trial - wasn’t saying precisely what I was saying.”
AK accuses her court-funded translator of mis-translating what she says.
Archived in Who Knox Demonizes, Examples 31-60
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4. Main Demonizations In Knox’s Book #61 To #90
Posted by Chimera
Demonization #61
[Chapter 26, Page 325] “˜’ ... “One time, two times?” Luciano asked. “Two times,” I said. “The first time I did this.” I dropped my head down as if I’d been struck and opened my mouth wide in surprise. “Then I turned around toward her and she gave me another.” “So you said what you said, and then you had a crisis of weeping. Then they brought you tea, some coffee, some pastries? When did this happen? If you can be precise,” Luciano asked. “They brought me things only after I made declarations”””depositions””“that Patrick had raped and murdered Meredith, and I had been at the house covering my ears”¦.’”˜
AK tries to explain her false accusation of Lumumba .... by falsely accusing Ficarra of assault.
Demonization #62
[Chapter 26, Page 325] “˜’ ... “Before they asked me to make other declarations””I can’t say what time it was””but at a certain point I asked, “˜Shouldn’t I have a lawyer or not?’ because I didn’t honestly know, because I had seen shows on television that usually when you do these things you have a lawyer, but okay, so should I have one? And at least one of them told me it would be worse for me, because it showed that I didn’t want to collaborate with the police. So I said no.”
AK accuses the police of violating her right to counsel.
Demonization #63
[Chapter 26, Page 314] ‘‘He [Quintavalle] hadn’t wanted to get involved in the murder case and had come forward only at the urging of a journalist friend in August 2008. I relaxed a little. The jury would see what was true and what wasn’t. The media purposely did not. “A New Hole Appears in Amanda Knox’s Alibi” and “Witness Contradicts Amanda Knox’s Account.” News stories like this infuriated my family and friends. But strangers, no doubt, would think, There goes Amanda, lying again.’‘
AK accuses Marco Quintavalle of coming forward at the encouragement of a journalist friend. She implies this is for the attention.
Demonization #64
[Chapter 27, Page 330] ‘‘That had been in September 2008. By then it was July 2009. Ten months had passed. On the day the court recessed for the summer, Judge Massei ordered the prosecution to give us the data. They still held back some information, but within the papers they did give us, our forensic experts found the prosecution had failed to disclose a fact that should have prevented us from ever being charged. There was no way to tie this knife””and therefore, me””to Meredith’s murder. I’d always known that it was impossible for Meredith’s DNA to be on the knife, and I’d long known that the prosecution had leaked assumed evidence to the media. Now I knew that these mistakes weren’t missteps. Stefanoni and her team had made giant, intentionally misleading leaps, to come up with results designed to confirm our guilt.’‘
AK accuses the DNA expert, Stefanoni, of withholding evidence, and then intentionally misconstruing the findings.
Demonization #64
[Chapter 27, Page 331] ‘‘And for Mignini, appearing to be right superseded everything else. As I found out that summer, the determined prosecutor had a bizarre past, was being tried for abuse of office, and had a history of coming up with peculiar stories to prove his cases. His own case is currently pending on appeal.
In 2002, on the advice of a psychic, he reopened a decades-old cold case. The Monster of Florence was a serial killer who attacked courting couples in the 1970s and ‘80s. After murdering them he would take the women’s body parts with him. Mignini exhumed the body of Dr. Francesco Narducci after the psychic told him that Narducci, who died in 1985, was the Monster and that he hadn’t committed suicide, as had been supposed. Instead, Mignini believed that Narducci had been murdered by members of a satanic sect, who feared the Monster would expose them. He charged twenty people, including government officials, with being members of the same secret sect as the Monster.
Mignini had a habit of taking revenge on anyone who disagreed with him, including politicians, journalists, and officials. His usual tactic was to tap their telephones and sue or jail them. The most famous instance was the arrest of Italian journalist Mario Spezi, and the interrogation of Spezi’s American associate Douglas Preston, a writer looking into the Narducci case, who subsequently fled Italy.
In the hour we had each week to discuss my case, my lawyers had never thought there was a reason for us to talk about Mignini’s outlandish history. Carlo and Luciano told me only when it became apparent that, for Mignini, winning his case against Raffaele and me was a Hail Mary to save his career and reputation.
“The whole story is insane!” I said. I couldn’t take it in. It struck me that I was being tried by a madman who valued his career more than my freedom or the truth about Meredith’s murder!’‘
But see here and also here and especially here. Knox falsely accuses Mignini of framing her and RS in order to “save his career”. Myriad facts wrong. Mignini never took revenge on anyone, ever. The vindictive Florence prosecutor and judge who pursued him lost out, and were reversed on two appeals. He charged no-one with being members of a secret sect; he charged them with obstruction of justice, and the final word from the Supreme Court was that he was correct. Preston & Spezi were trying to frame an innocent man, for their gain. The psychic (who Mignini had arrested) did not spark any investigation, ever.
Demonization #66
[Chapter 27, Page 332] ‘‘Our lawyers’ arguments stirred up all my outrage. The prosecution had kept Raffaele and me in jail for twenty-one months for no reason. If the judges and jury were fair, they’d see that the prosecution had tried to thwart us.’‘
AK falsely accuses the prosecution of trying to keep her and RS in jail without cause. Every judge who reviewed their case in 2007 and 2008 and made the actual decisions with MANY reasons given took a harder line. Example here and another here. There would have been zero equivalent reviews in the US.
Demonization #67
[Chapter 27, Page 335] ‘‘On the witness stand, Marco Chiacchiera of the Squadra Mobile had explained that “investigative intuition” had led him to the knife. That flimsy explanation did not help me understand how the police could pull a random knife from Raffaele’s kitchen drawer and decide that it was, without the smallest doubt, the murder weapon. Or why they never analyzed knives from the villa or Rudy Guede’s apartment.’‘
AK falsely accuses Marco Chiacchiera of improper procedures for collecting/handling evidence which she describes completely wrong. All his steps were correct. He was a very good cop. See Cardiol’s series starting here.
Demonization #68
[Chapter 27, Page 344] ‘‘The prosecution contended that, as representatives of the state, they were the impartial party and maintained that their conclusions were legitimate. Our experts, they said, couldn’t be trusted because they were being paid to defend us. And our critiques, objections, and conclusions were just smoke screens created to confuse the judges and jury.’‘
AK falsely accuses the prosecution of trying to ‘‘slime’’ defence witnesses. Actually all the real sliming of witnesses was by the RS and AK defense. Every one was at one time or another slimed, no holds barred. Knox “forgets” that one of her own lawyers (Dr Costa) walked off the job in disgust.
Demonization #69
[Chapter 30, Page 384] ‘‘But when the emotionless guard pushed the paper across the desk, I saw, to my astonishment, and outrage, that it was a new indictment””for slander. For telling the truth about what had happened to me during my interrogation on November 5-6, 2007. In June 2009, I testified that Rita Ficarra had hit me on the head to make me name Patrick. I also testified that the police interpreter hadn’t translated my claims of innocence and that she’d suggested that I didn’t remember assisting Patrick Lumumba when he sexually assaulted Meredith.’‘
AK falsely repeats the accusations of assault and a brutal interrogation. See our Interrogation Hoax series.
Demonization #70
[Chapter 30, Page 385] ‘’ According to Prosecutor Mignini, truth was slander. All told, the prosecution claimed that I’d slandered twelve police officers””everyone who was in the interrogation room with me that night””when I said they’d forced me to agree that Meredith had been raped and pushed me into saying Patrick’s name. It was my word against theirs, because that day the police apparently hadn’t seen fit to flip the switch of the recording device that had been secretly bugging me every day in the same office of the questura leading up to the interrogation.’‘
AK falsely accuses the police of lying, and deliberately not recording the ‘‘brutal interrogation’‘. See our Interrogation Hoax series.
Demonization #71
[Chapter 30, Page 385] ‘‘Mignini and his co-prosecutor, Manuela Comodi, had signed the document. The judge’s signature was also familiar: Claudia Matteini, the same woman who’d rejected me for house arrest two years earlier because she said I’d flee Italy. I hadn’t expected this maneuver by the police and prosecution, but it now made sense. They couldn’t admit that one of their own had hit me or that the interpreter hadn’t done her job. Above all, they couldn’t admit that they’d manipulated me into a false admission of guilt. They had their reputations to uphold and their jobs to keep.’‘
Who hit her? No-one did. Even her lawyers said she made that up. AK falsely accuses the courts of trying to frame her to protect their reputations and jobs. But they were all career staff with nothing to lose.
Demonization #72
[Chapter 30, Page 385] ‘‘I’d calculated that I could be released in twenty-one years for good behavior. Now this looked unlikely. If I were called to testify in the slander trial, I’d have to restate the truth: I had been pressured and hit. They’d say I was lying. If the judges and jury believed the police, that would wipe out my good behavior and add three years to my jail time. Could Mignini, Comodi, and the whole questura keep going after me again and again? Would I be persecuted forever?’‘
AK falsely accuses the courts of persecuting her. Nobody “called” her to testify, that was her strong choice (as was her attempt to bamboozle Mignini in Dec 2007) and she blew it big-time.
Demonization #73
[Chapter 31, Page 397] The prosecution had based their case on misinterpreted and tainted forensic evidence and had relied heavily on speculation. But Judge Massei’s faith was blind. Patrizia Stefanoni would not “offer false interpretations and readings,” he wrote.
AK falsely accuses the prosecution of deliberate misconduct with zero proof. See Dr Stefanoni’s massive proof here.
Demonization #74
[Chapter 31, Page 398] For example, Madison wrote, “Witnesses: the prosecution knowingly used unreliable witnesses.
“Interrogation: the police were under enormous pressure to solve the murder quickly.
“There’s a pattern of the police/prosecution ignoring indications of your innocence. This must be pointed out. You were called guilty a month before forensic results, you were still considered guilty even though what you said in your interrogation wasn’t true, obviously false witnesses were used against you.’‘
AK drops her friend Madison Paxton in it, quoting her falsely accusing others crimes. Note that Paxton has distanced herself now. Knox claims about her finding the imposter Saul Kassin are probably also untrue.
Demonization #75
[Chapter 31, Page 399] ‘‘I knew that the most critical point was to be able to say why I’d named Patrick during my interrogation.’‘
AK falsely repeats the accusation that she only falsely accused PL because of assault. See our Interrogation Hoax series.
Demonization #76
[Chapter 31, Page 400] ‘‘According to Kassin, there are different types of false confessions. The most common is “compliant,” which usually happens when the suspect is threatened with punishment or isolation. The encounter becomes so stressful, so unbearable, that suspects who know they’re innocent eventually give in just to make the uncomfortably harsh questioning stop. “You’ll get thirty years in prison if you don’t tell us,” says one interrogator. “I want to help you, but I can’t unless you help us,” says another.
This was exactly the good cop/bad cop routine the police had used on me.’‘
Again the ‘‘brutal interrogation’’ nonsense. See our Interrogation Hoax series.
Demonization #77
[Chapter 31, Page 401] Three years after my “confession,” I’d blocked out some of my interrogation. But the brain has ways of bringing up suppressed memories. My brain chooses flashbacks - sharp, painful flashes of memory that flicker, interrupting my conscious thoughts. My adrenaline responds as if it’s happening in that moment. I remember the shouting, the figures of looming police officers, their hands touching me, the feeling of panic and of being surrounded, the incoherent images my mind made up to try to explain what could have happened to Meredith and to legitimize why the police were pressuring me.
[Chapter 31, Page 401] In my case they’d put several interrogators in a room with me. For hours they yelled, screamed, kept me on edge. When they exhausted themselves, a fresh team replaced them. But I wasn’t even allowed to leave to use the bathroom.
[Chapter 31, Page 402] It had been the middle of the night. I’d already been questioned for hours at a time, days in a row. They tried to get me to contradict myself by homing in on what I’d done hour by hour, to confuse me, to cause me to lose track and get something wrong. They said I had no alibi. They lied, saying that Raffaele had told them I’d asked him to lie to the police. They wouldn’t let me call my mom. They wouldn’t let me leave the interrogation room. They were yelling at me in a language I didn’t understand. They hit me and suggested that I had trauma- induced amnesia. They encouraged me to imagine what could have happened, encouraged me to “remember” the truth because they said I had to know the truth. They threatened to imprison me for thirty years and restrict me from seeing my family. At the time, I couldn’t think of it as anything but terrifying and overwhelming.
More of the made-up claims. See our Interrogation Hoax series.
Demonization #78
[Chapter 32, Page 413] Under the judges’ questioning, Curatolo, talked about his personal history: “I was an anarchist, then I read the Bible and became a Christian anarchist,” he said. He confirmed that he was now in prison, adding, “I haven’t quite understood why yet.” Asked if he’d used heroin in 2007, he answered, “I have always used drugs. I want to clarify that heroin is not a hallucinogen.”
Again with the drugs. But see this.
Demonization #79
[Chapter 32, Page 414] Before the first trial, the defense began requesting forensic data from the prosecution in the fall of 2008, but DNA analyst Patrizia Stefanoni dodged court orders from two different judges. She gave the defense some of, but never all, the information. Now it was Conti and Vecchiotti’s turn to try to get the raw data that Stefanoni had interpreted to draw conclusions about the genetic profiles on the knife and the bra clasp. Stefanoni continued to argue that the information was unnecessary. Not until May 11, under additional orders from Judge Hellmann, did she finally comply.
AK again falsely accuses Patrizia Stefanoni of deliberately withholding evidence. It is documented that she withheld none. See it here.
Demonization #80
[Chapter 32, Page 416] When Luciano came to Capanne for our weekly Wednesday meeting, he told me that a special award had been given to officers in the Squadra Mobile for its work on Meredith’s murder investigation. The citation read: “To recognize elevated professional capabilities, investigative acumen, and an uncommon operative determination. They conducted a complex investigation that concluded in the arrest of the authors of the murder of the British student that had taken place in the historic center of Perugia.”
Four of the sixteen police officers receiving the Police Holiday award were named in the police’s slander charge against me.
They included Vice Superintendent Marco Chiacchiera, whose “investigative instinct” led him to randomly select Raffaele’s kitchen knife from the drawer as the murder weapon; Substitute Commissioner and Homicide Chief Monica Napoleons; and Chief Inspector Rita Ficarra.
The news infuriated me. I knew it was just another face-saving ploy. How could they commend the officer who had hit me during my interrogation and those who had done so much wrong?
But I wasn’t surprised. It was completely in line with the prosecution’s tactics to discredit my supporters and me. Mignini had charged my parents with slander for an interview they gave to a British newspaper in which they told the story of my being slapped during the interrogation. He was the one who had charged me with slandering the police.
AK rehashes her false accusations. These are all repeats from elsewhere. See above.
Demonization #81
[Afterword] ‘‘Unlike the previous high court hearing, the justices listened to all sides without interrupting the defence’‘
AK accuses the Chieffi Court (Cassation 2013) of misconduct in how they handled the appeal. What “all sides”? The Perugia and Florence prosecutions were not ever even there.
Knox Sticks It To Her Own Lawyers
Demonization #82
[Chapter 16, Page 194] “˜’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
Knox claims CDV and Ghirga don’t report alleged sexual harassment by a prison guard. A felony and disbarment act.
Demonization #83
[Chapter 20, Page 230] “˜’ ... “It’s risky,” Carlo said. “Mignini will try to pin things on you.” “He already has,” I told them. The first time I met Mignini at the questura, I hadn’t understood who he was, what was going on, what was wrong, why people were yelling at me, why I couldn’t remember anything. I thought he was someone who could help me (the mayor), not the person who would sign my arrest warrant and put me behind bars”¦’”˜
Knox claims CDV seems to think that the prosecutor goes around framing people. A felony and disbarment act.
Demonization #84
[Chapter 21, Page 250] “˜’ ... My lawyers complained to the judges that the prosecution was using the media to our disadvantage, but the judge said that whatever was reported in the press wouldn’t be held against us. The flow of information between the prosecution and the media was an accepted but unacknowledged fact”¦.’”˜
AK claims Ghirga and CDV made formal complaints about the media attention. In reality, the attention came from the US press, much by the instigation of the Knox family. For example see this here.
Demonization #85
[Chapter 21, Page 254] “˜’ ... “Amanda, the investigators are in a conundrum,” Carlo said. “They found so much of Guede’s DNA in Meredith’s room and on and inside her body. But the only forensic evidence they have of you is outside her bedroom. Raffaele’s DNA evidence is only on the bra hook. If you and Raffaele participated in the murder, as the prosecution believes, your DNA should be as easy to find as Guede’s.” “But Carlo, no evidence doesn’t mean we cleaned up. It means we weren’t there!” “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede. I know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just adding another link to the story. It’s the only way the prosecution can involve you and Raffaele when the evidence points to a break-in and murder by Guede.”
Again, Knox claims CDV seems to think the prosecution is framing AK and RS. This claim was never reported. A felony and disbarment act.
Demonization #86
[Chapter 22, Page 270] “˜’ ... Carlo, the pessimist, said, “Don’t get your hopes up, Amanda. I’m not sure we’ll win. There’s been too much attention on your case, too much pressure on the Italian legal system to think that you won’t be sent to trial.”
Again, Knox claims CDV never makes a formal complain about this, or even says it publicly. A felony and disbarment act.
Demonization #87
[Chapter 23, Page 273] “˜’ ... The first day of the pretrial was mostly procedural. Almost immediately Guede’s lawyers requested an abbreviated trial. I had no idea the Italian justice system offered this option. Carlo later told me that it saves the government money. With an abbreviated trial, the judge’s decision is based solely on evidence; no witnesses are called. The defendant benefits from this fast-track process because, if found guilty, he has his sentence cut by a third”¦’”˜
AK accuses CDV and Ghirga of incompetence and malpractice. She has been in custody a year, and they are only ‘‘now’’ just telling her about this?! In fact the very public ganging-up of the Knox and Sollecito teams against Guede in mid 2008 forced him to separate for his own good.
Demonization #88
[Chapter 27, Page 330] Carlo, who’d never sugarcoated my situation, said, “These are small-town detectives. They chase after local drug dealers and foreigners without visas. They don’t know how to conduct a murder investigation correctly. Plus, they’re bullies. To admit fault is to admit that they’re not good at their jobs. They suspected you because you behaved differently than the others. They stuck with it because they couldn’t afford to be wrong.”
CDV still never files a formal complaint (in Italy) about this. The ECHR complaint is not the same thing.
Demonization #89
[Acknowledgements] ‘’ ... And finally, Luciano Ghirga, Carlo Dalla Vedova, and Maria Del Grosso, for defending and caring about me as if I were one of their own.’‘
Sure thing. Way to drop your lawyers in it. See above.
“Some Credit Where Credit is Due”
Demonization #90
‘’ ... I wouldn’t have been able to write this memoir without Linda Kulman. Somehow, with her Post-it Notes and questions, with her generosity, dedication, and empathy, she turned my rambling into writing, and taught me so much in the meantime. I am grateful to her family””Ralph, Sam, Julia””for sharing her with me for so long.’‘
Yup, a creative writing graduate who needed someone else to help write ‘‘her’’ memoir.
P.S. even with professional help, the writing is still crap.
4. Does ‘‘Laura From Prison’’ Even Really Exist?
At the very end are these little quotes:
‘’ ... The writing of this memoir came to a close after I had been out of prison for over a year. I had to relive everything, in soul-wrenching detail. I read court documents and the transcripts of hearings, translated them, and quoted them throughout. Aided by my own diaries and letters, all the conversations were rendered according to my memory. The names of certain people, including friends, prisoners, and guards, have been changed to respect their privacy.’‘
‘’ ... The names and identifying characteristics of some of the individuals featured throughout this book have been changed to protect their privacy.’‘
Okay, so does that mean that this friend ‘‘Laura’’ is completely made up? Think about it:
- ’‘Laura’’ is American, living in Ecuador, and gets arrested in Italy. Sounds very worldly.
- AK’s roommate, the one she admired, is also named ‘‘Laura’‘
- This ‘‘Laura’’ was apparently railroaded for drug use. AK accuses the police of trying to smear her for drugs.
- AK’s ‘‘friend’‘, Federico Martini, aka ‘‘Cristiano’’ is a convicted drug dealer.
- This ‘‘Laura’’ is apparently out, and presumably back in Ecuador. No way to check it out.
- This ‘‘Laura’’ might be a rebuttal to the claim that AK was unable to make friends in Italy or in prison.
- None of the few who have publicly reported have ever mentioned this ‘‘Laura’‘.
Are Lupa and Cera made up too?
AK seems to have never ever have had qualms about dropping names and seeking to hurt. See for example here.
Archived in Who Knox Demonizes, Examples 61-90
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1. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies - Series Overview
Posted by Chimera
Reason whythere’s no similar shot of RS showing warmth to AK
1. Series Context
Knox lies?! Anyone who reads here for a while is left in no doubt of that.
Anyone who watched the trial in Italian concluded that. Even her own lawyers concluded that. They publicly requested in 2008 that she stop all her lying.
Numerous sworn witnesses in court, with no dog at all in this fight, contradicted her. Easily identifiable lies now number up in the thousands. They tend to be malicious (how she hates others), and they tend to be narcissistic (how she loves herself).
To close case-watchers they stand out a mile.
And yet amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
Past posts and series addressed Knox lies at (1) the time of arrest and 2007 hearings, (2) the 2008 hearings, (3) Knox at trial, (4) Knox in prison, (5) Knox at the Hellman appeal, (6) Knox back in Seattle, when (7) she wrote her book, (8) Knox emailing Judge Nencini, (9) Knox in recent paid presentations, and (10) Knox on US media and especially Netflix (with more to follow).
This further 8-part series puts (2) above along side (7) above to show further how it is a really, really bad idea to believe anything at all in Knox’s book.
Knox very often lies by omission - she leaves out numerous key facts - and her shadow writer and editors seemingly enable that. I will address some of Knox’s key omissions in this first post.
What Was Omitted From The Book
(1) Knox At Trial In 2009”¦
Here is Knox’s entire text of a full two days at court on June 12-13, 2009 in Waiting to be Heard (Chapter 26, Pages 324-327).
“Your Honor, I’d like to speak in Italian,” I said politely. I didn’t think about whether it would work or whether it was a good idea. All I could think was, I have been waiting my turn for nearly two years. This is it!
At least prison life had been good for my language skills.
I was relieved to be able to speak directly to the jury. The hard part wasn’t the Italian; it was being an active listener for hours at a time, making sure I heard the questions correctly and that my questioners didn’t push me around.
Pacelli tried to insinuate that I’d come up with Patrick’s name on my own in my interrogation. “No,” I said. “They put my cell phone in front of me, and said, ‘Look, look at the messages. You were going to meet someone.’ And when I denied it they called me a ‘stupid liar.’ From then on I was so scared. They were treating me badly, and I didn’t know why.
“It was because the police misunderstood the words ‘see you later.’ In English, it’s not taken literally. It’s just another way of saying ‘good-bye.’ But the police kept asking why I’d made an appointment to meet Patrick. ‘Are you covering for Patrick?’ they demanded. ‘Who’s Patrick?”’
We went over how I found the room for rent in the villa, my relationship with Meredith, my history with alcohol and marijuana, and what happened on November 2. The prosecution and the civil parties were confrontational. I was able to respond. It took two exhausting days, and there were a few questions I couldn’t answer.
I’d purposely tried to forget the emotional pain of the slap to my head. Other memories had become muddled by time. For instance, I remembered calling my mom only once after Meredith’s body was found, but cell phone records indicated that I’d made three calls while Raffaele and I were standing in my driveway.
During my testimony, I was clear. I never stumbled or stalled. I just said, This is what happened. This is what I went through.
I relaxed a little when it was Luciano’s turn to question me.
“During the interrogation, there were all these people around me,” I said. “In front and behind me, yelling, threatening, and then there was a policewoman behind me who did this.”
I slapped my own head to demonstrate.
“One time, two times?” Luciano asked.
“Two times,” I said. “The first time I did this.”
I dropped my head down as if I’d been struck and opened my mouth wide in surprise.
“Then I turned around toward her and she gave me another.”
“So you said what you said, and then you had a crisis of weeping. Then they brought you tea, some coffee, some pastries? When did this happen? If you can be precise,” Luciano asked.
“They brought me things only after I made declarations - depositions” - that Patrick had raped and murdered Meredith, and I had been at the house covering my ears.
“I was there, they were yelling at me, and I only wanted to leave, because I was thinking about my mom, who was arriving soon, and so 1 said, ‘Look, can I please have my phone,’ because I wanted to call my mom. They told me no, and then there was this chaos. They yelled at me. They threatened me. It was only after 1 made declarations that they said, `No, no, no. Don’t worry. We’ll protect you. Come on.’ That’s what happened.
“Before they asked me to make other declarations-1 can’t say what time it was””but at a certain point I asked, ‘Shouldn’t I have a lawyer or not?’ because I didn’t honestly know, because I had seen shows on television that usually when you do these things you have a lawyer, but okay, so should I have one? And at least one of them told me it would be worse for me, because it showed that I didn’t want to collaborate with the police. So I said no.”
Then it was Mignini’s turn. “Why did you say, ‘Patrick’s name was suggested to me, I was beaten, I was put under pressure?”’
As soon as I started to answer, Mignini interrupted with another question. He’d done the same thing to me during my interrogation at the prison. This time, I wasn’t going to let it fluster me. I was going to answer one question at a time. Showing my irritation, I said, “Can I go on?”
I described my November 5 interrogation again. “As the police shouted at me, I squeezed my brain, thinking, ‘What have I forgotten? What have I forgotten?’ The police were saying, `Come on, come on, come on. Do you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember?’ And then boom on my head.” I imitated a slap. “‘Remember!’ the policewoman shouted. And then boom again. ‘Do you remember?”’
When Mignini told me I still hadn’t proved that the police had suggested Patrick’s name, my lawyers jumped up. The exchange was so heated that Judge Massei asked if I wanted to stop.
I said no.
At the end, the judge asked what I thought of as a few inconsequential questions, such as, Did I turn up the heat when I got to the villa that Friday morning? Did we have heat in the bathroom, or was it cold? Rather, the judge was trying to catch me in an inconsistency. Why would I come home to a cold house when I could have showered at Raffaele’s?
Then it was over.
In the past I hadn’t been great at standing up for myself. I was proud that this time was different.
When the hearing ended, I got two minutes to talk to my lawyers before the guards led me out of the courtroom. “I was nervous when you first spoke,” Luciano admitted, “but by the end I was proud of you.”
Carlo said, “Amanda, you nailed it. You came across as a nice, intelligent, sincere girl. You left a good impression.”
I took this to mean that I didn’t come across as “Foxy Knoxy.”
For a while during the trial, the guards would let my parents say hello and good-bye to me in the stairwell just before I left the courthouse for the day. My mom, my dad, Deanna, Aunt Christina, and Uncle Kevin were waiting for me there that day. They hugged me tightly. “We’re so proud of you,” they said.
I hadn’t felt this good since before Meredith was murdered.
After another few days in court, the judge called a two-month summer break.
(2) What The Book Description Omits
I am not expecting a complete trial transcript by any means, but here are some of the numerous vital details conveniently left out.
(a) First, to state the obvious…
(1) AK omits that her book directly contradicts a lot of what was said on the witness stand (okay, that’s not saying much)
(2) AK omits that her book leaves out a lot of what was said on the witness stand (okay, that’s not saying much)
(b) Second who asked the questions
(3) AK omits that she was questioned by Francesco Maresca (Kercher lawyer)
(4) AK omits that she was questioned by Guilia Bongiorno (Sollecito lawyer)
(5) AK omits that she was questioned by Luca Maori (Sollecito lawyer)
(6) AK omits that she was questioned by Giancarlo Massei (Trial Judge)
(7) AK omits that a taped phone call was played (with Filomena Romanelli)
(c) Third, how much makes no sense
(8) AK claims she didn’t expect to be interrogated, but leaves out that she showed up unannounced and uninvited
(9) AK omits telling the Court she doesn’t know how to delete “sent” messages, as she’s not a “technical genius”
(10) AK claims she was asked about “imagining things”, but not about the list she had put together
(11) The same 2 “slaps” are used to: (a) get Knox’s attention; (b) get Knox to remember; (c) get Knox to stop lying; (d) to get Knox to say Meredith had sex; (e) to get Knox to give up a name; (f) to confirm a name. So, I assume she was smacked about 12 or 14 times….
(12) AK knew Meredith screamed, but only because it was suggested to her
(13) AK knew Meredith’s body made a “thud”, but only because it was suggested to her
(14) AK knew about the sexual assault, but only because it was suggested to her
(15) AK knew about Meredith having her throat cut, but only because an anonymous officer told her—or was it gestured?
(16) AK knew Meredith took a long time to die ... because she watches CSI
(17) AK knew about the gurgling sounds Meredith made .... because she watches CSI
(18) AK asked for pen and paper to write that she didn’t know what the truth is
(19) AK tells her Mother PL is innocent, but isn’t sure she didn’t imagine it (and report that)
(20) AK, in the same testimony, imagines both: (a) PL is guilty; and (b) PL is innocent. Well, 1 of those must be true.
(21) AK needs a mop for a little puddle at RS’ home, yet hops around on a bathmat in her own home
(22) AK doesn’t think to flush a toilet that had been used 12+ hours before
(23) AK is asked to imagine things, even though there is all this hard evidence
(24) AK was starved, yet the police still brought her tea “and other things”
(25) AK saying “I can’t lie. I was there” is just a euphemism for screwing with RS. Not an admission of guilt
(26) “Hickies” from boyfriend apparently look like cut marks
(27) AK supposedly had a class project once where she describes the 10 minutes prior to discovering a body
(28) AK doesn’t know Ficarra’s name (her supposed abuser), but does remember it after another 4 years
(29) AK doesn’t clean up blood after seeing it in her bathroom
(30) AK is freaked out by an open door, which she suspects a housemate left while throwing out the garbage
(31) AK doesn’t think its strange that her lamp got locked in Meredith’s room
(32) AK doesn’t remember calling her mother in court, but remembers it fine after another 4 years
(33) AK only knew Meredith a month, and just wants to get on with her life (some “friend”)
(34) AK imagines things that last for years, but this is the only situation where it ever happened
(35) AK “might” have been interrogated by dozens of people. Or it could have been a few, and the faces weren’t familiar
(36) Despite huge amounts of evidence, the police ask Amanda to imagine what could have happened
(37) The police investigative technique of asking witnesses to “imagine things” is only ever applied to AK. Never before. Never afterwards.
(38) AK doesn’t really know what the word “confirm” means
(39) AK has trouble—even years later—distinguishing between imaginary and reality.
To put it mildly, what Knox said previously in court in 2009 does not match up with her book in 2013 and her 2015 addition.
Seems that AK is either: (a) forgive me, but a complete bullshitter, who lies through her teeth as often as breathing; or (b) has an extremely limited grasp of reality, which even Sollecito and others who know her have suggested, coupled with a very poor memory; or (c) a combination of (a) and (b).
This makes it very hard for us to distinguish between what she genuinely can’t remember - psychologists feel she may have blanked out the attack on Meredith - and what are actual new lies.
Not an envious task for any trial court. Judge Massei seems to have had a hard time making any sense of it whatsoever. Judge Nencini hardly bothered.
Series will continue
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Explanation
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2. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #1 to #16
Posted by Chimera
1. Series Overview
This series shows Knox contradicting Knox.
Especially Knox at trial contradicting Knox in her book. Knox often lies by omission - she leaves out key facts - and her shadow writer and editors seemingly enable that.
Please see Part 1 here and in particular this:
... amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
(Long post, click here to go straight to Comments.)
2. Unpromising Legal Context Emerging
Sollecito has just shown Knox her probable way forward.
He has just lost a Supreme Court appeal for compensation for his four years in prison, because he provably lied to the cops. And he has just agreed to confess publicly that he provably lied in his book.
Pending an outcome of mafia investigations which may provide further proof that two courts were bent, Sollecito seems to have had his final day in court. Those pesky lies….
What of Knox? She just might get a very minor financial award if the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sees any merit in her claims that she was denied a lawyer on 5-6 November 2007.
Oh yes. The night she talked her head off to investigators and was difficult to stop.
There’s no way her calunnia conviction can be overturned, the Supreme Court made quite sure of that in 2013, and again in 2015. She is a convicted felon for life. (Oh, Netflix did not mention that?)
And there is no sign that her team have even asked the ECHR for a retrial on the calunnia, surely knowing her claim was incredibly weak - leaving Patrick languishing in prison for several weeks was not a smart legal move.
So going forward Knox has only the same two unpromising legal initiatives to look forward to in which Sollecito just bombed out so bad:
To lose a case for a damages award for the one year she waited for trial, and to lose a case for all the copious defamation in her book. Those pesky lies….
3 Telling Contradictions 1 to 16
1. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: You know, there was so much confusion during the night, and so many hours of interrogation, that my sense of time was gone.
CP: When you wrote the memorandum, were you hit by police?
AK: When?
CP: When you wrote the memorandum. Were you hit by police?
AK: No.
CP: Mistreated?
AK: No.
CP: Did the police suggest the contents?
AK: No.
CP: You gave it to them freely?
AK: Yes.
CP: Voluntarily?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 129] I had so many questions that I didn’t ask aloud. But my main thought was If I’m going into hiding, I need to make sure the police understand that I’m not sure about Patrick. I’d caved under the police’s questioning. It was my lack of resolve that had created this problem, and I had to fix it. I needed to say that I had doubts about what I’d signed, to let the police know they couldn’t rely on my declarations as the truth.
[Comments] The logic Knox claims here is rather difficult to follow. If you were to follow the June 2009 testimony and book, you would think that AK freely wanted to write statement to claim that she wasn’t sure anything she had previously said was true. Police statements try to get people saw they saw/heard/did something specific, they don’t couch everything with ‘‘maybe’‘. It still also doesn’t explain that if AK thought that the police considered her and Sollecito suspects, why would they get her to finger someone else completely? If anything it would hurt any potential case]
2. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: But in fact, you were sure that Patrick was innocent?
AK: No, I wasn’t sure.
CP: Why?
AK: Because I was confused! I imagined that it might have happened. I was confused.
CP: Did you see Patrick on November 1, yes or no?
AK: No.
CP: Did you meet him?
AK: No.
CP: Then why did you say that you saw him, met him, and walked home with him?
AK: Because the police and the interpreter told me that maybe I just wasn’t remembering these things, but I had to try to remember. It didn’t matter if I thought I was imagining it. I would remember it with time. So, the fact that I actually remembered something else was confusing to me. Because I remembered one thing, but under the pressure of the police, I forced myself to imagine another. I was confused. I was trying to explain this confusion, because they were making me accuse someone I didn’t want to accuse.
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 129/130] In naming Patrick, I’d unintentionally misled them. What if they thought I did it on purpose? They’d wasted time on me when they could have been out pursuing the real killer.
[Chapter 11, Page 139] I was consumed by worry for Patrick. I felt that time was running out for him if I didn’t remember for sure what had happened the night of Meredith’s murder.
[Comments] In the trial testimony, AK claims (and yes, they are talking about the 3rd statement) that she was confused. However, in the book she claims to have wanted to write the statement in order to clear things up. Not at all the same thing. And again, please read the statement, and this fine work from Peter Hyatt, and decide if this is meant to ‘‘clear up’’ anything at all]
Read Peter Hyatt here.
3. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Did you ever tell your mother, in English, that you felt horrible because Patrick was in prison because of your fault?
AK: Yes, so many times.
CP: Did you say it on November 10?
AK: I don’t remember the dates, but I talked about it with my mother, yes.
CP: So if you were perfectly aware that Patrick was in prison by your fault, that he was innocent, why didn’t you tell the penitentiary police?
AK: Well, it’s true that after several days in prison, I did come to realize that what I had imagined was nothing but imagination, not a confusion of reality. So I realized that he wasn’t guilty of these things, and I felt really really bad that he had been arrested.
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[WTBH, Chapter 15, Page 175] “I didn’t come up with those things on my own” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.” “Amanda,” she said, her eyes wide, “I can’t believe you had to go through that by yourself.” I told her that I had signed the witness statements out of confusion and exhaustion, that as soon as I had a few minutes by myself, I realized that what I’d said under pressure might be wrong. “I thought I could fix my mistake by explaining it in writing,” I said. “Instead, they arrested me.” Mom listened, pulling me close. There was never a moment when it seemed that my words weren’t reaching her.
[Comments] AK doesn’t mention telling her Mother on the phone that PL is innocent. Instead, the closest thing we get is a personal visit where she ‘‘explains’’ her so-called interrogation. Odd that the phone call is left out entirely.
4. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: In the memorandum of the 7th, why didn’t you mention Patrick?
AK: I think I thought that everything would be clear since I had written that everything I had said in the Questura wasn’t true. So that meant also the fact that Patrick—
CP: But you didn’t mention Patrick.
AK: I said what I had done myself, and that was the important thing. The fact that I hadn’t been with him, for me that showed that I couldn’t say what had happened that night, in the house. I could only say what happened to me, and the fact was that I wasn’t with him.
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[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 155] And then, right after the nun had left, detail after detail suddenly came back to me. I read a chapter in Harry Potter We watched a movie. We cooked dinner. We smoked a joint. Raffaele and I had sex. And then I went to sleep. What I’d said during my interrogation was wrong. I was never at the villa. I’d tried to believe what the police had said and had literally conjured that up. It wasn’t real.
[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 156-159] The actual letter…. It read: Oh my God! I’m freaking out a bit now because I talked to a nun and I finally remember. It can’t be a coincidence. I remember what I was doing with Raffaele at the time of the murder of my friend! We are both innocent! This is why: After dinner Raffaele began washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was giving him a back massage while he was doing it. It’s something we do for one another when someone is cleaning dishes, because it makes cleaning better. I remember now that it was AFTER dinner that we smoked marijuana and while we smoked I began by saying that he shouldn’t worry about the sink. He was upset because the sink was broken but it was new and I told him to not worry about it because it was only a little bad thing that had happened, and that little bad things are nothing to worry about. We began to talk more about what kind of people we were. We talked about how I’m more easygoing and less organized than he is, and how he is very organized because of the time he spent in Germany.
It was during this conversation that Raffaele told me about his past. How he had a horrible experience with drugs and alcohol. He told me that he drove his friends to a concert and that they were using cocaine, marijuana, he was drinking rum, and how, after the concert, when he was driving his passed-out friends home, how he had realized what a bad thing he had done and had decided to change. He told me about how in the past he dyed his hair yellow and another time when he was young had cut designs in his hair. He used to wear earrings. He did this because when he was young he played video games and watched Sailor Moon, a Japanese girl cartoon, and so he wasn’t a popular kid at school. People made fun of him. I told him about how in high school I had been unpopular as well, because the people in my school thought I was a lesbian.
We talked about his friends, how they hadn’t changed from drug-using video game players, and how he was sad for them. We talked about his mother, how she had died and how he felt guilty because he had left her alone before she died. He told me that before she died she told him she wanted to die because she was alone and had nothing to live for. I told Raffaele that wasn’t his fault that his mother was depressed and wanted to die. I told him he did the right thing by going to school. I told him that life is full of choices, and those choices aren’t necessarily between good and bad. There are options between what is best and what is not, and all we have to do is do what we think is best. I told him that mistakes teach us to be better people, and so he shouldn’t feel nervous about going to Milan to study, because he felt he needed to be nearer to his friends who hadn’t changed and he felt needed him. But I told him he had to be true to himself.
It was a very long conversation but it did happen and it must have happened at the time of Meredith’s murder, so to clarify, this is what happened. Around five in the evening Raffaele and I returned to his place to get comfortable. I checked my email on his computer for a while and then afterward I read a little Harry Potter to him in German. We watched Amelie and afterward we kissed for a little while. I told him about how I really liked this movie and how my friends thought I was similar to Amelie because I’m a bit of a weirdo, in that I like random little things, like birds singing, and these little things make me happy. I don’t remember if we had sex. Raffaele made dinner and I watched him and we stayed together in the kitchen while dinner was cooking. After dinner Raffaele cleaned the dishes and this is when the pipes below came loose and flooded the kitchen floor with water. He was upset, but I told him we could clean it up tomorrow when I brought back a mop from my house. He put a few small towels over the water to soak up a little and then he threw them into the sink.
I asked him what would make him feel better and he said he would like to smoke some hash. I received a message from my boss about how I didn’t have to come into work and I sent him a message back with the words: “Ci vediamo. Buono serata.” While Raffaele rolled the joint I laid in bed quietly watching him. He asked me what I was thinking about and I told him I thought we were very different kinds of people. And so our conversation began, which I have already written about. After our conversation I know we stayed in bed together for a long time. We had sex and then afterward we played our game of looking at each other and making faces. After this period of time we fell asleep and I didn’t wake up until Friday morning. This is what happened and I could swear by it. I’m sorry I didn’t remember before and I’m sorry I said I could have been at the house when it happened. I said these things because I was confused and scared. I didn’t lie when I said I thought the killer was Patrick. I was very stressed at the time and I really did think he was the murderer. But now I remember that I can’t know who the murderer was because I didn’t return back to the house. I know the police will not be happy about this, but it’s the truth and I don’t know why my boyfriend told lies about me, but I think he is scared and doesn’t remember well either. But this is what it is, this is what I remember.
[WTBH, Chapter 15, Page 159]I was a little girl again. I was doing what I’d done since I was seven years old, whenever I got into trouble with Mom. I’d sit with a Lion King notebook propped up against my knees, write out my explanation and apology, rip it out, fold it up, and then either hand it to Mom or, if I wasn’t brave enough, put it somewhere I knew she’d immediately find it.
[Comments] AK writes another statement on November 7, and Carlo Pacelli is correct, it actually doesn’t mention PL at all. AK, in what might be a surprise bit of honesty, tends to write out explanations when she gets into trouble. Doesnt seem to work here though.
5. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Excuse me, avvocato. To just return to this question. The defense is expressing his perplexity and we also feel it. You are saying: “I didn’t know if Patrick was innocent or not.” This is on the 6th and the 7th. But on the 10th, you essentially say that he’s innocent. So what the defense lawyer is asking is, what happened in between to make you change your mind? To change your conviction about the role of Patrick? It’s this.
AK: Well, yes. I knew he was in prison uniquely because of my words. At first I didn’t know this. I thought the police somehow knew whether he was guilty or not. Since I didn’t know, I was confused. But in the following days I realized that he was in prison only because of what I had said, and I felt guilty.
CP: Why didn’t you tell the police this in the following days, or to the PM?
GCM: Excuse me, avvocato? The days following which day?
CP: I’m talking about the 10th of November. The day of the conversation with her mother? Why didn’t you ever tell the police or the publicco ministero?
AK: I had clearly written down in the memorandum that everything in my declarations couldn’t be true because I didn’t really remember them. And then, whenever police came to talk to give me paper or anything, they treated me like “Oh, so you have another truth now.” So this was my way of telling them that nothing I had said in the Questura was usable.
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WTBH, Chapter 27, Pages 321-327] AK gives a very abbreviated version of this, and leaves out the contradictory statements altogether.
[Comments] AK leaves out the phone call on November 10 in the book. She also seems to intentionally garble whether or not she knew the accusation was false. Carlo Pacelli rightfully asks why she was so unsure on November 6/7, but she is so certain on November 10 that PL was innocent. What changed? But a clear answer is never given.
6. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: I think I’m talking about November 30th. On November 30, you were in front of the Tribunale degli Esame. Why didn’t you declare this circumstance, that Patrick was foreign to all this, totally innocent?
AK: So, that date is when I arrived here, to the Camera di Consiglio?
CP: Yes.
AK: That’s it. So I said, I made a spontaneous declaration in front of those judges, saying that I was very upset about the fact that Patrick had been put in prison because of me. I said that. If I’m not mistaken.
CP: Listen, the first time you ever actually said that Patrick had nothing to do with it, when was it? Do you remember? Of these people you told, was it to your lawyers? Or was it your mother on the phone on the 10th?
AK: That Patrick had nothing to do with it? I imagined that he was innocent because—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] in the book AK skips over the November 30, 2007 hearing altogether. This was the 3 Judge panel, headed by Massimo Ricciarelli. 3 weeks after Judge Claudia Matteini had denied them release, AK/RS were able to challenge it. At this point though, the police had a much stronger case, and Guede had been caught.
7. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Excuse me, but apart from your mother, who else did you tell about this?
AK: I wrote it down, and I also told my lawyers.
CP: Can you be a bit clearer about this?
AK: You mean about whom I told?
CP: I mean about the fact that Patrick had nothing to do with the crime and was in prison because of you. As you yourself said. Who did you tell besides your mother?
AK: I also told my lawyers.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Yet another claim that doesn’t appear in the book. AK does include several scenes where Dalla Vedova and Ghirga are frustrated she and RS can’t be release (since it would be an admission of jumping to wrong conclusions). But nowhere in the book does AK clearly and unequivically say to her lawyers that PL is innocent. Probably a good thing for them, since leaving an innocent man in jail would end their careers.
8. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Excuse me. Before you told your mother, did you tell anyone else?
AK: Yes, I wrote it in my memorandum of the 7th, and then when I discussed the situation with my lawyers, I explained why I had said these things. And I explained the fact that I couldn’t talk about the guilt of this person. I thought that, at a certain point, thinking about how Patrick was, I thought that it wasn’t even possible that he could be guilty of something like that, because he wasn’t like that. But I wasn’t actually in the house seeing anything, so I couldn’t actually state whether he was guilty or not.
GCM: Yes. But before you told your mother on November 10th in that recorded conversation, did you tell others? That Patrick, as far as you knew, had nothing to do with it?
AK: I had explained the situation to my lawyers, and I had told them what I knew. Which was that I didn’t know who the murderer was. That.
CP: But listen, in the memorandum of the 7th, you did repeat that Patrick was the murderer. Do you contest that? You expressly say “I didn’t lie when I said Patrick was the murderer. I really did think he was the murderer.” So in the memorandum of the 7th, you confirm—
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[WTBH, Chapter 18, Page 207] Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
[Comments] Again sticking the knife in her own lawyers. In the trial testimony she claims that she told Ghirga and Dalla Vedova were told PL was innocent, yet did nothing. In the book she leaves that out but claims they knew Mignini/Comodi were trying to frame them with falsified evidence, yet did nothing about it. And just to clarify, LG and CDV are DEFENSE lawyers.
9. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: Signorina Amanda, did you accuse Patrick to save yourself?
AK: No!
CP: Well then, why?
AK: Because the police suggested—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] Everyone was yelling, and I was yelling back. I shouted, “I don’t understand what the fuck is happening right now!” A beefy cop with a crew cut thought I’d said, “Fuck you,” and he yelled, “Fuck you!” back. They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Comments] In the June 2009 testimony, at least in this part, AK claims that she gave up the name because of suggestibility. In the book, however, she claims it was forced and beaten out of her. Not the same thing at all]
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 120] They said, “Your memories will come back. It’s the truth. Just wait and your memories will come back.” The pubblico ministero came in. Before he started questioning me, I said, “Look, I’m really confused, and I don’t know what I’m remembering, and it doesn’t seem right.”
[Comments] Slightly off tpoic, but her AK acknowledges that PM Mignini wasn’t there for the first interrogation, but that he came in later. So that part of AK’s original claim is false obiously.
10. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: And then something happened to the faucet of the sink?
AK: Yes. While Raffaele was washing the dishes, water was coming out from underneath. He looked down, turned off the water and then looked underneath and the pipe underneath “got loose” [in English, the lawyer translates “broke” (si e rotto), the interpreter translates “slowed down” (si e rallentato)] and water was coming out.
GCM: Can you say what time this was?
AK: Um, around, um, we ate around 9:30 or 10, and then after we had eaten and he was washing the dishes, well, as I said, I don’t look at the clock much, but it was around 10. And…he…umm…well, he was washing the dishes and, umm, the water was coming out and he was very “bummed” [English], displeased, he told me he had just had that thing repaired. He was annoyed that it had broken again. So, umm…
LG: Yes. So you talked a bit. Then what did you do?
AK: Then we smoked a joint together. What we did is, we said all right, let’s find some rags, but he didn’t have a “mop” [in English] how do you say “mop”? [The interpreter translates “lo spazzolone”, the lawyer “il mocio”] he didn’t have one, and I said don’t worry, I have one at home, I’ll bring it tomorrow, the leak is in the kitchen, it wasn’t like it smelled bad or anything, we could just forget about it for the night, and then think about it tomorrow. So, we went into his room, and I think I, yes, I lay down on his bed, and he went to the desk, and while he was there he rolled the joint, and then we smoked it together.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 62] After the movie ended, around 9:15 P.M., we sauteed a piece of fish and made a simple salad. We were washing the dishes when we realized that the kitchen sink was leaking. Raffaele, who’d already had a plumber come once, was frustrated and frantically tried to mop up a lot of water with a little rag. He ended up leaving a puddle. “I’ll bring the mop over from our house tomorrow. No big deal,” I said.
[Comments] First, didn’t Raffy’s Dad call around 8:30, and they mentioned the leak then? Second, if there is just a ‘‘small puddle’’ why would it be necessary to grab a mop the next day? Seems like an excuse just to cover the possibility of being seen with a mop.
11. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Now we come to the morning of Nov 2nd. What did you do the next morning, when you woke up?
AK: So, when I woke up, I don’t remember what time it was, but I think around 10, 10:30, I was there and I saw that Raffaele was still sleeping, so I watched him for a little while, then I said, okay, I’m going home to take a shower and change, and when I come back, we’ll go, because we had this plan to go to Gubbio, because it was a holiday that day, there was no school for me, or anyway I was going to skip it. [Laughs.] Anyway, I wanted to go see Gubbio. So, I left his house, and when I got near my house, I saw that the door was open. And I thought, strange, because usually we had to lock that door, but I thought, if someone didn’t close it properly, obviously it would open. I thought maybe someone had gone out very quickly, or just downstairs to get something, or to take out the trash, or something. When I went in, I called out “Is anybody there?” and no one answered, so I closed the door, but I didn’t lock it, because I thought maybe someone would come, maybe they had just gone out to get cigarettes or whatever. Then I went into my room, um, and I changed, well no, I made a mistake, I went into the bathroom. I had these earrings, I had a lot of them, I like earrings, I had had them pierced recently, and I always had to wash them carefully because one was a little infected, and I had to take the earrings out and clean the ear, and that’s when I saw some drops of blood on the sink. At first I thought they had come from my ears. But then when I scratched the drops a bit, I saw they were all dry, and I thought “That’s weird. Oh well, I’ll take my shower.” Then when I got out of the shower, I saw that I had forgotten my towel, so I wanted to use the bathmat to get to my room, and that’s when I saw the bloody stain that was on the bathmat. And I thought “Hm, strange.” Maybe someone had a problem with menstruation that didn’t get cleaned up right away. I used the mat to kind of hop over to my room and into my room, I took my towel, and I used the mat to get back to the bathroom because I thought well, by now…then I put the mat back where it was supposed to go, then I dried myself, put my earrings back, brushed my teeth, then I went back into my room to put on new clothes, I took—no!
LG: You dried your hair”“
AK: Then I went into the other bathroom to dry my hair, because there was no hair dryer in my bathroom. So I went there, I took the hair dryer, I was drying my hair, and then when I put the hair dryer back, I saw that in the toilet, which was that kind of toilet that isn’t really flat, it’s like this, kind of ew, that there were faeces on that upper part, and that for me was the strangest thing of all. In fact [swallowing], of all the things I saw, in the bathroom of Laura and Filomena who are very clean people, for me it was strange, and I thought, “What? What could this be?” Okay, so I didn’t know what to think, but it was strange. Then I took this mop that was near my room that was in a closet thing near my room, and I went to Raffaele’s house, locking the door behind me, because all the time I was doing these things, nobody had come back to the house. So um, I thought, strange, okay, let’s see what Raffaele says, because I didn’t know what to think, and so I wanted to talk it over with him. When I got back to his house, I…he was in the bathroom, and I started to clean up the floor in the kitchen, but it was by now almost dry, just a bit of water left because it had evaporated. Then he came out and we made breakfast, and while we were preparing it and drinking coffee, I explained to him what I had seen, and I asked him for advice, because when I went into my house, everything seemed in order, only there were these little weird things, and I couldn’t figure out how to understand them.
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[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65] 0n that cold, sunny Friday morning, I left Rafael asleep in his apartment and walked home to take a shower and get my things together, thinking about our romantic weekend in the Umbrian hills. In hindsight, it seems that arriving home to find the front door open should have rattled me more. I thought, That’s strange. But it was easily explained. The old latch didn’t catch unless we used a key. Wind must have blown it open, I thought, and walked inside the house calling out, “Filomena? Laura? Meredith? Hello? Hello? Anybody?” Nobody. The bedroom doors were closed. I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the sink? My confusion increased. We were usually so neat. I went to my room and, while putting on a white skirt and a blue sweater, thought about what to bring along on my trip to Gubbio with Raffaele.
I went to the big bathroom to use Filomena’s blow dryer and was stashing it back against the wall when I noticed poop in the toilet. No one in the house would have left the toilet unflushed. Could there have been a stranger here? Was someone in the house when I was in the shower? I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
By the time I was a block from home I was second-guessing myself. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe there was a simple reason for the toilet being unflushed. I needed someone to say, “, you’re right to be scared. This isn’t normal.” And if it wasn’t okay, I wanted someone to tell me what to do. My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK sees blood, assumes someone had their period, and doesn’t think to clean it up?! She also sees (and probably smells) that the other toilet hadn’t been flushed in several hours and doesn’t think to flush it?! She does however, remember to that there was a small puddle of water from RS’ sink the night before, and grabs the mop, but didn’t think to check to see if the puddle was still there?!
[Comments] So AK sees blood in the sink, realises it wasn’t from ‘‘dripping’’ and that it might have been from her earrings. Yet she doesn’t think to clean that up either?!
[Comments] And taking your earrings out of ‘‘newly pierced’’ ears makes no sense as it causes: (1) infection; and (b) the risk of the holes closing over.
[Comments] AK claims that she used the bathmat to hop across the floor because it was wet. Okay, if water is so dangerous, why not have the mop in the bathroom to remove what I assume was a lot of water? Remember, she took the mop back to deal with that ‘‘small puddle’’ at RS house.
[Comments] And using the bathmat to hop across the floor?! So if she looked and bent down to grab it, then presumably she saw the bloody ‘‘orange’‘.
[Comments] If AK is so blase about finding blood in her bathroom, unflushed toilets, and she knows the front door doesn’t lock properly, then what exactly is there to be so worried about?
[Comments] If AK did call her mother to report these things, why did Edda not just say: (a) clean up the drips; (b) flush the toilet; and (c) close the door? Seems like a reasonable parent response.
[Comments] If everyone is supposedly gone for the long weekend, why would seeing an empty house be disturbing?
[Comments] Both the book and the trial testimony leave out that AK would have encountered Filomena’s broken window as she approached. Either she never noticed, or broken windows are just something that happens. Nothing to see here people…
[Comments] A contradiction here. In the book she claims to have left RS asleep. In the trial she claimed he had woken up, and she told him she was leaving. Not the same thing
[Comments] To re-iterate, how could AK be so indifferent about: (1) blood in the sink; (2) blood on the bathmat; (c) showering in a bloody bathroom; (d) hopping across a bloody mat; (e) unflushed toilet; (f) the smell of unflushed toilet; (g) door wide open; (h) Filomena’s broken window, yet be so careful as to grab the mop for the leak under RS sink?!
12. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: How worried were you when you left your house?
AK: Well, I had this strange sensation like, “What?” and it was a bit like that, I didn’t know how to explain it in my mind. That’s why I wanted to ask Raffaele. So he suggested I ask my roommates. So first I called Meredith, who didn’t answer, and then I think I called Filomena, and she explained to me that Laura was in Rome, and that I should call back Meredith and then return to the house to see if there was anything stolen. I told her, look, everything seemed to be there, not as if someone entered and took things away, because my computer was still in my room, I saw that the television was still in the living room. For me, I hadn’t even thought that there was a robbery. I thought maybe someone went in and out really quickly, because if someone leaves faeces in the toilet, maybe something had happened and they had had to leave really really fast. Maybe. So Raffaele and I went out and went to my house to look around and see how things were. This time we opened the doors, for example the door to Filomena’s room, and I saw that her window was broken and there was a big mess. That’s when I thought, oh gosh, it was a robbery. And I was running around everywhere.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66] I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
[Comments] AK claims in the 2009 trial testimony not to be scared, but rather to have merely found things odd. In the book, however, she claims to have been freaked out, yet still able to grab the mop.
13. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: How did you interpret the fact that Meredith’s door was locked right then? Did it seem to you something normal or abnormal? Did it happen sometimes or very rarely?
AK: Well, it happened to me sometimes to find that her door was locked, for example if I called Meredith and she had just gotten out of the shower, and wanted to change her clothes, and I would get near the door, I would notice it was locked. But, then she was inside. She also locked it when she went to England. But the fact that it was locked then, I didn’t know if she had gone to England, and if it was locked and she wasn’t inside, for me that was strange and I didn’t…
LG: Okay, so that gives some clarification about Meredith’s locked door.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69] I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace.” I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!” That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. “Please come in before you get hurt!” As soon as we got inside, we went back to Meredith’s closed door. “I can try to kick it down,” Rafael offered. “Try it!”
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend, but Filomena wheeled around and shouted, “She never locks her door!” I stepped back and let her take over the conversation, Italian to Italian. The rapid-fire exchange stretched way past my skills.
[Comments] in the trial testimony, AK claims it was no big deal, yet in the book she claims to be freaked out. She later dials it back, as if trying to cover both versions.
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69/70] I called my mom again. “Mom,” I said. “Someone broke into our house, and we can’t find Meredith. What should we do?” “, call the police,” she said. My stepfather, Chris, yelled into the speakerphone, “, get the hell out of the house, this instant!” While I was talking to them, Raffaele called his sister to see what she thought. She was a police officer in Rome. Raffaele dialed 112””Italy’s 911””for the Carabinieri, which was separate from””and more professional than””the Perugian town police. As soon as he hung up, I said, “Let’s wait for them outside.” Even without Chris’s insistence, I was too spooked to be in the house. On the way out I glanced from the kitchen into the larger bathroom. The toilet had been flushed. “Oh my God!” I said to Raffaele. “Someone must have been hiding inside when I was here the first time””or they came back while I was gone!”
[Comments] Just an observation here. AK seems to insert her Stepdad, Chris Mellas, into the 2nd phone call with her Mum. However, there doesn’t seem to be any mention of him in the trial transcript.
14. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
Then we went out of the house, because I was taken by this…I don’t know, I felt really strange. I don’t know, the situation was too strange, I didn’t know what to think. So we went out of the house, also to look from outside at that window, and while we were outside, two people from plainclothes police came up to us and said “Ciao, we’re the police”. So I immediately thought that they were the people that Raffaele had called,
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 70] We ran out and waited on a grassy bank beside the driveway. I was shivering from nerves and cold, and Raffaele was hugging me to calm me down and keep me warm, when a man in jeans and a brown jacket walked up. As he approached us he said he was from the police. I thought, That was fast. Another officer joined him.
[Comments] Keeping with the discrepency in urgency, AK tells the Massei Court that she and RS went outside since they were perplexed and thought that going outside might give answers. IN the book, she claims that she and RS were freaked out by the prospect of a burglar, and ran outside. Just a thought, perhaps the book was distorted with all the freaking out just for editor’s purpose.
15. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I had taken a really quick look to see if the faeces were still in the toilet, and they had gone down a bit, whereas when I saw them they were on top, the fact that I didn’t see them, I thought mamma mia, someone flushed the toilet. I didn’t really look inside, just from the entrance to the bathroom. . So then I was taken by this sense of fear, because I thought mamma mia, while I was taking my shower, someone was here in the house!
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Chapter 6, Page 70] In court, AK adds the details tthat she took a look to see if the s*** was still in the toilet. (Again, why anyone wouldn’t flush a toilet after 12 hours is a bit beyond me, unless they knew something). In the book, she goes directly to the break in
16. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes, because I told them, look, the door is locked, and Filomena was going Mamma Mia, it’s never locked, it’s never locked, and I said no, it’s not true that it’s never locked, but it is strange.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend, but Filomena wheeled around and shouted, “She never locks her door!” I stepped back and let her take over the conversation, Italian to Italian. The rapid-fire exchange stretched way past my skills. Filomena shouted at the Postal Police officers, “Break down the door!”
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 69] I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace.” I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!” That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. “Please come in before you get hurt!” As soon as we got inside, we went back to Meredith’s closed door. “I can try to kick it down,” Rafael offered. “Try it!”
[Comments] AK tries to paint herself as the voice of reason in court and on page 71. She forgets that she wrote on page 69 she was freaked out.
More to come.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 1-16
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3. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #17 To #26
Posted by Chimera
The reason why there’s no similar shot of RS showing warmth to AK
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Series Overview
The title above captures the point of this series in a nutshell.
My previous post listed numerous omissions by Knox in the book of damning exchanges that hurt her at trial. This and future posts show how Knox’s trial testimony contradicts with what the book did actively claim.
Of relevance is that we have identified 518 lies in the Knox book, and 90 demonizations some of which are expected to incur charges
2 Telling Contradictions 17 to 26
17. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
CP: All right, I’ll reformulate the question. Meredith, before she was killed, did she have sex?
AK: I don’t know.
CP: Then why, in the interrogation of Nov 6 at 1:45, did you say that Meredith had sex before she died?
AK: Under pressure, I imagined lots of different things, also because during the days that I was being questioned by the police, they suggested to me that she had been raped.
CP: And the police suggested to you to say this?
AK: Yes.
CP: And to make you say this, did they hit you?
AK: Yes.LG: Now what interests me is that you should be precise about the term “hit”, because being hit is something…was it a cuff on the head, two cuffs on the head? How precise can you be about this “hitting”?
AK: So, during the interrogation, people were standing all around me, in front of me, behind me, one person was screaming at me from here, another person was shouting “No no no, maybe you just don’t remember” from over there, other people were yelling other things, and a policewoman behind me did this to me [you hear the sound of her giving two very little whacks].LG: I wanted to know this precise detail.
AK: Yes.
LG: After all that, that whole conversation, that you told us about, and you had a crying crisis, did they bring you some tea, coffee, some cakes, something? When was that exactly?
AK: They brought me things only after I had made some declarations. So, I was there, they were all screaming at me, I only wanted to leave because I was thinking that my mother was arriving, and I said look, can I have my telephone, because I want to call my mom. They said no, and there was this big mess with them shouting at me, threatening me, and it was only after I made declarations that they started saying “No, no, don’t worry, we’ll protect you,” and that’s how it happened.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103] November 5, 2007, Day Four Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said. I have no idea how many cops were stuffed into the cramped, narrow room. Sometimes there were two, sometimes eight””police coming in and going out, always closing the door behind them. They loomed over me, each yelling the same thing: “You need to remember. You’re lying. Stop lying!” “I’m telling the truth,” I insisted. “I’m not lying.” I felt like I was suffocating. There was no way out. And still they kept yelling, insinuating.
[Chapter 10, Page 116] They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Chapter 10, Page 118]
“Why did he kill her? Why did he kill her?” I said, “I don’t know.” “Did he have sex with Meredith? Did he go into the room with Meredith?” “I don’t know, I guess so. I’m confused.” They started treating me like someone who’d been taken advantage of. They told me they were helping me, that they were trying to get to the truth. “We’re trying to do our best for you.”
[WTBH, Chapter 26, Page 324]
I’d purposely tried to forget the emotional pain of the slap to my head.
Comments On This Above
AK uses the same two “smacks” in numerous different situations. Obviously, they all didn’t happen, if she was even hit at all, which numerous witnesses denied. Here are seven different claims.
- (a) In 2009 testimony, AK claims police hit her to get her to say MK was victim of sexual assault
(b) Also in 2009 testimony, AK claims she was hit because she didn’t remember
(c) A bit later in 2009 testimony, AK implies that she was hit when she wanted to talk to her mother
(d) In Chapter 10, AK claims she was hit because the police didn’t have her attention
(e) Also in Chapter 10, AK claims she was hit after she dropped PL’s name
(f) And, in direct contradiction to point “a”, AK claims the topic of PL forcing sex on MK comes up “after” she is hit.
(g) And, another contradiction, AK claims she was hit only once
Nothing like a little inconsistency here…..........
18. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes, it was really really cold. First, Raffaele gave me his jacket, but then the others saw that I was cold, really in shock, so they said come, come, let’s get in the car and get warm. And inside that car, we talked more about… we kept on saying “But what did you see? Who was there?” So in the car, heh, still using Raffaele a bit like an interpreter, they explained to me that they heard from someone, from someone else, from one of the officers who were talking, that she…
LG: Meredith
AK: ...that Meredith had had her throat slit, and at that point I became a bit…uh [sigh]...I closed myself off a bit inside…I cried a bit because I kept thinking but…how is it possible? No…[slightly desperate laugh], it was too much, so [sigh, voice trembling], and then, we went to the Questura.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 78/79] As I sat waiting to hear what else the police needed from me, I asked the detective if it was true that it was Meredith who had been murdered. I still couldn’t let go of the tiniest hope that the body in her room hadn’t been Meredith’s, that she was still alive. The detective nodded and ran his finger in a cutting motion across his neck. I covered my mouth with my hands and shook my head back and forth. No. “I just can’t believe it,” I said softly.
He nodded again, soberly, looking me in the eye.
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 82] When I wasn’t on the phone, I paced. I walked by one of Meredith’s British friends, Natalie Hayworth, who was saying, “I hope Meredith didn’t suffer.” Still worked up, I turned around and gaped. “How could she not have suffered?” I said. “She got her fucking throat slit. Fucking bastards.” I was angry and blunt. I couldn’t understand how the others remained so calm. No one else was pacing.
Comments On This Above
In the 2009 testimony, AK claims that RS found out how MK died, yet in the book, AK writes she was told (by the rather cold gesture) from a detective. However, this gesture is actually meant to indicate death, not specifically that someone did have their throat slashed. But AK does correctly know that manner of death—just like if she was there. She also notes in the book “bastards” suggesting there was more than 1 killer—just like if she was there.
19. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: I’m asking you this because in your first interrogation, in the Questura, on the afternoon of Nov 2, you talked about a corpse in the closet.
AK: Yes, in fact.
LG: Can you explain to the court why you said this?
AK: Well, outside of the house, everyone was talking and crying, people saying different things, asking and calling different things, and they were mostly talking about what they had seen inside the room. I was thinking, a foot? What could a foot be doing in Meredith’s room? So Raffaele asked certain people, for me, to explain what they had seen, and we heard that there was a corpse in the closet, covered with a cover, with one foot out, and that’s the image I understood, that there was a corpse in the closet, shut inside the closet, but there was a foot sticking out. That’s what I understood, but then it was all confusion…
LG: Sorry, were you finished?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 72] Sitting outside on the front stoop, I heard someone exclaim, `Aimadio” - “armoire.” They found a foot in the closet, I thought. Then, “Corpo!’ - “A body!” A body inside the wardrobe with a foot sticking out? I couldn’t make the words make sense. Filomena was wailing, “Meredith! Meredith! Oh, God!” Over and over, “Meredith! Oh, God!” My mind worked in slow motion. I could not scream or speak. I just kept saying in my head, What’s happening? What’s happening?
[Chapter 6, Page 66] I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
[Chapter 6, Page 66] Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried. “I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Chapter 6, Page 69] I ran back upstairs and knocked gently on Meredith’s door, calling, “Meredith. Are you in there?” No sound. I called again, louder. I knocked harder. Then I banged. I jiggled the handle. It was locked. Meredith only locks her door when she’s changing clothes, I thought. She can’t be in there or she’d answer. “Why isn’t she answering me?” I asked Rafael frantically. I couldn’t figure out, especially in that moment, why her door would be locked. What if she were inside? Why wouldn’t she respond if she were? Was she sleeping with her earphones in? Was she hurt? At that moment what mattered more than anything was reaching her just to know where she was, to know that she was okay.
[Chapter 6, Page 69] I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!”
[Chapter 6, Page 71] “Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.” “Well, is that unusual?” they asked. I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend,
Comments On This Above
In June 2009, AK claims to be confused about hearing of a foot, and that she has to have it explained to her later. Yet in her book, she is immediately informed of a body. And of course, let’s not forget these book quotes where AK is both worried and nonchalant.
Indicative that AK suggests to her mother about blood and the toilet, but Edda “doesn’t” suggest flush, and clean it up. Almost as if she knew it had some later significance. Also noteworthy, AK writes that she is worried something may have happened to MK, but when she is told of a body, she doesn’t make the connection.
20. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Is it true? Do you remember? AK: [Sigh, voice trembling] As I was coming to understand what had happened in that house, I felt very very scared, scared even to get near the house, because I saw that there was blood also downstairs in the boys’ apartment, that they wanted to ask me “But is it normal for there to be blood in this apartment?” so I said “No”, and then they wanted me to look at all the knives, and it made a strong impression on me, and all the emotion that I had been keeping inside me escaped, because I’d had this shock, this inability to understand what had really happened, and since I didn’t want to accept it…
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100/101] The police told me to go into my room, and they watched while I did. “Is anything missing?” they asked. “Everything looks okay,” I said, my voice small and quavering. I felt like a kid who’s terrified to go down the hall in the dark. Distraught, I forgot to check if my own rent money was still in the drawer of my desk. “Now come back to the kitchen.” I did. “Open the bottom drawer and look through the knives. Do you see any missing?” This is where we kept our overflow utensils, the ones we almost never needed. When I pulled open the drawer, stainless steel gleamed up at me. “I don’t know if there’s one missing or not,” I said, trembling. “We don’t really use these.” I reached in, pushed a few knives around, and then stood up helplessly. I knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon””that they were asking me to pick out what might have been used to slash Meredith’s throat. Panic engulfed me.
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 335] On the witness stand, Marco Chiacchiera of the Squadra Mobile had explained that “investigative
intuition” had led him to the knife. That flimsy explanation did not help me understand how the police could pull a random knife from Raffaele’s kitchen drawer and decide that it was, without the smallest doubt, the murder weapon. Or why they never analyzed knives from the villa or Rudy Guede’s apartment.Then we heard the prosecution’s hired forensic experts describe the knife as “not incompatible” with Meredith’s wounds. I wasn’t the only person who was perplexed. The experts debated the meaning of this phrase as intensely as they did the physical evidence being presented.
Comments On This Above
In Court, AK claims that the police wanted her to look at all the knives. Yet in the book, she says she was asked if any were missing. Not the same thing.
In the Prosecution testimony, AK claims it was “intuition” that led Marco Chiacchiera to the knife. What she leaves out is that an impression of the knife had been left on the bedsheet in blood, and that they were looking for a specific impression.
21. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Okay. I won’t show you myself, it would be ridiculous. [Laughing murmurs] Still on the day of Nov 4, you spent a lot of time in the Questura, you and Raffaele had a long conversation that was recorded. First you were in the Questura, then you went home, then you came back, and you were talking, it’s all in the dossier. At a certain point, you were talking about someone called either “Shaki” or “Icam”. Do you remember that circumstance and what you were talking about with reference to this person?
AK: Okay, um, I thought of him because the police asked me repeatedly who I thought could be a dangerous person, someone who could be…who frequented the house, a man, they only wanted to know about males who visited the house, who were strange or seemed so to us for some reason, and the only person who for me, during the little time I had been in Perugia who had made a negative impression on me was this boy that also Meredith knew, whose nickname, not his real name, was Shaki, or “Shaky”. Meredith and her friends said they called him Shaki or “Shaky” because he moved in a strange way when he danced, and then one time I had a…he went for example to the place where I worked, at the time when I was supposed to go home, it was very late, and he offered me a ride home on his motorbike. But during the ride, he insisted that I go have some dessert with him, and I said, “Look, I really want to go home,” and he said “No, look, I’m giving you a ride, a bit of dessert is nothing,” and he took me to have it, and then he took me to his house, which to me… I kept telling him again and again, “Look, I really want to go home, it’s really late, I’m really tired,” and he kept saying “No, no, relax, relax, come on, sit down on my bed, relax, make yourself comfortable”. I said “No, look, take me home.” So he finally brought me home, and that was it, but it left me with an ugly impression because I thought he wanted to somehow try something, and he was the only person that had made an impression of strangeness on me, like he had intentions that were different from what I wanted. So he made that impression on me, but that’s all, because everybody else I met was nice.
Knox At Trial In 2009…
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] “Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested. I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.“As I was running through the list of male callers at No. 7, Via dells Pergola, I suddenly remembered Rudy Guede for the first time. I’d met him only briefly. I said, “Oh, and there’s this guy””I don’t know his name or his number””all I know is that he plays basketball with the guys downstairs. They introduced Meredith and me to him in Piazza IV Novembre. We all walked to the villa together, and then Meredith and I went to their apartment for a few minutes.”
Comments On This Above
AK claims in both the trial and in the book to have been asked about men visiting the house. This is reasonable, especially because if a break in was faked, it would be useful to know who had access, and who had been by. But on November 5th, while mentioning a brief description of Rudy (whose name she can’t remember), AK leaves out the fact of the list of names she had been painstakingly building, which was key in disproving Knox’s Interrogation Hoax.
22. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: When I talked about the piercings she got in her ears, I remember that she said she had a lot. If I say to Amanda, if I ask Amanda, eight on the left ear and four on the right ear, could that be the number of piercings?
AK: Exactly.
LG: More or less, to have an idea, because it’s a lot.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65] I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself.
Comments On This Above
AK claims also to have taken her “newly pierced” earrings out to do that. Bullshit. You don’t take new earrings out for several weeks. You clean them (best you can) in your ears. Also, unless incredibly infected, there is no blood, but maybe some puss and blistering. This seems like an attempt to talk away the obvious appearance of blood. And of course, the obvious question: why the hell didn’t AK clean it up when she saw it there?
23. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Okay. Then you were interrogated, let’s say interrogated, it was just for information. So you were interrogated.
AK: Mm.
LG: During the interrogation, there were several people in the room, did someone come who was involved in Raffaele Sollecito’s interrogation? He was being interrogated in one place, you in another.
AK: So, there were lots and lots of people who came in and went out, and after one had come in and gone out, another policewoman told me that Raffaele said that I went out of the apartment—at least, Raffaele apparently said that I [stammering] had gone out of his house.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,”she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.”My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
Comments On This Above
AK claims both in court and in the book that she had been interrogated, and that during it RS destroyed her alibi. However, the unanimous police version is that there never was an interrogation, and that until RS revoked his alibi (proven contradictions with his phone records) all that went on was list-building of names.
24. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: So, all papers they brought me to sign, at that point, they were all the same to me, so I can’t even say what I had to sign, arrest warrant, declarations, whatever, because at a certain point, I just wanted to sign and go home.
LG: Right. But instead?
AK: Instead, no. After a while they told me I had to stay in the Questura, so I had to stay, and I rolled up in a fetal position to try to sleep, on a chair, and I fell asleep, then I woke up, and I was there thinking and some people were going in and out, and during this period of time, I was telling them: “Look, I am really confused, these things don’t seem like what I remember, I remember something else.” And they said “No no no no no, you just stay quiet, you will remember it all later. So just stay quiet and wait, wait, wait, because we have to check some things.” And at that point I just didn’t understand anything. I even lost my sense of time.
LG: And I wanted to ask you after how long they took you to prison. At some point there was a car, a police wagon that took you to prison. After how much time was that? You don’t know?
AK: Well, I can’t say, but what I can say is that I stayed a while in the Questura, and during that time I kept trying to explain to the police that what I had said was not certain, and they took my shoes during that time and they took some pictures, they undressed me to take the pictures, and so it seemed like a long time.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, Page 125] Just a few more hours and I’ll see Mom, I thought. We’ll spend the night in a hotel. I asked permission to push two metal folding chairs together, balled myself into the fetal position, and passed out, spent. I probably didn’t sleep longer than an hour before doubt pricked me awake. Oh my God, what if I sent the police in the wrong direction?
Comments On This Above
Indicative that despite this brutal interrogation AK not only remembers it word for word, but remembers afterwards sleeping a fetal position. She also claims to have been bombarded by questions, but if an interpreter is necessary, then it would have slowed things down considerably.
25. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: All right, I’ve finished the subject of the night in the Questura. When you made your first declaration, it was without the pubblico ministero. Then he came. Can you tell us if there was some discussion about a lawyer? If you remember, and whatever you remember.
AK: So, before they asked me to make further declarations—I really can’t tell you what time it was, I was lost after hours and hours of the same thing—but at one point I asked if I shouldn’t have a lawyer? I thought that, well, I didn’t know, but I’ve seen things like this on television. When people do things like this they have lawyer. They told me, at least one of them told me that it would be worse for me because it would prove that I didn’t want to collaborate with the police. So they told me no.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118-120] At 1:45 A.M. they gave me a piece of paper written in Italian and told me to sign it. On Thursday, November 1, on a day when I normally work, while I was at my boyfriend Raffaele’s place, at about 20:30, I received a message on my cell phone from Patrik, who told me the club would remain closed that night because there weren’t any customers and therefore I would not have to go to work. I replied to the message telling him that we’d see each other right away. Then I left the house, saying to my boyfriend that I had to go to work. Given that during the afternoon with Raffaele I had smoked a joint, I felt confused because I do not make frequent use of drugs that strong. I met Patrick immediately at the basketball court in Piazza Grimana and we went to the house together. I do not remember if Meredith was there or came shortly afterward. I have a hard time remembering those moments but Patrick had sex with Meredith, with whom he was infatuated, but I cannot remember clearly whether he threatened Meredith first. I remember confusedly that he killed her. As soon as I signed it, they whooped and high-fived each other. Then, a few minutes later, they demanded my sneakers. As soon as I took them off, someone left the room with them. Eventually they told me the pubblico ministero would be coming in. I didn’t know this translated as prosecutor, or that this was the magistrate that Rita Ficarra had been referring to a few days earlier when she said they’d have to wait to see what he said, to see if I could go to Germany. I thought the “public minister” was the mayor…
The pubblico ministero came in.
Comments On This Above
Knox knew very well who Mignini was. She and Mignini had been together for extended periods on each of the previous three days. Each time at the house. Both Knox’s book, and Ghirga’s own words, confirm that Mignini was not present for the 1st statement at 1:45. So that part of the book (that he led the charge) has to be complete B.S. Also indicative is that AK deliberately hedges her bets in wording everything in “maybe”. This hardly sounds conclusive.
26. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: All right, now I’ll pass to another subject, the recorded conversations of the 10th and the 17th of November. The dates aren’t important but it’s about two conversations in prison, the first one with your mother on Nov 10, we talked about it before, and the second on the 17th with your mother and your father, both. They were transcribed, they must be in the dossier of the GUP. In these conversations, on the 10th with your mother, on the 17th with your mother and your father, there is a sentence… [long pause, flipping pages] here it is: it’s the famous sentence “I was there. I can’t lie about this. I’m not scared of the truth.” Here it is, page 8, Presidente, of the transcription Nov 17. I repeat, she’s speaking with her parents, and she says: “It would be stupid to lie about this because I know I was there.” Do you remember that conversation?
AK: Of course.
LG: What did you mean by “I was there”.
AK: I was in Raffaele’s apartment and I wasn’t afraid [laughing] to say it.
AK: Yes.
AK: Honestly, I thought, like the police had told me—the police had told me they had already found the guilty person. And they had suggested Patrick so much that I thought maybe it really was him. But apart from that, in that memorandum that I wrote in prison, the important thing for me was to tell what I knew, and what I knew was where I was on that evening.
CP: Patrick was in prison because of YOU! You didn’t even say it to the PM on the 8th.CP: In the memorandum of the 6th you name Patrick. On the 7th you write another memorandum confirming that Patrick is the assassin. But on the 10th, you tell your mother that you feel terrible because you got him put in prison and you know he is innocent. Do you confirm this?
AK: At the moment when I named Patrick, I didn’t know if he was innocent or not. I only said it because I was following the suggestion of the police. But when I wrote in the memorandum that I couldn’t accept the things I had said in the Questura, for me that meant I couldn’t know whether he was the murderer or not, I could only know that I wasn’t there.
CP: But then why on the 10th, three days later, did you say “I feel bad about what I did to Patrick?” To your mother?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
At trial, Knox tries to spin this to mean being at RS’ house (presumably screwing and getting high) and even that seems left out of the WTBH book on what she testified, chapter 26, pages 322-327).
Comments On This Above
AK had admited to being at the house in her three 5-6 Nov 2007 statements, two of them in evidence as the courts noted guaranteed not coerced. And AK gets questioned on why she would (a) tell her Mum Patrick is innocent but not tell PM Mignini; and (b) write PL is the killer, yet again, tell her Mum PL is innocent. Very valid contradictions to bring up in Court. Yet AK in the book version of the testimony omits all of this.
These contradictions are all proofs of lies. And as my Post #1 showed, the “rushed” version in the book of Knox’s two days on the stand omitted numerous details from the actual June 2009 testimony.
- AK didn’t delete the message sent to Patrick (PL) since she’s “not a technical genius” and doesn’t know how
- AK admits to knowing Guede, but not well
- AK admits PL was nice to her, and she had no reason to fear him
- AK doesn’t contest Guede lawyer Pacelli’s assertion that Mignini was not at the “1st statement”
- AK leaves out that there were arguments in court regarding the admissibility of the 1st and 2nd statements
- AK leaves out that she showed up uninvited on November 5, and was actually told to go home
- AK leaves out that she volunteered the 3rd statement, asked for paper and a pen
- AK omits the November 10 phone call to her Mom, where she says PL is innocent
- AK wrote yet another note on November 7, (WTBH, Page 55), yet in her book omits that Pacelli asked her about it
- AK was asked (by PL lawyer Pacelli) why she didn’t mention PL to Mignini on Nov 8 at bail hearing with Judge Matteini). That’s not in book
- AK omits that she testified her lawyers knew PL was innocent and yet did nothing
- AK omits that she answered questions about her movements the day before
- AK omits that she was asked about the sink leak and the mop
- AK omits in her book version that she was asked out November 6
- AK omits that she was asked about the locked door
- AK omits that she was asked if she saw Meredith’s body
- AK omits that she testified to being asked by police about men who visited
- AK omits that she tried to use her earrings as a way to explain away blood
- AK omits that she was asked about her “mass email”
This list could be far longer. The point is made that the trial transcript covered far, far more than what AK lists. True it was supposed to be restricted to the calunnia charge, and true, I don’t expect her to write a trial transcript. However the book version does not remotely reflect what actually happened on those 2 days.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 17-26
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4. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #27 To #34
Posted by Chimera
Guede was handcuffed and put in that cage; for some reason not RS or AK
Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.
Series Overview
Knox’s trial testimony over two days in June 2009 is about 200 pages long.
In her book, this was boiled down to a little more than one page. Anything that made her look bad was simply left out. That was one of only two times she was ever pressed hard for the truth.
The other time was at the 17 Dec 2007 interrogation she herself requested of Dr Mignini, from which she withdrew without clear answers under mild questioning, seemingly in tears.
Pretty well at all other times Knox desperately spins and misleads.
Her Perugia lawyers don’t ever seem to believe her and have previously asked her to stop, but seem to have given up now (or not been paid). It seems certain that the Knox book (not published in the UK or Italy for legal reasons) was never run past them.
We have highlighted 500-plus provable lies and 90 provable demonizations in that book - large numbers, but still a fraction of her total record if one includes her paid talks.
This series contrasts what Knox was edged into admitting on the stand with her wild claims in the book when she was under no control. The previous posts appeared here and here and also here.
Numbering of instances resumes from the previous post.
2 Telling Contradictions 27 to 34
27. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: I took so many creative writing courses, but in one of them, they asked me to write a piece on the ten minutes prior to the discovery of a body.
CDV: This was the subject given to you by the teacher?
AK: Yes. It was exactly the subject.
CDV: For everyone?
AK: What?
CDV: For all the students, or just for you?
AK: No, for all the students.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] I haven’t found it in WTBH, and It seems extremely farfetched
28. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Yes. They called me downstairs and told me that they had to confiscate some things in my room. They told me I could either go up with them and do what I wanted and they would come later with a warrant, or I could let them take whatever they wanted spontaneously. I said they could, so they came up with me and they came into my room and looked in all my things, and they took everything on which I had written anything.
CDV: Listen, in relation to this diary, there is a part in which you tell about the AIDS tests that were made in the first days. Can you tell us? It’s written in the diary, but you can tell us exactly what happened, and also why you wrote about it in the diary?
AK: So, the first thing that happened when I got to prison was that they made a [blood] analysis. After the analysis, they called me downstairs and told me that they had to make further tests because I might have AIDS. I was really shocked because I didn’t understand how it could have happened that I could have gotten AIDS. But they advised me to think about where I might have caught it, so they wanted me to really think about it. So I was writing in my diary about how astonished I was, and then I wrote down every partner that I had ever had in my life…
CDV: How many are there? Do you remember their names?
AK: Seven.
CDV: These are the partners that you had in your life?
AK: Yes. All of them.
CDV: Why did you write them down? For some kind of check?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 11, page 137] After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this?
[WTBH, Chapter 12, Page 149] “Wouldn’t listen to you?” the doctor asked.“I was hit on the head, twice,” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp.“Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “I’ve heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
[WTBH, Chapter 13, Page 154] In forbidding me from watching TV or reading, in prohibiting me from contacting the people I loved and needed most, in not offering me a lawyer, and in leaving me alone with nothing but my own jumbled thoughts, they were maintaining my ignorance and must have been trying to control me, to push me to reveal why or how Meredith had died.
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 192] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me .This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 192-194] Vice-Commandant Arguer every night at 8 P.M. in his office””the last order before lights out at 9 P.M. I thought he wanted to help me and to understand what had happened at the questura, but almost immediately I saw that he didn’t care. When I ran into him in the hallway he’d hover over me, his face inches from mine, staring, sneering. “It’s a shame you’re here,” he’d say, “because you are such a pretty girl,” and “Be careful what you eat””you have a nice, hourglass figure, and you don’t want to ruin it like the other people here.“He also liked to ask me about sex. The first time he asked me if I was good at sex, I was sure I’d misheard him. I looked at him incredulously and said, “What?!“He just smiled and said, “Come on, just answer the question. You know, don’t you?“Every conversation came around to sex. He’d say, “I hear you like to have sex. How do you like to have sex? What positions do you like most? Would you have sex with me? No? I’m too old for you?“His lewd comments took me back to the pickup lines used by Italian students when I’d relax on the Cuomo steps in Perugia. I wondered if I should just chalk up his lack of professionalism to a cultural difference. Sitting across the desk from him, I thought it must be acceptable for Italian men to banter like this while they were on the clock, in uniform, talking to a subordinate””a prisoner. He had me meet with him privately and often showed up during my medical visits, but I had always been so sheltered, I didn’t think of what he did as sexual harassment””I guess because he never touched or threatened me. At first when he brought up sex I pretended I didn’t understand. “I’m sorry””Mi displace,” I’d say, shaking my head. But every night after dinner, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I had no choice but to meet with him. After about a week of this behavior, I told my parents what Arguer was saying. My dad said,“Amanda, he shouldn’t be doing that! You’ve got to tell someone! “Knowing that Dad thought this was wrong validated my own thoughts. But Arguer was the boss””what could I do? Whom could I tell? Who’d take my word over his? Silently, I rehearsed what I would say to him: “These conversations repulse me.” But when we were face-to-face, I balked, settling on something more diplomatic””“Your questions make me uncomfortable,” I said.“Why?” he asked. I thought, Because you’re an old per. Instead I said, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but it’s my own business, and I don’t like to talk about it.”
[WTBH, Chapter 16, Page 194] I still wasn’t sure this was something I should bother Luciano and Carlo with. But when it continued for a few more days, I did. Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime At-giro calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.“But I was so lacking in confidence I couldn’t imagine it would be okay to resist Arguer directly. I reminded myself that the pressure I felt during these sessions wasn’t anything close to the pressure I’d been put under during my interrogation. Arguer usually sat back and smoked a cigarette, and I knew that I could just wait out his questions. Eventually he’d send me back to my cell. I didn’t tell him off because I’m not a confrontational person.
[WTBH, Chapter 17, Page 197] November 15-16,2007 Vice-Commandant Arguer broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong.
[WTBH, Chapter 17, Page 199] The untruths kept coming””seemingly leaked from the prosecutor’s office. In mid-November the press announced that the striped sweater I’d worn the night of the murder was missing, implying I’d gotten rid of it to hide bloodstains. In truth I’d left it on top of my bed when I came home to change on the morning of November 2. The investigators found it in January 2008””in the same spot where I’d taken it off. It was captured in photos taken of my room, which my lawyers saw among the official court documents deposited as the investigation progressed. The prosecution quietly dropped the"missing sweater” as an element in the investigation without correcting the information publicly. Convinced that arguing the case in the media would dilute our credibility in the courtroom, Carlo and Luciano let the original story stand. Things that never happened were reported as fact.
[Chapter 18, Page 209] And if I was drop-dead sexy, it was news to me. Vice-Comandante Argiro always made a production out of opening my mail, winking and chattering about how many admirers I had.
[WTBH, Chapter 18, page 212/213] Arguer was standing a foot behind me when I got the news. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with lots of people,” he chided. I spun around. “I didn’t have sex with anyone who had AIDS,” I snapped, though it was possible that one of the men I’d hooked up with, or even Rafael, was HIV-positive.“You should think about who you slept with and who you got it from.“Maybe he was trying to comfort me or to make a joke, or maybe he saw an opening he thought he could use to his advantage. Whatever the reason, as we were walking back upstairs to my cell, Arguer said, “Don’t worry. I’d still have sex with you right now. Promise me you’ll have sex with me.”
[WTBH, Chapter 18, Page 215/216] That possibility hadn’t occurred to me. But when I told them, Luciano and Carlo seconded that idea. “It could be a ploy by the prosecution to scare you into an even more vulnerable emotional state so they can take advantage of you,” Carlo said. “You need to stay alert, Amanda, and don’t let anyone bully you.“In the end, I don’t know if they made up the HIV diagnosis. It wasn’t the doctor who said I should think about whom I’d had sex with, but Arguer. It might have been that the test was faulty, or Arguer could have put the medical staff up to it so he could ask me questions and pass the answers along to the police. It was nearly two months before the doctors let me know that the HIV test had come out negative. When they did, I thought, Oh, thank God! But I was still seeing the doctors twice a day, and it had been a longtime since anyone had even brought it up.
[Comments] This all makes for a nice story. However, if you read AK’s June 2009 testimony, NONE of this appears in there. She never mentions sexual assault, sexual harassment, or violations of her rights. No complaint was ever filed by her lawyers, or family (the ECH appeal is not the same thing). Funny that none of this made it into her testimony, if she was so badly mistreated. Below is the closest thing (from the trial testimony), but AK herself is likely the source of the leak
29. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: More than that, it was panic, I was crying.
CDV: This was during the first period of time that you were in prison? Do you remember the period of time?
AK: Yes. In fact, I didn’t understand anything. I was there with a climate who was going crazy, who kept yelling “Don’t touch me! You have AIDS!” and then there was this inspector who kept coming to talk to me, saying “Ah, come on…”
CDV: What? An inspector or a doctor?
AK: There was an inspector who called every day…
CDV: And then there was a doctor?
AK: And there was also a doctor who also called me every day
CP: I think I’m talking about November 30th. On November 30, you were in front of the Tribunals deli Same. Why didn’t you declare this circumstance, that Patrick was foreign to all this, totally innocent?
AK: So, that date is when I arrived here, to the Camera Di Consiglio?
CP: Yes.
AK: That’s it. So I said, I made a spontaneous declaration in front of those judges, saying that I was very upset about the fact that Patrick had been put in prison because of me. I said that. If I’m not mistaken.
CP: Listen, the first time you ever actually said that Patrick had nothing to do with it, when was it? Do you remember? Of these people you told, was it to your lawyers? Or was it your mother on the phone on the 10th?
AK: That Patrick had nothing to do with it? I imagined that he was innocent because—
CP: But when did you said it for the first time? In the phone call with your mother on November 10th?
AK: I don’t know when the first time I told someone was.
GCM: Excuse me. Before you told your mother, did you tell anyone else?
AK: Yes, I wrote it in my memorandum of the 7th, and then when I discussed the situation with my lawyers, I explained why I had said these things. And I explained the fact that I couldn’t talk about the guilt of this person. I thought that, at a certain point, thinking about how Patrick was, I thought that it wasn’t even possible that he could be guilty of something like that, because he wasn’t like that. But I wasn’t actually in the house seeing anything, so I couldn’t actually state whether he was guilty or not.
GCM: Yes. But before you told your mother on November 10th in that recorded conversation, did you tell others? That Patrick, as far as you knew, had nothing to do with it?
AK: I had explained the situation to my lawyers, and I had told them what I knew. Which was that I didn’t know who the murderer was. That.
CP: But listen, in the memorandum of the 7th, you did repeat that Patrick was the murderer. Do you contest that? You expressly say “I didn’t lie when I said Patrick was the murderer. I really did think he was the murderer.” So in the memorandum of the 7th, you confirm—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Chapter 19, Page 224] Seeing how the prosecution treated Patrick in the two weeks since his arrest should have given me in sight into how they worked. My lawyers told me it had been widely reported the week before that Patrick had cash register receipts and multiple witnesses vouching for his whereabouts on the night of November 1. A Swiss professor had testified that he’d been at Le Chic with Patrick that night from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. But even though Patrick had an ironclad alibi and there was no evidence to prove that he’d been at the villa, much less in Meredith’s bedroom at the time of the murder, the police couldn’t bear to admit they were wrong. Patrick went free the day Guide was arrested. Timing his release to coincide with Guide’s arrest, the prosecution diverted attention from their mistake. They let him go only when they had Guide to take his place.
[Comments] In the book, AK claims that the police intentionally held onto PL until they had another suspect (Guide). But she conveniently omits she plainly told her mother PL was innocent. In fact, she could have gotten him released….. Oh wait, she could have just not accused him in the first place.
30. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: I see. From certain declarations which you spontaneously emitted in the following days, you were heard to mention a certain “June”. Who is this June?
AK: June is the friend of Laura who found me the job with Patrick, because he worked for Patrick. In fact, he was my personal contact at work. At least, he was the one who often had to translate for me, to tell me what I was supposed to do, also because since my Italian wasn’t great, I would listen to Patrick, and then turn to June to ask him what I was really supposed to do. He spoke to me in English.
LG: But what is his nationality?
AK: I think he was Albanian? I don’t remember. But he was a foreigner. He hadn’t been in Italy very long.
LG: We’ve already spoken about your relations with Patrick. But I wanted to ask you one thing. Did Patrick ever have any complaints about you? For example, because you didn’t show up for work, or because of the way you worked?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] June was one of the 7 names AK dropped in the list building exercise of November 5. But that list is never mentioned in her book.
31. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: I felt fine. I remember that Laura sometimes complained that there were draggier around, but I felt quite safe.
LG: I see. Do you remember when you called Filomena, more or less, on that morning?
AK: I called Filomena when Rafael advised me to call someone.
LG: And what did Filomena say?
AK: Filomena was worried. She asked me if I had called Meredith, and I said I had already called but she wasn’t answering. I told her what I had seen, and she said “OK, when you’ve finished, go to the house and check everything that happened and call me back.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
I called Filomena first and was relieved when she picked up. “Ciao, ,” she said.“Ciao,” I said. “I’m calling because when I came home from Rafael’s this morning, our front door was open. I found a few drops of blood in one bathroom and shit in the other toilet. Do you know anything about it?”“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice instantaneously on high alert. “I didn’t stay there last night””I was at Marco’s””and Laura’s in Rome on business. Have you talked to Meredith?”“No, I tried you first,” I said.“I’m at the fair outside town,” she said. “I just got here. Try Meredith, and then go back to the house. We need to see if anything was stolen.” She sounded worried. I called Meredith on her British phone. A recording said it was out of service. That struck me as odd. Then I pulled up Meredith’s Italian number. It went straight to voice mail.
[Comments] AK gets these details consist, but they are different than what the actual phone records show. Specifically, she made the 3 and 4 second calls to Meredith’s phones BEFORE calling Filomena. AK claims in the book that the British phone was out of service, and the Italian phone went straight to voicemail. Odd that she remembered those details while forgetting the phone calls to her Mom. However, when Filomena called these numbers, the phones rang and rang
32. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
LG: Did you try to climb over the balcony?
AK: Yes. When I saw that Meredith’s door was locked, and that if she was in there, she wasn’t answering, I really wanted to find out whether she was in there or not. I was confused about this, because why should her door be locked if she wasn’t inside? So first I tried—the way the house is situated, she had a window near that little balcony, so I first tried to climb over the balcony to see if I could see inside. But I couldn’t, and [laughing] Rafael was saying “No, get back here!” and pulling me back onto the balcony. So then he tried to knock the door down.
LG: Yes, and I know that you had tried to open the door together, hadn’t you?
AK: Yes. Rafael tried giving it a kick, and also pushing it with his shoulder to open it, because we didn’t know why that door should be locked.
LG: And you also tried calling out Meredith’s name?
AK: Of course, and I also tried looking in the keyhole.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
“I’m coming home this second,” she said, her voice constricted. Meredith’s door was still closed, just as it had been when I was home earlier. I called out, “Meredith.” She didn’t answer. Could the have spent the night with Giacomo? Or with one of her British friends? Still, at that moment I was more worried about the smashed window in Filomena’s room than about Meredith’s closed door. I ran outside and around the house to see if the guys downstairs were home and to see if they’d heard anything during the night. Outside, away from Rafael, my anxiety soared. My heart started racing again. I pounded on their door and tried to peer through the glass. It looked like no one was home. I ran back upstairs and knocked gently on Meredith’s door, calling, “Meredith. Are you in there?” No sound. I called again, louder. I knocked harder. Then I banged. I jiggled the handle. It was locked. Meredith only locks her door when she’s changing clothes, I thought. She can’t be in there or she’d answer. “Why isn’t she answering me?” I asked Rafael frantically. I couldn’t figure out, especially in that moment, why her door would be locked. What if she were inside? Why wouldn’t she respond if she were? Was she sleeping with her earphones in? Was she hurt? At that moment what mattered more than anything was reaching her just to know where she was, to know that she was okay. I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside. “I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace. “I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Rafael came out and shouted, “! Get down. You could fall!“That possibility hadn’t occurred to me.
[Comments] Interesting, AK says that she is freaked out, but laughs when talking about it. Also, she is merely confused, but risks her well being out of worry?!
33. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009. . .
AK: They wanted me to be careful, but above all, they wanted me to go to them, to try to find myself. I was so disoriented, and I didn’t know where to go, where to look. So they thought maybe I should go to be with them, but I didn’t want to leave Perugia or Italy, because of collaborating with the police, and then, I just didn’t want to leave this place.
LG: How many times did you go to the Questura in the following days, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th?
AK: I went back every day.
LG: And more or less for how many hours, for how much time?
AK: It depended, but it was always for several hours.
LG: But did you also go to class on those days? You tried to continue your normal life?
AK: Yes. Finally on the 5th, I had time to go to class. And then Rafael was called.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 7, Page 83] The police weren’t stopping to sleep and didn’t seem to be allowing us to, either. Rafael and I were part of the last group to leave the questura, along with Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, and the other guys from downstairs, at 5:30 A. M.
[Comments] As for the police “targeting” AK on November 2 (into Nov 3), she lets it slip that EVERYONE in the house was detained. She also complained (the call was recorded), that she was hanging around the police station, and since they WEREN’T asking questions, it was a waste of her time.
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100] The police took all three of us back to the villa, with Laura and Filomena riding in the backseat of one squad car and the interpreter and me in another. We ducked under the yellow police tape that blocked off the front door and put on protective blue shoecovers. I hadn’t been back in our apartment since Meredith’s body was discovered and the Postal Police had ordered us outside. Tingling with fear, I never thought to reprise my “ta-dah” from the day before.
[Comments] On November 4, yes, AK does go back to the house with the police, but so did Laura and Filomena. Some targeting.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 105] But by that time I wasn’t paying attention to the news. I was desperate to get back to my regular routine, an almost impossible quest given that any minute I expected the police to call again. I didn’t have a place of my own to live or clean clothes to wear. But trying to be adult in an unmanageable situation, I borrowed Rafael’s sweatpants and walked nervously to my 9 A. M. grammar class. It was the first time since Meredith’s body was found that I’d been out alone. Class wasn’t as normal as I would have liked. Just before we began the day’s lesson, a classmate raised her hand and asked, “Can we talk about the murder that happened over the weekend?”
[Comments] Oh, look, AK still has time to go to class on November 5
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] I said, “I’ll just come with you. “Did the police know Id show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Rafael in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark. “
[Comments] So AK is not only free during the day but the evening too. And she lets it drop that she wasn’t actually called to the police station. She just showed up.
34. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009. . .
CD: What did you—what was your evaluation of this broken window?
AK: I was perplexed, because. . . First I thought “Oh, a robbery”, but then I didn’t understand, because nothing had been taken from the house, at least—there was a mess in the room, but the computer was there, all the things, the things of value, and Laura’s room was perfectly clean, and mine was as if no one had touched anything, so for me I didn’t understand these things. In fact, I remember having talked with Laura and Filomena and Rafael, at the house of a friend of Laura’s, in the days after, when we were trying to figure out how everything could have happened.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 68] I gasped. The window had been shattered and glass was everywhere. Clothes were heaped all over the bed and floor. The drawers and cabinets were open. All I could see was chaos. “Oh my God, someone broke in!” I shouted to Rafael, who was right behind me. In the next instant, I spotted Filomena’s laptop and digital camera sitting on the desk. I couldn’t get my head around it. “That’s so weird,” I said. “Her things are here. I don’t understand. What could have happened?” Just then, my phone rang. It was Filomena. “Someone’s been in your room,” I said. “They smashed your window. But it’s bizarre””it doesn’t look like they took anything. “
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] They jumped out, and Filomena stormed into the house to scavenge through her room. When she came out, she said, “My room is a disaster. There’s glass everywhere and a rock underneath the desk, but it seems like everything is there. “
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 71] The men seemed satisfied; their work was done. They said, “We can make a report that there’s been a break-in. Are you sure nothing was stolen?”
[WTBH, Chapter, 6, Page 75] We waited in the driveway for what seemed like forever. The police officers would come out, ask us questions, go in, come out, and ask some more.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 27-34
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5. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #35 To #38
Posted by Chimera
Publisher Jonathan Burnham paid up to $4M with zero due diligence???
Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.
Series Overview
As wide as the Grand Canyon…
That seems to be the gap between the truths Knox is mostly forced to tell on the stand as contrasted with the multitude of lies in her book. Seriously bizarre.
Clearly Knox and her shadow-writer Linda Kulman and PR team gambled that no-one would transcribe and translate the Knox testimony and contrast it with that of the investigators (our Interrogation Hoax series) and with that of Knox herself in her book (this series).
That gamble to lie flat-out in English about Italians has been quite central to the Knox PR. But every time we transcribe a tape or translate a document we expose some more of this despicable charade.
Now the book is in legal trouble for the third time, for myriad defamations - the first time publishing was cancelled in Italy and the UK and the second time OGGI was sued for publishing defamatory excerpts.
Knox’s Friday stint on the stand at trial was posted here and here and also here and here.
These final four posts cover her Saturday stint on the stand. Numbering of instances resumes from the previous post.
2 Telling Contradictions 35 to 38
35. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GM: On page 40 (I don’t know if it corresponds) of the minutes of your interrogation of December 17, you said, I’ll read it, that: “I turned off my phone to save my battery.” Do you remember that?
AK: Well, if it’s written there, it must be okay.
GM: Today you’re saying one thing, in the interrogation you said another. [Voice intervenes: can you be more precise about the page?] Page 40: I’ll read it. “But why did you turn off your phone?” Interrogation of Dec 17. “To save my battery.” “Do you usually keep it on at night?” [He stops, annoyed at some murmuring.]
GCM: Excuse me, excuse me.
CP?: We’re not interrupting, we’re finding the page.
GCM: Please, please [because of noise]. 39, 40, but anyway, these were the words. 39 or 40 is the page. Please, go ahead, pubblico ministero…GM: I see. Now you’re saying this was the motive.
GCM: I heard an objection. [Annoyed voices.] Please, please. Go ahead. [Voices arguing, dalla Vedova (I think it’s him) is standing up.]
GCM: This is an analysis. Indeed, yesterday Amanda Knox stated that turning off the cell phone was to guarantee her a free evening without being… [interruption] Excuse me. But at the interrogation of Dec 17 she said that it was both to save battery and also for this reason [interruptions, arguing]. So, I thought I understood that she had two reasons. We’re not arguing about that.
[defense]: Also not to be called by Patrick.
December 17, 2007 Questioning
PM Mignini: But why did you switch off your phone?
Knox: To save the battery, usually I keep it on at night if the following morning I have things to do, but the morning after was the day that everyone was going to skip school and we were going to go to Gubbio the day after with Raffaele. So I switched off my phone because I didn’t want that maybe Patrick might call to tell me to go to work. That’s why I switched it off and saved the battery.
Interpreter: To not have the battery discharge
PM Mignini: But you could recharge it
Interpreter: Since she was out of the house she wanted to save the battery because the next day she would have gone to Gubbio with Raffaele and since the day”¦ she leaves it on during the night when the following day she has to go to school, but the following day there was no school and so she switched it off also to not run the risk that Patrick would change his mind and would call her to go to work
PM Mignini: Because there was the risk, that is you weren’t sure that”¦
Knox: He had told me that I didn’t need to go to work but it was still early and I didn’t know if he might have called back to tell me “Yes, now I need you””¦
Interpreter: No, when Patrick had called saying that she didn’t need to work it was still early enough and the situation could still change in the sense that more people could turn up and he couldn’t”¦
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 61/62] Around 8:30 P.M. I suddenly remembered that it was Thursday, one of my regular workdays. Quickly checking my phone, I saw that Patrick had sent me a text telling me I didn’t have to come in. Since it was a holiday, he thought it would be a slow night. “Okay,” I texted back. “Ci vediamo piu tardi buona serata!”“” “See you later. Have a good evening!” Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
[Comments] in the trial testimony and December 17 questioning, AK cites both (a) saving the battery; and (b) not wanting to risk getting called back to work. In the book she lists avoiding PL, but nothing about the battery. Still, doesn’t exactly scream of dedication.
December 17, 2007 Questioning
PM Mignini: After having talked, after you were heard at the Questura, did you go away or did you wait?
Knox: The first day I was questioned I was there for hours”¦ maybe 14”¦
Interpreter: The first time it seems to her that she had been there a very long time, 14 hours
PM Mignini: But questioned
Knox: No, maybe they questioned me for 6 hours but I stayed at the Questura a very long time”¦
[Comments] Off topic, but AK admits in interview that she wasn’t questioned for 14 hours. At the police station yes, but not questioned.
36. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GM: Why did you speak about Patrick only in the interrogation of Nov 6 at 1:45? Why didn’t you mention him before? You never mentioned him before.
AK: Before when?
GM: In your preceding declarations, on Nov 2 at 15:30, on Nov 3 at 14:45, then, there was another one, Nov 4, 14:45, and then there’s Nov 6, 1:45. Only in these declarations, and then in the following spontaneous declarations, did you mention the name of Patrick. Why hadn’t you ever mentioned him before?
AK: Because that was the one where they suggested Patrick’s name to me.
GM: All right, now is the time for you to make this precise and specific. At this point I will take…no, I’ll come back to it later. You need to explain this. You have stated: “The name of Patrick was suggested to me. I was hit, pressured.”
AK: Yes.
GM: Now you have to tell me in a completely detailed way, you have to remember for real, you have to explain step by step, who, how, when, was the name of Patrick suggested to you, and what had been done before that point. The name of Patrick didn’t just come up like a mushroom; there was a preceding situation. Who put pressure on you, what do you mean by the word “pressure”, who hit you? You said: “They hit me”, and at the request of the lawyer Ghirga, yesterday, you described two little blows, two cuffs.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 107] “I’m sure it’s going to be quick,” Rafael said. I said, “I’ll just come with you.” Did the police know I’d show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Rafael in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark.”
[Comments] Yes, this was mentioned before, but just to repeat: AK claims this was a police sting, but she showed up: (a) uninvited; (b) unannounced; and (c) resisted Rita Ficarra’s instruction to go home.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 112] “Why did you pause it?” “I don’t remember.” “Why? Why? What time?” “I don’t remember!” I said it forcefully, trying to shake them off, but it didn’t work. They were peppering me relentlessly. The questions seemed simple, but I didn’t have the answers. And the more they asked, the more I lost my bearings. I was getting hot, looking around for air.
[Comments] This supposed switch to ‘‘bad cop’’ is never explained in any way. According to AK, she is being asked general questions (and again, she showed up unannounced to the police station), and all of a sudden the police are suddenly browbeating her. Keep in mind, that Sollecito had been called in to answer discrepencies in his account—the phone records didn’t match his story. But AK says they went after her BEFORE RS pulled her alibi. Check here.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103] November 5, 2007, Day Four. Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left. “Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114/115] “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.” “Did he know Meredith?” “Yes, she came to the bar.” “Did he like her?” “Yes, he liked Meredith. He was nice to her, and they got along.” “Did he think Meredith was pretty?” “Well, Meredith was pretty. I’m sure he thought she was pretty.” “When did you leave to meet Patrick?” “I didn’t meet Patrick. I stayed in.” “No, you didn’t. This message says you were going to meet him.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] “Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?”
[Comments] So, if the book is correct, AK has told the police that PL is: (a) her boss; (b) at Le Chic; (c) a rough description, yet the police still want to know who he is. Of course, the book omits the fact that AK had already named PL in her infamous ‘‘7 person list’’ for Rita Ficarra, and drawn a map, and given his cell #. For original sources read posts 2, 3, 4, 5, 11,and 12.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] The silver-haired police officer took both of my hands in his. He said, “I really want to help you. I want to save you, but you need to tell me who the murderer is. You need to tell me. You know who the murderer is. You know who killed Meredith.” In that instant, I snapped.
[Comments] So AK tells the police who PL is, yet they still smack her, getting her to say who she went to meet. Really?
37. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: And we must avoid interruptions, but when you have finished, we can discuss your answer.
AK: Thank you. So, here is…how I understood the question, I’m answering about what happened to me on the night of the 5th and the morning of the 6th of November 2007, and when we got to the Questura, I think it was around 10:30 or nearer 11, but I’m sorry, I don’t know the times very precisely, above all during that interrogation.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH cont] The more the confusion grew, the more I lost the sense of time. But I didn’t do my homework for a very long time. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me, to ask me to help them by telling them who had ever entered in our house. So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.” So I said okay and went with them, and they started asking me to talk about what I had been doing that evening.
At least, they kept asking about the last time I saw Meredith, and then about everything that happened the next morning, and we had to repeat again and again everything about what I did. Okay, so I told them, but they always kept wanting times and schedules, and time segments: “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember.
And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.” And I said, but what is he saying, that I wasn’t there? I was there! Maybe I can’t say exactly what I was doing every second, every minute, because I didn’t look at the time. I know that I saw the movie, I ate dinner. And she would say “No no no, you saw the film at this time, and then after that time you went out of the house. You ate dinner with Raffaele, and then there is this time where you did nothing, and this time where you were out of the house.” And I said, no, that’s not how it was. I was always in Raffaele’s apartment. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me,
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] They gave me a chair outside the waiting room, by the elevator. I’d been doing drills in my grammar workbook for a few minutes when a silver-haired police officer””I never learned his name””came and sat next to me.
[Comments] So in the book it is “grammar drills”, but in Court it is “paragraphs of reading”
[WTBH cont] So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108] “Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested. I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.”
[Comments] in both the trial testimony and in the book, AK leaves out the fact that she was giving names and numbers (and addresses) in her “list”
For original sources read posts 10, 11,and 12.
[WTBH cont] “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114] Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
[Comments] AK had been building her “list of 7” until she had been informed that she no longer had an alibi. THEN she had to come up with someone—anyone—and she did. The June 2009 testimony and book and surprisingly consistent (for Knox), yet it does not in any way reflect what actually happened. Reread these posts
For original sources read posts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 and 9.
[Comments] And again, to repeat from before, how exactly could this “sting” be planned for that night? Knox showed up to the Questura: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so?
[WTBH cont] I was always in Raffaele’s apartment
[Comments] RS has repeatedly thrown AK under the bus on this. To this day, he refuses to provide an alibi. For multiple examples see here.
38. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: [taking advantage of a tiny pause to slip in without exactly interrupting] Excuse me, excuse me, the pubblico ministero wants to hear precise details about the suggestions about what to say, and also about the cuffs, who gave them to you.
AK: All right. What it was, was a continuous crescendo of these discussions and arguments, because while I was discussing with them, in the end they started to little by little and then more and more these remarks about “We’re not convinced by you, because you seem to be able to remember one thing but not remember another thing. We don’t understand how you could take a shower without seeing…” And then, they kept on asking me “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.” Then they told me this thing about how Raffaele was saying that I had gone out of the house. I said look, it’s impossible. I don’t know if he’s really saying that or not, but look, I didn’t go out of the house. And they said “No, you’re telling a lie. You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.” Sure, take it. “All right.” So one policeman took it, and started looking in it, while the others kept on yelling “We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?” But I kept saying no, no, I didn’t go out, I’m not pro-pro-pro—-
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH cont] “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.” [Comments] Notwithstanding the fact that this browbeating was made up, it is told differently. At trial, AK says she was threatened because she wasn’t sure of what she was saying, while in the book she claims it was due to not remembering at all.
[WTBH cont] “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] “Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[Comments] Again, aside from the fact this “interrogation” didn’t happen, these events change as well. In the Trial testimony, AK says she handed over her phone since the police wanted to verify that she had received such a message from Patrick. In the book, the police seem to be searching for people AK may have talked to.
[Comments] And, as mentioned before, if this really was a sting, why wouldn’t the police have pulled AK/RS phone and text records beforehand? Why would the police set up such a sting on the offchance AK would show up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so?
[WTBH cont] “You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114] They said, “Why did you delete Patrick’s message? The text you have says you were going to meet Patrick.” “What message?” I asked, bewildered. I didn’t remember texting Patrick a return message. “This one!” said an officer, thrusting the phone in my face and withdrawing it before I could even look. “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] “Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] The interpreter offered a solution, “Once, when I had an accident, I didn’t remember it. I had a broken leg and it was traumatizing and I woke up afterward and didn’t remember it. Maybe you just don’t remember. Maybe that’s why you can’t remember times really well.” For a moment, she sounded almost kind. But I said, “No, I’m not traumatized.” Another cop picked up the same language. He said, “Maybe you’re traumatized by what you saw. Maybe you don’t remember.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116] That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said. “I’m trying to help,” I said. “I’m trying to help, I’m desperately trying to help.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117] The silver-haired police officer took both of my hands in his. He said, “I really want to help you. I want to save you, but you need to tell me who the murderer is. You need to tell me. You know who the murderer is. You know who killed Meredith.” In that instant, I snapped.
[Comments] So AK tells the police who PL is, yet they still smack her, getting her to say who she went to meet. Why?
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 35-38
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6. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #39 To #52
Posted by Chimera
Jason Flom, Barry Scheck, Greg Hampikian
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. Series And Post Overview
Does even this series on Knox in court v Knox in book relate to the Innocence Project’s plight?
Sure it does.
Had Barry Scheck & company done some due diligence, before adopting and touting Knox for a dangerous serial orgy of Italy-bashing, they would have checked some trial transcripts and the judges’ report and avoided Knox’s terrible book.
Maybe even read a bit here. With that done, as it should have been, they would not now be in the legal soup:
- They would KNOW that Knox is a convicted felon for life and rightly served three years.
- They would KNOW that Knox lies over 500 times in her 2014-16 book.
- They would KNOW that at least 90 of those are malicious demonizations of nice people.
- They would KNOW of the underhand way she got off.
But instead?
Instead they have let themselves be led by the nose, by a grandstanding and pathetic sycophant of Knox.
A quack who is utterly incompetent in the forensics of the case, and whose motives are fishy to say the least.
2 Telling Contradictions 39 to 52
39. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: And we must avoid interruptions, but when you have finished, we can discuss your answer.
AK: Thank you. So, here is…how I understood the question, I’m answering about what happened to me on the night of the 5th and the morning of the 6th of November 2007, and when we got to the Questura, I think it was around 10:30 or nearer 11, but I’m sorry, I don’t know the times very precisely, above all during that interrogation.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
The more the confusion grew, the more I lost the sense of time. But I didn’t do my homework for a very long time. I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me, to ask me to help them by telling them who had ever entered in our house. So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men.
So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.” So I said okay and went with them, and they started asking me to talk about what I had been doing that evening. At least, they kept asking about the last time I saw Meredith, and then about everything that happened the next morning, and we had to repeat again and again everything about what I did.
Okay, so I told them, but they always kept wanting times and schedules, and time segments: “What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this.
Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.”
And I said, but what is he saying, that I wasn’t there? I was there! Maybe I can’t say exactly what I was doing every second, every minute, because I didn’t look at the time. I know that I saw the movie, I ate dinner. And she would say “No no no, you saw the film at this time, and then after that time you went out of the house. You ate dinner with Raffaele, and then there is this time where you did nothing, and this time where you were out of the house.” And I said, no, that’s not how it was. I was always in Raffaele’s apartment.
40. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I was probably just reading the first paragraph of what I had to read, when these policemen came to sit near me,
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108]
They gave me a chair outside the waiting room, by the elevator. I’d been doing drills in my grammar workbook for a few minutes when a silver-haired police officer””I never learned his name””came and sat next to me.
[Comments] So in the book it is “grammar drills”, but in Court it is “paragraphs of reading”
41. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
So I told them, okay, well there was this girlfriend of mine and they said no no no, they only wanted to know about men. So I said okay, here are the names of the people I know, but really I don’t know, and they said, names of anyone you saw nearby, so I said, there are some people that are friends of the boys, or of the girls, whom I don’t know very well, and it went on like this, I kept on answering these questions, and finally at one point, while I was talking to them, they said “Okay, we’ll take you into this other room.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 108]
“Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?” he suggested.
I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.”
[Comments] in both the trial testimony and in the book, AK leaves out the fact that she was giving names and numbers (and addresses) in her “list”. See here. See here. See here.
42. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“What did you do between 7 and 8?” “And from 8 to 9? And from 9 to 10?” I said look, I can’t be this precise, I can tell you the flow of events, I played the guitar, I went to the house, I looked at my e-mails, I read a book, and I was going on like this. There were a lot people coming in and going out all the time, and there was one policeman always in front of me, who kept going on about this. Then at one point an interpreter arrived, and the interpreter kept on telling me, try to remember the times, try to remember the times, times, times, times, and I kept saying “I don’t know. I remember the movie, I remember the dinner, I remember what I ate,” and she kept saying “How can you you remember this thing but not that thing?” or “How can you not remember how you were dressed?” because I was thinking, I had jeans, but were they dark or light, I just can’t remember. And then she said “Well, someone is telling us that you were not at Raffaele’s house. Raffaele is saying that at these times you were not home.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 113/114]
Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.” My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded, devastated. What? I couldn’t believe that Raffaele, the one person in Italy whom I’d trusted completely, had turned against me. How could he say that when it wasn’t true? We’d been together all night. Now it was just me against the police, my word against theirs. I had nothing left.
[Comments] AK had been building her “list of 7” until she had been informed that she no longer had an alibi. THEN she had to come up with someone—anyone—and she did. The June 2009 testimony and book and surprisingly consistent (for Knox), yet it does not in any way reflect what actually happened. Reread these posts
[Comments] And again, to repeat from before, how exactly could this “sting” be planned for that night? Knox showed up to the Questura: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so?
43. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
I was always in Raffaele’s apartment
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] RS has repeatedly thrown AK under the bus on this. To this day, he refuses to provide an alibi. See here.
44. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: [taking advantage of a tiny pause to slip in without exactly interrupting] Excuse me, excuse me, the pubblico ministero wants to hear precise details about the suggestions about what to say, and also about the cuffs, who gave them to you.
AK: All right. What it was, was a continuous crescendo of these discussions and arguments, because while I was discussing with them, in the end they started to little by little and then more and more these remarks about “We’re not convinced by you, because you seem to be able to remember one thing but not remember another thing. We don’t understand how you could take a shower without seeing…” And then, they kept on asking me “Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.” Then they told me this thing about how Raffaele was saying that I had gone out of the house. I said look, it’s impossible. I don’t know if he’s really saying that or not, but look, I didn’t go out of the house. And they said “No, you’re telling a lie. You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.” Sure, take it. “All right.” So one policeman took it, and started looking in it, while the others kept on yelling “We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?” But I kept saying no, no, I didn’t go out, I’m not pro-pro-pro—-
“Are you sure of what you’re saying? Are you sure? Are you sure? If you’re not sure, we’ll take you in front of a judge, and you’ll go to prison, if you’re not telling the truth.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117]
People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[Comments] Notwithstanding the fact that this browbeating was made up, it is told differently. At trial, AK says she was threatened because she wasn’t sure of what she was saying, while in the book she claims it was due to not remembering at all.
45. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“Yes, you did go out. Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me. “I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.”
[Comments] Again, aside from the fact this “interrogation” didn’t happen, these events change as well. In the Trial testimony, AK says she handed over her phone since the police wanted to verify that she had received such a message from Patrick. In the book, the police seem to be searching for people AK may have talked to.
[Comments] And, as mentioned before, if this really was a sting, why wouldn’t the police have pulled AK/RS phone and text records beforehand? Why would the police set up such a sting on the offchance AK would show up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so?
46. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
You’d better remember what you did for real, because otherwise you’re going to prison for 30 years because you’re a liar.” I said no, I’m not a liar. And they said “Are you sure you’re not protecting someone?” I said no, I’m not protecting anyone. And they said “We’re sure you’re protecting someone.” Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
They said, “Why did you delete Patrick’s message? The text you have says you were going to meet Patrick.” “What message?” I asked, bewildered. I didn’t remember texting Patrick a return message. “This one!” said an officer, thrusting the phone in my face and withdrawing it before I could even look. “Stop lying! Who’s Patrick? What’s he like?” “He’s about this tall,” I said, gesturing, “with braids.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
The interpreter offered a solution, “Once, when I had an accident, I didn’t remember it. I had a broken leg and it was traumatizing and I woke up afterward and didn’t remember it. Maybe you just don’t remember. Maybe that’s why you can’t remember times really well.” For a moment, she sounded almost kind. But I said, “No, I’m not traumatized.” Another cop picked up the same language. He said, “Maybe you’re traumatized by what you saw. Maybe you don’t remember.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said. “I’m trying to help,” I said. “I’m trying to help, I’m desperately trying to help.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 117]
People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!” A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118]
me. I didn’t understand that I was about to implicate the wrong person. I didn’t understand what was at stake. I didn’t think I was making it up. My mind put together incoherent images. The image that came to me was Patrick’s face. I gasped. I said his name. “Patrick””it’s Patrick.” I started sobbing uncontrollably. They said, “Who’s Patrick? Where is he? Where is he?” I said, “He’s my boss.” “Where did you meet him?” “I don’t remember.” “Yes, you do.”
[Comments] This sequence makes little sense (and yes, it is in sequence). Even as an “abbreviated” writing it makes no sense. According to AK, (a) she received the message fro Patrick, and that he is her boss; (b) AK is asked about this specific message, and why she deleted it; (c) AK confirms that PL is her boss; (d) the interpreter suggests that AK can’t remember anything, despite dropping the name; (e) AK gets hit by Ficarra to “get her attention”, even though she told the Court it was to get the name in the first place; (f) the police insist on asking who AK went to meet, despite the message which supposedly said who she was going to meet; and (g) the police revert back to asking who Patrick is, even though she had told them twice who he is.
[Comments] And of course, the police already have Patrick’s name, general address and telephone number. AK gave it to them, but ignore that. See here.
[Comments] And of course, the police couldn’t have expected to launch this brutal interrogation give, AK showed up: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refused to leave when told to do so
47. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
“We know you met someone, somehow, but why did you meet someone?”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] This question, if it actually was posed, seems rather odd. AK is being accused of lying to them, and protecting the real murderer. Seems that killing MK would be the reason AK went to meet him.
48. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: Okay. Fine. So, they had my telephone, and at one point they said “Okay, we have this message that you sent to Patrick”, and I said I don’t think I did, and they yelled “Liar! Look! This is your telephone, and here’s your message saying you wanted to meet him!” And I didn’t even remember that I had written him a message. But okay, I must have done it. And they were saying that the message said I wanted to meet him. That was one thing. Then there was the fact that there was this interpreter next to me, and she was telling me “Okay, either you are an incredibly stupid liar, or you’re not able to remember anything you’ve done.” So I said, how could that be? And she said, “Maybe you saw something so tragic, so terrible that you can’t remember it. Because I had a terrible accident once where I broke my leg…”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Read the above book quotations. AK gives the name PL, tells police he is her boss, repeats that he is her boss, (and remember, she already included him in her “list”), but police seem to think she has trouble with her memory.
49. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: It’s difficult for me to say that one specific person said one specific thing. It was the fact that there were all these little suggestions, and someone was saying that there was the telephone, then there was the fact that… then more than anything what made me try to imagine something was someone saying to me “Maybe you’re confused, maybe you’re confused and you should try to remember something different. Try to find these memories that obviously you have somehow lost. You have to try to remember them. So I was there thinking, but what could I have forgotten? And I was thinking, what have I forgotten? what have I forgotten? and they were shouting “Come on, come on, come on, remember, remember, remember,” and boom! on my head. [Amanda slaps herself on the back of the head: End of video segment] “Remember!” And I was like—Mamma Mia! and then boom! [slaps head again] “Remember!”
GCM: Excuse me, excuse me, please, excuse me…
AK: Those were the cuffs.
[Voices: “This is impossible!” “Avoid thinking aloud!” “Or suggestions”]
GCM: So, the pubblico ministero asked you, and is still asking you, who is the person that gave you these two blows that you just showed us on yourself?
AK: It was a policewoman, but I didn’t know their names.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 103]
Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”“”my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted. Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,” I said defiantly, trying to combat hostility with hostility. I didn’t remember that I’d deleted Patrick’s message.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
They pushed my cell phone, with the message to Patrick, in my face and screamed, “You’re lying. You sent a message to Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” That’s when Ficarra slapped me on my head. “Why are you hitting me?” I cried. “To get your attention,” she said.
[Comments] At trial, AK is saying she was hit because she: (a) couldn’t remember. But in the book she claims it was because she was: (b) lying; and to (c) get her attention. But to restate from before, at this point AK has already given the name PL, and his phone number (from her list of 7). However, for some inexplicable reason, the police apparently need to beat the name out of her, even though they already have it.
[Comments] And of course, what better way to launch such an interrogation by not calling in the suspect and hoping they arrive: (a) unannounced; (b) uninvited; and (c) refuse to leave when told to do so
50. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
GCM: Go on, go on. The person who was conducting the interrogation…
AK: Well, there were lots and lots of people who were asking me questions, but the person who had started talking with me was a policewoman with long hair, chestnut brown hair, but I don’t know her. Then in the circle of people who were around me, certain people asked me questions, for example there was a man who was holding my telephone, and who was literally shoving the telephone into my face, shouting “Look at this telephone! Who is this? Who did you want to meet?” Then there were others, for instance this woman who was leading, was the same person who at one point was standing behind me, because they kept
moving, they were really surrounding me and on top of me. I was on a chair, then the interpreter was also sitting on a chair, and everyone else was standing around me, so I didn’t see who gave me the first blow because it was someone behind me, but then I turned around and saw that woman, and she gave me another blow to the head.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] More of the same, but in the book, AK claims to have given the name, and only after is smacked on the head
51. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: All right. It seems to me that the thoughts of the people standing around me, there were so many people, and they suggested things to me in the sense that they would ask questions like: “Okay, you met someone!” No, I didn’t. They would say “Yes you did, because we have this telephone here, that says that you wanted to meet someone. You wanted to meet him.” No, I don’t remember that. “Well, you’d better remember, because if not we’ll put you in prison for 30 years.” But I don’t remember! “Maybe it was him that you met? Or him? You can’t remember?” It was this kind of suggestion.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Okay, this appears to be a new version entirely. In this one AK claims that the police have the message, and are asking (a) about multiple names to see who it belonged to. But it directly contradicts what AK says earlier this day, that (b) they wanted to confirm the message from PL, telling AK not to work
(from earlier in trial testimony)
Who were you with?” I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. “Why didn’t you go to work?” Because my boss told me I didn’t have to go to work. “Let’s see your telephone to see if you have that message.”
(despite AK saying PL is her boss)
Who, who, who, who did you meet when you went out of Raffaele’s house?” I didn’t go out. “Yes, you did go out
[Comments] I know I’m repeating this, but if AK/RS really were targeted in a sting, why wouldn’t phone and text records have been pulled before launching the interrogation? Why wouldn’t the police have these answers before breaking the 2 of them? Also, if you were trying to lure someone, wouldn’t asking them to arrive be a good idea, instead of telling them to go home?
52. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009…
AK: So, there was this thing that they wanted a name. And the message—
GCM: You mean, they wanted a name relative to what?
AK: To the person I had written to, precisely. And they told me that I knew, and that I didn’t want to tell. And that I didn’t want to tell because I didn’t remember or because I was a stupid liar. Then they kept on about this message, that they were literally shoving in my face saying “Look what a stupid liar you are, you don’t even remember this!” At first, I didn’t even remember writing that message. But there was this interpreter next to me who kept saying “Maybe you don’t remember, maybe you don’t remember, but try,” and other people were saying “Try, try, try to remember that you met someone, and I was there hearing “Remember, remember, remember,” and then there was this person behind me who—it’s not that she actually really physically hurt me, but she frightened me…
GCM: “Remember!” is not a suggestion. It is a strong solicitation of your memory. Suggestion is rather…
AK: But it was always “Remember” following this same idea, that…
GCM: But they didn’t literally say that it was him!
AK: No. They didn’t say it was him, but they said “We know who it is, we know who it is. You were with him, you met him.”
GCM: So, these were the suggestions.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 114]
“I don’t remember texting anyone.” They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history. “You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?” “My boss at Le Chic.” “What about his text message? What time did you receive that?” “I don’t know. You have my phone,”
[Comments] According to the book, AK tells the police instantly who PL is. And once more, they have his phone number from the list she wrote. No argument at all
See here. See here. See here.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 116]
“Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person? Who’s Patrick?” The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure kept building. I said, “Patrick is my boss.”
[Comments] So not only does AK immediately give PL’s name—in contradiction to her trial testimony—but the police still want to know who he is. And then, after the police repeatedly accuse her of not remembering (or was it not paying attention), we have this.
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 118]
I didn’t think I was making it up. My mind put together incoherent images. The image that came to me was Patrick’s face. I gasped. I said his name. “Patrick””it’s Patrick.” I started sobbing uncontrollably. They said, “Who’s Patrick? Where is he? Where is he?” I said, “He’s my boss.”
[Comments] That’s right, after twice telling the police who PL is, the police still .... want to know who PL is.
[Comments] And the book floats 2 conflicting narratives, that (a) the police want to know who Patrick is; and (b) who AK went off to meet. Keep in mind AK already said that PL is her boss (and they do have the list). This seems to be the most redundant interrogation in history.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 39-52
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7. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #53 To #69
Posted by Chimera
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. Series Context
Knox lies?! Anyone who reads here for a while is left in no doubt of that.
Anyone who watched the trial in Italian concluded that. Even her own lawyers concluded that. They publicly requested in 2008 that she stop all her lying.
Numerous sworn witnesses in court, with no dog at all in this fight, contradicted her. Easily identifiable lies now number up in the thousands. They tend to be malicious (how she hates other), and they tend to be narcissistic (how she loves herself).
To close case-watchers they stand out a mile.
And yet amazingly more than four out of every five critics who reviewed her book on the Amazon site accepted what she said, word for word. And more than four out of every five critics who reviewed the Netflix report accepted what she said, word for word.
Past posts in this series and other series addressed Knox lies at (1) the time of arrest and 2007 hearings, (2) the 2008 hearings, (3) Knox at trial, (4) Knox in prison, (5) Knox at the Hellman appeal, (6) Knox back in Seattle, when (7) she wrote her book, (8) Knox emailing Judge Nencini, (9) Knox in recent paid presentations, and (10) Knox on US media and especially Netflix (with more to follow).
This further 8-part series puts (3) above along side (7) above to show further how it is a really, really bad idea to believe anything at all in Knox’s book.
It was illegally targeted to derail the Nencini appeal. Both Knox and Sollecito took numerous panic actions in 2013-14.
2. Telling Contradictions 53 To 69
53. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
(See here for all full names}
GM: Now, what happened next? You, confronted with the message, gave the name of Patrick. What did you say?
AK: Well, first I started to cry. And all the policemen, together, started saying to me, you have to tell us why, what happened? They wanted all these details that I couldn’t tell them, because in the end, what happened was this: when I said the name of “Patrick”, I suddenly started imagining a kind of scene, but always using this idea: images that didn’t agree, that maybe could give some kind of explanation of the situation. I saw Patrick’s face, then Piazza Grimana, then my house, then something green that they told me might be the sofa. Then, following this, they wanted details, they wanted to know everything I had done. But I didn’t know how to say. So they started talking to me, saying, “Okay, so you went out of the house, okay, fine, so you met Patrick, where did you meet Patrick?” I don’t know, maybe in Piazza Grimana, maybe near it. Because I had this image of Piazza Grimana. “Okay, fine, so you went with him to your house. Okay, fine. How did you open the door?” Well, with my key. “So you opened the house”. Okay, yes. “And what did you do then?” I don’t know. “But was she already there?” I don’t know. “Did she arrive or was she already there?” Okay. “Who was there with you?” I don’t know. “Was it just Patrick, or was Raffaele there too?” I don’t know. It was the same when the pubblico ministero came, because he asked me: “Excuse me, I don’t understand. Did you hear the sound of a scream?” No. “But how could you not have heard the scream?”. I don’t know, maybe my ears were covered. I kept on and on saying I don’t know, maybe, imagining…
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 10, Page 105] “˜’ .... There was a bloody handprint smeared on the wall and a bloody shoeprint on the floor. A blood-soaked handkerchief was lying in the street nearby.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 21, Page 254] “˜’ ... “Amanda, the investigators are in a conundrum,” Carlo said. “They found so much of Guede’s DNA in Meredith’s room and on and inside her body. But the only forensic evidence they have of you is outside her bedroom. Raffaele’s DNA evidence is only on the bra hook. If you and Raffaele participated in the murder, as the prosecution believes, your DNA should be as easy to find as Guede’s.” “But Carlo, no evidence doesn’t mean we cleaned up. It means we weren’t there!” “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede. I know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just adding another link to the story. It’s the only way the prosecution can involve you and Raffaele when the evidence points to a break-in and murder by Guede.”
[WTBH, Chapter 23, Page 274] “˜’ ... Guede’s lawyers must have realized that he was better off in a separate trial, since the prosecution was intent on pinning the murder on us. The evidence gathered during the investigation pointed toward his guilt. His DNA was all over Meredith’s room and her body, on her intimate clothing and her purse. He had left his handprint in her blood on her pillowcase. He had fled the country. The prosecution called Guede’s story of how he “happened” to be at the villa and yet had not participated in the murder “absurd”””though they readily believed his claims against Raffaele and me. One of the big hopes for us was that with so much evidence against Guede, the prosecution would have to realize Raffaele and I hadn’t been involved”¦.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 23, Page 274] ... He didn’t look like a murderer. He was wearing jeans and a sweater. It was almost impossible to imagine that he had cut Meredith’s throat. But if he hadn’t, his DNA wouldn’t have been everywhere in Meredith’s room.”
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 339] “Copious amounts of Rudy Guede’s genetic material had been found in Meredith’s bedroom, on her body, in her purse, and in the toilet.”
[WTBH, Chapter 27, Page 342] “˜’ .... Had Raffaele been in the room, his DNA would have been as abundant as Guede’s. It would be illogical to suggest that it was left on a single small hook on Meredith’s bra and nowhere else.’”˜
[WTBH, Chapter 28, Page 352] “˜’ ... Guede had stolen! He had killed Meredith! He had left a handprint in Meredith’s blood! He had fled! He had lied!’”˜
[Comments] It makes no sense to get AK to “imagine” what could have happened. And, if as AK says is true, then with all the abundant evidence present, what happened should be pretty clear, they would just need a suspect. If only police knew who what men visited upstairs…. perhaps Knox could make a list for them ....
[Comments] Just to clarify, all that evidence proves beyond any doubt that Guede did it. And that evidence was gathered by .... oh right, those CSI who failed to meet those international standards regarding AK and RS. Makes sense to me.
54. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: An image of Piazza Grimana, that’s right. Now listen, in the interrogation, page 95, the same interrogation, but the same expression turns up in other places, I can give references if necessary…
[Start of 6:54 minute video segment] ...I asked this question: Why did you throw out an accusation of this type? In the confrontations with Mr. Lumumba (I was continuing and you answered right away): “I was trying, I had the possibility of explaining the message in my phone. He had told me not to come to work.” Perfectly normal things. So, faced with a perfectly normal circumstance, “My boss texted me to tell me not to come to work and I answered him,” you could have just stated that. End of response. Instead, faced with the message, and the questions of the police, you threw out this accusation. So I am asking you, why start accusing him when you could calmly explain the exchange of messages? Why did you think those things could be true? }}
AK: I was confused.
GM: You have repeated that many times. But what does it mean? Either something is true, or it isn’t true. Right now, for instance, you’re here at the audience, you couldn’t be somewhere else. You couldn’t say “I am at the station.” You are right here, right now
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] A very valid point by PM Mignini. AK can calmly explain a message, yet gets so worked up she imagines other things…..?!?!
55. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: My confusion was because firstly, I couldn’t understand why the police was treating me this way, and then because when I explained that I had spent the whole time with Raffaele, they said “No, you’re a liar”. It was always this thing that either I didn’t remember or I was lying. The fact that I kept on and on repeating my story and they kept saying “No, you’re going to prison right now if you don’t tell the truth,” and I said “But I’ve told the truth,” “No, you’re a liar, now you’re going to prison for 30 years because either you’re a stupid liar or you forgot. And if it’s because you forgot, then you’d better remember what happened for real, right now.” This is why I was confused. Because I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand anything any more. I was so scared and impressed by all this that at some point I thought What the heck, maybe they’re right, maybe I forgot.
GM: So, and then, you accused Lumumba of murder. This is the conclusion
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] It is always this thing or that, and you are either forgetting, or lying? Well, having read Linda Kuhlman’s book (which has your name on it), I believe that most of what you say is bullshit.
[Comments] So AK would go to jail for 30 years because she is either: (a) a stupid liar, or (b) you forgot? So is AK claiming she was threatened with false imprisonment for not remembering something
[Comments] Maybe you forgot being a party to a murder? Not likely.
56. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: Lapses of memory. Moments where you couldn’t remember things that you had done. “What did I do yesterday? I don’t know.”
AK: [Laughing] I’ve had that problem all my life.
GM: What?
AK: I’ve had that problem all my life. I can’t remember where I put my keys.
GM: So it happened to you at other times? Explain it to me. You previously mixed up things, didn’t know whether you had dreamed things or they were real?
AK: No, not that part about the imagination! I would forget for example what I ate yesterday for dinner, yes, that happened to me, but not to actually imagine things.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Page 459, Author’s Note]
The writing of this memoir came to a close after I had been out of prison for over a year. I had to relive everything, in soul-wrenching detail. I read court documents and the transcripts of hearings, translated them, and quoted them throughout. Aided by my own diaries and letters, all the conversations were rendered according to my memory. The names of certain people, including friends, prisoners, and guards, have been changed to respect their privacy….
Now that I am free, I’ve finally found myself in a position to respond to everyone’s questions. This memoir is about setting the record straight.
[Comments] AK jokes in Court that all her life she has problems mixing up and not remembering things, yet this book, written 6 years after the fact is supposed to be accurate.
[Comments] What court documents does she refer to? AK does reference the Matteini decision (fairly accurately) which saw PL locked up, but it was her frame job that caused it.
[Comments] What transcripts does AK refer to? TJMK has done several, but none are referenced in WTBH
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #1
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #2
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #3
Click for Post: Dr Mignini’s Very Telling Interview Of Knox Dec 2007 #4
[Comments] Names have been changed to protect privacy? Really, AK accuses prison staff of harassment and sexual assault, yet changes the names? And remember, even though Carlo Dalla Vedova and Luciano Ghirga leave her in that hell, she still thanks them in her book.
[Chapter 11, Page 137] “˜’ ... Still, what came next shocked me. After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this? ....’”˜
[Chapter 12, Page 149] “˜’ .... I was hit on the head, twice.” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp. Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “Ive heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
[Chapter 16, Page 191] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me. This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
How each visit went depended on the doctor, and I was grateful for any gesture that wasn’t aggressive or disdainful. A female physician liked to talk to me about her trouble with men. And one day, when I was being seen by an older male doctor, he asked me, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“It’s a lion,” I said. “Like The Lion King””Il Re Leone.”
The next time I saw him he handed me a picture of a lion he’d ripped out from an animal calendar. I drew him a colorful picture in return, which he taped to the infirmary wall. Later, when he found out that I liked the Beatles, one of us would hum a few bars from various songs to see if the other could name the tune.
[Chapter 16, Page 194] “˜’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
[Chapter 17, Page 197] “˜’ ... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong”¦.’
[Comments] Read some of this and this and this and this and decide for yourself how reliable she is as a narrator.and
57. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: The knives… You started to tremble and cry and covered your ears with your hands. Suddenly. Can you explain why?
AK: As I said…
GCM: Tell him if the episode is true, if it happened, how and why.
AK: All right. The fact that I cried in the house when I saw the knives is true. I cried, because when I entered the house, I had to look around to see if anything was missing that could have been used to kill someone, it made a strong impression on me. It was as if all that time, I hadn’t been able to even accept the fact that she was really killed, Meredith, and then having to actually be inside the house, looking at knives, being actually there, it was as though the people around me…I was there, and they were asking me to look if there were any knives missing. I said “Okay”, but the situation was so heavy, I don’t know, it really hit me.
GM: So when you looked at the knives, you felt disturbed.
AK: Yes, I was disturbed, it made such an impression on me.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 9, Page 100/101]
“Everything looks okay,” I said, my voice small and quavering. I felt like a kid who’s terrified to go down the hall in the dark. Distraught, I forgot to check if my own rent money was still in the drawer of my desk.
“Now come back to the kitchen.”
I did.
“Open the bottom drawer and look through the knives. Do you see any missing?”
This is where we kept our overflow utensils, the ones we almost never needed. When I pulled open the drawer, stainless steel gleamed up at me. “I don’t know if there’s one missing or not,” I said, trembling.
“We don’t really use these.”
I reached in, pushed a few knives around, and then stood up helplessly. I knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon””that they were asking me to pick out what might have been used to slash Meredith’s throat. Panic engulfed me.
[Comment] The crying and ear covering discussed at trial is not listed in the book. And Knox knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon? Wow….
58. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GM: Okay. Okay. Listen, another question. The lamp that was found in Meredith’s room, a black lamp with a red button, that was found in Meredith’s room, at the foot of the bed. Was it yours?
AK: I did have a lamp with a red button in my room, yes.
GM: So the lamp was yours.
AK: I suppose it was.
GM: Was it missing from your room?
AK: You know, I didn’t look.
GM: Did Meredith have a lamp like that in her room?
AK: I don’t know.
GM: Now, another question. You told us before, this story about the door, about knocking down the door, that Raffaele tried to break down the door. You said that you tried to explain that sometimes she did have her door locked, you told us about this point. Now, I want to ask you this question: Raffaele didn’t by any chance try to break down the door to get back the lamp we talked about?
AK: [perfectly calm reasonable voice] No, we didn’t know the lamp was in there.
GM: You didn’t know that your lamp was in there?
AK: In the sense that the lamp that was supposed to be in my room, I hadn’t even noticed it was missing. I tried—
GM: You didn’t see that it was missing?
AK: No, I didn’t see that it was missing.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] The topic of the lamp is left out of the book.
59. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
MC: But from the records, we see that you called your mother—not only from the records but also the pings [?] that you first called your mother at 12. At midday.
AK: Okay?
MC: What time is it at midday? What time is it in Seattle, if in Perugia it is midday?
AK: In Seattle it’s morning. It’s a nine hour difference, so three in the morning.
MC: Three o’clock at night?
AK: Yes.
MC: So your mother was surely sleeping.
AK: Yes.
MC: But at 12:00 nothing had happened yet. That’s what your mother also said—
AK: I told my mother—
MC: —during the conversation you had with her in prison. Even your mother was amazed that you called her at midday, which was three or four o’clock at night, to tell her that nothing had happened.
AK: I didn’t know what had happened. I just called my mother to say that we had been sent out of the house, and that I had heard something—
MC: But at midday nothing had happened yet in the sense that the door had not been broken down yet.
AK: Hm. Okay. I don’t remember that phone call. I remember that I called her to tell her what we had heard about a foot. Maybe I did call before, but I don’t remember it.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66]
My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK didn’t remember the call in court in 2009, but does remember it 4 years later, in 2013?
60. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: So either you had a particular motive, or it was a habit.
AK: Yes. Well, since I don’t remember this phone call, because I remember the one I made later, but obviously I made that phone call. If I did that, it’s because I thought that I had something I had to tell her. Maybe I thought right then that there was something strange, because at that moment, when I went to Raffaele’s place, I did think there was something strange, but I didn’t know what to think. But I really don’t remember this phone call, so I can’t say for sure why. But I guess it was because I came home and the door was open, and then—
MC: It’s strange. You don’t remember the phone call, but do you remember the conversation with your mother in prison?
AK: I had so many. But yes.
MC: This conversation must have been the one of the 10th of November. Do you remember when your mother said “But at 12, nothing had happened yet.”
AK: I don’t remember that.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66]
My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
[Comments] So AK didn’t remember the call on November 10, 2007, yet she still does remember it for the 2013 book?
61. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
MC: And in the morning you went out around 10:30.
AK: Around then.
MC: You went to get the mop.
AK: Yes. To take a shower and change, and get the mop, yes.
MC: But hadn’t you taken a shower the evening before, at Raffaele’s place?
AK: Yes, but then we made love. So I wanted to take another shower.
MC: The next day. Not right away after. But the next day.
AK: Well, we made love and then I fell asleep. Then, the next morning, I wanted to take a shower
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Yes, a woman smelling of cat-piss is every man’s dream
62. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Of November. November 2.
AK: Sorry. Dates…
FM: So, you called your mother three times. Do you remember that?
AK: I remember calling my mom. I don’t remember how many times. There was so much to think about right then.
FM: Fine. Do you remember speaking to your mother in prison on November 10th about this very phone call?
AK: I don’t remember specifically, but probably we talked about it, yes.
FM: Do you remember how surprised your mother was that you didn’t even remember about this phone call?
AK: I remember her being a bit surprised that I didn’t remember very well. But in the end I explained to her that there was just so much movement going on right then, so much confusion, and the whole morning was so emotional, and so all the specific things got mixed up.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] Again, AK says that she was mixed up about the November 2007 calls, and that she is still mixed up about it (in June 2009). Yet her memory is clear in April 2013.
63. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Yesterday, you mentioned having a lot of friends, both in the US and in Perugia. Did you consider Meredith Kercher to be a friend?
AK: Yes.
FM: Did you suffer from the loss of this friend?
AK: Yes, I was very, very shocked by it. I couldn’t even imagine such a thing.
FM: Do you think about her in your daily life, do you think about this friend who was with you in your house?
AK: Yes, I remember her. But in the end, I only knew her for one month, and more than anything, I am trying to think how to go forward with my own life, so yes, I remember her, and I am so upset about what happened, and sometimes it seems to me that it can’t be real. I don’t really know what to think of this thing. But yes. I suffered.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] AK only knew MK for a month, and she’s trying to get on with her life. Yet, in WTBH, it comes off as an emotionally devastating loss.
64. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: And Patrick Lumumba, did you consider him as a friend, or not?
AK: I saw him, yes, pretty much as a friend, for the short time I had spent around him. I had a good relationship with him.
FM: In the days spent at the Questura—later we’ll look at them one by one in order—did you ever think that Patrick Lumumba might be guilty?
AK: Before I was interrogated on Nov 5th/6th, I never thought that.
FM: So you thought it for the first time on the 5th and 6th?
AK: Yes, yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text not found.
[Comments] With friends like these .......
65. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: I’ll ask you later about imagination. Now tell me when you changed your mind about Patrick Lumumba.
AK: I changed my mind when I realized that my imaginings were not really memories, but just imagination.
FM: When? When?
AK: The more time passed, the more I felt sure. But definitely, when I was in prison and alone in my cell, I had so much time to rethink about all the facts I remembered, and about the fact that I remembered not having been with him on that night. The more I thought, mamma mia, he’s probably innocent.
FM: How many days later?
AK: How many days?
FM: Weeks, days, hours, I don’t know. The question is: when?
AK: I already had a doubt when I was in the Questura. But I became completely sure when—at least I was completely sure that I had never been with him, so what everyone was thinking, that it was him, was only because I myself had said something, and that convinced me that he was innocent. But in the end, I just couldn’t know for sure. I could only know that what I myself had said was not the truth.
FM: And when did this happen?
AK: When I was in prison, I guess, but I already had doubts—
FM: But when in prison?
AK: —while I was in the Questura…
FM: But when? Can you tell me? A few days later? A few weeks later?
AK: No, but even this feeling of doubt starting getting stronger, already on the very next day. As soon as I had time to get paper and try to remember things—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Francesco Maresca (the Kercher lawyer) is trying to get a clear answer from AK (as did Lumumba lawyer Carlo Pacelli) as to when exactly AK knew that PL was an innocent person. And like his predecessor, he gets the runaround. Interestingly though, his questions are not appearing anywhere in WTBH
66. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: What do these words mean to you: state of confusion, and imagination?
AK: The sense I had at that moment, when I was trying to remember things that I didn’t remember—
FM: I’m not talking about that moment. I am asking you in general. In general, for you, what is a “state of confusion” and what is “imagination”?
AK: According to me, it depends on the situation. I can only talk about my own experience, which was, that I had to, forced myself—because they told me that I had to remember something else—to recall something else, so I forced myself so hard, that I was trying to imagine the reality that I had apparently forgotten, and I got confused as to whether the things I had imagined were really memories or just imagination. Because they were fragmentary. They were just images of things I had seen in my life, for example Piazza Grimana, that I saw every day, Patrick, whom I saw almost every day. These things, which were fragmented, I didn’t know if they belonged to that evening, to that sequence of events, or that line of reasoning. I didn’t know, and not knowing what was reality and what was my imagination, this was the state of confusion.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Wow…..
67. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: But have you had other moments in your life in which you were in a state of confusion like this?
AK: No.
FM: So you’ve had only this experience.
AK: Yes.
FM: So this mechanism of the imagination, you only lived through it in this experience.
AK: Yes.
FM: And so, only in this experience did you separate and then mix up reality with imagination and fantasy.
AK: Yes.
FM: You also mentioned frustration yesterday.
AK: Yes.
FM: For your interrogation by the pubblico ministero and by the police.
AK: Yes.
FM: What does frustration mean to you?
AK: I was frustrated because I felt that even if I was giving, it wasn’t being received. For instance, I felt that I was giving and giving, but they always wanted something—always more, and they didn’t want to listen to me. They asked me something and I answered, it was never enough, never the thing that they wanted to hear. So I was frustrated. I didn’t know how to answer any more, because I had already said, repeated, repeated—
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] so AK only has these moments when she risks being implicated in a murder? Good to know
68. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: Yesterday, you said you saw the drops of blood in the sink, in the bidet.
AK: I didn’t see them in the bidet.
FM: I’m sorry. Okay. In the sink. And on the bathmat, right?
AK: Yes, but after I got out of the shower.
FM: When you used it to get back to your room?
AK: Yes.
FM: All right. On the bathmat, you saw drops like on the sink, or…
AK: No, it was a larger stain.
FM: A larger stain. Did it look like a footprint to you?
AK: No. I just saw a stain.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 65/66]
I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There
was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the
droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself.
It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on
the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the
[Comments] So seeing blood in your bathroom is no biggie? Okay
69. Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: So the idea of returning to the house to check your friends’ things, was given to you by Sollecito if I understood correctly.
AK: He…
FM: He invited you to clarify matters by telephoning?
AK: I asked him advice about what to do, because I didn’t know what to think. He said “Call your roommates to see if they know anything, if anything happened to them.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 6, Page 66/67]
My mom did not say hello, just “, are you
okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in
my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
“Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.
Hearing Mom’s voice calmed me. It can’t be that bad, I thought.
Pm out of the house. Nothing happened. Pm safe. No one’s in danger.
[Comments] At trial, AK says that Sollecito came up with the idea to call the others. In the book, her Mother did.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 53-69
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8. How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #70 To #90
Posted by Chimera
(Click here to go straight to Comments. Long post.)
1. The Full Series And What It Proves
And so we conclude this expose of yet another 90 Knox lies.
This series demonstrates how Knox, testifying for two days on the stand in 2009, was blatantly contradicted by Knox herself 90 times in her 2013 book.
The extended-version 2015 paperback corrected NOT A SINGLE LIE despite the numerous obvious defamations. Italy still has another several years to charge Knox, just as Sollecito was charged and put on trial in a Florence court.
In that Florence court Sollecito of course lost. He himself conceded he had maliciously made things up. He could really offer no defense.
Knox’s book is much, much worse. Her malicious stalking knows no bounds.
1. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies OVERVIEW
2. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #1 To #16
3. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #17 To #26
4. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #27 To #34
5. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #35 To #38
6. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #39 To #52
7. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #53 To #69
8. Click for Post: How Knox Herself Provides Proofs Of Lies #70 To #90
2. Telling Contradictions 70 To 90
70 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: You underwent pressure, as you said, from the police who were asking you for information. Was that also true in your interrogations of the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th, or only for the one from the 6th?
AK: The police repeated their questions and wanted, above all, for me to tell them who could have done this, but I didn’t know how to respond. I told them about all the people that I knew. The most intense pressure was in the Questura between Nov 5 and 6, because I never lived through anything like that. Before that, they would ask me and then say “Okay, fine.” They wouldn’t say, for example, “Maybe you don’t remember well” or “Maybe you’re a liar”, for example. The didn’t say those things.
GCM: So, there was a difference. All right. Go ahead.
FM: So the other statements were made in a more natural, a lighter way.
AK: Lighter, yes. But still always repeating.
FM: Who was present, the same policemen or different ones?
AK: There were so many policemen…
FM: When you say “so many”, what do you mean? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty?
AK: Well…
FM: For you, “so many” means how many?
AK: In the sense that I didn’t recognize the policemen from one time to another. There were some who were always there, for example, like the person who led the interrogation on the 5th. That was a person who was already there the first days that I was there. But in the sense that one person said they were from Rome, one was from Perugia, one from Cabria that was going to arrive, so it was difficult to know them all.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] AK in one sense seems to be backtracking on the number who were actually there. Of course, no explanation as to why they would all be there to spring this trap on AK. Remember, she showed up: (a) uninvited; (b) unannounced; and (c) refused to leave
71 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: In your room in via della Pergola, was there a central light?
AK: There was one but it didn’t work, so I used the little bedside lamp.
FM: The lamp.
AK: The little lamp, yes.
FM: And you previously stated that you didn’t look for the lamp either; you only looked for your computer when you went into your room. You didn’t look for your money, you didn’t look for your lamp.
AK: So, I saw the window only the second time that I entered the house. The first time I went into the house I didn’t even think of looking to see if anything was missing, because I saw going into the living room, it really looked like someone had just gone out of the house, everything was in order, just as I had left it. But the second time, I didn’t even think of looking for the lamp: the computer was the important thing for me. All my documents were in it.
FM: But the first time, when you took your shower and then you returned to your room, first you undressed and then you dressed, all this, you did it without any light?
AK: It was the middle of the morning, there was already light.
FM: Did you open your shutters or were they already open?
AK: I don’t remember.
FM: To get to your room, to get to the window, you walked in the dark?
AK: But it wasn’t dark in my room. Often—
FM: I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
AK: All right. Usually I only turned on that little lamp at night. Really at night, or in the evening, when I wanted to…So I didn’t even think of turning it on. It really wasn’t dark in my room when I went in.
GCM: It wasn’t dark, but where was the light coming from? Natural light?
AK: Natural.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] No mention of any of this. The missing lamp is only a red flag, and despite repeated questioning, AK dances around it
72 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: You mentioned to your friends in the Questura that according to you, Meredith died slowly.
AK: They said…
FM: How did you come to say that?
AK: I heard that her throat was cut, and from what I saw in CSI [Crime Scene Investigation] of these things, these things are neither quick nor pleasant. So when they said “We hope she died quickly,” like I don’t know, in some other way, I said “But what are you saying, her throat was cut, good Lord, bleargh.” I had remained at that point, that brutality, this death that was really blechh, that made a horrible impression. That was what really struck me, that fact of having your throat cut. It seemed so gross, and I imagined that it was a very slow and terrifying death. So when they said “We hope it was like this,” I said “No, I think it was really gross, disgusting.”
FM: And do you know if, when Meredith was murdered, she screamed or shrieked?
AK: I don’t know.
FM: Did someone tell you?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] This also is missing from the book. Aside from being cold, there is no innocent way Knox could actually have known.
73 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Tell me? No, uh, no. No, I didn’t know if she screamed or not.
FM: Did you talk about it with someone immediately after?
FM: Did you talk about it with someone immediately after, when you were there at the house, about whether she screamed or shrieked?
AK: Not about that, no.
FM: And did the police talk to you about the scream or not, when they interrogated you on the 2nd, the 3rd or the 4th. Did they talk to you about the fact that she screamed?
AK: I don’t remember.
FM: Why did you say yesterday that they did? If I’m not mistaken.
GCM: Not on the 4th.
AK: The 2nd, 3rd and 4th…..On the 5th and 6th, they asked me if I heard the scream.
FM: So on the 5th and the 6th, the police told you that she screamed.
AK: They asked me if I had heard her scream. I said no. They said, but how is it possible that you didn’t hear her scream, if she was killed so near you? I said, “I don’t know, maybe I had my ears covered.”
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Text missing on this topic
74 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
FM: On November 4, at 3:24 in the morning, you wrote a very long e-mail to 25 people. Okay?
AK: Yes.
FM: All right, but why did you write it at 3 in the morning, after having been in the Questura, where you said you were very tired, nervous, stressed and so forth. I mean, how did you come to write such a long e-mail instead of going to bed. This is the question.
AK: Precisely because I was stressed and felt exhausted because of the police, I had to somehow let off steam, because the whole situation was so heavy that I couldn’t even sleep. So I needed to write. I needed to let off steam by writing, especially to the people who were worrying about me. So I addressed it to all the people whose e-mail addresses I had in my e-mail. I wrote down everything and sent it to them. Then I felt better.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 8, Page 96] As many answers as the police had demanded of me, they weren’t giving up much information. Then I wrote a long e-mail, which I sent to
everyone at home, explaining what had happened since I’d gone back to the villa on Friday morning. I wrote it quickly, without a lot of thought, and sent it at 3:45 A.M.
It was another night of fretful sleep.
[Comments] Knox does admit to sending a long email, but doesn’t include it in her book. Read for yourself
75 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes.
FM: You told your mother that you were very worried.
AK: I didn’t understand why there would be Meredith’s blood on a knife that was found in Raffaele’s house. Because [tense laugh] for me that was impossible.
GCM: Excuse me, but with respect to the knife, which knife did they talk about? I saw that it remained a little general.
FM: Because she—oh, no, sorry, Presidente.
GCM: Yes? Which knife did they talk about?
AK: We were talking about a knife that had Meredith’s blood…on this knife. And for me, I couldn’t understand it because it was impossible.
GCM: So, with reference to that knife. Please go ahead, avvocato.
FM: Why did you say to your mother “I’m worried because there is a knife of Raffaele’s.”
AK: Well, I was worried because to me that was impossible. I didn’t understand how that could be.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] This is omitted from the book
76 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes, he came into my bar once, for example, but there was always this fact that I had to work there, he came in, I don’t think I even gave him a drink, because—I don’t remember the situation that well, but I think he came in and then went out. I don’t remember. But really, I didn’t know him at all.
GB: Did you exchange telephone numbers? Did you call each other?
AK: No.
GB: Listen. A witness came here, whose name was Kokomani.
AK: [Tiny snigger]
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] No mention of Bongiorno at all in the book questioning AK at all
[Comments] Nothing says professionalism like snickering at someone’s name.
77 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: Were you wearing that suit that we saw that the police was wearing? With the shoe covers, the gloves?
AK: No, no, I was still wearing my own clothes. They gave me those—things that you put on your shoes.
GB: The shoe covers. And gloves?
AK: They gave me gloves when I went upstairs to look through the knives.
GB: Yes, but excuse me. The day you went downstairs with the police and entered into the apartment downstairs, you went in together with the police and you didn’t have gloves?
AK: No, I didn’t have gloves.
GB: Did you see, during all these police operations every time you went there—but in the end, how many times did you go to the house? The day of the 2nd, of the finding, and on the 4th?
AK: Mhm.
GB: On those occasions, did you see whether the police all had on these shoe-covers, gloves, suits all the time?
AK: I saw that the people I was with had things on their feet. I don’t know if they all had gloves.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH, Chapter 25, Page 304/305]
When she answered Prosecutor Mignini’s questions, she was clear, straightforward, and self-serving. She was smarter than her fellow officers. She knew the court was looking for police slipups. “We did our jobs perfectly, all the time,” she testified. “We didn’t hit Amanda.” “We’re the good guys.”
When the defense questioned her, Napoleoni’s manner switched from professional””albeit dishonest””to exasperated, incredulous, and condescending. For instance, when Raffaele’s lawyer Giulia Bongiorno asked if the gloves police used at the crime scene were sterilized or one-use gloves, Napoleoni took a snarky tone, saying, “It’s the same thing.”
“By one-use gloves you mean that they are gloves that can be used only once, right?” Bongiorno asked.
“Obviously, yes,” Napoleoni said haughtily.
“Therefore it means that every time you touched an object you changed gloves?”
“No, it means that I put them on when I enter before I touch objects, and that’s what I did.
“But therefore with the same gloves, without changing gloves, you touched the various objects in the room in the course of the search?” Bongiorno asked.
“It’s obvious, yes.”
I knew it was the police’s job to analyze the scene of a crime, gather dues, and determine who did it. But here in Perugia the police and the prosecutor seemed to be coming at Meredith’s murder from the opposite direction. The investigation was sospettocentrico””“suspect-oriented” - they decided almost instantly that Raffaele and I were guilty and then made the clues fit their theory. Instead of impartiality, the prosecution’s forensic experts were relentless in their drive to incriminate us. Their campaign was astonishing for its brashness and its singleness of purpose.
[Comments] While AK doesn’t directly mentioning being questioned in the book, it appears that Bongirono is attempting to lay the groundwork for a contamination claim. Funny… in spite of not meeting any “international standards” when investigating AK/RS, the Italian CSI still did a great job against Guede. Odd…..
78 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: Listen, it has been asked by the lawyer for the civil plaintiff if you had ever before experienced strange episodes with your imagination, or superimposing of memories. So, I wanted to complete that. Has it ever happened in your life before this to be interrogated with the methods that you have described?
AK: Absolutely not.
GB: So you connect this episode of your imagination with those methods?
AK: Certainly.
GB: When you refer to the fact that this famous interpreter told you an episode about her personal life, to solicit a memory from you, I wanted to understand: this interpreter, was she an interpreter that was speaking aloud and everyone was listening, or was it between just the two of you? And in what language did all this happen?
AK: Oh no, it was really just between the two of us. She was right here, and she was really talking right into my ear the whole time, saying “Come on, stop it,” because I was saying the truth because I wanted to go home, “come on, maybe you just don’t remember”, it was like this the whole time. It wasn’t like she was translating what I saw saying to them. Well yes, she also did that, but she was talking in my ear the whole time.
GB: So, it is correct to say that during the interrogation, this interpreter was having a conversation with you that could not be heard by third parties.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] Bongiorno is attempting the baseless and dishonest suggestion that Anna Doninno (Knox’s interpreter on November 5/6) was actually deliberately misrepresenting what AK was tell the police, and also what the police were telling AK.
79 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: No. They wrote; they asked me: “Okay, what do you imagine?” And I said “Maybe I imagine this,” and they said “Okay, let’s write this, and then you tell us if it’s all right or not. So they were writing, saying “Okay, you met Patrick at Piazza Grimana, for example, you saw this, you covered your ears.” “Okay, fine, fine.”
GB: Okay. But when they made you sign the statement, you didn’t explicitly ask to reread it or to change anything?
AK: They gave it to me to read, but…well, I did like this and then I just signed.
GB: Did you ever have any judicial experiences when you were in America?
AK: Absolutely not.
GB: From the telephone call we heard about yesterday, you had a friend who was consulting a lawyer. You never thought in those days, seeing that you were constantly called to the Questura, about calling a lawyer?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] It is still never explained: the police have all this very abundant evidence (according to AK/RS), and it proves guilt against Guede is rocksolid. However, the police have to ask AK to imagine what happened, and they apparently “selectively contaminate” the crime scene.
80 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GB: When you, on the morning of the finding of the body, when before that you went to take a shower, you said: “I got out of the shower and didn’t have any shoes, so I jumped on the bathmat.”
AK: Yes.
GB: This bathmat that we’re talking about is the bathmat that you saw projected here in court in a video?
AK: Yes.
GB: Do you remember how you slid with the bathmat? When you took it from the bathroom to your room, did you have both bare feet on it or just one foot.
AK: Sometimes I…heh heh…by mistake, I put my foot on the floor like this, but I tried—I slid along trying to kind of make little jumps with the bathmat, but I didn’t quite succeed.
GB: But it can be said that you were pressing on the bathmat with your foot?
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] Bongirono is lobbing softballs, but AK still doesn’t make sense
81 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
LM: Just a couple of details. Luca Maori, Raffaele Sollecito’s defense. Referring to the moment in which you found yourselves, you and Raffaele, in front of the house in via della Pergola, at the moment in which you discovered that there were some problems, and then Raffaele called his sister. Did you hear Raffaele’s telephone conversation with his sister?
AK: No, they were talking between themselves on the telephone, and I was nearby, but I wasn’t listening.
LM: And do you know what Raffaele’s sister advised him to do?
AK: I didn’t hear her words, but she advised him to call the police or—as I understood it, to call the police.
LM: Then, did you hear Raffaele’s next telephone call, to the police or carabinieri? Did you hear it?
AK: Yes, Raffaele called the police, yes. I was there, nearby.
LM: Okay. What did Raffaele say? Do you remember?
AK: Mm…it was in Italian.
[WTBH] Text missing here
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] No mention that Lucas Maori asked AK any questions either
82 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: They, who they? Sorry, but could you give names or titles? You were giving your statement to the PM.
AK: The PM and the policemen who were there. But when I made that declaration, also the PM was one of the people who said to me, “So, you did this, you followed this person, you heard this, but why?” That’s how it was.
CP: So it was the pubblico ministero who put the words “I heard thuds” into your mouth?
AK: He wanted to know how come I hadn’t—
CP: I asked you a question.
[WTBH] Text missing here
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comment] Carlo Pacelli (Lumumba lawyer) asks AK about yet another incriminating comment—that she admitted to hearing “thuds”, but that doesn’t appear in the book
83 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: She won’t answer me, Presidente. Ahh. You said that you had good relations with Patrick.
AK: Yes.
CP: Then why, in your statement of Nov 6 2007 at 5:45, did you say you were very frightened of Patrick.
AK: Because, imagining him as being capable of murdering someone, at that moment I was scared.
CP: Did someone suggest this to you? The PM?
AK: They asked me what Patrick was like? Was he violent? I said no, he’s not violent. But are you scared of him? And I said yes, because thinking that he was the person who killed her, I was scared. Also because in those days I was thinking generally that there was a murderer, and I was frightened.
CP: Why didn’t you say this to the police in the statement of 1:45?
AK: Say what?
CP: That you were afraid of Patrick.
AK: Because they hadn’t asked me yet.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comments] More B.S. on the witness stand. Perhaps AK means “(If) I imagine PL as the killer (it will get me off the hook)”
84 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
CP: When you gave your declaration to the examining tribunal, you confirmed the memorandum of Nov 6. Why didn’t you exonerate Patrick?
AK: I wrote in the memorandum that I was trying to express my doubts. So I was confirming the fact that I wrote those things to say that what I had said before was an error. Including what I had said about Patrick.
CP: Listen, in your memorandum of November 6, you explicitly say—you were writing in English?
AK: Yes.
CP: And you wrote it freely, yes?
AK: Yes.
CP: You say “I stand by my statements that I made last night about events that could have taken place in my home with Patrick.”
AK: In my memorandum, I recognized the fact that I had made those declarations, but that I had a lot of doubts as to the facts that were in my declaration.
CP: Do you know what the word “confirm” means in Italian?
AK: I wrote in English.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[WTBH] Text missing here
[Comment] Pacelli again trying to get a straight answer from AK as to why she didn’t retract the false accusation
85 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Okay.
CDV: I read on page 6 that you said in that conversation: “Yes, when I was in the room with him, I said something,” between parentheses ‘laughs’, “and then when I went back into the room, I was crying. I was very, very worried about this thing with the knife, because there’s a knife from Raffaele’s…” First question: this was on November 17. What knife were you talking about, and how could you know about this knife at this date?
AK: I heard for the first time about the knife from a police inspector while I was in prison. He showed me an internet article which said that there was blood on a knife that they had found in Raffaele’s house. And I said that for me, I was worried because for me, that was just impossible. I didn’t understand how such a thing could be.
CDV: So, when you’re talking about there being a knife from Raffaele’s, you meant this knife that you had heard about in this way, from Raffaele’s house.
AK: Yes.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Carlo Dalla Vedova is trying to get Knox to explain away get another incriminating remark: that she knew the knife came from Sollecito’s home
86 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: They’re very—
INT:—very agitated.
AK: Yes. Raffaele also. I am angry. First I was scared. Then I was sad. Then I was confused. Then I was angry, and now I don’t know. I can’t [murmurs in English to interpreter: “I can’t really wrap my mind”. Interpreter helps her.] really wrap my mind around this. I didn’t see her body. I didn’t see her blood. It’s almost as though it hadn’t happened. But it did happen, in the room right next to mine. There was blood in the bathroom where I took a shower today. The door of the house was open to the wind and now I am without a house and forever, without a person who was a part of my life. And I don’t know what to do or think.
CDV: Perfect. I request the acquisition of this document for the dossier.
GCM: All right. Do you have any other questions, avvocato?
CDV: There is another document extracted from the same diary, I’ll call it that. Also this one, if I could ask you to confirm it and to read it? And in between, I’ll ask this question. When you were in the Questura, you were writing this?
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Again, nothing of this in AK’s book, but here AK is trying to dial back the callous remarks she keeps making
87 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: Yes I said “hit”, which means hit (punched).
CDV: No, you had clearer ideas compared with other times? When you wrote, you felt less confused?
AK: Yes, I felt less confused.
IVTO: (inaudible)
GCM: Please. The defence has asked you, when you wrote, if you found yourself in a calm situation, composed, attentive, alert basically?
AK: I did this precisely to calm myself.
CDV: So, when you say: “I have clearer ideas than before, but I’m still lacking some details and I know this isn’t helpful to me”, what did you mean exactly? That you felt more sure at that moment about what had happened?
I felt that the truth of the situation wasn’t that which had happened in the questura. So I felt it necessary to write these things because for me that was the truth.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] F my life. Are we going to start with the “best truths” again?
88 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: You have said that you meant to go to Gubbio the day after, at what time had you planned to leave?
AK: Only for a day, we’d thought of “¦
GCM: Yes, but in the morning, after lunch? [156]
AK: When we woke up, we’d go there and usually “¦
GCM: Go where?
AK: To Gubbio.
GCM: As soon as you woke up you would have gone to Gubbio.
AK: Yes, it was very relaxed this “¦
GCM: How would you have gone there?
AK: He has a car.
GCM: And so you would have left for Gubbio as soon as you had woken up, is that right?
AK: Yes, get ready, then leave “¦
GCM: However, you have said that as soon as you woke up you went to the house in via della Pergola.
AK: Yes.
GCM: You didn’t leave immediately for Gubbio why this change of plan?
AK: It wasn’t really a change of plan, he was still asleep, so I thought I’d take a shower before leaving because I also wanted to change my clothes
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] In the book—at least in parts of it—AK claims she wasn’t alarmed by what she saw. So why not just: (a) flush; (b) wipe up the blood; (c) close and lock the door; and (d) head out to Gubbio?
89 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
GCM: Were you at Raffaele’s house?
AK: Yes, I think I was “¦
IVTO: (inaudible)
GCM: What?
AK: Yes, I had returned to Raffaele’s house, I asked him what I should do and he said ring my flatmates. So I called her when I was in Raffaele’s apartment. But then I think she called me again while we were walking to the house, my house.
GCM: So, you called Romanelli when you were at Raffaele’s house?
AK: Yes.
GCM: That’s how it was?
AK: Yes. [163]
GCM: The first call was mde from Raffele’s house.
AK: From Raffaele’s, yes.
GCM: I put it to you that, at least from Romanelli’s statements, it happened differently.
AK: Okay.
GCM: “She told me that she had taken a shower, that it seemed to her that there was blood, and that she was going to Raffaele’s”.
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Judge Massei picks up on a serious discrepancy. AK claims in court to have made the call from Sollecito’s house. Yet, Filomena told the Court that AK told her she was heading to Sollecito’s house. Very observant of the Judge.
90 Trial Versus Book
Knox At Trial In 2009
AK: What happened is that we were “¦ he had called the police. While he was talking to them we were there and then we went out of the house and immediately the police arrived, the two of them together.
GCM: Now, I’d also like to ask you, it has emerged that, when they searched Raffaele Sollecito’s house, perhaps on November 6, but I don’t want to err, there was strong smell of bleach. We also have the testimony of the lady who cleaned the apartment of Raffaele Sollecito, who says that bleach was never used.
AK: I never used bleach in Raffaele’s house.
GCM: Did you ever see Raffaele use it?
AK: No.
GCM: How do you explain the presence of the smell, which is a smell “¦
AK: I have never smelled bleach in Raffaele’s house
Knox In Her Book 2013-15
[Comments] Again, missing from the book, but AK is asked about the smell of bleach.
Archived in Knox Provides Proofs, Examples 70-90
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1. AK Tortured Logic 1 To 20
Posted by Chimera
HarperCollin’s Jonathan Burnham and Claire Wachtell who edited and published Knox’s book
1. Series Overview
Waiting to be Heard was first released in April 2013, after Cassation had confirmed AK’s false accusation of PL for rape and murder, and after it had thrown out the Hellmann/Zanetti finding of not guilty.
That successful prosecution appeal reverted their legal status back to “guilty, pending further appeals”. In light of this, the publisher, HarperCollins, seemingly thought they could avoid legal trouble if the book was pulled from the UK (on advice of their own lawyers) and Italy.
The paperback version was released on June 9, 2015, the day AK’s second calunnia trial—for making false accusations on the stand against Perugia police—was set to begin. The “new version” contained a whiny afterword, but left the previous stuff untouched.
Once again, it was released prior to Cassation actually releasing its sentencing report, in this case late in 2015, and once again it has come back to haunt AK/RS.
This is the fourth and final series of over 20 posts on the book in total, the previous series having been on (1) Knox’s 600 or so malicious and self-serving lies, (2) Knox’s 100 or so false accusations, and (3) instances of Knox being contradicted by the Supreme Court.
All the 20-plus posts can be read in sequence in our Knox book hoaxes category.
Included among around 600 smears and malicious lies, there are numerous smears about her “friends” Meredith, Laura and Filomena, about drug use while Knox with characteristic hypocrssy AK omits her own heavy drug use and her exchanges of sex for free drugs from Federico Martini.
Included among around 100 false accusations: AK accuses (1) Judge Paolo Micheli (pre-trial) and Judge Giancarlo Massei (trial) of professional misconduct; (2) Judge Claudia Matteini (preliminary hearing) of incompetence; (3) Prosecutors Mignini/Comodi of misconduct and suborning perjury; (4) Rita Ficarra of assault; (5) Ficarra, Monica Napoleoni, Marca Chiacchiera, Patrizia Stefanoni of committing perjury; and (5) translator Anna Donnino of misrepresenting herself.
(6) Knox also accuses the justice officials of trying to frame her and RS—and vilify them in the media—to save their careers and to look good. (7) She also claims that the police coerced/bullied her into making the false accusation of Patrick Lumumba. AK also accuses prison officials (8) of sexual assault; (9) of intimidation; (10) of sexual harassment; (11) of harassment; (12) of covering up police brutality; (13) of leaking confidential medical records; (14) of providing an unsafe environment for her; (15) of keeping her in isolation unnecessarily; and (16) of denying her counsel.
No complaints were ever filed, either in jail after being released, though Italian defense lawyers are REQUIRED to file complaints if their client tells them of illegalities. Publishing a book 18 months later is not at all the same thing and in fact sets up liabilities.
1. Knox’s Tortured Logic
The book just doesn’t make sense. It contradicts itself repeatedly, and makes many claims that just do not pass muster. It speaks to Knox’s extreme unreliabilty as a narrator and to her self-servingness at every posibility. Read these three posts for yourself, and see if any of this actually seems normal.
Tortured Logic #1: AK Shows What This is All About
[Chapter 2, Page 16] This was my first bona fide one-night stand.
I’d told my friends back home that I couldn’t see myself sleeping with some random guy who didn’t matter to me. Cristiano was a game changer.
We didn’t have a condom, so we didn’t actually have intercourse. But we were making out, fooling around like crazy, when, an hour later, I realized, I don’t even know this guy. I jumped up, kissed him once more, and said good-bye. I went upstairs to the tiny room Deanna and I were sharing.
She was wide awake, standing by the window. “Where have you been?” she asked. “I didn’t know where you were or if you were okay.”[Chapter 3, Page 32] “Do you want to eat at my place?” Mirko asked. “We can watch a movie.”
“Sure,” I said, and instantly felt an inner jolt. It came from the sudden certainty that we would have sex, that that’s where our flirtation had been heading all along.
We carried our pizza boxes through Piazza Grimana, by the University for Foreigners, and down an unfamiliar street, past a park. Mirko’s house was at the end of a gravel drive. “I live here with my sister,” he told me.
During dinner at his kitchen table my thoughts battled. Was I ready to speed ahead with sex like this? I still regretted Cristiano. But I’d also been thinking about what Brett and my friends at UW had said. I could picture them rolling their eyes and saying, “Hell000, Amanda. Sex is normal.” Casual sex was, for my generation, simply what you did.[Chapter 4, Page 39] The next morning I got up before he did, got dressed, and went to make myself breakfast. Bobby came into the kitchen a few minutes later. We were eating cookies when Laura came out of her bedroom. I’d never entertained a lover at the villa for breakfast, and it was awkward, despite Laura’s proclaimed sense of easy sexuality. All three of us tried to ignore the feeling away.
After breakfast Bobby left to return to Rome. 1 walked him to the door. He smiled, waved, and walked away.
I didn’t feel the same regret I’d had after sex with Mirko, but I still felt the same emptiness. I had no way of knowing what a big price I would end up paying for these liaisons.[Chapter 5, Page 57] Being with Raffaele also taught me a big lesson about my personality that I’d tried so hard””and harmfully, in Cristiano’s case””to squelch. I was beginning to own up to the fact that casual hookups like I’d had with Mirko and Bobby weren’t for me.
I like being able to express myself not just as a lover but in a loving relationship. Even from the minuscule perspective of a few days with Raffaele, I understood that, for me, detaching emotion from sex left me feeling more alone than not having sex at all””bereft, really.
Commentary: So 4 of the first 5 chapters are devoted to describing her ‘‘campaign for casual sex’‘. Is that really why she wrote the book - to prove she is sexually obsessive and voracious?
Tortured Logic #2: AK Turning Off her Phone Would Notify Patrick She was Unavailable if he Texts
[Chapter 5, Page 62] Quickly checking my phone, I saw that Patrick had sent me a text telling me I didn’t have to come in. Since it was a holiday, he thought it would be a slow night.
“Okay,” I texted back. “Ci vediamo piu tardi buona serata!”“” “See you later. Have a good evening!” Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
Commentary: If Patrick called then he would know she was unavailable, but texting a message would not get rejected.
Tortured Logic #3: AK Turning Off her Phone to be Alone—And This Happened to be the First and Only Time
[Chapter 5, Page 62] Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
Commentary: If AK did this normally, this wouldn’t raise much suspicion. But it is the first time, and both she and RS do it. If AK was really wanting private liasons, wouldn’t it make more sense to do it when she is with Cristiano (a.k.a. Federico Martini, the drug dealer she met on the train)?
Tortured Logic #4: Knox’s ‘‘Account’’ of November 6th, After she has had 6 years to think about it.
[Chapter 6, Page 65-67] 0n that cold, sunny Friday morning, I left Rafael asleep in his apartment and walked home to take a shower and get my things together, thinking about our romantic weekend in the Umbrian hills. In hindsight, it seems that arriving home to find the front door open should have rattled me more. I thought, That’s strange. But it was easily explained. The old latch didn’t catch unless we used a key. Wind must have blown it open, I thought, and walked inside the house calling out, “Filomena? Laura? Meredith? Hello? Hello? Anybody?”
Nobody. The bedroom doors were closed.
I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the sink? My confusion increased. We were usually so neat. I went to my room and, while putting on a white skirt and a blue sweater, thought about what to bring along on my trip to Gubbio with Raffaele.
I went to the big bathroom to use Filomena’s blow dryer and was stashing it back against the wall when I noticed poop in the toilet. No one in the house would have left the toilet unflushed. Could there have been a stranger here? Was someone in the house when I was in the shower? I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
By the time I was a block from home I was second-guessing myself. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe there was a simple reason for the toilet being unflushed. I needed someone to say, “, you’re right to be scared. This isn’t normal.” And if it wasn’t okay, I wanted someone to tell me what to do. My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
Hearing Mom’s voice calmed me. It can’t be that bad, I thought. Im out of the house. Nothing happened. Pm safe. No one’s in danger. I called Filomena first and was relieved when she picked up. “Ciao, ,” she said. “Ciao,” I said. “I’m calling because when I came home from Raffaele’s this morning, our front door was open. I found a few drops of blood in one bathroom and shit in the other toilet. Do you know anything about it?”
Commentary: This is an excerpt, the whole passage is too long to quote it all here, but AK tries to ‘‘combine’’ every alibi and excuse she has had in here. It actually comes across as more absurd.
Tortured Logic #5: AK Takes Her Ear Piercings Out Just After Getting Them Done
[Chapter 6, Page 65] ” ... faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding?”
Commentary: In some versions, AK describes herself as “taking them out to clean”. This is absurd, as any woman who has gotten piercings knows that lobe piercings stay in at least 6 weeks. Cartilage piercings can be 3 months or more.
Tortured Logic #6: Knox is Targeted Although ‘‘Everyone’’ From the House was Detained.
[Chapter 7, Page 89] It was early morning by the time I put my notebook away. The police weren’t stopping to sleep and didn’t seem to be allowing us to, either. Rafael and I were part of the last group to leave the questura, along with Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, and the other guys from downstairs, at 5:30 A.M.
Commentary: AK whines that she was targeted, but by her own admission everyone from the house was held at the Questura.
Tortured Logic #7: Knox’s “Friends” Don’t Mind her Publishing Embarrassing Things About Them
[Chapter 8, Page 88] ” ... Did we ever smoke marijuana at No. 7, Via dells Pergola? “No, we don’t smoke,” I lied, squirming
inwardly as I did…”[Chapter 8, Page 92] ” ... Next we went to the room that Marco and Giacomo shared. There was no blood””or contraband plants. While we stood there, the detectives started asking me pointed questions about Giacomo and Meredith. How long had they been together? Did she like anal sex? Did she use Vaseline? “For her lips,” I said. When I’d first gotten to town, Meredith and I had hunted around at different grocery stores until we found a tiny tub of Vaseline.
Giacomo and Meredith had definitely had sex, but I certainly didn’t know which positions they’d tried. Meredith didn’t talk about her sex life in detail. The most she’d done was ask me once if she could have a couple of the condoms I kept stashed with Brett’s still-unused gift, the bunny vibrator, in my see-through beauty case in the bathroom Meredith and I shared.”
Commentary: So much for being respectful as she so often praises herself for.
Tortured Logic #8: Perugia’s Micromanaging ‘‘Mayor’’ Leads Murder Investigations
[Chapter 10, Page 119] Eventually they told me the pubblico ministero would be coming in. I didn’t know this translated as prosecutor, or that this was the magistrate that Rita Ficarra had been referring to a few days earlier when she said they’d have to wait to see what he said, to see if I could go to Germany. I thought the “public minister” was the mayor or someone in a similarly high “public” position in the town and that somehow he would help me.
[Chapter 11, Page 136] My memorials changed nothing. As soon as I gave it to Ficarra, I was taken into the hall right outside the interrogation room, where a big crowd of cops gathered around me. I recognized Pubblico Ministero Giuliano Mignini, who I still believed was the mayor.
[Chapter 14, Page 164] ” ... room””Monica Napoleoni, the black-haired, taloned homicide chief; a male officer from my interrogation; and Pubblico Ministero Giuliano Mignini, the prosecutor, who I still thought was the mayor. Napoleoni was resting her chin on her hand glowering at me, studying my reaction. She seemed to be enjoying this.”
Commentary: If AK really wanted to go with the ‘‘public figure’‘, then Attorney General or Police Commissioner would have made more sense.
Tortured Logic #9: Police Tap Knox’s Phone, but Don’t Bother Pulling Her Phone Records
[Chapter 7, Page 78] ” .... Now I see that I was a mouse in a cat’s game. While I was trying to dredge up any small thing that could help them find Meredith’s killer and trying to get my head around the shock of her death, the police were deciding to bug Raffaele’s and my cell phones.”
Commentary: Setting aside that fact that MANY phones were bugged, why would the police not go the extra mile and actually pull the records of AK’s calls and text? Also, why would they not be able to find out then and there that AK actually had her phone turned off? As AK assures us that this was a police sting, it seems very half-assed.
Tortured Logic #10: Police Leak to the Press That Meredith’s Roommates are Suspected PRIOR to Making an Arrest
[Chapter 9, Page 97] Had I seen a news item that morning in The Mail on Sunday, a London tabloid, it might have shifted everything for me. The article said the Italian police were investigating the possibility that the murderer was a woman””someone whom Meredith had known well. “‘We are questioning her female housemates as well as her friends,’ a senior police detective said.” Or I might simply have thought: It’s not Laura, it’s not Filomena, it’s not me. Whom could they possibly be thinking of?
Commentary: It is not common practice—anywhere—to name a possible suspect, or drop hints, who has not been arrested, unless asking for the public’s help tracking him or her down.
Tortured Logic #11: U.S. Embassies Are Good Sources of Information for all Potential Witnesses in Murder Investigations
[Chapter 10, Page 105] ‘’ .... When my phone rang I drew in my breath, exhaling only after I realized it was Dolly. “Have you reached the American embassy?” she asked.
“No,” I said, stepping into the hall. “I haven’t had time, but I’ll try to figure it out. I’m back in class.’‘
In truth, I hadn’t even thought about calling the embassy.’‘
Commentary: Sure after one has been arrested abroad, an embassy may be helpful. But why contact them during a murder investigation? And in the next point, #12, the UW exchange office calls to check on AK, just because there happened to be a murder in Europe.
Tortured Logic #12: The University of Washington Monitors its Former Students While on Vacation
[Chapter 1, Page 10] ” .... “No, I’ll have to find my own housing, but I’m sure I can get a good apartment close to campus. I checked with the UW foreign exchange office””they say the University for Foreigners will give me a housing list when I get there. I’d really like to live with Italians so I can practice speaking the language.”
Commentary: She checked with the UW foreign exchange office? Why? She wasn’t on an exchange.
[Chapter 8, Page 86] ” .... I hated that I felt so traumatized. As my family, friends, and the UW foreign exchange office checked in one after another, they each said some version of “Oh my God, you must be so scared and alone.” I didn’t want to admit that they were right, that what I was going through was too stressful for me to handle by myself. But the last thing I wanted from my parents””even though it’s probably what I needed most””was to be treated like a child.”
Commentary: Several things: (1) AK wasn’t on any official exchange with the U of W; (2) AK wasn’t actually taking any classes at U of W at all; (3) How would UW even know where AK is at the moment, let alone care?; (4) Even if UW knew where AK was, why would they monitor global news to see what was happening in Perugia?; (5) Was UW foreign exchange office acting like a probation officer or something?; (6) Does UW monitor many students, or just AK?
Tortured Logic #13: AK is ‘‘Lured’’ to the Police Station by Police Who Tell Her to Go Home
[Chapter 10, Page 108] Did the police know Id show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Rafael in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark.”
Commentary: AK is lured to the Questura, but has to beg and plead to be let in? Some sting. What if AK, like 99% of people, had just left when told to?
Tortured Logic #14: AK is ‘‘Lured’’ Into a Sting, but no Interpreter or Video Cameras are Available
[Chapter 10, Page 108] ‘’ ... I was still clueless, still thinking I was helping the police, still unable or unwilling to recognize that I was a suspect. But as the next hours unfolded, I slowly came to understand that the police were trying to get something out of me, that they wouldn’t stop until they had it. To the unnamed police officer, I said, "Okay, but I’ve told you everything I know. I don’t knowvwhat else to say."
‘‘Why don’t you keep talking about the people who’ve been in your house””especially men?’’ he suggested.[Chapter 10, Page 110] ‘’ ... The walls were blank. I had nowhere to look but at the police. They said, “We’re going to call in an interpreter.”
While we waited for the interpreter to arrive, they said, “Tell us more about the last time you saw Meredith.”
Commentary: If what AK says is true, then she was a suspect all along. So, in 4 days, no cameras or interpreters were available for the “sting”?
Tortured Logic #15: The Police Have a Male ‘“Suspect’’ Available, but get Knox to Accuse SOMEONE ELSE
[Chapter 9, Page 99] ‘’ .... But as much as he was helping me, we were careening to a bad end together. Whether it was kissing outside the house while Meredith lay inside dead, or whispering, joking, and making faces in the questura, our behavior had aroused suspicion. I was oblivious to it, but apparently once the police thought we were guilty, it colored everything.’‘
[Chapter 10, Page 108] ‘’ .... Did the police know Id show up, or were they purposefully separating Rafael and me?’‘
I was still clueless, still thinking I was helping the police, still unable or unwilling to recognize that I was a suspect. But as the next hours unfolded, I slowly came to understand that the police were trying to get something out of me, that they wouldnt stop until they had it.[Chapter 10, Page 113] ‘’ .... Just then a cop - Monica Napoleoni, who had been so abrupt with me about the poop and the mop at the villa - opened the door. “Raffaele says you left his apartment on Thursday night,” she said almost gleefully. “He says that you asked him to lie for you. He’s taken away your alibi.”
[Chapter 10, Page 114] ‘’ .... “Where did you go? Who did you text?” Ficarra asked, sneering at me.“I don’t remember texting anyone.”
They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history.
“You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?”
“My boss at Le Chic.”
“What about his text message? What time did you receive that?”
Commentary: Assuming (for the sake of argument) that RS ‘‘had’’ been lured to the Questura to break AK’s alibi, why have AK accuse someone else entirely? It would make far more sense to get AK to flip on RS. Remember: AK was acting weird and inappropriate “with” RS. And if you assume that because it was a sexual assault that a man did it, again, RS would be the perfect target.
Tortured Logic #16: Police Are Able to Target a Couple Who Both Incredibly have Such a Loose Grip on Reality
Eead here and here. This isn’t so much about tortured logic but the most bizarre and fortunate coincidence for the police. They couldn’t have targeted 2 better patsies.
[Chapter 9, Page 102] ” .... I was naive, in over my head, and with an innate stubborn tendency to see only what I wanted.
Above all, I was innocent. There were so many what -ifs that I never even began to contemplate. What if I hadn’t thrown the bunny vibrator in my clear makeup case for anyone to see? What if I hadn’t gone on a campaign to have casual sex? What if Rafael and I hadn’t been so immature? What if Id flown home to Seattle right after the murder, or to Hamburg? What if I’d asked my mom to come immediately to help me? What if I had taken Dolly’s advice? What if I’d gotten a lawyer?”
Commentary: So, sleeping around, being juvenile and showing off her vibrator got her arrested? I can understand the desire to flee the country or get a lawyer, but this just makes no sense.
Tortured Logic #17: Police Simultaneously Want to Know: (a) Who Patrick is; (b) Who Knox Went Off to Meet.
Seems Like They Answer Their Own Questions
[Chapter 10, Page 114] ” .... “I don’t remember texting anyone.”
They grabbed my cell phone up off the desk and scrolled quickly through its history.
“You need to stop lying. You texted Patrick. Who’s Patrick?”
“My boss at Le Chic.”
“What about his text message? What time did you receive that?”[Chapter 10, Page 116] ” ... “Who did you meet up with? Who are you protecting? Why are you lying? Who’s this person?
Who’s Patrick?”
The questions wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t think. And even when it didn’t seem possible, the pressure
kept building.
I said, “Patrick is my boss.”[Chapter 10, Page 117] ” .... People were shouting at me. “Maybe you just don’t remember what happened. Try to think. Try to
think. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? You need to help us. Tell us!”
A cop boomed, “You’re going to go to prison for thirty years if you don’t help us.”
Commentary: AK told them who Patrick was, yet the police seem to still want to know who Patrick is.
[Chapter 10, Page 117] ” .... The silver-haired police officer took both of my hands in his. He said, “I really want to help you. I want to save you, but you need to tell me who the murderer is. You need to tell me. You know who the murderer is. You know who killed Meredith.”
Commentary: AK has told them who she went to meet, and who Patrick is. Do they not put 2 and 2 together?
[Chapter 15, Page 175] “˜’ ... “I didn’t come up with those things on my own,” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.”
Commentary: See point #9, the police apparently had the foresight to tap AK’s phone, but never bothered to pull her phone records. Had she been a target all along, they could have had this information when they launched their sting (meaning not calling AK and telling her to go home when she arrived uninvited).
Tortured Logic #18: Italian Prisons and Police Stations Double as Hotel Rooms
[Chapter 11, Page 129] “We need to take you into custody,” she said. “Just for a couple of days””for bureaucratic
Custody? What does that mean? Are they taking me to a safe house?
The silver-haired cop had told me during my interrogation that they would protect me if I cooperated, if I told them who the murderer was. Will my mom be there with me? Can I call her? What does “bureaucratic reasons” mean? Does it mean they’re just processing my paperwork, my spontaneous declarations?
Commentary: AK is again turning on the BS machine.
Tortured Logic #19: AK, Who Speaks Limited Italian, is Able to Remember VERY LONG Quotes in Italian Years Later (With no Interpreter)
[Chapter 10, Page 110] Then they said, “Okay, minute by minute, we want you to tell us what happened.”
I still thought they were using me to find out more information about Meredith - her habits,
whom she knew, who could possibly have had a motive to kill her. I started trying to describe the
exact time I saw Meredith leave the house. I said, “I think it was around two P.M. - one or two.
I’m not sure which. I don’t wear a watch, and the time didn’t matter - it was a holiday. But I
know it was after lunch.”[Chapter 10, Page 111] ‘’ ... Then the questions shifted. They asked, “When did you leave your house?”
At first, when they started questioning me about what I did, I thought they were just trying to test whether I was telling the truth - maybe because I’d lied about our marijuana use.
I said, “Before dinner - four- ish maybe.”
They said, “Are you sure it was four- ish? Was it four o’clock or five o’clock? You didn’t see the time?”
“No. Then we went to Raffaele’s place.”
“How long it did it take you to get there?”
“I don’t know - a couple of minutes. He doesn’t live far away.”
“What happened then?”
“Nothing happened. We had dinner; we watched a movie; we smoked a joint; we had sex; we went to bed.”
“Are you positive? Nothing else?”
“Well, I got a text message from my boss telling me I didn’t have to work that night.”
“What time did that happen?”
“I think around eight P.M. - maybe. Maybe it was before then.” I was thinking, It had to be before I’d normally go to work. “Maybe seven or eight?”
That wasn’t good enough for them.
They kept asking me for exact times, and because I couldn’t remember what had happened from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. and 8 P.M. to 9 P.M. they made it seem as if my memory were wrong. I started
second- guessing myself. Raffaele and I had done some variation of watching a movie, cooking dinner, reading Harry Potter, smoking a joint, and having sex every night for the past week.
Suddenly it all ran together so that I couldn’t remember what time we’d done what on Thursday, November 1. I kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
I was afraid to say that I didn’t know the difference between 7 P.M. or 8 P.M., and I was beginning to feel panicky because they were demanding that I know. My heart was hammering,
my thoughts were scrambled, and the pressure on the sides of my head made it feel as if my skull were going to split apart. I couldn’t think. Suddenly, in trying to distinguish between this time or
that time, this sequence of events or that one, I started forgetting everything. My mind was spinning. I felt as if I were going totally blank.
“Which was it?”
I took a deep breath. “I don’t remember.”
Ficarra thrust her hand out aggressively and insisted, “Let me see your cell phone.”
I handed it to her. As they looked through it, they kept pounding me with questions. “What
movie did you watch?”
“How long is that movie?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you watch it all the way through?”[Chapter 10, Page 112] “Well, we paused it at some point, because we noticed that the sink was leaking.”
“But you said you’d had dinner before that.”
“I guess you’re right. I think the sink leaked before we watched the movie, but then I remember pausing it.”
“Why did you pause it?”
“I don’t remember.”
“Why? Why? What time?”[Chapter 10, page 113] ‘’ ... The interpreter, a woman in her forties, arrived at about 12:30 A.M. It’s inconceivable to me now that all the questioning up to that point had been in Italian. For a couple of hours I’d done my best to hang in there, to grasp what they were saying. I kept saying, “Okay, I understand.” I was always mortified when I had to admit that my Italian wasn’t up to speed.’‘
[Chapter 12, Page 149] ‘’ ....Amanda Knox. K-n- o-x.”
“Do you have allergies, illnesses, diseases?”
“No,” I replied.
“Well, we’ll need to do blood work anyway,” he said. Just then I felt a sharp pinch from the back of my head. The nurse had snuck around me and plucked a hair from my scalp. I started to turn and glare at her, but instead asked the doctor, “Blood work? For what?”
“For diseases,“he said. “Sign this. For the tests.” He pushed a document and a pen in front of me, and I signed it.
“How do you feel?”
“Worried”, I said. “Worried and confused.”
I shrank down in my seat.
“Confused?”; he asked.
“I feel terrible about what happened at the police office. No one was listening to me,” I said.
Tears sprang to my eyes again.
“Hold up there, now,”; Argiro said.
“Wouldn’t listen to you?” the doctor asked.
“I was hit on the head, twice,” I said.
The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp.
“Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.”.
“I’ve heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
Commmentary: How is this possible? (a) As AK keeps pointing out, there were no cameras; (b) All of the police accounts are very different; (c) AK claims she was traumatized. Makes you suspect she made the whole thing up. This book has many such conversations, all while AK claims to have only a rudimentary knowledge of Italian.
Tortured Logic #20: Italian Police Give ‘‘Good-Bye” Hugs to Accused Sex Killers as They Drop them Off
[Chapter 11, Page 141] ‘’ .... At a wave from our driver, we entered the building, Ficarra ahead of me, the other officer behind, each gripping one of my arms. Once inside, they let go. “This is
where we leave you,” they said. One of them leaned in to give me a quick, awkward hug.
“Everything’s going to be okay. The police will take care of you.”
Commentary: Not sure what to say here.
Archived in Knox’s Tortured Logic, Examples 1-20
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2. AK Tortured Logic 21 To 48
Posted by Chimera
1. Series Overview
This is the second in a two part series contexted at the top of the previous post.
Further context can be found in our numerous posts on the Knox psychology here. These passages go to show to what extreme lengths Knox had to go in contradicting her own self to make the big lie stick.
They are vital to all the hoaxes being pulled off.
It is deeply shameful that the book agent did not pick up on this, or the shadow writer, or the publishers, or any of the US media, or more than a very few readers - there are dozens of unquestioning 5-star reviews seething venom against Italy and the officials that handled the case.
2. Examples of Tortured Logic (Continued)
Tortured Logic #21: AK and RS go Before a Judge to Determine if They can be Released
[Chapter 14, page 164] ” ... Also in the room were three women. The one in black robes was Judge Claudia Matteini. Her secretary, seated next to her, announced, “Please stand.” In an emotionless monotone, the judge read, “You, Amanda Marie Knox, born 9 July 1987 in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., are formally under investigation for the murder of Meredith Kercher. How do you respond? You have the right to remain silent.”
[Chapter 14, Page 166] ” .... The report continued: “It is possible to reconstruct what happened on the evening of November 1.
Sollecito Raffaele and Knox Amanda spent the entire afternoon smoking hashish.”
Judge Matteini claimed that I met Patrick at a “previously arranged” time and that Raffaele, “bored of the same old evening”“”a phrase Raffaele had once posted online about himself””came along.
She went on to say that we hadn’t called 112, the emergency number for the Carabinieri military police; that the Postal Police arrived at 12:35 P.M., and that our calls to 112 came afterward, at 12:51 P.M. and 12:54 P.M., suggesting that the police’s appearance at the house took us by surprise and our calls were an attempt at orchestrating the appearance of our innocence. It wasn’t until our trial that this accusation was proven to be erroneous.
The report said that in Raffaele’s second statement, made on November 5, he changed his story. Instead of saying that we’d stayed at his apartment all night, as he’d done originally, he told police we’d left my apartment to go downtown at around 8:30 or 9 P.M., that I went to Le Chic and he returned to his apartment. He said that I’d convinced him to
[Chapter 14, Page 168] ” ... “It’s the judge’s paperwork,” the male guard explained, his voice without inflection. “The confirmation of your arrest. It says the judge ‘applies the cautionary measure of custody in prison for the duration of one year.”’ “One year!” I cried out.
Commentary: This even though bail for such crimes does not exist and house arrest is very rare. If bail doesn’t exist, then why is she getting what amounts to a bail hearing?
Tortured Logic #22: Dalla Vedova and Ghirga Have Never Heard of a SECONDARY CRIME SCENE
[Chapter 27, Page 330] Carlo, who’d never sugarcoated my situation, said, “These are small-town detectives. They chase after local drug dealers and foreigners without visas. They don’t know how to conduct a murder investigation correctly. Plus, they’re bullies. To admit fault is to admit that they’re not good at their jobs. They suspected you because you behaved differently than the others. They stuck with it because they couldn’t afford to be wrong.”
Commentary: Just because a murder occurred in a single room, does not mean the surrounding areas are not relevant. If you consider Meredith’s room to be the primary crime scene:, then (a) Filomena’s room—the entry point; (b) the bathroom where Guede took a sh**; (c) the other bathroom where AK/Meredith’s blood was; (d) the hallway with Guede’s shoeprints and the cleaned prints of AK/RS; (e) AK’s room where the lamp was taken should all be considered secondary crime scenes.
Of course, one could also argue that the entire house is the primary crime scene, and that: (a) RS’s home (where the knife was, and the computers for his alibi); (b) the yard where Meredith’s phones were tossed; (c) RS’s car—if he transported evidence would all be considered secondary crime scenes.
Tortured Logic #23: Guede is Both a Skilled Burlgar and a Disorganized One
(Illogical) Guede breaks in through Filomena’s window, the most visible one from the street.
(Illogical) Guede “breaks in” some time between 8 and 10pm, when people are usually home and awake.
(Illogical) Guede chooses an entry point with a difficult climb.
(Organized) Guede is able to get into Filomena’s room without leaving a trace of himself.
(Brilliant) Guede breaks the window after it is open from the inside, making police suspect an insider.
(Disorganized) Guede leaves plenty of evidence (which AK assures us is strong, in Meredith’s room
(Brilliant) Guede ransacks the place, and then breaks the window, again, making it look like an insider.
(Brilliant) Guede leaves not his blood, but AK and Meredith, leaving himself a patzy.
(Illogical) Guede takes a dump in 1 bathroom, but “cleans up” in the other.
(Illogical) Guede cleans up bare footprints of AK/RS, but leaves his own shoeprints.
(Illogical) Guede’s accomplices—“Mr. X’’ and ‘‘Mr. Y’’ leave no traces of themselves at the entry point, murder scene, or elsewhere.
Commentary: Having trouble classifying Guede as an offender? Me too.
Tortured Logic #24: A Burglar or Killer’s Point of Entry is not Relevant
[Chapter 6, Page 68] ” .... Then I opened Filomena’s door. I gasped. The window had been shattered and glass was everywhere. Clothes were heaped all over the bed and floor. The drawers and cabinets were open. All I could see was chaos. “Oh my God, someone broke in!”
Commentary: Ask any police officer, and they will tell you that how a person breaks in and how they leave are very relevant to the crime investigation. However, AK downplays this for 2 reasons: (1) As shown in the last point, #23, breaking in through Filomena’s room was an illogical place, for many reasons; and (2) Guede’s blood/DNA is not in that room, but AK’s is, mixed with Meredith’s.
Tortured Logic #25: A Sh***y Bathroom is Relevant, While a Bloody Bathroom is not
[Chapter 6, Page 65] ” .... I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared.
There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the sink?”
[Chapter 6, Page 66] ” .... I went to the big bathroom to use Filomena’s blow dryer and was stashing it back against the wall when I noticed poop in the toilet. No one in the house would have left the toilet unflushed. Could there have been a stranger here? Was someone in the house when I was in the shower? I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you.”
[Chapter 6, Page 75] ” .... In the middle of my muddy thoughts I had one that was simple and clear: “We have to tell the police that the poop was in Filomena and Laura’s bathroom when I put the hair dryer away and was gone when we came back,” I told Raffaele. The poop must have belonged to the killer. Was he there when I took my shower? Would he have killed me, too?”
[Chapter 7, Page 77] ” ... I was the first person to come home that morning. I was anxious to explain everything I’d noticed, starting with the open front door and the droplets of blood in the sink.”
Commentary: So the killer cleans up in one bathroom, but then takes a dump in the other? I would be more concerned with the bloody bathroom. While a sh***y bathroom may indicate carelessness, or a plumbing malfunction, no one but AK would instinctively think that it belonged to the killer, and she seems to give them equal weight. And at this point it must be 12+ hours old and REALLY reek. AK never says she ever thought about flushing, as would any normal person.
Tortured Logic #26: AK and RS Walk Around With Bleach on Their Feet
[Chapter 27, Page 339] ” .... The situation was similar to the prosecution’s claim throughout the investigation, the pretrial, and now the trial that my feet were “dripping with Meredith’s blood.” My lawyers and I had spent hours trying to figure out why they thought this. We knew that investigators had uncovered otherwise invisible prints with luminol. Familiar to watchers of CSI, the spray glows blue when exposed to hemoglobin. But blood is not the only substance that sets off a luminol reaction.
Cleaning agents, bleach, human waste, urine stains, and even rust do the same. Forensic scientists therefore use a separate “confirmatory” test that detects only human blood,
Under cross-examination during the pretrial, Stefanoni was emphatic. “No,” she responded. It wasn’t until Dr. Gino read the documents Judge Massei had ordered the prosecution to share with us that she, and then the rest of my defense team, began seeing a pattern. As with the knife, it turned out that Stefanoni’s forensics team had done the TMB test and it came out negative. There were footprints. But they could have come from anything””and at any time, not necessarily after the murder. What matters is that there was no blood.
Commentary: In Honor Bound, Andrew Gumbel argues that there were measurement errors. Here, AK just says the foot prints weren’t blood. Okay, if it were just a cleaning agent, , then wouldn’t we expect to see stains from other people who may have walked through it at some times? Or was there a special cleaner used this time? Rust? The floor is not metallic. So the question is: why are AK and RS walking around with bleach or cleaning agents on their feet?
Tortured Logic #27: CDV and Ghirga Don’t Think AK Needs to Know What her Legal Options Are
[Chapter 23, Page 273] “˜’ ... The first day of the pretrial was mostly procedural. Almost immediately Guede’s lawyers requested an abbreviated trial. I had no idea the Italian justice system offered this option. Carlo later told me that it saves the government money. With an abbreviated trial, the judge’s decision is based solely on evidence; no witnesses are called. The defendant benefits from this fast-track process because, if found guilty, he has his sentence cut by a third”¦’”˜
Commentary: After 11 months in custody, AK is now just being told about this?!
Tortured Logic #28: CDV and Ghirga Fight For Knox, But DON’T Report Her Being Sexually Assaulted and Mistreated in Prison
[Chapter 11, Page 137] “˜’ ... Still, what came next shocked me. After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this? ....’”˜
[Chapter 12, Page 149] ‘’ .... I was hit on the head, twice.” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp. Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “Ive heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said.
[Chapter 16, Page 191] Doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exist in prison. A guard was ever-present, standing right behind me. This bothered me so much that, as time went on, I skipped a needed pelvic exam and didn’t seek help when I got hives or when my hair started falling out. Whatever happened in the infirmary was recycled as gossip that traveled from official to official and, sometimes, back to me.
How each visit went depended on the doctor, and I was grateful for any gesture that wasn’t aggressive or disdainful. A female physician liked to talk to me about her trouble with men. And one day, when I was being seen by an older male doctor, he asked me, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“It’s a lion,” I said. “Like The Lion King””Il Re Leone.”
The next time I saw him he handed me a picture of a lion he’d ripped out from an animal calendar. I drew him a colorful picture in return, which he taped to the infirmary wall. Later, when he found out that I liked the Beatles, one of us would hum a few bars from various songs to see if the other could name the tune.
[Chapter 16, Page 194] “˜’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
[Chapter 17, Page 197] “˜’ ... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong”¦.’
Tortured Logic #29: Accomplices Who Go ‘‘Short Form Trial’’ For the 1/3 Deductions Should Serve LONGER Jail Sentences
[Chapter 30, Page 384] ” .... That feeling was compounded when, about three weeks after Raffaele and I were convicted, the appeals court cut Rudy Guede’s sentence nearly in half, from thirty years to sixteen. Meredith’s murderer was now serving less time than I was””by ten years! How can they do this?! I raged to myself. It doesn’t make sense! The unfairness of it burned in my throat.
Guede’s fast-track conviction for murder and rape in collaboration with others had earned him the maximum. The appeals court had also found him guilty on the same count. But the prosecution’s new view””and the reason for the reduced sentence””was that Guede had not had the knife in his hand, and therefore had played only a supporting role, more responsible for Meredith’s rape than for her murder.
Here, AK answers her own questions
[Chapter 21, Page 254] “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede.’‘
[Chapter 23, Page 273] “˜’ ... The first day of the pretrial was mostly procedural. Almost immediately Guede’s lawyers requested an abbreviated trial. I had no idea the Italian justice system offered this option. Carlo later told me that it saves the government money. With an abbreviated trial, the judge’s decision is based solely on evidence; no witnesses are called. The defendant benefits from this fast-track process because, if found guilty, he has his sentence cut by a third”¦’”˜
Commentary: While AK tries to act stunned, Guede went ‘‘short-form trial’’ for 2 reasons: (1) AK/RS tried to pin it all on him; and (2) the short-form trial offers a lesser sentence. The fast track trial ended with him getting the maximum “allowed under those rules”, which was only 30 years, AK leaves that detail out. And AK lies when she says the reduction from 30 to 16 was due to a less participatory role. AK/RS got 24 years for the murder itself—and they chose the long form trial—and 1/3 less is 16 years. Guede would have gotten more if he had staged the crime scene, transported a weapon, or falsely accused an innocent person.
Tortured Logic #30: The Hardworking CSIs Who ‘‘Nail’’ Guede, are the Same Incompetents Who ‘‘Contaminate’’ Things for AK/RS
On the evidence against Guede .....
[Chapter 10, Page 105] ‘’ .... There was a bloody handprint smeared on the wall and a bloody shoeprint on the floor. A blood-soaked handkerchief was lying in the street nearby.’‘
[Chapter 21, Page 254] “˜’ ... “Amanda, the investigators are in a conundrum,” Carlo said. “They found so much of Guede’s DNA in Meredith’s room and on and inside her body. But the only forensic evidence they have of you is outside her bedroom. Raffaele’s DNA evidence is only on the bra hook. If you and Raffaele participated in the murder, as the prosecution believes, your DNA should be as easy to find as Guede’s.” “But Carlo, no evidence doesn’t mean we cleaned up. It means we weren’t there!” “I know,” Carlo said, sighing. “But they’ve already decided that you and Raffaele faked a break-in to nail Guede. I know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just adding another link to the story. It’s the only way the prosecution can involve you and Raffaele when the evidence points to a break-in and murder by Guede.”
[Chapter 23, Page 274] “˜’ ... Guede’s lawyers must have realized that he was better off in a separate trial, since the prosecution was intent on pinning the murder on us. The evidence gathered during the investigation pointed toward his guilt. His DNA was all over Meredith’s room and her body, on her intimate clothing and her purse. He had left his handprint in her blood on her pillowcase. He had fled the country. The prosecution called Guede’s story of how he “happened” to be at the villa and yet had not participated in the murder “absurd”””though they readily believed his claims against Raffaele and me. One of the big hopes for us was that with so much evidence against Guede, the prosecution would have to realize Raffaele and I hadn’t been involved”¦.’”˜
[Chapter 23, Page 274] ... He didn’t look like a murderer. He was wearing jeans and a sweater. It was almost impossible to imagine that he had cut Meredith’s throat. But if he hadn’t, his DNA wouldn’t have been everywhere in Meredith’s room.”
[Chapter 27, Page 339] ” Copious amounts of Rudy Guede’s genetic material had been found in Meredith’s bedroom, on her body, in her purse, and in the toilet.”
[Chapter 27, Page 342] ‘’ .... Had Raffaele been in the room, his DNA would have been as abundant as Guede’s. It would be illogical to suggest that it was left on a single small hook on Meredith’s bra and nowhere else.’‘
[Chapter 28, Page 352] ‘’ ... Guede had stolen! He had killed Meredith! He had left a handprint in Meredith’s blood! He had fled! He had lied!’‘
Afterword, Page 464] ” .... None of my DNA was found in my friend Meredith Kercher’s bedroom, where she was killed. The only DNA found, other than Meredith’s, belonged to the man convicted of her murder, Rudy Guede. And his DNA was everywhere in the bedroom. It is, of course, impossible to selectively clean DNA, which is invisible to the naked eye. We simply DNA and left Guede’s and Meredith’s behind. Nor was any other trace of me found at the murder scene, not a single fingerprint, footprint, piece of hair, or drop of blood or saliva. My innocence and Raffaele’s was irrefutable. Like my legal team, I believed that the Corte di Cassazione would affirm the innocence finding.
And on the evidence against AK/RS ......
[Chapter 17, Page 203] “˜’ ... The knife was a game changer for my lawyers, who now feared that the prosecution was mishandling evidence and building an unsubstantiated case against me. Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
[Chapter 17, Page 203] “˜’ ... I was choked with fear. The knife was my first inkling that the investigation was not going as I’d expected. I didn’t accept the possibility that the police were biased against me. I believed that the prosecution would eventually figure out that it wasn’t the murder weapon and that I wasn’t the murderer. In retrospect I understand that the police were determined to make the evidence fit their theory of the crime, rather than the other way around, and that theory hinged on my involvement. But something in me refused to see this then”¦’
[Chapter 23, Page 276] ” ... Starting right after we were indicted, Raffaele’s and my lawyers had requested the raw data for all Stefanoni’s forensic tests. How were the samples collected? How many cotton pads had her team used to swab the bathroom sink and the bidet? How often had they changed gloves? What tests had they done - and when? Which machines had they used, at what times, and on which days? What were the original unedited results of the DNA tests?”
[Chapter 25, Page 304] “˜’ ... When the defense questioned her, Napoleoni’s manner switched from professional “”albeit dishonest””to exasperated, incredulous, and condescending. For instance, when Raffaele’s lawyer Giulia Bongiorno asked if the gloves police used at the crime scene were sterilized or one-use gloves, Napoleoni took a snarky tone, saying, “It’s the same thing.”
[Chapter 27, Page 335] “˜”˜On the witness stand, Marco Chiacchiera of the Squadra Mobile had explained that “investigative intuition” had led him to the knife. That flimsy explanation did not help me understand how the police could pull a random knife from Raffaele’s kitchen drawer and decide that it was, without the smallest doubt, the murder weapon. Or why they never analyzed knives from the villa or Rudy Guede’s apartment.’”˜
[Chapter 27, Page 338] ‘’ ....Gino said. Stefanoni had met none of the internationally accepted methods for identifying DNA. When the test results are too low to be read clearly, the protocol is to run a second test. This was impossible to do, because all the genetic material had been used up in the first test. Moreover, there was an extremely high likelihood of contamination in the lab, where billions of Meredith’s DNA strands were present.
[Chapter 32, Page 414] Before the first trial, the defense began requesting forensic data from the prosecution in the fall of 2008, but DNA analyst Patrizia Stefanoni dodged court orders from two different judges. She gave the defense some of, but never all, the information. Now it was Conti and Vecchiotti’s turn to try to get the raw data that Stefanoni had interpreted to draw conclusions about the genetic profiles on the knife and the bra clasp. Stefanoni continued to argue that the information was unnecessary. Not until May 11, under additional orders from Judge Hellmann, did she finally comply.
Commentary: Either the police got the right suspects, or they completely f***ed up the crime scene. It can’t simultaneously be both. AK/RS never argue that contamination wrongfully put Guede away.
Tortured Logic #31: Judge Paolo Micheli is the Wise Judge Who Convicted Guede, and the Moron Who Sent AK/RS to Trial
[Chapter 23, Page 276] ” .... The pretrial judge, Paolo Micheli, allowed testimony from two witnesses. The first was DNA analyst Patrizia Stefanoni for the Polizia Scientifica. Starting right after we were indicted, Raffaele’s and my lawyers had requested the raw data for all Stefanoni’s forensic tests. How were the samples collected? How many cotton pads had her team used to swab the bathroom sink and the bidet? How often had they changed gloves? What tests had they done - and when? Which machines had they used, at what times, and on which days? What were the original unedited results of the DNA tests?
Her response was “No. We can’t give you these documents you continue to ask for, because the ones you have will have to suffice.”
[Chapter 23, Page 277] ” .... The other testimony came from a witness named Hekuran Kokomani, an Albanian man the prosecution called to prove that Raffaele and I both knew Rudy Guede. Our lawyers argued that Raffaele had never met Guede. I’d said “Hi” to him once when we hung out at the apartment downstairs. My other encounter with him was taking his drink order at Le Chic.
Kokomani said he’d seen the three of us together on Halloween, the day before the murder. A massive lie. Kokomani’s testimony made the pretrial seem like a farce. According to him, after dinner on Halloween, driving along Viale Sant’Antonio, the busy thoroughfare just above our house, he came upon a black garbage bag in the middle of the road. When he got out of his car, he realized the “bag” was two people: Raffaele and me. He told the court that Raffaele punched him, and I pulled out a huge knife the length of a saber, lifting it high over my head. “Raffaele said, ‘Don’t worry about her. She’s a girl,”’ Kokomani testified. “Then I threw olives at her face.”
Commentary: Seriously? This is how your pre-trial went? Why no complaints? And why no defence that Guede may be wrongfully convicted? After all, that is your new calling in life.
Tortured Logic #32: AK is Both A Daffy, Clueless Woman, and a Careful Observer During the Trial
[Chapter 13, Page 161] ‘’ ...As I gathered this insider’s information, I felt more like an observer than a participant. I found that being watched by a guard every time I peed or showered or just lay on my bed seemed less offensive when I looked at it with an impersonal eye. 1 saw the absurdity in it and documented it in my head.’‘
Commentary: AK projects herself as being observant and following the proceedings very carefully. Yet her antics throughout the 2009 trial showed that she was very unaware (or just didn’t care), what she showed to others.
Tortured Logic #32: Pacelli (Lumumba’s Lawyer) and Prosecutors ‘‘Grill’’ AK on the Witness Stand, but Don’t Ask any Questions about the Evening Meredith was Murdered
[Chapter 23, Page 323] ” ... The first person to question me was Carlo Pacelli, Patrick’s lawyer. Lawyers technically aren’t allowed to add their own commentary at this point, only to ask questions. But he made his opinions known through pointed questions like “Did you or did you not accuse Patrick Lumumba of a murder he didn’t commit?” and “Didn’t the police officers treat you well during your interrogation?”
[Chapter 23, Page 324] ” .... Pacelli tried to insinuate that I’d come up with Patrick’s name on my own in my interrogation. “No,” I said. “They put my cell phone in front of me, and said, ‘Look, look at the messages. You were going to meet someone.’ And when I denied it they called me a ‘stupid liar.’ From then on I was so scared. They were treating me badly, and I didn’t know why.
“It was because the police misunderstood the words ‘see you later.’ In English, it’s not taken literally. It’s just another way of saying ‘good-bye.’ But the police kept asking why I’d made an appointment to meet Patrick. ‘Are you covering for Patrick?’ they demanded. ‘Who’s Patrick?”’
[Chapter 23, Page 325] ” ... I slapped my own head to demonstrate.
“One time, two times?” Luciano asked.
“Two times,” I said. “The first time I did this.”
I dropped my head down as if I’d been struck and opened my mouth wide in surprise.
“Then I turned around toward her and she gave me another.”
[Chapter 23, Page 326] ” .... Then it was Mignini’s turn. “Why did you say, ‘Patrick’s name was suggested to me, I was beaten, I was put under pressure?”’
As soon as I started to answer, Mignini interrupted with another question. He’d done the same thing to me during my interrogation at the prison. This time, I wasn’t going to let it fluster me. I was going to answer one question at a time. Showing my irritation, I said, “Can I go on?”
I described my November 5 interrogation again. “As the police shouted at me, I squeezed my brain, thinking, ‘What have I forgotten? What have I forgotten?’ The police were saying, `Come on, come on, come on. Do you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember?’ And then boom on my head.” I imitated a slap. “‘Remember!’ the policewoman shouted. And then boom again. ‘Do you remember?”’
[Chapter 23, Page 326] ” .... When the hearing ended, I got two minutes to talk to my law-yers before the guards led me out of the courtroom. “I was nervous when you first spoke,” Luciano admitted, “but by the end I was proud of you.”
Commentary: The reason AK’s 2 days on the witness stand (June 12/13, 2009) only focused on this was because of pre-arranged rules limiting the scope of questioning.. It didn’t help.
Tortured Logic #34: CDV and Ghirga Keep Trying to Put AK on Trial Again and Again
[Chapter 31, Page 397] ” .... The appeal wouldn’t be a redo of the first trial. Italy, like the United States, has three levels of justice””the lower court, the Court of Appeals, and the highest court, the Corte Suprema di Cassazione, their version of our Supreme Court. The difference is that, in Italy, someone like me is required to go through all three levels, all the way to the Cassazione, whose verdict is final.
Cases often take turns and twists that would surprise and unsettle most Americans. Even if you’re acquitted at level one, the prosecution can ask the Court of Appeals to overturn the verdict. If the appeals court finds you guilty, it can raise your sentence. Or it can decide that a second look is unnecessary and send you on to the Cassazione for the final stamp on the lower court’s decision””in Raffaele’s and my cases, to serve out our twenty-five- and twenty-six-year sentences. At each level, the verdict is official, and the sentence goes into immediate effect unless the next court overturns it.
In Italy’s lower and intermediate levels, judges and jurors decide the verdict. And instead of focusing on legal errors, as we do in the United States, the Italian appellate court will reopen the case, look at new evidence, and hear additional testimony””if they think it’s deserved.
In our appeal request, we asked the court to appoint indepen-dent experts to review the DNA on the knife and the bra clasp, and to analyze a sperm stain on the pillow found underneath Meredith’s body that the prosecution had maintained was irrelevant. In their appeal request, the prosecution complained about what they thought was a lenient sentence and demanded life in prison for Raffaele and me.
Commentary: While AK’s summary is fairly good in some ways, she neglects to mention that the DEFENCE actually filed the appeal, (the one that ended up before Hellmann/Zanetti). AK/RS were convicted at trial, and they appealed the convictions. The Prosecution CROSS-APPEALED, saying that AK/RS should actually have been given a longer sentence. This happens fairly often in Common Law Countries. AK also omits that the 3 tier system also lets convicted defendants, like herself, get 2 automatic appeals, something the Common Law does not permit—those require a higher burden. AK also leaves out that an appellate trial is not a full trial, and that calling in expert witnesses should be done at the trial level. No appellate court in the Common Law is asked to “re-try” the case.
3. The New 2015 Afterword
[Afterword, Page 465] ‘’ .... But in March 2013 the high court ordered yet another trial, directing the next appeals court to reexamine certain aspects of the case. My world was shattered””again. The court gave three primary reasons.”
Commentary: Casstion “allowed” AK/RS to refile their first level appeal, but did not “mandate” them to. The appeal that went to Judge Nencini was AK/RS’s own appeal. AK also minimizes just how thoroughly Hellmann/Zanetti had been repudiated
[Afterword, Page 463] ” .... We’d been through one lower court trial, two appellate trials, and a prior decision by the Corte di Cassazione. We had been found guilty, innocent, and guilty again. Based on this past, the best possibility my lawyers, my family, and I could imagine was that the judges would send the case back down to the appellate court for a fourth trial.
Commentary: So, at best, Cassation would allow you a 3rd attempt at your own appeal?
[Afterword, Page 466] ” .... Once again, our case had to go to the Corte di Cassazione. But my confidence had dissipated. If the Florence court could find us guilty after incontrovertible proof that we had no connection to Meredith’s murder, I didn’t know what to expect from the high court. I didn’t know how I would survive if I were made to go back to prison with no hope of an appeal.
Commentary: Without hope of appeal???? This Cassation appeal was AK/RS appeal against the Florence Appeals Court where Nencini (2014) upheld Massei (2009). It seems like AK/RS need better lawyers. These ones keep trying to put their clients on trial
(a) DEFENCE appeal—2011 (Hellman/Zanetti)
(b) PROSECUTION appeal—2013 (Cheiffi at Cassation)
(c) DEFENCE appeal—2013/2014 (Nencini)
(d) DEFENCE appeal—2015 (Bruno/Marasca at Cassation)
(e) DEFENCE appeal—2016 (hypothetical proposed by AK on page 463)
Tortured Logic #35: Prosecutors Don’t Feel the Need to Present Evidence at These ‘‘New Trials’‘
[Afterword, Page 466] ” .... The new court-ordered test on the knife revealed the source of the trace DNA. It was not Meredith’s. It was mine, likely left there when I used it to cook in Raffaele’s kitchen, as I had in the days before the murder. This reconfirmed the independent experts’ earlier finding that there was no proof that the knife was the murder weapon. I wasn’t surprised, but I was elated. This was the only new material evidence the prosecution presented and it undermined their case. Without new condemning evidence, everything was on track to clear us again and finally end this nightmare.”
Commentary: Yes, the knife was tested, but the DNA which AK refers to was found in the HANDLE, and it did strengthen the Prosecution’s case. And since when is the Prosecution expected to present more evidence when the “Defence” files an appeal? They presented their evidence in the trial stage.
Tortured Logic #36: Guede’s Prior Break in is ‘‘Relevant’‘, but AK’s ‘‘Staged Break in’’ is not
[Chapter 28, Page 352] ‘’ ....Evidence of Rudy’s crimes was everywhere, and his history of theft matched the burglary. Poor Rudy? Guede had stolen!
Commentary: Since we are getting into the character assassinations, then let’s include this one. Yes, Rudy, with his prior break in could have done it. Then again, Knox, with her prior “staged” break in could also have done it.
Tortured Logic #37: Business Judges Make Great Substitutes at Murder Appeals
Commentary: This is left out of AK’s book entirely, but Hellmann wasn’t supposed to be the lead judge at the 2011 appeal. It was a qualified judge named Chairi, who was pushed out in favour of Hellmann, who as it turns out is a business judge.
Tortured Logic #38: Prison Snitches Are Reliable Witnesses
[Chapter 32, Page 418] ” .... Mario Alessi was a brick mason given a life sentence for murdering an infant boy in 2006. He was in the same prison as Rudy Guede, and had written to Raffaele’s lawyers that he had information for our defense: Alessi said he went outside for exercise with other prisoners, including Rudy Guede, on November 9, 2009. “Guede told me he wanted to ask me for some confidential advice,” Alessi said in his court deposition. “There wasn’t a day that Guede and I didn’t spend time together ...
“I responded that I wasn’t a lawyer, and I didn’t know what to say, but that I believed it would be useful to tell the truth. So he confided in me, describing what happened the night of the murder.” Guede told Alessi that he and a friend had run into Meredith in a bar a few days before the murder. On the night of November 1, Alessi said, the two men surprised Meredith at the villa and, “in an explicit manner,” asked her to have a threesome.
Alessi said that Meredith “rejected the request. She even got up and ordered Guede and his friend to leave the house. At this point Guede asked where the bathroom was, and he stayed in the bathroom for a little while, ten to fifteen minutes at most. Immediately after, reentering the room, he found a scene that was completely different””that is, Kercher was lying with her back to the floor and his friend held her by the arms. Rudy straddled her and started to masturbate. While Guede told me these things, he was upset and tears came to his eyes ...
Commentary: Yeah, forget those false alibis, false accusation, turned off phones, mixed blood, bloody footprints .... I’m convinced.
Tortured Logic #39: Allegations of Bribery of Witnesses are Not Relevant
[Chapter 32, Page 420] ” ... Alessi’s story, however, sickened me when I heard it and haunted me long after. I knew it was only hearsay and that even though two of Guede’s other prisonmates corroborated it, it couldn’t be used as direct evidence. Real or not, it forced me to focus on the torture that Meredith was put through. And it opened up a question I’d never seriously considered and could barely handle: Had there been someone with Guede?
Commentary: AK leaves out the name of Luciano Aviello, how testified but alleged to have been bribed for this testimony. Some tell all book. And had someone been with Guede? Not that the prosecution was trying a “multiple-attackers” theory
Tortured Logic #40: Sending a Email Works Just as Well as Showing up to Court
[Afterword, Page 466] ” .... No legal process was issued to request my return to Italy for the September 2013 appellate trial in Florence. My lawyers presented my defense in my absence.”
Commentary: This seems like a tortuous way of saying AK didn’t show because she couldn’t be forced to. In reality, she hit the media circuit claiming to be afraid. She also claimed she couldn’t afford to go back which caused disbelief, given her book deal. But apparently was still concerned, as she sent an email to the Florence Court.
Tortured Logic #41: Cassation Learned as Much in 2 Days as the Massei Trial Court did in a Year
[Afterword, Page 478] ” .... On Wednesday, March 25, the Corte di Cassazione began hearing arguments by the prosecutors, the civil parties, and my defense attorneys. Unlike the previous high court hearing, the justices listened to all sides without interrupting the defense. The hearing took so many hours the court decided to reconvene in two days.
Commentary: Odd, how Cassation, even over 2 days, can learn as much as the 2009 trial court did. No witnesses, evidence, experts, or AK herself ever presented. And how can AK know how the 2013 and 2015 hearings differed? She attended neither. More likely, she remembers Carlo Dalla Vedova “filibustering” Mignini during her June 2009 questioning and assumes that Supreme Court appeals work the same way
Tortured Logic #42: Guede is an Accomplice to Murder, With no Actual Killer
Commentary: Guede’s Cassation appeal in 2010 confirmed he was guilty, but did not act alone. AK/RS 2013 Cassation hearing annulled the Hellmann acquittal, so those 5 judges believed that they were involved as well. AK/RS 2015 Cassation hearing clears them, but since no one else was ever charged, it leaves Guede as an accomplice with no actual killer.
Tortured Logic #43: AK was Present, RS Probably Was, but Meredith was Killed by ‘‘X’’ and ‘‘Y’‘
Commentary: Just read these fine summaries.
Tortured Logic #44: AK Still Hasn’t Learned not to Publish a Book Before the Cassation Report Comes Out
[Afterword, Page 480] ‘’ ... Minutes later Carlo Della Vedova, one of our two Italian lawyers, called.
“Does acquitted mean not enough evidence to convict?” I asked him. “Or did they find us innocent?”
“They found you innocent. Amanda!” he said. “It’s the best result possible!”;
0ne trial. Two appellate court retrials. Two Italian Supreme Court decisions. Four years in prison.
Seven and a half years of suspended life.”
Commentary: AK originally released the book after the March 2013 hearing, but before the report came out. She does the same thing here again: re-releasing in June 2015, after this ruling, but before the report was released in September 2015. Judges Bruno and Marasca stick the knife in AK/RS’s backs (how’s that for a metaphor), concluding AK was at the scene—though did not participate—and RS probably was there too.
See #43 for the summaries.
Bruno/Marasca can be explained in 1 word FINALITY
(1) B/M don’t want the ECHR reviewing the case too carefully, so they sabotage AK’s appeal for calunnia
(2) B/M don’t want AK/RS crowing about their innocence, so they write it this way to shut them up.
(3) B/M don’t want a civil suit from AK/RS, so they make it clear they don’t believe they are innocent. RS sues anyway.
(4) B/M don’t want to be investigated for corruption, so they try to make it more plausible than Hellmann/Zanetti.
(5) B/M don’t want the Kerchers going ahead, so they placate them, but stop just short of outright guilt.
Tortured Logic #45: Hellmann/Zanetti and Bruno/Marasca Must Have “Forgotten” About AK Falsely Accusing PL
[Epilogue, Page 444] ” .... “For the charges prescribed in letters A, B, C, D, and E,” Judge Hellmann continued, “La torte assolve gli imputati, per non aver commesso ifatfi7””“the defendants are acquitted by the court, for not having committed the acts.”
[Afterword, Page 480] ” .... “It’s confirmed!” I shouted. “We’re acquitted! We’re free! No more trials! It’s done!”
I jumped up from the table. Everyone started whooping and crying, hugging one another””spitting out the fear and tension of the past seven and a half years.
Minutes later Carlo Della Vedova, one of our two Italian lawyers, called. “Does ‘acquitted’ mean not enough evidence to convict?” I asked him. “Or did they find us
“They found you innocent. Amanda!” he said. “It’s the best result possible!”
0ne trial. Two appellate court retrials. Two Italian Supreme Court decisions. Four years in prison. Seven and a half years of suspended life.
The relief I felt was so sudden, so unexpected, so encompassing, I felt as weightless as a bubble. I feel freer than I have felt since I was twenty.
I’m as grateful for the reversal of Raffaele’s wrongful conviction as I am for my own. But I’m acutely aware that the loss of Meredith can never be reversed. This story cannot end happily. That is not possible. Nothing will bring Meredith back to her loved ones.
Commentary: For all her proclaimed mindfulness to detail, AK leaves out that Bruno/Marasca did not touch her calunnia conviction. In fact, they later sabotaged her ECHR appeal. In the original edition of the book, AK left out that Hellmann not only upheld that conviction, but raised it to 3 years. And how can it be a wrongful conviction, when she spent 3 years, 11 months in jail, but received a 3 year sentence? It is more or less “time served”.
Tortured Logic #46: AK Still Hasn’t Learned That Making False Accusations is not a Good Idea
Commentary: At the time ‘‘Waiting to be Heard’’ was released in April 2013, AK’s: (1) calunnia for falsely accusing PL of rape and murder had been confirmed, as had the 3 year sentence; (2) calunnia for falsely accusing police officers of assault, coercion and intimidation was still before the courts.
So you think any intelligent ghost writer (Linda Kulman) or publishing agent (Robert Barnett) or publisher (HarperCollins) might have had second thoughts about any of the following? Did they ever read it?
Tortured Logic #47: A Creative Writing Graduate Needs a Professional Writer for HER Story
[Acknowledgements, Page 460] ” .... I wouldn’t have been able to write this memoir without Linda Kulman. Somehow, with her Post-it Notes and questions, with her generosity, dedication, and empathy, she turned my rambling into writing, and taught me so much in the meantime. I am grateful to her family””Ralph, Sam, Julia””for sharing her with me for so long.”
Commentary: A university graduate in writing needed someone else to ghostwrite her book. I know university standards are steadily declining, but come on.
Tortured Logic #48: AK got paid $3.8 million for SOMEONE ELSE to Write This
Commentary: Originally I was just going to put “fuck my life”, but here is something more productive
AK’s take was $3.8M. It is reasonable to assume that there was a large advance, say a million upfront, with the rest based on sales. It is also reasonable to assume that Linda Kuhlman and Robert Barnett also got a significant chunk. And for easy numbers, let’s say publishing costs were $1M as well. (750,000 copies originally produced at $1.33/book is $1M).
While stores like Chapters/Coles/Indigo may sell the book for $30 retail, the publisher, HarperCollins does not get all that. Bookstores have employees and overhead, so HC may be able to get half of that, or $15 per book. Considering that nearly all books have large amounts of unsold copies, higher margins have to be factored in.
Also, keep in mind that bookstores routinely discount prices, even on relatively new books. And online options, like Kindle or Amazon, while lower overhead, sell for much, MUCH less than bookstores. If a copy is sold for $5.99, then rest assured H.C. is not getting $15/book.
A more likely scenario is HarperCollins getting about $8/book, and that is generous. Low margin sales, while they are “sales”, undermine profitability
***Scenario A: Very Few Books are Sold
AK still gets her $1M advance, and HarperCollins still has to pay $1M for publishing
RESULT: Loss of $2M
***Scenario B: 250,000 Books are Sold
AK gets $1M advance, and $1M for sales; H.C. incurs $1M for publishing. Total spent is $3M.
However, 250,000 copies sold at $8/copy is a $2M income.
RESULT: Loss of $1M
***Scenario C: 500,000 Books are Sold
AK gets $1M advance and $2M for sales. H.C. incurs $1M for publishing. Total spent is $4M.
However, 500,000 copies sold at $8/book is $4M income
RESULT: Approximate break even
***Scenario D: All 750,000 Books are Sold
AK gets all $3.8M; H.C. incurs $1M for publishing. Total spent is $4.8M.
However, 750,000 copies sold at $8/copy is a $6M income.
RESULT: Profit of $1.2M on $4.8M spent, a return of 25%
While a return of 25% is decent, it makes many assumptions: (a) That most or all books are sold; (b) That H.C. actually gets $8/book; (c) Kuhlman’s and Barnett—and anyone else’s—fees are neglible; (d) That H.C. won’t be sued by anyone or have the book forcibly pulled (see #46). Those are huge assumptions, and considering how successful HarperCollins is, this seems like a very bad business deal. Having to sell 70%+ just to break even?
So, I have to ask, did someone at HarperCollins get a bribe or a kickback to see this loss-making deal go through?
4. And So In Conclusion
This concludes the series, “Revenge of the Knox”, which was meant to expose just how completely false and malicious this “memoir” really is. It is insulting, inflammatory, literally makes hundreds of false claims, slimes many, accuses others of crimes, whitewashes AK’s history—including banging a coke dealer for drugs, greatly distorts the factual evidence, and makes very little sense, even to those who have not followed the case closely.
There is very little of this book that is not either exaggerated or outright made up. AK gets the major dates right, and most of the names, but that is about the extent of it.. This book reads like it was written by an angry 12 year old girl, detached from reality. Ironically, that part actually rings true. Pardon the cheap shot, but the quality of the writing sucks.
AK claims that she relies on court documents, but the only one she significantly references is her November ruling from Judge Matteini. She holds it up as proof that PL was framed. This is rather bitter, as she directly caused him to be wrongly arrested. She includes her 3rd statement (where she muddies the waters), but omits the 1st and 2nd where she conclusively accuses PL.
On a personal note, I actually enjoyed other research topics more. This book just gets me worked up. However it gets far higher readership. Oh well.
Hope you’ve enjoyed the s**tshow. Don’t get any on you.
Archived in Knox’s Tortured Logic, Examples 21-48
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Knox Book Lies - The Dark Side (Series Overview)
Posted by Chimera
Also Implacably Nasty: Star Wars’s Anakin Skywalker’s Yellow Sith Eyes As He Moves To The Dark Side
1. A Thematic Overview
Our complete analysis of of Knox’s perversions of truth in Waiting to be Heard will go live here on a new page in due course.
Meanwhile, please reflect upon this summary. A taste of things to follow. Our survey of Sollecito’s book will also go live in due course. Here is one previous review of that book.
Plots fit for Hollywood (a fictional film, and a fictional book)?
(a) Consider this screenplay for Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith
Fiction: Anakin Skywalker is a hero of the Republic, Jedi Knight, and well respected warrior. He fought for the forces of good, risking his life many times in the process.
Without much reason or plausibility he becomes the evil Sith Lord, Darth Vader. He then departs from his good self, and goes on a homicidal rampage through his old home, slaughtering many, and helping destroy the Republic.
Reality: Skywalker had many emotional and anger issues, was power hungry, controlling, and had gone on a previous murderous rampage.
(b) Consider this screenplay for Waiting to be Heard by Amanda Knox.
Fiction: Amanda Knox is attending school in Seattle, with ambitions to travel, discover herself, and work professionally as a translator. Without much reason or plausibility, she is convinced to start engaging in casual sex, throwing all her ambitions away for some thrills.
It ends with the coincidental murder of her roommate, and the misery and destruction it would bring down on her family, and Italians who would rather rely on prejudice than admit they were wrong. And of course, there was never any evidence against her.
Reality: Knox was known in Seattle for a stormy childhood, casual sex, drugs and alcohol before going to Italy. Knox could be controlling, narcissistic, and show a mean streak.
She got arrested for a rock throwing riot, staged a prior break-in as a ‘‘prank’‘, and published a rape story on MySpace.
She went to Italy without a plan or direction and her drug use increased further. Police knew that she slept with one drug dealer in return for free drugs and because of her trail to him caused his incarceration.
Her behaviour was not received well in Italy, especially by the women she lived with, and she felt herself shut out and isolated, with no real friends. Knox was upstaged by a roommate who was far more serious, driven, and likeable.
In 2007 Knox floundered. She was clearly headed toward a confession or self-incrimination when her lawyers stopped her 17 December interview.
Through 2008 Knox’s tendency to lie was increasing and her lawyers held her back and distanced themselves from certain statements.
In mid 2009 she seriously escalated. Adopting a hard sarcastic voice on the witness stand, she did not appear truthful to most of watching Italy, and Judge Massei accepted very little.
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 Knox’s dishonesties continued to escalate, even as the Hellmann appeal court refuted some of them, and the Supreme Court hit a new level of disbelief toward them.
In April 2013 in the book Waiting to be Heard the volume and scope and nastiness of Knox’s lies really peaked - even though prior to publication for legal reasons the book had been semi-expurgated.
And ever since Knox has tried to sustain that peak, rendering her unable to face the Nencini appeal court, unlike Sollecito who was backpedalling.
2. Preview Of Coming Analysis Of Knox’s Book
I now focus from here on some of what Knox falsely claimed in the book. For the quotes I have put in both chapter and page numbers from my version.
Dissecting The “There Is No Evidence” Claim
Knox claims on TV over, and over, and over, and over again that ‘‘there is no evidence against me’‘, rather than, as many say here, directly saying she did not kill Meredith.
Click for Post: 1. The interview with Diane Sawyer, right when this book was released.
Click for Post: 2. The first interview with Good Morning America, a book tour stop, listed here.
Click for Post: 3. This interview with a radio station in New Zealand.
Click for Post: 4. This interview with an Australian radio station.
Click for Post: 5. This Canadian interview with Anna Tremonti of the CBC.
Click for Post: 6. A family interview on Good Morning America.
Click for Post: 7. The first Chris Cuomo interview, May 2013, listed here.
Click for Post: 8. This promotional piece with Amazon editor Neal Thompson.
Click for Post: 9. This one with Seattle journalist Linda Bryon.
Click for Post: 10. This video that went on the air in Germany.
Click for Post: 11. This piece on NPR with Jackie Lyden, here.
Click for Post: 12. This live interview with the Today Show, Knox says she won’t return.
Click for Post: 13. Her email to Judge Nencini.
Click for Post: 14. This cringe-worthy appearance with Simon Hattenstone, January 2014, before the verdict.
Click for Post: 15. This interview in early 2014, after the Florence Appeals Court confirms the 2009 trial verdict.
Click for Post: 16. This one supposedly at UW, after Nencini confirmed Massei’s verdict.
Click for Post: 17. This press release comes out after the Nencini Report is issued.
Click for Post: 18.This May 2014 interview with Chris Cuomo. See also the British interviews here and here.
See also the British interviews here and here.
Really? No Evidence???
In Amanda Knox’s own words:
- (Chapter 13, Page 112) you mention a LONG list of what you and Raffaele talked about, but don’t remember if you read or had sex?
- (Chapter 17, Page 136) you reference the missing sweater (Filomena saw you wear that day), but it still was never found.
- (Chapter 17, Page 139) you mentioned the writings (you said you would kill for a pizza).
- (Chapter 18, Page 143) you claim the blood on the faucet was from your pierced ears. (According to Barbie Nadeau, your mother said the blood was from your period).
- (Chapter 18, Page 143) you acknowledge Raffaele took away your alibi.
- (Chapter 19, Page 151) you claim that Guede backs your alibi, but refutes Sollecito, which doesn’t make sense if you were together.
- (Chapter 19, Page 152) you acknowledge the knife with your DNA on the handle, Meredith’s on the blade—the infamous double DNA knife.
- (Chapter 20, Page 155) you say you were there. (You claim it meant RS apartment), yet you let PL remain in prison.
- (Chapter 20, Page 156) you admit writing a letter (you claim it was misinterpreted), claiming that Raffaele killed Meredith and planted your fingerprints.
- (Chapter 21, Page 164) you reference RS DNA on the bra clasp but saying it does not implicate you directly.
- (Chapter 21, Page 165) you admit (and I believe this), that much of your knowledge comes from crime TV.
- (Chapter 21, Page 165) you sarcastically admit you were the last person to wash up in a bloody bathroom.
- (Chapter 21, Page 169)—the Matteini decision—you say that the prosecution had stacked so much evidence Guede’s testimony wouldn’t have mattered.
- (Chapter 22. Page 173) you mention the police arresting the wrong people, but hypocritically, omit your false accusation of PL.
- (Chapter 22, Page 178) you reference Meredith’s DNA on the knife (which RS claimed was during a cooking accident).
- (Chapter 22, Page 178) you reference your bloody footprints, and mentioned Raffaele’s
- (Chapter 23, Page 183) you reference the bra clasp having Raffaele’s DNA
- (Chapter 23, Page 184) you acknowledge claims of a partial crime scene cleanup.
- (Chapter 25, Page 209) you acknowledge Filomena testifies you brought other ‘‘friends’’ to the house.
- (Chapter 25, Page 211) you acknowledge the cut on your neck, which you claim was a hickey.
- (Chapter 25, Page 216) you acknowledge telling the police Meredith always locked her door, though you try to spin it.
- (Chapter 25, Page 217) you acknowledge your cellphone and Raffaele’s were turned off, though you give different reasons why.
- (Chapter 26, Page 220) you acknowledge Quintavalle claims he saw you in his store the morning after, looking pale, and checking out cleaning products.
- (Chapter 26, Page 221) you acknowledge Nina Capezzali testifies she heard a scream at about 11:30pm, something you put in your statement.
- (Chapter 26, Page 223) you acknowledge Curatolo saw you in the Piazza, but claim it provides you an alibi, whenever it happened.
- (Chapter 26, Page 226) you acknowledge that phone records contradict your own account.
And we still haven’t really gotten to those pesky statements you wrote and signed here and here and here.
So. Was Knox lying in all those media appearances? Or lying throughout her book? Or both?
3. Knox’s Trouble Keeping Details Straight
When Exactly Did Patrick Text You?
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44, 45) Knox says she got text not to come to work BEFORE cooking dinner, washing dishes, having the pipe burst.
2. (Chapter 13, Page 113) Knox wrote a letter to police, saying she got the text not to come in to work AFTER cooking dinner, washing the dishes, having the pipe burst.
Why Did you Turn Your Phones Off?
1. (WTBH, Chapter 5, Page 44) Knox says she turned your phone off so Patrick couldn’t text her in case he changed his mind.
2. (WTBH, Chapter 25, Page 217) Knox sarcastically says the phones were turned off so they could watch a movie undisturbed.
3. (Honor Bound, Page 22) Sollecito says the phones were turned off so you two wouldn’t be disturbed doing ooh-la-la.
4. (December 2007 Interview with Mignini) Knox says she turned the phone off because it only had a limited charge. Knox also claims she doesn’t know if Raffaele turned off his phone.
5. (At trial) Defence lawyers contested that the phones were ever shut off.
The Pipe-Leak at Raffaele’s Apartment
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44) Knox says Raffaele had already had a plumber come once
2. (December 2007 interview with Mignini) Knox claims it is the first time the leak ever happened.
Harry Potter in German?
1. (Chapter 5, Page 44/45) You make dinner, wash dishes, have the pipe leak, then go read HP in German
2. (Chapter 13, Page 113) You say you read HP in German to Raffy before Amelie, and before dinner
How Many Partners in Italy?
1. (Chapter 2, Page 16) Cristiano, the man she met on a train (actually a drug dealer named Frederico). The first.
2. (Chapter 3, Page 23) Mirko, a man she met at a cafe. The second.
3. (Chapter 4, Page 35) Bobby, a man supposedly introduced by Laura and Filomena. The third.
4. (Chapter 5, Page 38) Raffaele, who she met at a music concert. The fourth.
5. (Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox claims of 3 partners in Italy (4 in Seattle, so 7 total). This is her ‘‘HIV-hoax’‘. Well, she lists 4 just in Italy in the book.
6. Laura and Filomena complained of Knox bringing MANY strange men home.
A Hypocrite In Knox’s Own Words
(Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox complains about being characterized as a sex obsessed slut. She frequently complains about how she is perceived.
(Chapters 2, 3, 4) Read for yourself.
Meredith’s Time of Death
(Chapter 26, Page 221) Stomach digestion analysis is not an accurate way to determine a person’s T.O.D.
(Chapter 26, Page 222) Stomach digestion analysis is an accurate way to determine a person’s T.O.D.
When Knox Becomes A Suspect
(Chapter 7, Page 54) Knox claims that she and Raffaele were already suspected, and the police decided to tap their phones.
(Chapter 7, Page 54) Knox claims ALL the people in the house were detained: herself, Laura, Filomena, Giacomo. the other men downstairs.
(Chapter 8, Page 69) Knox says she is staying behind to help the police
(Chapter 8, Page 69) Knox thinks running away would be seen as a failure as an adult.
(Chapter 9, Page 76) Supposedly, British tabloids are reporting that one of Meredith’s female roommates was a suspect.
(Chapter 10, Page 81) Despite the ‘‘50 hour interrogation’’ Knox still finds time to attend class on Monday
(Chapter 10, Page 83) Knox says the police suspected them, and were trying to separate her and Raffaele.
(Chapter 10, Page 83) Knox says she had to beg the police to let her into the police station while Raffaele was being questioned. Some suspect.
For some context please see this post.
4. Stuff That Is Outright Disturbing
(Chapter 2, Page 16) Knox meets a drug dealer on a train, and ditches her sister to be with him.
(Chapter 2, Page 20) Knox goes with her Grandma to get medications for her STD (and writes about it)
(Chapter 2, 3, 4) Knox has her ‘‘campaign for casual sex’’ and writes about it.
(Chapter 8, Page 73) Knox publishes personal details about Meredith, including questions about whether she like anal.
(Chapter 10, Page 82) Knox skips the memorial of her ‘‘friend’’ to go strum a ukulele, and is annoyed it paints her as cold.
(Chapter 12, Page 104) Knox seems to enjoy the false detail with which she describes being strip searched.
In fact disturbing that this book was ever written. Hello? Son of Sam?
For all the bad feelings Amanda claims to have about Lumumba’s false arrest, she still blames it on the police. Either she can’t (or pretends she can’t) see that her statements are what caused it to happen.
5. Obviously False Claims
(Chapter 6, Page 49) Knox claims that Raffaele reported the break in before the postal police came. This was proven false.
(Chapter 10, Page 80) Knox claims to be assaulted by Officer Ficarra. Never happened. She also claimed to not have an interpretor. But see here and see here.
(Chapter 10, Page 89) The ‘‘interrogation’’ with Mignini. Detailed, but total BS. It never happened.
(Chapter 11, Page 95) Knox claims she was told she was being held for ‘‘bureaucratic’’ reasons. She knew why she was arrested.
(Chapter 11, Page 96) Knox sends her 3rd statement. Read it and tell me that this is not total junk.
(Chapter 11, Page 100) Knox describes a search that would qualify as sexual assault, if it were actually true.
(Chapter 18, Page 142) Knox herself released the positive HIV test, and used it to try to gain sympathy.
(Chapter 20, Page 155) Knox misrepresents the grilling from Mignini, and who her lawyers were. See the transcripts here and here and here and here.
(Chapter 22, Page 180) Knox supporters claim Guede got his sentence reduction to testify, but here Knox admits Guede went ‘‘short-form trial’’ for the 1/3 reductions.
Knox had another attorney, Giancarlo Costa., who was present with Luciano Ghirga at Knox’s December 2007 questioning from Mignini. He left shortly after this, likely due to frustration. In the book Knox lists Ghirga and Vedova (who was not yet retained). In fact, Costa is not mentioned at all throughout the book. Probably to his benefit, as Ghirga and Vedova are ‘‘quoted’’ as saying many false and insulting things, including being credited with helping to write this ‘‘memoir’‘.
Knox also adds stories about other people engaging in drug use and casual sex, but I disbelieve just about everything she says.
6. Tortured Logic
Myth: There is no evidence, and what there is, is unreliable (mantra of Knox US lawyer Ted Simon)
Fact: For there to be unreliable evidence, there has to be evidence in the first place. Is this moron really a lawyer?
Myth: There is no evidence against Knox and Sollecito, and the evidence is only circumstantial.
Fact: For evidence to be ‘‘merely’’ circumstantial, it still has to exist. And different types of circumstantial evidence together can be very compelling.
Myth: If the prosecution actually had a case, there would be no need to drag Knox’s personal and sex life into the spotlight.
Fact: The prosecution actually has a very strong case, it is Knox who keeps bringing up her sex life (either as a diversion, or because she’s weird)
Myth: There is no evidence against me (Sollecito interviews), and nothing very strong against Amanda.
Fact: You just admitted there is something against Amanda.
Myth: The evidence against Guede is rock solid. The evidence against Knox and Sollecito is contaminated.
Fact: The same CSI’s investigate the whole crime scene. Either they did a good job, or they didn’t, you can’t have it both ways.
Myth: There is nothing to place Amanda and Raffaele in Meredith’s bedroom.
Fact: Aside from RS’s DNA on bra-clasp and AK’s shoeprint,
-There is Filomena’s room (alleged point of entry), with mixed DNA from Amanda/Meredith. It was ransacked BEFORE with window was broken.
-There is no trace of Guede in Filomena’s room (even though he supposedly scaled the wall, and broke in through the window).
-There is Amanda’s bedroom (lamp taken for cleanup) and wiped of prints
-There is Amanda’s bathroom (used to washup), mixed DNA from Amanda/Meredith, RS’s footprint on mat.
-There is Laura/Filomena’s bathroom (Rudy used), which Knox deliberately avoided flushing the toilet.
-There is the hallway (access between the rooms) with Knox and Sollecito’s bloody footprints, wiped away, revealed with luminol..
(Actually as the entire house is considered a crime scene, elsewhere in the book Knox does attempt to explain some of this.)
Myth: There is no forensic evidence Knox and Sollecito were involved.
Fact: Aside from the autopsy wound pattern, making it a sure thing three were involved, check the other “non-existent” evidence listed here:
-Knox’s false accusation of Lumumba to divert attention from herself.
-Knox’s false accusations of police brutality to try to get off on the charges.
-Knox and Sollecito both turning off their cellphones (then denying it, then offering different justifications for it)
-Knox and Sollecito both gave numerous false alibis.
-Knox knew inside details, such as Meredith screaming, having her throat cut, and where she died.
-Testimony from witnesses such as Curatolo, Quintavalle
-Testimony from Laura, Filomena, and Meredith’s British friends.
To this day, Knox and Sollecito cannot provide a clear or consistent account of where they were, and what they were doing. They would likely have been convicted on these facts alone, and the book does address (but dismiss), many of these points.
7. My Own Conclusions
WTBH is about 90-95% total bullshit, and I am giving Knox the benefit of the doubt here. She sprinkles truth here and there, just enough to make it arguable.
Knox writes in lurid detail about her sex life, and keeps bringing up her rabbit vibrator. It doesn’t help clarify what she was doing when the murder took place, and doesn’t really give any information that would lead to other suspects. All it does is reinforce the notion that she is unstable, sex obsessed, and totally clueless to the reactions of other people.
My own take is that this is Knox’s revenge. She is getting to slime everyone she didn’t like—which is just about everyone.
While Sollecito obviously didn’t write Honor Bound (he just couldn’t with his poor English skills), I believe that Knox is the primary author of WTBH. Linda Kulman may have helped with some parts, but this sounds to me like Amanda.
While Knox repeatedly goes on the ‘‘No Evidence’’ mantra, this book (if you can stomach reading it), very much refutes her media claims. In a very loopy way, Honor Bound (authored by Andrew Gumbel), does the same thing, tacitly admitting many key prosecution facts. Both books are arrogant, nasty, spiteful, partial confessions.
Here is a screwed up thing: This is only a partial summary. The full book analysis is coming. The floodgates are opening.
8. This isn’t the Beatles, but…
The payback is here
Take a look, it’s all around you
You thought you’d never shed a tear
So this must astound you, and must confound you
Buy a ticket for the train
Hide in a suitcase if you have to
This ain’t no singing in the rain
This is a twister that will destroy you
You can run but you can’t hide
Because no one here gets out alive
Find a friend in whom you can confide
Julien, you’re a slow motion suicide
(Lyrics from ‘‘Julien’’ by Placebo)
Archived in Summary Overview, Knox False Claims
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1. Knox Book Lies 1 To 34
Posted by Chimera
Also Implacably Nasty… Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. Why “Revenge of the Knox”?
In 2005, Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith, came out. In it, the hero Anakin Skywalker started out as a Jedi Knight, and Hero of the Republic.
Without much reason or plausibility, he morphed to Sith Lord Darth Vader, and went on an implacably nasty, destructive, power driven rampage. He causes absolute destruction to everyone who ever cared about him. ‘‘A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth ... Vader.’‘
Makes sense to me….(!)
In ‘‘Waiting to be Heard’‘, by Amanda Knox, 2013, with addition in 2015, she starts off portraying this quirky, free-spirited, but serious and ambitious young woman, who wants to be her own person, study languages, and work as a translator.
Without much reason, or plausibility, she morphs into an immature kid, naive and oblivious, and engages in a campaign for casual sex. She doesn’t seem to take the death of her ‘‘friend’’ seriously (other than it could have been her), and her actions cause absolute destruction to anyone who ever cared about her.
‘‘A freespirited skank you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Foxy .... Knoxy.”
Makes sense to me… (!)
2. The Knox Book In Context
I previewed this series here previously. The series consists of my own dissections of Knox’s claims. ‘‘Tell-All’’ Memoir ‘‘Waiting to be Heard’‘! Or… is it her ‘‘Blood-Money’’ novel, ‘‘Waiting to Cash in’‘?
Knox’s book was written in the first few months after Judge Hellmann, probably illegally, let her walk, though her legal process was (and still is) far from done.
My opinion is that this book is essentially Amanda Knox’s way of getting back at everyone in Italy she ever encountered, while falsely making her notoriously brash, sharp-elbowed, frequently drugged-up persona look endearing, naive, and squeaky-clean.
Knox includes numerous lies, smears, and stories to compromise literally dozens of others in the book.
None of them help clear up what happened to Meredith. And given how rampant the lies are, it doesn’t really clarify anything about Amanda as well. All it really does is to muddy the waters, which may be the real desired benefit to her.
Since the hardcover came out we have pointed in many long posts to specific “mega-lies” of Knox in the past, such as her “interrogation” claims.
Amazingly on 9 June 2015 HarperCollin released a paperback edition, totally unchanged except for a nasty afterword added on. With that new edition fully translated into Italian for legal purposes, skeptical readers in Italy and elsewhere can now start to really zoom in.
These will be combined with any others for one master set of Knox’s lies. This post covers pages 1-67 of the 2015 paperback’s 482 pages. Much more here soon.
3. Dissection Of Pages 1 To 66
[Chapter 1, Page 6] ‘’ ... It wasn’t until my freshman year in college that I realized I had a knack for languages and started playing around with the idea of becoming a translator. Or, if only, a writer.
When it came time to decide where to spend my junior year, I thought hard about Germany. But ultimately I decided to find a language and a country of my own””one my family hadn’t already claimed. I was sure that would help me become my grownup self—whoever that was.
Germany would have been the safer choice, but safety didn’t worry me. I was preoccupied by independence. I trusted my sense of responsibility, even if I sometimes made emotional choices instead of logical ones””and sometimes they were wrong.’
- Well, if this had actually happened, it would have been a very grown up way to alter her life. However, as she states very shortly, her real only interests are booze, boys and drugs. So take this passage with a few ounces of salt.
[Chapter 1, Page 8] ‘’ ...As I began researching programs in Italy, I realized that having my dad’s support was fundamentally important to me. I’d never rehearsed any part in a play as hard as I had this conversation in my head. I wanted my dad to be impressed. I wasn’t at all sure what I would do if he said no. Once we were seated, I couldn’t wait a second longer. I started making my case even before the waiter brought us menus.
“Dad,” I said, trying to sound businesslike, “I’d like to spend next year learning Italian in a city called Perugia. It’s about halfway between Florence and Rome, but better than either because I won’t be part of a herd of American students. It’s a quiet town, and I’ll be with serious scholars. I’ll be submerged in the culture. And all my credits will transfer to UW.”
To my relief, his face read receptive.
Encouraged, I exhaled and said, “The University for Foreigners is a small school that focuses only on language. The program is intense, and I’ll have to work hard. The hours I’m not in class I’m sure I’ll be in the library. Just having to speak Italian every day will make a huge difference.” ...’‘
Like the last quoted passage, this sounds great—if it were actually true. A few things stand out:
- She began researching programs in Italy? Well, she took a single course, so clearly didn’t research much.
- She didn’t know the University for Foreigners was attached to the school at large? Great research skills.
- ’‘All my credits, would transfer’‘? Perhaps, if she actually took more than one.
- ’‘I’d never any part in a play as hard as I had this conversation in my head?’’ Are you talking about your June 2009 testimony?
- ’‘The hours I’m not in class I’m sure I’ll be in the library’‘...? Are libraries still for reading and studying, or is Perugia different?
[Page 9] ‘’ ...I kept going. “I’ve been living away from home for almost two years, I’ve been working, and I’ve gotten good grades. I promise I can take care of myself.”
“I worry that you’re too trusting for your own good, Amanda,” he said. “What if something happens? I can’t just make a phone call or come over. You’ll be on your own. It’s a long way from home.”
Dad has a playful side to him, but when he’s in parent mode he can sound as proper as a 1950s sitcom dad. “That’s the whole point, Dad. I’ll be twenty soon, and I’m an adult. I know how to handle myself.”
“But it’s still our job to take care of you,” he said. “What if you get sick?”
“There’s a hospital there, and Aunt Dolly’s in Hamburg. It’s pretty close.”
“How much is tuition? Have you thought about the extra costs involved?”
“I’ve done all the math. I can pay for my own food and the extra expenses,” I said.
“Remember I worked three jobs this past winter? I put almost all of it in the bank. I’ve got seventy-eight hundred dollars saved up.”
- Dad can sound like a 1950’s sitcom dad? RS mocks his father in Honor Bound as well
- You can pay for food and extra expenses? Great, just as long as they aren’t booze and drugs. Wait ....
- You have $7800? How did you burn through half of it in just a month? Even with ‘‘a job?’‘
[Chapter 1, Page 11] ‘’ ... During senior year at my Jesuit high school, Seattle Prep, almost all my friends sent applications to schools hundreds of miles from home. Some even wanted to switch coasts.But I knew that I wasn’t mature enough yet to go far away, even though I didn’t want to miss out on an adventure. I made a deal with myself. I’d go to the University of Washington in Seattle, a bike ride from my parents’ houses, and give myself a chance to season up. By the time high school graduation came around, I’d already started looking into junior-year-abroad programs.
- Well, give Knox credit for one thing. She acknowledges in high school she is immature
- She started researching programs in high school? Wait a minute, on the last page, she says she began researching in 2nd year university. Now she says she has been doing it for at least 2 years. Which is it?
- I guess with all the ‘‘seasoning up’’ (that might be a metaphor), we can now observe the serious student in action.
[Chapter 1, Page 11] ‘’ ... I was the quirky kid who hung out with the sulky manga-readers, the ostracized gay kids, and the theater geeks. I took Japanese and sang, loudly, in the halls while walking from one class to another. Since I didn’t really fit in, I acted like myself, which pretty much made sure I never did.
In truth I wouldn’t have upgraded my lifestyle even if I could have. I’ve always been a saver, not a spender. I’m drawn to thrift stores instead of designer boutiques. I’d rather get around on my bike than in a BMW. But to my lasting embarrassment, in my junior year, I traded my friends for a less eccentric crowd.
I’d always been able to get along well with almost anyone. High school was the first time that people made fun of me or, worse, ignored me. I made friends with a more mainstream group of girls and guys, attracted to them by their cohesiveness. They travelled in packs in the halls, ate lunch together, hung out after school, and seemed to have known each other forever. But in pulling away from my original friends, who liked me despite my being different, or maybe because I was, I hurt them. And while my new friends were fun-loving, I was motivated to be with them by insecurity. I’m ashamed for not having had the guts to be myself no matter what anyone thought.
Several contradictions are apparent here
- Knox says since she never fit in, she just acted like herself
- A few paragraphs later, she says she is ashamed for not having the guts to be herself. Which is it?
- She is drawn to thrift stores, and is a saver, yet blows through half her ‘‘savings’’ in one month. How, if not gambling or drugs?
- You make friends with a ‘‘mainstream, cohesive group’‘, yet are motivated by insecurity to be with them?
- Knox is not clear how, not being herself hurts her ‘‘outsider’’ friends. Were they jealous, or did she change?
[Chapter 1, Page 13] ‘’ ... Most of my other friends were male. We played football, jammed on the guitar, talked about life. After we smoked pot we would choose a food category””burgers, pizza, gyros, whatever””and wander around the neighborhood until we found what we considered the best in its class.
As I got ready to leave for Perugia, I knew I hadn’t become my own person yet, and I didn’t quite know how to get myself there. I was well-meaning and thoughtful, but I put a ton of pressure on myself to do what I thought was right, and I felt that I always fell short. That’s why the challenge of being on my own meant so much to me. I wanted to come back from Italy to my senior year at UW stronger and surer of myself””a better sister, daughter, friend.
- You jammed on the guitar. Did you ever learn more than 1 chord?
- Most of your friends are male? Guess we can all agree with that.
- You felt pressure to do what is right, but always fell short? Huge understatement.
- Perugia is the challenge of being on your own? You told your parents were grown up and had spent 2 years on your own.
- You want to come back a better sister, daughter, friend? I thought the motivation was to learn languages and be a translator. Though, to be fair, she could have multiple motivations.
[Chapter 1, Page 13] ‘’.... I received a blank journal and a fanny pack and tins of tea. Funny, irreverent Brett brought me a small, pink, bunny-shaped vibrator. I was incredulous; I had never used one.
“Until you meet your Italian stallion,” Brett said, handing it to me. She winked.
Her newest cause was to convince me to give casual sex a chance. I’d heard the same thing from other friends. It seemed to make some sense. I yearned to break down all the barriers that stood between me and adulthood. Sex was a big one””and the one that scared me the most. I’d bloomed late and didn’t kiss a guy until I was seventeen. I lost my virginity after I started college. Before Italy, I’d had sex with four guys, each in a relationship I considered meaningful, even though they had turned out to be short-lived.
I left for Italy having decided I needed to change that. For me, sex was emotional, and I didn’t want it to be anymore””I hated feeling dependent on anyone else. I wanted sex to be about empowerment and pleasure, not about Does this person like me? Will he still like me tomorrow? I was young enough to think that insecurity disappeared with maturity. And I thought Italy would provide me the chance to see that happen.
On the day I was leaving””in a rush to get to the airport and without a single thought “”I tossed Brett’s pink bunny vibrator into my clear plastic toiletry bag. This turned out to be a very bad idea.
- This is somewhat confusing. A few pages back I read about this serious young woman who planned a study year abroad, and who had ambitions to be a translator.
- Now .... what we get are Amanda’s rationales for wanting to sleep around.
- (Whether the details are true or not), no one cares about your sex life. We want to know what happened to Meredith.
- You don’t want sex to be emotional, you want it to be empowering and about pleasure? Okay, Ms. Arias.
- And while tossing the vibrator in a clear bad may have been due to a rush in time, you know, you could have stored it in something else once you got to Perugia.
- Yes, we know you turned out. You don’t need to publish it.
[Chapter 2, Page 16] ‘’ ... We shared a joint, and then, high and giggly, we went to his hotel room. I’d just turned twenty. This was my first bona fide one-night stand. I’d told my friends back home that I couldn’t see myself sleeping with some random guy who didn’t matter to me. Cristiano was a game changer. We didn’t have a condom, so we didn’t actually have intercourse. But we were making out, fooling around like crazy, when, an hour later, I realized, I don’t even know this guy ...’‘
- Wow, so you leave your sister Deanna alone to do a guy you met on the train?
- And lacking condoms was the only thing preventing you from going all the way?
- Wasn’t his real name Federico Martini? Wasn’t he supplying you with free drugs in return for sex?
- Out of curiousity, how do you think Deanna would feel, not only knowing this, but knowing you published it? And you named her?
[Chapter 2, Page 19] Referring to a man who gave Amanda and Deanna a ride ‘’... I rode shotgun and did all the talking. On the off chance that he did anything crazy, I’d be the buffer between him and Deanna. As the oldest, I automatically reacted this way to any possibly dicey situation that included a sibling. I also felt safer when I had the illusion of being in control. Now, looking back, I see that I had a ridiculous amount of unwarranted self-confidence. Why did I assume I knew the way to a hotel in a country I’d been in once, years before, and a city I’d never been in at all? I hadn’t been in a physical fight in my life. What could I have done to protect Deanna if the ride had gone wrong?
- Amanda says that she is too trusting, yet has fear about the man she and Deanna accepted a ride with. Odd
- You react this way to any situation that involved a sibling. Yet, you just ditched your sister to go hook up with a stranger. Please explain.
[Chapter 2, Page 22] ‘’ ... They said I wasn’t the first roommate they’d interviewed. A guy they called “totally uptight” was interested in renting, until he found out they smoked””cigarettes and marijuana. “Are you okay with that?” Filomena asked…’‘
- You state earlier in the page that Filomena and Laura worked at law firms. Yet, you publish that they are into marijuana, a great idea, given the socially conservative nature of law firms
- Did you not also post a few photos of the 3 of you together as ‘‘friends’‘?
[Chapter 2, Page 23] ‘’ ... I couldn’t wait to return. But I’d also been chastened by my first trip to Perugia. A few days after Deanna and I got to Germany, I broke out with a gigantic cold sore on my top lip that Dolly and I figured must be oral herpes””from Cristiano. To my great embarrassment, Dolly had to take me to the pharmacy to find out how to treat it. I couldn’t believe this was the first wild thing I’d done in my entire life and””bam! I’d made an impulsive decision, and now I’d have to pay a lifelong consequence.
I was bummed knowing I’d have to take medication forever. Even more humiliating was that from here on out I’d have to explain to potential partners that I might be a risk….’‘
- So, not only do you publish the fact that you ditched your sister to go screw a stranger, you now publish that you shared it with your Grandmother, and that you needed to get medication?
- Yup, definitely the stuff Grandma wants to read about ....
- Curiously enough, you leave out the part about getting arrested for throwing rocks in Seattle, and devote a huge amount of time to covering this casual encounter with Cristiano, or Frederico, or whatever his name is. I would be interested to know your version of the Seattle ‘‘riot’‘.
- Of course, if you wanted to talk about this guy supplying you with drugs, it would be interesting to know that as well.
[Chapter 3, Page 26] ‘’ ... But what drew laughs in Seattle got embarrassed looks in Perugia. It hadn’t dawned on me that the same quirks my friends at home found endearing could actually offend people who were less accepting of differences. A person more attuned to social norms would probably have realized that immature antics didn’t play well here.
So I was glad I could hang out with Laura, Filomena, and Meredith at home. Even though Meredith was definitely more mainstream and demure than I’d ever be, and Laura and Filomena were older and more sophisticated, I felt comfortable in their company. They seemed to accept me for me right from the start.
During my first month in Perugia I spent more time with Meredith than anyone else. I liked her a lot, and she seemed to enjoy being with me. I could already see us keeping in touch by e-mail when our year abroad was over. Maybe we’d even end up visiting each other in our hometowns. ...’‘
- ’‘Quirks’’ such as publishing sexual topics involving family members?
- If you realized these things, why did you not tone your behaviour down?
- Antics such as bringing strange men home and disturbing the women you lived with?
- You and Meredith became close? Then why did she complain about you to her friends and family?
[Chapter 3, Page 30] ‘’ .... I didn’t let my mistakes keep me from getting to know my neighborhood or my neighbors a little better. Each time I went to the Internet café to Skype with DJ or chat online with Mom, I’d talk to the guy who ran it, Spyros, a Greek in his late twenties. We talked about the same things that filled my conversations with my UW friends””mainly our ideas and insecurities…’‘
- This is the ‘‘Spyros’’ that Knox put in her ‘‘list of suspects’’ November 5/6th, 2007. Not entirely sure what he does to make Amanda think he is a potential murderer, he seems friendly enough. Perhaps she will elaborate later.
[Chapter 3, Page 32] During dinner at his kitchen table my thoughts battled. Was I ready to speed ahead with sex like this? I still regretted Cristiano. But I’d also been thinking about what Brett and my friends at UW had said. I could picture them rolling their eyes and saying, “Hellooo, Amanda. Sex is normal.”
Casual sex was, for my generation, simply what you did.
I didn’t feel that my attitude toward sex made me different from anyone else in my villa. I knew Meredith hadn’t been with anyone since her serious boyfriend in England. Filomena had a steady boyfriend, Marco Z., in Perugia. And while Laura was dating and sleeping with a guy she thought was sweet but clingy, she encouraged sex outside relationships.
From the start, all four of us were open to talking about sex and relationships. Laura insisted that Meredith and I should just have fun. Filomena was a little more buttoned-up. She couldn’t understand how, with our history together, DJ and I could just be friends and inform each other about our romantic exploits over Skype.
- What is the point of all this? Amanda supposedly writes this book so she can get her story out, but so far, she just seems content to embarrass everyone she has come in contact with. On the next page, Knox goes on to detail her next casual encounter, some guy named Mirko.
[Chapter 3, Page 34] ‘’... I walked back to the villa alone, feeling both exhilarated and defeated.
The next morning, I told my roommates I’d had sex with Mirko. “I feel conflicted,” I said. “It was fun, but it was weird to feel so disconnected from each other. Is that just me?”
Laura absolved me. “You’re young and free-spirited. Don’t worry about it.”
That made me feel a little better.
[on their next encounter…]
[Chapter 3, Page 34] I was too ashamed and embarrassed to go back to the café after that. Was there something wrong with me? Or was it with him? Either way, I couldn’t bear to run into him again.
I was alone with Meredith when I told her about fleeing from Mirko.
“I feel like an idiot.”
“Amanda,” she said, consolingly, “maybe uninvolved sex just isn’t for you.”
- I have serious doubts that Laura, who was by Knox’s admission a serious woman, would say that. At a minimum, Laura would likely have been annoyed to be hearing about this, at worst, somewhat alarmed by AK’s behaviour.
- In any event, it partially confirms the story Laura and Filomena told about Amanda being an attention seeking exhibitionist.
- Knox tells Meredith about another (almost) encounter with Mirko, and supposedly Meredith is very understanding…
- More likely is that a professional woman, and a serious student, would be turned off by these antics.
[Chapter 3, Page 35] ‘’ ... We shared a house, meals, a bathroom. I treated Meredith as my confidante. Meredith treated me with respect and a sense of humor.
The only awkward interaction we had was when Meredith gently explained the limitations of Italian plumbing.
Her face a little strained with embarrassment, she approached me in my room and said, “Amanda, I’m sorry to bring this up with you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but with our toilets, you really need to use the brush every time.”
- In Knox’s May 2014 interview with Chris Cuomo, Knox admitted that some of Meredith’s English friends had issues over cleanliness. Seems odd, if this was the only awkward interaction
- Like before, why does she need to bring this up? Unless Meredith was killed over a flushed toilet, it really is rather pointless and irrelevant.
[Chapter 3, Page 37] ‘’ ...Around our house, marijuana was as common as pasta. I never purchased it myself, but we all chipped in. For me, it was purely social, not something I’d ever do alone. I didn’t even know how to roll a joint and once spent an entire evening trying. I’d seen it done plenty of times in both Seattle and Perugia, but it was trickier than I thought it would be. Laura babysat my efforts, giving me pointers as I measured out the tobacco and pot and tried rolling the mixture into a smokable package. I never got it right that night, but I won a round of applause for trying. Either Filomena or Laura took a picture of me posing with it between my index and middle finger, as if it were a cigarette, and I a pouty 1950s pinup.
I was being goofy, but this caricature of me as a sexpot would soon take hold around the world.
- Again, you know that Laura and Filomena work for lawyers, yet you publish accounts that claim they are involved in regular drug use?
- With ‘‘friends’’ like these ...
- Curious whether these photos actually exist, or are something her mind made up.
[Chapter 4, Page 39] ‘’ ... I went to school for two hours, five days a week. Besides grammar and pronunciation, I had a third class, in Italian culture. We all went home for lunch at noon, and I spent the rest of the day and night doing whatever I wanted. My teachers didn’t give homework, so I’d sit on the terrace or, when the days cooled, at my desk with a grammar book and a dictionary, making my way, one word at a time, through the Italian translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
- Knox says she has 3 classes: Grammar, Pronunciation, and Italian Culture. Wait, was she not only doing 1? Did she drop 2? Which ones?
- 10 hours a week (by her admission), is not really a full course-load in ANY university in Canada. Is it in Italy?
[Chapter 4, Page 41] Like Juve, Patrick wasn’t interested in my work experience. Looking back now, I’m sure they hired me because they thought I’d attract men to the bar. But I was too naïve back then to get that. I still thought of myself as a quirky girl struggling to figure out who I’d be when I grew up. I now realize that the point of the job “interview” was to see if my looks were a draw or a liability.
- Wow. a bit narcissistic, aren’t we. Lumumba is nice enough to give you a job (without a work permit), and you think he just wanted to use you as a piece of meat to attract customers?
- Well, coming from the woman who has casual flings and then writes about them, maybe it’s where your mind always goes.
- And no, your looks are not a ‘‘liability’‘. Your ‘‘creative writing’‘, on the other hand ....
[Chapter 4, Page 44] My job made me feel like a bull’s-eye in the middle of the chaos. Guys continually came up to me to flirt, saying they’d stop by Le Chic only if I promised to be there.
Brushing them off, as I would have liked, would have been bad for business. So I hoped my chirpy “You should come by” came off as inviting for Patrick’s sake and not too suggestive for mine.
- Um… you are supposed to be promoting a bar.
- And aren’t you the one (in your Diane Sawyer interview), you said she went on a campaign for casual sex?
[Chapter 4, Page 44] ‘’ ... But I could see why they didn’t come back. Le Chic didn’t get a lot of foot traffic, so the dance floor was usually empty. The bar felt forlorn””not exactly a recipe for a good time. Patrick was jovial and did his best to make it welcoming, but it was still noisy and dark inside and attracted a crowd of older men””often friends of Patrick’s””and not students.
There was nothing truly dangerous about Le Chic, but its seediness did hint at Perugia’s dark side. What I didn’t know when I arrived was that the city had the highest concentration of heroin addicts in Italy. I never heard about the high level of trafficking and drug use until I was in prison, bunking with drug dealers. During my trial, the prosecution and the media seemed to take for granted that our neighborhood was bad and our little villa a deathtrap.
Even without knowing this, my mom worried about my safety””a lot. One day, while I was e-mailing back and forth with her at the Internet café, she asked, “Who should I call if I can’t reach you?”
“We don’t have a home phone, but I can give you Laura’s number,” I wrote. “But honestly, Mom, I think I’m safer here than in Seattle. My friend Juve walks me home from work most nights, and Perugia is much smaller than Seattle. I’ve really made a lot of friends.”
“Okay,” Mom wrote back. “I feel better.”
I believed what I said””not because I had reason to but because I was in love with the city’s many charms. And I didn’t pick up on some obvious clues.
One night, when Le Chic was closing and Juve couldn’t walk me home, I saw an acquaintance of Meredith’s. I didn’t know his real name, only that Meredith and her girlfriends had nicknamed him Shaky because of the way he danced. He offered me a ride home on his scooter. I figured a friend of a friend was close enough to trust. I figured wrong.
- Patrick’s bar isn’t doing well, but he is hiring staff—you—to help promote it?
- Let me guess, you framing Patrick only helped attract business with the free publicity?
- You didn’t know about Perugia’s drug problems? Didn’t you choose that city BECAUSE there were drugs available?
- While you pass yourself off as a hard worker, Lumumba said he wanted to fire you for laziness. Which is it?
- The prosecution claimed your villa was a deathtrap? Didn’t your lawyer, Dalla Vedova, claim that the police don’t know how to handle a murder case since Perugia hadn’t seen a murder in 20 years. Your town (and home), can’t be a deathtrap if there hadn’t been any murders in decades.
- You made a lot of friends? Why were you already considering leaving Perugia?
- You’re in love with the city’s charms? You just said it was seedy, had heroin problems, and a dark side.
- Juve and ‘‘Shaky’’ also appeared on your list of suspects that you gave to Rita Ficarra. Why exactly did you include them?
[Chapter 4, Page 46] ‘’ ... Giacomo handed me a beer, and I pushed my way through the crowd to find Meredith. When we had rejoined the guys, they introduced us to a friend who, I’d later learn, had moved to Italy as a kid, from Ivory Coast. His name was Rudy. They sometimes played pickup basketball with him. The five of us stood around for a few minutes before walking home together. The guys invited us to their apartment, but Meredith and I first stopped at ours to drop off our purses.
“Ready to go downstairs?” I asked her.
“You go. I’ll be down in a second,” she said.
When I opened the door to the downstairs apartment, Giacomo, Marco, Stefano, and Rudy were sitting around the table laughing. “What’s funny?” I asked. “Nothing,” they said sheepishly. I didn’t think another thing about it until months and months later, when it came out in court that just before I’d opened the door, Rudy had asked the guys if I was available.
A short time later, Meredith came in and sat down next to me at the table. The guys passed us the joint they were smoking. We each inhaled, handed it back, and sat there for a few minutes while they joked around in Italian. Tired and a little stoned, I couldn’t keep up with their conversation. After a little while I told Meredith, “I’m going up to bed.”
- In her December 2013 email to Judge Nencini, she claims to have never met Rudy.
- In that same email, to claims to have crossed paths with Rudy once
- In WTBH, Amanda, Meredith, Rudy, and the men downstairs get high together. That is more than just ‘‘crossing paths’‘.
- In the 2009 trial, there was testimony that Rudy Guede frequently visited the downstairs floor
- Why would it be funny asking if Amanda is available? It’s not like she is a loose woman or anything.
- Meredith is your ‘‘friend’‘? Why leak these details? Her family doesn’t want to hear them.
- So, Rudy was interested in you? Thank you for confirming a possible connection as to why he might have been upstairs in your [the women’s] floor.
- Silly question: was Rudy the ‘‘South African’’ from the basketball court that you put in your list of suspects?
[Chapter 4, Page 49] ‘’ ...When we got home, Bobby followed me to the front door.
“Do you want to come in?” I asked.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded. This was the first time I’d invited a guy into my bed since I’d arrived in Perugia. We went to my room and had sex. Then we both passed out.
The next morning I got up before he did, got dressed, and went to make myself breakfast. Bobby came into the kitchen a few minutes later.
We were eating cookies when Laura came out of her bedroom. I’d never entertained a lover at the villa for breakfast, and it was awkward, despite Laura’s proclaimed sense of easy sexuality. All three of us tried to ignore the feeling away.
After breakfast Bobby left to return to Rome. I walked him to the door. He smiled, waved, and walked away….’‘
I didn’t feel the same regret I’d had after sex with Mirko, but I still felt the same emptiness. I had no way of knowing what a big price I would end up paying for these liaisons.
- Again, I am not sure what Knox is trying to prove here. Meredith, according to her English friends, found Amanda to be somewhat deranged and disturbed. And here, Knox is confirming that Laura found this awkward, and it was only the first one…
- Laura and Filomena reported that Knox brought MANY strange men home. Seems AK is a little vague on the exact extent of this, maybe we need to ask her best truth… wait a minute! This is a murder case. No one cares who Amanda slept with.
- Perhaps Amanda’s roommates can see right through her.
[Chapter 4, Page 49] A few minutes later, Meredith came upstairs. She and Giacomo had slept together for the first time, and she was giddy. It had been a wild night at No. 7, Via della Pergola, but it turned out to be a one-time thing.
- So, Meredith is your ‘‘friend’‘, and yet in your book you publish details of HER sex life? Wow…
[Chapter 5, Page 51] ‘’ ... Later I would wonder what would have been different if this hadn’t happened. What if Meredith had stayed at the concert? What if Raffaele had gotten there in time to get a seat? Would we have noticed each other? Would he, naturally shy, have introduced himself without the excuse of a needed chair? Would never knowing him have changed how I was perceived? Would that have made the next four years unfold differently? For me, maybe. For Raffaele, absolutely.
But we did meet. And I did like him. Raffaele was a humble, thoughtful, respectful person, and he came along at the moment that I needed a tether. Timing was the second ingredient that made our relationship take off. Had it been later in the year, after I’d found my bearings and made friends, would I have needed the comfort he offered?
Waiting for the return of the quintet, we talked. His English was better than my Italian.
- So which happened first? Did you meet Raffaele because Meredith left, or did Meredith leave because you were interested in Raffaele? You are unclear here
- Relationship? You spent the last few chapters talking about casual sex? Why do you need a relationship?
- So, what exactly about Raffaele was a ‘‘tether’‘?
- Do you typically sleep together in relationships, or just casual encounters?
- Would the next four years unfolded differently? For me, maybe, for him, definitely…? So, you would have found other goons to help you murder Meredith?
[Chapter 5, Page 52] ‘’ ...When we stood up to leave, he asked for my number. In Perugia, where I’d gotten this question a lot, my stock answer was no. But I thought Raffaele was nerdy and adorable””definitely my type. He was wearing jeans and sneakers that evening. Like DJ, he had a pocketknife hooked to his belt loop. I liked his thick eyebrows, soft eyes, high cheekbones. He seemed less sure of himself than the other Italian men I’d met. I said, “I’ll be working later at Le Chic on Via Alessi. You should come by.”...’‘
- Seriously? You go on a campaign for casual sex, and you typically DON’T give out your number?
- Raffy likes to carry knives? Great, thank you for confirming it
[Chapter 5, Page 54] ‘’ ... Raffaele looked surprised, then pleased. “Do you want to come to my apartment and smoke a joint?”
I hesitated. He was basically a stranger, but I trusted him. I saw him as a gentle, modest person. I felt safe. “I’d love to,” I said.
Raffaele lived alone in an immaculate one-room apartment. I sat on his neatly made bed while he sat at his desk rolling a joint. A minute later he swiveled around in his chair and held it out to me.
......The marijuana was starting to kick in. “You know what makes me laugh?” I asked.
“Making faces. See.” I crossed my eyes and puffed out my cheeks. “You try it.”
“Okay.” He stuck out his tongue and scrunched up his eyebrows.
I laughed.
By then, Raffaele had moved next to me on the bed. We made faces until we collided into a kiss. Then we had sex. It felt totally natural. I woke up the next morning with his arm wrapped snugly around me. ....’‘
- Okay, we get it. You hooked up with Raffaele, and on the first meet What is this, the fourth different guy you’ve written about sleeping with?
- This whole thing about hooking up with strangers… you are still reluctant? Or is this a relationship? I can’t tell.
- Sex with a knife carrying, pot-smoking Harry Potter is natural? Okay, to each their own….
[Chapter 5, Page 57] ‘’ ... Raffaele looked at me seriously, appreciatively. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
We’d known each other for three days.
“Yes,” I said, feeling a tiny twinge that I took as a warning sign. This is moving too fast. Is Raffaele making too much of our relationship too soon? He’d already said he wanted to introduce me to his family at graduation, and he was planning our winterweekends together in Milan. We barely knew each other.
I couldn’t see how we would last, because we were a couple of months away from living in two different cities, and I was definitely going back to Seattle at the end of the next summer. Since a big part of why I’d come to Italy was to figure myself out, it occurred to me that maybe I should be alone, that I should slow things down now, before they rocketed ahead. But just because I thought it doesn’t mean I did it.
It was easy to shove my doubts aside, because I really liked Raffaele. He was sensitive, and I felt calm around him. And without any solid ties, I’d been lonelier in Perugia than I’d realized…’‘
- You slept together on the first night, but aren’t sure if this is another quickie, or a relationship. And now you are worried about moving too fast?
- Three days later, Raffaele asks you if you want to be a couple
- You are lonelier than you realized? Didn’t you tell everyone that you were having a blast, making all kinds of friends?
- Figure yourself out? You previously said you wanted (a) to learn languages, (b) work as a translator, and (c) that you wanted to do your third year abroad If you actually were doing (a), (b), and (c), you wouldn’t be so lonely, trying to figure yourself out. You would be too busy.
- Besides, weren’t you going on about how Meredith and Laura were such great people to be with? Why do you feel ‘‘lonely’‘?
- Definitely going back to Seattle? I thought you had all these ambitions abroad?
[Chapter 5, Page 57] ‘’ ... Being with Raffaele also taught me a big lesson about my personality that I’d tried so hard””and harmfully, in Cristiano’s case””to squelch. I was beginning to own up to the fact that casual hookups like I’d had with Mirko and Bobby weren’t for me. I like being able to express myself not just as a lover but in a loving relationship. Even from the minuscule perspective of a few days with Raffaele, I understood that, for me, detaching emotion from sex left me feeling more alone than not having sex at all “”bereft, really. I didn’t know that this lesson had come too late to do me any good…’‘
- You learned too late that casual sex with strangers can result in STD’s? Did you not know, or just not care?
- Did Cristiano (or I mean Federico Martini), have something else besides his looks? Drugs prehaps?
- You realized after the fact that unattached sex leads to feelings of emptiness?
- Why are you going through these ‘‘self-discoveries’’ anyway’? Didn’t you have a full slate of ambitions, and amazing people living with you?
[Chapter 5, Page 59] ‘’ ... Around 12:30 A.M., when I met Spyros and his friends for drinks, I couldn’t get into the good time they were having. Even on a blowout party night, Perugia’s social scene didn’t do much for me, and the whole evening felt like a dud. It made me nostalgic for the sit-around-and-talk gatherings of friends at UW. I was glad when Raffaele came to Piazza IV Novembre to walk me home. By that time it was 1:45 A.M., and most of my eyeliner whiskers had rubbed off. Thankfully, Halloween 2007 was over.
- Well, still waiting to hear what Spyros did that made you add him to you ‘‘suspect list’‘
- Why does the evening feel like a dud? You told your mother you have lots of friends.
- You’re in the great town of Perugia, and you just want to sit around and talk? Didn’t you have your fill in Seattle?
- What is the real reason you are not enjoying yourself?
[Chapter 5, Page 61] ‘’ ... Raffaele and I were good at being low-key together. We chilled out in the common room and smoked a joint while I played Beatles songs on the guitar for an hour or so. Sometime between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M., we left to go to his place. We wanted a quiet, cozy night in. As we walked along, I was telling Raffaele that Amélie was my all-time favorite movie.
“Really?” he asked. “I’ve never seen it.”
“Oh my God,” I said, unbelieving. “You have to see it right this second! You’ll love it!”
Not long after we got back to Raffaele’s, his doorbell rang. It was a friend of his whom I’d never met””a pretty, put-together medical student named Jovanna Popovic, who spoke Italian so quickly I couldn’t understand her. She’d come to ask Raffaele for a favor. Her mother was putting a suitcase on a bus for her and she wondered if he could drive her to the station at midnight to pick it up.
“Sure,” Raffaele said.
As soon as she left, we downloaded the movie on his computer and sat on his bed to watch it. Around 8:30 P.M. I suddenly remembered that it was Thursday, one of my regular workdays. Quickly checking my phone, I saw that Patrick had sent me a text telling me I didn’t have to come in. Since it was a holiday, he thought it would be a slow night.
“Okay,” I texted back. ” Ci vediamo più tardi buona serata!”””“See you later. Have a good evening!” Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
Our good mood was only elevated when the doorbell rang again at 8:45 P.M.: Jovanna had come back, this time to say that the suitcase hadn’t made the bus and that she didn’t need a ride after all. With no more obligations, we had the whole rest of the night just to be with each other and chill out.After the movie ended, around 9:15 P.M., we sautéed a piece of fish and made a simple salad. We were washing the dishes when we realized that the kitchen sink was leaking. Raffaele, who’d already had a plumber come once, was frustrated and frantically tried to mop up a lot of water with a little rag. He ended up leaving a puddle.“I’ll bring the mop over from our house tomorrow. No big deal,” I said.Raffaele sat down at his desk and rolled a joint, and I climbed into his lap to read aloud to him from another Harry Potter book, this one in German. I translated the part he didn’t understand, as best I could, into Italian or English while we smoked and giggled.
[Chapter 5, Page 45] We planned to break our routine the next day, All Souls’ Day, by taking a long drive into the countryside, to the neighboring town of Gubbio. The November 2 holiday wasn’t usually observed with as much fanfare as All Saints’ Day, but since it fell on a Friday in 2007, a lot of people, including us, were turning it into a four-day weekend. I thought, Italians having a good time again. And I couldn’t wait.
- You remember playing Beatle’s songs for an hour. Okay, do you remember which ones?
- Silly question, I don’t remember Raffaele having a guitar. Whose was it?
- Raffaele had already called a plumber before? Would be interesting to see a service record.
- So… was this a minor spill, or was your house virtually flooded? How serious was it?
- You live in this apartment? Do you not have a single towel?
- If it had leaked before, why did you not have a mop, or at least a few extra towels?
- You turned off your phone. In Honor Bound, Raffy says he turned off his. Is this normal?
- You have a German Harry Potter book, and you are translating parts of it into Italian and English. So much for barely knowing Italian.
- Mentioning Jovanna may seem like an alibi… but the murder happened much later.
- You are excited about not having to go to work? What happened about being a serious person?
- You are a language student, and you really didn’t know that a common Italian expression means something totally different in English?
- So, AK and RS are about to head to Gubbio. Sounds like a fun trip. All Amanda has to do is go back to her place, shower, and grab some clothes, right?
- How long were you planning to be in Gubbio? How many changes of clothes would you need?
- And of course, she adds details about sex, and how she got a scratch (I mean, hickey, on her neck).
- Had you and Raffaele done any road trips before, or was this a first time thing?
- Alibi, check. Excuse for scratch, check. Not being able to wait, check.
- You said in your November 6th statement you didn’t remember if you read or made love. Why don’t you remember?
- If you and Raffaele were doing things that could cause a hickey, why don’t you remember making love?
- You seem to have a very detailed memory of that night. Why did you tell the police many different stories later?
[Chapter 5, Page 62, Knox letter to police]’‘Then I turned off my phone, just in case he changed his mind and wanted me to come in after all. I was so excited to have the night off that I jumped on top of Raffaele, cheering, “Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”
Our good mood was only elevated when the doorbell rang again at 8:45 P.M.: Jovanna had come back, this time to say that the suitcase hadn’t made the bus and that she didn’t need a ride after all. With no more obligations, we had the whole rest of the night just to be with each other and chill out.
After the movie ended, around 9:15 P.M., we sautéed a piece of fish and made a simple salad. We were washing the dishes when we realized that the kitchen sink was leaking. Raffaele, who’d already had a plumber come once, was frustrated and frantically tried to mop up a lot of water with a little rag. He ended up leaving a puddle….’‘
‘’ ... This is what happened and I could swear by it. I’m sorry I didn’t remember before and I’m sorry I said I could have been at the house when it happened. I said these things because I was confused and scared. I didn’t lie when I said I thought the killer was Patrick. I was very stressed at the time and I really did think he was the murderer. But now I remember that I can’t know who the murderer was because I didn’t return back to the house….’‘
- This has you receiving the message, replying, and turning off your phone BEFORE your dinner. Which is it?
[Chapter 6, Page 65] On that cold, sunny Friday morning, I left Raffaele asleep in his apartment and walked home to take a shower and get my things together, thinking about our romantic weekend in the Umbrian hills. In hindsight, it seems that arriving home to find the front door open should have rattled me more. I thought, That’s strange. But it was easily explained. The old latch didn’t catch unless we used a key. Wind must have blown it open, I thought, and walked inside the house calling out, “Filomena? Laura? Meredith? Hello? Hello? Anybody?”
Nobody. The bedroom doors were closed.
I wasn’t alarmed by two pea-size flecks of blood in the bathroom sink that Meredith and I shared. There was another smear on the faucet. Weird. I’d gotten my ears pierced. Were they bleeding? I scratched the droplets with my fingernail. They were dry. Meredith must have nicked herself. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed a reddish-brown splotch about the size of an orange on the bathmat. More blood. Could Meredith have started her period and dripped? But then, how would it have gotten on the sink? My confusion increased. We were usually so neat. I went to my room and, while putting on a white skirt and a blue sweater, thought about what to bring along on my trip to Gubbio with Raffaele.
I went to the big bathroom to use Filomena’s blow dryer and was stashing it back against the wall when I noticed poop in the toilet. No one in the house would have left the toilet unflushed. Could there have been a stranger here? Was someone in the house when I was in the shower? I felt a lurch of panic and the prickly feeling you get when you think someone might be watching you. I quickly grabbed my purse and coat and somehow remembered the mop I said I’d bring back to Raffaele’s. I scrambled to push the key into the lock, making myself turn it before I ran up the driveway, my heart banging painfully.
By the time I was a block from home I was second-guessing myself. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe there was a simple reason for the toilet being unflushed. I needed someone to say, “Amanda, you’re right to be scared. This isn’t normal.” And if it wasn’t okay, I wanted someone to tell me what to do. My skittering brain pulled up my mom’s mantra: when in doubt, call. Forgetting the nine-hour time difference between Perugia and Seattle, I pressed the number sequence for home. My mom did not say hello, just “Amanda, are you okay? What’s wrong?” It was in the middle of the night in Seattle, and she was worried.
“I’m on my way back to Raffaele’s,” I said, “but I just wanted to check in. I found some strange things in my house.” I explained my reasons for worrying. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?” “Call your roommates,” she said. “Go tell Raffaele, and call me right back.”
- So, you leaves Raffaele’s apartment, to grab some things to take back for your Gubbio trip? Okay.
- White skirt and blue sweater? Well, you can’t really deny that, since you were photographed in it.
- Didn’t you walk by Filomena’s room to get to the front door? You didn’t notice the broken glass?
- The front door is open, but you think nothing of it? If someone was taking out the garbage, wouldn’t you have passed them?
- You find blood in the bathroom sink (even 2 spots), and you don’t clean it)?
- You see an orange shaped lump of blood, and you think it is Meredith ‘‘dripping’‘? You leave the mat where it is?
- You find ‘‘poop’’ in the toilet, which at this point probably smells rank, and don’t think to flush it?
- And this ‘‘happens’’ to be the poop left behind by Meredith’s ‘‘sole killer’‘?
- You notice both poop, and ‘‘menstrual blood’‘, and you don’t think to clean up either?
- You are in a panic to leave, but you grab your coat, purse .... and a mop?
- You think you may be overreacting, and you don’t go back to flush and clean the blood. Did you not just say you were usually so neat?
- And Mom doesn’t advise you to just flush the poop either? Odd family.
- When Edda Mellas testified at the 2009 trial, did she not say that Amanda thought someone had been in the house? And that Meredith was missing? Did Edda not tell her to hang up and call the police? This account is VERY different.
[Chapter 6, Page 67] I called Filomena first and was relieved when she picked up. “Ciao, Amanda,” she said.
“Ciao,” I said. “I’m calling because when I came home from Raffaele’s this morning, our front door was open. I found a few drops of blood in one bathroom and shit in the other toilet. Do you know anything about it?”
“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice instantaneously on high alert. “I didn’t stay there last night””I was at Marco’s””and Laura’s in Rome on business. Have you talked to Meredith?”
“No, I tried you first,” I said.
“I’m at the fair outside town,” she said. “I just got here. Try Meredith, and then go back to the house. We need to see if anything was stolen.” She sounded worried.
I called Meredith on her British phone. A recording said it was out of service. That struck me as odd. Then I pulled up Meredith’s Italian number. It went straight to voice mail.
By that time, I was back at Raffaele’s. He was in total vacation mode: he’d slept in and had just gotten out of the shower. I’d forgotten about our trip. “Hey,” I said, trying to sound casual, “does this sound weird to you?” I told him what I’d seen.
“Yeah,” he said. “We should definitely go over and look around.”
Over a quick breakfast, Raffaele and I talked some more about what I’d seen. “Maybe the toilet is just broken,” he said.
Even before we’d downed the last sips of our coffee, Filomena called back. “What do you see?” she demanded. Her panic was retriggering my own.
“Filomena,” I said, as evenly as I could, “we’re just leaving Raffaele’s.”
Ten minutes later, when we reached the villa, my stomach was knotted with dread.
“What if someone was in here?” I said, feeling increasingly creeped out. Raffaele held my free hand while I unlocked the door. I yelled, “Is anyone here?”
At first nothing seemed amiss. The house was quiet, and the kitchen/living area was immaculate. I poked my head in Laura’s room. It looked fine, too. Then I opened
Filomena’s door. I gasped. The window had been shattered and glass was everywhere.Clothes were heaped all over the bed and floor. The drawers and cabinets were open. All I could see was chaos. “Oh my God, someone broke in!” I shouted to Raffaele, who was right behind me. In the next instant, I spotted Filomena’s laptop and digital camera sitting on the desk. I couldn’t get my head around it. “That’s so weird,” I said.
“Her things are here. I don’t understand. What could have happened?” Just then, my phone rang. It was Filomena. “Someone’s been in your room,” I said.
“They smashed your window. But it’s bizarre””it doesn’t look like they took anything.”
“I’m coming home this second,” she said, her voice constricted.
Meredith’s door was still closed, just as it had been when I was home earlier. I called out, “Meredith.” She didn’t answer. Could she have spent the night with Giacomo? Or with one of her British girlfriends? Still, at that moment I was more worried about the smashed window in Filomena’s room than about Meredith’s closed door.
I ran outside and around the house to see if the guys downstairs were home and to see if they’d heard anything during the night. Outside, away from Raffaele, my anxiety soared. My heart started racing again. I pounded on their door and tried to peer through the glass. It looked like no one was home.
I ran back upstairs and knocked gently on Meredith’s door, calling, “Meredith. Are you in there?” No sound. I called again, louder. I knocked harder. Then I banged. I jiggled the handle. It was locked. Meredith only locks her door when she’s changing clothes, I thought. She can’t be in there or she’d answer. “Why isn’t she answering me?” I asked Raffaele frantically.
I couldn’t figure out, especially in that moment, why her door would be locked. What if she were inside? Why wouldn’t she respond if she were? Was she sleeping with her earphones in? Was she hurt? At that moment what mattered more than anything was reaching her just to know where she was, to know that she was okay. I kneeled on the floor and squinted, trying to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see anything. And we had no way of knowing if the door had been locked from the inside or the outside.
“I’m going outside to see if I can look through her window from the terrace.” I climbed over the wrought-iron railing. With my feet on the narrow ledge, I held on to the rail with one hand and leaned out as far as I could, my body at a forty-five-degree angle over the gravel walkway below. Raffaele came out and shouted, “Amanda! Get down. You could fall!” That possibility hadn’t occurred to me.
“Please come in before you get hurt!” As soon as we got inside, we went back to Meredith’s closed door. “I can try to kick it down,” Raffaele offered. “Try it!” He rammed the door with his shoulder, hard. Nothing. He kicked next to the handle. It didn’t budge.
I called my mom again. “Mom,” I said. “Someone broke into our house, and we can’t find Meredith. What should we do?”
“Amanda, call the police,” she said.
My stepfather, Chris, yelled into the speakerphone, “Amanda, get the hell out of the house, this instant!”
While I was talking to them, Raffaele called his sister to see what she thought. She was a police officer in Rome.
- You called Filomena first? Wasn’t the first call a very brief one to Meredith?
- So, you tell Filomena about the poop and the blood, and she doesn’t just say to flush/clean it?
- You just ‘‘forgot’’ about your Gubbio trip? I thought there was nothing to be alarmed about.
- Raffaele’s first reaction isn’t to just flush either? Okay….
- You ‘‘opened’’ Filomena’s door? RS, in Honor Bound, said it already was…
- Filomena’s room looked like it had been broken into. Why was there no glass outside, assuming the climb was possible?
- So, you are incredibly alarmed by Meredith’s locked door, but tell the police it is no big deal?
- You thought Meredith might be with Giaccomo, or her British girlfriends. Did you call any of them?
- Did you tell the police about your efforts to look in through the terrace?
- Raffaele is a kickboxer, yet he could not break it down?
[This post covers 1-67 of the 2015 paperback’s 482 pages. Much more very soon]
Archived in Knox False Claims, Examples 1-34
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2. Knox Book Lies 35 To 72
Posted by Chimera
Also Implacably Nasty… Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. Overview Of This Post
My opinion is that this book is essentially Amanda Knox’s way of getting back at everyone in Italy she ever encountered, while falsely making her notoriously brash, sharp-elbowed, frequently drugged-up persona look endearing, naive, and squeaky-clean.
Knox includes numerous lies, smears, and stories to compromise literally dozens of others. None of them help clear up what happened to Meredith. And given how rampant the lies are, it doesn’t really clarify anything about Amanda Knox either. All it really does is to muddy the waters, which may be the real desired benefit.
I previewed this series and explained why “Revenge of the Knox” in this post here.
Series post #1 dissected pages 1 to 66 of the new paperback edition. Here I dissect pages 67 to 107 of the new paperback edition.
Points from this and many other posts will end up on a new TJMK page devoted exclusively to Knox’s lies.
2. Dissection Of Pages 67 to 107
[Chapter 6, Page 70] ‘’ ... Raffaele dialed 112””Italy’s 911””for the Carabinieri, which was separate from””and more professional than””the Perugian town police.
As soon as he hung up, I said, “Let’s wait for them outside.” Even without Chris’s insistence, I was too spooked to be in the house. On the way out I glanced from the kitchen into the larger bathroom. The toilet had been flushed. “Oh my God!” I said to Raffaele. “Someone must have been hiding inside when I was here the first time””or they came back while I was gone!”
We ran out and waited on a grassy bank beside the driveway. I was shivering from nerves and cold, and Raffaele was hugging me to calm me down and keep me warm, when a man in jeans and a brown jacket walked up. As he approached us he said he was from the police. I thought, That was fast.
Another officer joined him. I tried to explain in Italian that there had been a break-in and that we hadn’t been able to find one of our roommates, Meredith. With Raffaele translating both sides, I gradually understood that these officers were just Postal Police, the squad that deals with tech crimes.
“Two cell phones were turned in to us this morning,” one said. “One is registered to Filomena Romanelli. Do you know her?”
“Yes, she’s my housemate,” I said. “It can’t be Filomena’s, because I just talked to her. But I’ve been trying to reach my other roommate, Meredith, all morning. She
doesn’t answer. Who turned these in? Where did they find them?”
Later I found out that a neighbor had heard the phones ringing in her garden when I’d tried to call Meredith. They’d been tossed over the high wall that protected the neighbor’s house from the street””and from intruders. But the Postal Police wouldn’t explain or answer my questions.
We went inside, and I wrote out Meredith’s phone numbers on a Post-it Note for them. While we were talking, we heard a car drive up. It was Filomena’s boyfriend, Marco Z., and his friend Luca. Two minutes later, another car screeched into the driveway””it was Filomena and her friend Paola, Luca’s girlfriend. They jumped out, and Filomena stormed into the house to scavenge through her room. When she came out, she said, “My room is a disaster. There’s glass everywhere and a rock underneath the desk, but it seems like everything is there.”
The Postal Police showed her the cell phones. “This one is Meredith’s British phone,” Filomena said. “She uses it to call her mother. And I lent her the SIM card to the other one to make local calls.”
The men seemed satisfied; their work was done. They said, “We can make a report that there’s been a break-in. Are you sure nothing was stolen?”
“Not as far as we can tell,” I said. “But Meredith’s door is locked. I’m really worried.”
“Well, is that unusual?” they asked.
I tried to explain that she locked it sometimes, when she was changing clothes or was leaving town for the weekend, but Filomena wheeled around and shouted, “She never locks her door!” I stepped back and let her take over the conversation, Italian to Italian. The rapid-fire exchange stretched way past my skills. Filomena shouted at the Postal Police officers, “Break down the door!”
“We can’t do that; it’s not in our authority,” one said.
Six people were now crammed into the tiny hallway outside Meredith’s bedroom, all talking at once in loud Italian. Then I heard Luca’s foot deliver a thundering blow. He kicked the door once, twice, a third time. Finally the impact dislodged the lock, and the door flew open. Filomena screamed, “Un piede! Un piede!”””“A foot! A foot!”
A foot? I thought. I craned my neck, but because there were so many people crowding around the door, I couldn’t see into Meredith’s room at all. “Raffaele,” I said.
He was standing beside me. “What’s going on? What’s going on?” ....’‘
- So you called the police to report the break-in BEFORE the postal police arrived? Didn’t phone records show that the call was made afterwards?
- You mention one call to your mother, in which you tell her there has been a break in, and Mom tells you to call the police. Yet in Court, Edda Mellas testifies to many things being talked about (in 88 seconds). Can you please share your conversation more definitively with us?
- Police reported that you looked completely exhausted, and smelled repulsive. Are these facts correct, and if so, why were you in this condition? Did you not spend a nice night at Raffaele’s place, and then just shower?
- You showered at your place just recently. Okay, where are the clothes you changed out of, or did you just put your old clothes back on?
- Filomena, when asked, mentioned a top you were wearing the night before, that has never been found. What happened to that shirt, or did she make that claim up?
- Both you and Raffaele (in Honor Bound) mention that you turned off your cell phones—Perhaps because the courts wondered about this. Yet, you don’t mention when exactly you turned your phone back on. Care to share?
- If this is the case, why? Did Raffaele slip away to make the call? Did you suspect the Postal Police would search the house anyway, and this being an attempt to cover yourselves?
- You were very worried about Meredith, but your calls only lasted a few seconds. Did you let it ring? Did you call Laura, or any of Meredith’s English friends? Anyone who would possibly know more than you?
- There were people crowded around the door? At trial, the police said everyone was kept away? Which version is correct?
- The police allege that you originally said Meredith always locks her door. Filomena says no, that wasn’t the case. Are they lying?
- Did you mention the frantic efforts you made a few pages earlier trying to see into her room?
- You claim that Meredith locks when she changes or goes away. Was this an attempt to deflect what you originally said about Meredith always locking her door? A way to minimize the incongruency?
- You claim that you made the call about the break in, and then waited outside, at which time the postal police showed up. Then Marco Z. and Luca arrive, followed shortly by Filomena and Paola. After a brief time the police kick down the door. Could you be a bit more precise as to how and at what times this all unfolded? It seems like it all happened in the span of about 10 minutes. Given how the prosecutors used this against you at trial, your exact version would help.
- This whole business about the postal police: they came because Meredith’s phones had been found. Why do you think those phones were ditched? Was it the burglar/killer/rapist dumping stolen property, or were those phones dumped to create a diversion and confusion?
- You found a rock in Filomena’s room and concluded it had been used to break the window. Yet you walked right by the window when you first came home. A rock that size really left no glass outside? Someone climbing that wall left no dirt or scrape marks?
- Nothing was stolen? How diligent had you been prior to making thoseclaims? How diligent was Raffaele when he called the police? How thoroughly had you looked before making this claim?
- The Carabinieri is more professional than the Perugian Police? Is that why you wanted them involved? Or did Raffaele’s sister, Vanessa, have something to do with it?
[Chapter 6, Page 72] ‘’ ... One of the guys shouted, “Sangue! Dio mio!”””“Blood! My God!” Filomena was crying, hysterical. Her screams sounded wild, animal-like.
The police boomed, “Everyone out of the house. Now!” They called for reinforcements from the Perugian town police. Raffaele grabbed my hands and pulled me toward the front door.
Sitting outside on the front stoop, I heard someone exclaim, “Armadio”””“armoire.” They found a foot in the closet, I thought. Then, “Corpo!”””“A body!” A body inside the wardrobe with a foot sticking out? I couldn’t make the words make sense. Filomena was wailing, “Meredith!
Meredith! Oh, God!” Over and over, “Meredith! Oh, God!” My mind worked in slow motion. I could not scream or speak. I just kept saying in my head, What’s happening? What’s happening?
It was only over the course of the next several days that I was able to piece together what Filomena and the others in the doorway had seen: a naked, blue-tinged foot poking out from beneath Meredith’s comforter, blood splattered over the walls and streaked across the floor.
But at that moment, sitting outside my villa, the image I had was of a faceless body stuffed in the armoire, a foot sticking out.
Maybe that’s why Filomena cried, and I didn’t. In that instant, she’d seen enough to grasp the terrible scope of what had happened. All I got was confusion and words and, later, question after question about Meredith and her life in Perugia. There was nothing I could say about what her body was like in its devastation.
But even with all these blanks, I was still shaken””in shock, I’d guess. Waiting in the driveway, while two policemen guarded the front door, I clung to Raffaele. My legs wobbled. The weather was sunny, but it was still a cold November day, and suddenly I was freezing. Since I’d left the house without my jacket, Raffaele took off his gray one with faux-fur lining and put it on me.
Paramedics, investigators, and white-suited forensic scientists arrived in waves. The police wouldn’t tell us anything, but Luca and Paola stayed close, trying to read lips and overhear. At one point, Luca told Raffaele what the police had said: “The victim’s throat has been slashed.”
I didn’t find out until the months leading up to my trial””and during the trial itself “”how sadistic her killer had been. When the police lifted up the corner of Meredith’s beige duvet they found her lying on the floor, stripped naked from the waist down. Her arms and neck were bruised. She had struggled to remain alive. Her bra had been sliced off and left next to her body. Her cotton T-shirt, yanked up to expose her breasts, was saturated with blood. The worst report was that Meredith, stabbed multiple times in the neck, had choked to death on her own blood and was found lying in a pool of it, her head turned toward the window, eyes open….’‘
- You are in shock? But aren’t you and Raffaele buying lingerie and joking shortly after about the ‘‘hot sex’’ you two are going to have? Guess you get over shock quickly.
- You had no idea what was happening, yet you want into Meredith’s room precisely because you are worried about her? Did you not have any clue what was happening?
- You said you wanted Meredith’s family to read your book. Why, then, would you include very graphic details about how their sister/daughter was murdered? Are you trying to ‘‘shock’’ them?
- Moreover, the details read ALMOST LIKE A CONFESSION. How do you know, or better yet, how do you remember the precise details of Meredith’s death, when so many other details are foggy and contradictory to you?
- ’‘Nothing you could say about what her body was like in it’s devastation’‘? What does that mean exactly?
- Previously, you had added unnecessary and irrelevant details about Meredith’s sex life. Again, this is what you want her family to read?
- You seem to vividly remember Filomena’s ‘‘wild, animal-like’’ screams? Did it bother you that she was so upset over Meredith’s death?
- Luca told Raffaele that Meredith’s throat had been cut? But at trial, you had no idea who said it. At what point did you learn?
- Even if the story about Luca were true, why would you use it later on Meredith’s English friends? Trying to shock them?
[Chapter 6, Page 73] ‘’ ... In the first hours after the police came, standing outside the villa that had been the happy center of my life in Perugia””my refuge thousands of miles from home””I mercifully didn’t know any of this. I was slowly absorbing and rejecting the fractured news that Meredith was dead.
I felt as if I were underwater. Each movement””my own and everyone else’s “”seemed thick, slow, surreal. I willed the police to be wrong. I wanted Meredith to walk down the driveway, to be alive. What if she’d spent the night with one of her British girlfriends? Or gotten up early to meet friends? I held the near-impossible idea that somehow the person in Meredith’s room was a stranger.
Nothing felt real except Raffaele’s arms, holding me, keeping me from collapsing. I clung to him. Unable to understand most of what was being said, I felt cast adrift. My grasp of Italian lessened under the extraordinary stress. Catching words and translating in my head felt like clawing through insulation.
I was flattened. I was in despair. I cried weakly on and off into Raffaele’s sweater. I never sobbed openly. I’d never cried publicly. Perhaps like my mom and my Oma, who had taught me to cry when I was alone, I bottled up my feelings. It was an unfortunate trait in a country where emotion is not just commonplace but expected.
Raffaele’s voice was calm and reassuring. “Andrà tutto bene”””“It’s going to be okay,” he said. He pulled me closer, stroked my hair, patted my arm. He looked at me and kissed me, and I kissed him back. These kisses were consoling. Raffaele let me know that I wasn’t alone. It reminded me of when I was young and had nightmares. My mom would hold me and smooth my hair and let me know that I was safe. Somehow Raffaele managed to do the same thing.
Later, people would say that our kisses were flirtatious””evidence of our guilt. They described the times I pressed my face to Raffaele’s chest as snuggling. Innocent people, the prosecutor and media said, would have been so devastated they’d have been unable to stop weeping.Watching a clip of it now, my stomach seizes. I’m gripped by the same awful feelings I had that afternoon. I can only see myself as I was: young and scared, in need of comfort. I see Raffaele trying to cope with his own feelings while trying to help me…’‘
- Well, this by itself seems plausible enough. It is how your behaviour changed in the days following that raised a lot of red flags. Yes, you and Raffaele kissed. Why do we need the details in the above section?
- Were you and Raffaele seen doing more graphic displays of public affection even in the police station?Giaccomo testified in court that you were totally relaxed at the police station. Was he wrong?
- Were you (as police allege), still trading sex for drugs with Cristiano, or Federico?You state that you were in shock. Was any of that morning ‘‘drug related’‘?
- Were you not making cold blooded remarks, like ‘‘she had her fucking throat cut’‘?
- You said you willed Meredith to be with her English girlfriends? Funny, how you never tried to contact them when Meredith was missing….
[Chapter 6, Page 53] ‘’ ... We waited in the driveway for what seemed like forever. The police officers would come out, ask us questions, go in, come out, and ask more questions. I always told them the same thing: “I came home. I found the door open. Filomena’s room was ransacked, but nothing seems to have been stolen. Meredith’s door was locked.”
It seemed like the words came from somewhere else, not from my throat.
In the middle of my muddy thoughts I had one that was simple and clear: “We have to tell the police that the poop was in Filomena and Laura’s bathroom when I put the hair dryer away and was gone when we came back,” I told Raffaele. The poop must have belonged to the killer. Was he there when I took my shower? Would he have killed me, too?
We walked up to a female officer with long black hair and long nails””Monica Napoleoni, head of homicide, I later found out. Raffaele described in Italian what I’d seen. She glared at me. “You know we’re going to check this out, right?” she said.
I said, “That’s why I’m telling you.”She disappeared into the villa, only to return moments later. “The feces is still there. What are you talking about?” she spat.
This confused me, but I continued to tell her what happened anyway. I told her I’d taken the mop with me in the morning but had brought it back when Raffaele and I came to see if the house had been robbed.
“You know we’re going to check that for blood, too?” she asked.“Okay,” I said. I was surprised by how abrupt she was.
The police explained that they couldn’t let us back into the house, that it would compromise the crime scene. Before we were told to go outside, Filomena had carefully gone through her room to see if anything had been stolen. Now, having calmed down momentarily, she came over and whispered that she couldn’t leave without her laptop, that she had to have it for work. She snuck back into her room””I have no idea how she got past the police standing sentry””and grabbed it, disturbing the scene for a second time. Marco stood in the driveway, looking lost. Paola and Luca had slipped off to the car, where it was warm….’
- ‘You seem surprised that the police would spend a significant amount of time questioning the occupants of the home? Why is that?
- The poop must have belonged to the killer? While true, how did you know that? Wouldn’t most people assume it was either someone from the home, or a visitor?
- So, you drew attention to the mop, or were you asked about it? Did you add that detail to cover yourselves? Officer Napoleoni said she will check it for blood? Did she really say that?
- Did Officer Napoleoni ever ask the obvious question: Why didn’t you just flush?
- You accuse your roommate Filomena of sneaking in to get her laptop. Did you ever say that in Court, or to the police?
[Chapter 7, Page 77] ‘’ ... For the first hour, I was questioned in Italian, but it was so hard for me to follow and explain that they brought in an English-speaking detective for hours two through six. Alone in the room, we sat on opposite sides of a plain wooden desk. I described everything I could think of. Some questions he asked were obvious. Others seemed irrelevant. “Anything might be a clue for the investigators,” he said. “Don’t hold back””even if it seems trivial. The smallest detail is important. You never know what the key will be to finding the person who did this.”
How did you meet Meredith? How long have you been in Perugia? Who was Meredith dating? What do you know about the guys who live downstairs? Where did Meredith like to party? When was the last time you saw her? Where was she going? What time did Meredith leave home?” ....’‘
- Really, you were questioned for 6 hours straight? Let me guess, no videotape of this either?
- You spoke virtually no Italian? Odd, Rita Ficarra testified at trial that you spoke Italian quite well.
- Asking for background information on your ‘‘roommate’’ and ‘‘friend’’ seems pretty normal. Why did you think it wasn’t?
- These are the questions you listed in your book. Which one(s) were they asking which were excessive?
[Chapter 7, Page 78] ‘’ ... “It was yesterday afternoon. I don’t know where she was heading,” I said. “She didn’t tell us.” “What did you and Raffaele do yesterday afternoon and last night?” he asked. “We hung out at my house and then at Raffaele’s apartment.”
He didn’t press me. He just listened. It seemed like a straightforward debriefing. I was too naïve to imagine that the detectives suspected that the murder had been an inside job and that the burglary had been faked. I had no way of knowing that the Postal Police had thought Raffaele’s and my behavior suspicious. The detective didn’t say any of this. Nor did he allow that the homicide police had begun to watch us closely before we’d even driven out of the driveway. ...’‘
- Didn’t you say in your Nov 4th email to Judge Nencini that police asked you all kinds of personal questions (like Meredith liking anal)? The questions you list seem pretty normal and routine.
- You didn’t know the police thought it might be an inside job? Did you not reiterate that you thought nothing was stolen?
- Did the Postal Police not come by with Meredith’s ‘‘abandoned’’ cell phones?
- Did you not walk past Filomena’s window without noticing it was broken?
- There was no glass outside Filomena’s window? The whole time you were there, you didn’t notice?
- A burglary ... through the front window on the second floor?
- Did you not shower in a bloody bathroom? Or at least claim you did?
[Chapter 7, Page 77] ‘’ ... Now I see that I was a mouse in a cat’s game. While I was trying to dredge up any small thing that could help them find Meredith’s killer and trying to get my head around the shock of her death, the police were deciding to bug Raffaele’s and my cell phones.
- The police bugged several people’s phones. Why do you omit this detail?
- How is giving background information about the victim a cat-and-mouse game?
[Chapter 7, Page 77] ‘’ ... As I sat waiting to hear what else the police needed from me, I asked the detective if it was true that it was Meredith who had been murdered. I still couldn’t let go of the tiniest hope that the body in her room hadn’t been Meredith’s, that she was still alive. The detective nodded and ran his finger in a cutting motion across his neck.
- This is extremely unlikely, few police officers would be callous enough to do something like that. I suppose he also said that Meredith ‘‘fucking bleed to death’’ or that ‘’ shit happens.’‘
- Finger across the neck can be interpreted as death—in any form. Why did you take it to mean literal throat cutting?
[Chapter 7, Page 78] ‘’ ... Trying to be helpful, I shared the information I had, much of which turned out to be wrong. I still thought Meredith’s body had been found stuffed into the armoire.
When I first saw Laura, she was dry-eyed. She came up and hugged me and said, “I can’t believe it. I’m so sorry. I know Meredith was your friend.” Then she sat me down and said, “Amanda, this is really serious. You need to remember: do not say anything to the police about us smoking marijuana in our house.”
I was thinking, You can’t lie to the police, but I considered this anxiously a moment and then said, “Okay, I haven’t yet. I won’t.” I asked, “Do you think they’ll let us get our stuff out of the house?”
Laura said, “I hope so. Filomena and I are talking to our lawyers about that.” It didn’t occur to me””or to my parents, who were now calling me nonstop””that perhaps I should call a lawyer, too. ...’‘
- Trying to be helpful, I shared the information I had? Funny, the police never claimed you said Meredith was in the armoire. Laura says that Meredith was Amanda’s friend? Odd that the British girls say the exact opposite.
- So, you promise not to tell the police about marijuana ... and you put it in your book?
- Really, Laura and Filomena are so cold they are calling lawyers to get their stuff out of the house? It didn’t occur to you to call a lawyer? Why, to get your stuff, or to get you released later?
[Chapter 7, Page 80] ‘’ ... Around 3 AM a police officer led the British girls and me downstairs to get fingerprinted. “We need to know which fingerprints to exclude when we go through the house,” he said.
One by one they took us into a room and painted our fingertips with a black, tarlike syrup. When I came out, Sophie was sitting on a chair outside the door, sobbing. I tried to make up for my earlier lack of warmth, saying, “I’m so sorry about Meredith. If you need anything, here’s my number.”
And suddenly, I woke up from deep shock. I was struck with righteous fury against Meredith’s murderer. I started pacing the hallway. I was so outraged I was shaking and hitting my forehead with the heel of my palm, saying, “No, no, no,” over and over. It’s something I’ve always done when I can’t contain my anger.
The English-speaking detective who’d been overseeing the fingerprinting approached me and said, “Amanda, you need to calm down.” ...’‘
- This is a bit unclear, but were you all at the police station since that afternoon?
- No one fingerprinted you then? Really, they kept you up until the wee hours of the next morning?
- Given how vague you are about times, how do you know this was 3am, or is it a detail made up for sympathy?
- That is the reason for the fingerprinting. If the police know who is there, they can focus on unknown prints?
- As someone who (you admitted at trial), watches CSI, why don’t you believe this explanation?
- Suddenly you are angry? You weren’t before?
[Chapter 7, Page 81] ‘’ ... As I continued walking back and forth in the hallway, my mind kept looping back around itself, making quick, tight turns: What happened? Who would leave poop in the toilet? Why hadn’t Laura’s and my rooms been touched? Why was Filomena’s computer still there? Did Meredith know her attacker? How could this have happened? How? How? How?
- Again, why are you still going on about the poop? Wouldn’t most normal people (ie. everyone), flush it?
- Why happened your room or Laura’s room been touched? That is a good question. Better question: Did you notice your lamp missing yet?
- Why was Filomena’s computer still there? Also a good question
- Did Meredith know her attacker? Great question as well.
- And you cannot see why the police may be wondering if this was an inside job?
[Chapter 7, Page 82] ‘’ ... When I wasn’t on the phone, I paced. I walked by one of Meredith’s British friends, Natalie Hayworth, who was saying, “I hope Meredith didn’t suffer.”
Still worked up, I turned around and gaped. “How could she not have suffered?” I said. “She got her fucking throat slit. Fucking bastards.”
I was angry and blunt. I couldn’t understand how the others remained so calm. No one else was pacing. No one else was muttering or swearing. Everyone else was so self-contained. First I showed not enough emotion; then I showed too much. It’s as if any goodwill others had toward me was seeping out like a slow leak from a tire, without my even realizing it.
- This is exact opposite of what was reported. Giacomo, in particular, mentioned later how calm and unemotional you were, while everyone else was in shock and traumatized. Was he lying, or is this passage fiction?
- She got her fucking throat cut? Again how did you know that? When questioned at different times, you were unable to say how exactly you knew this.
- Meredith’s body had not yet been autopsied, so the police wouldn’t know either at this point.
- And saying this to Meredith’s friend doesn’t come off as cold to you?
- Muttering and swearing, is this grief, or impatience and frustration?
[Chapter 7, Page 81] ‘’ ... I suspect that Raffaele thought I was having a breakdown. He sat me in his lap and bounced me gently. He kissed me, made faces at me, and told me jokes””all in an effort to soothe my agitation, babying me so I would stop storming around. I cringe to say that treating me like an infant helped. Normally it would have repelled me. But at that time it worked….’‘
- Really, you have to do this now? And what was reported about odd behaviour… aren’t you just confirming it?
[Chapter 7, Page 81] ‘’ ... Finally I took my journal from my purse and scribbled down a few stream-of-consciousness lines about how unreal all of this was and how I wished I could write a song about the heinous, tragic event””a personal tribute to Meredith. I thought that, like the act of writing itself, music might somehow help me feel better. Later, when the police confiscated my notebook and its contents were leaked to the press, people saw this as proof that I was trivializing Meredith’s death.
They found more evidence in my gallows humor. I wrote, “I’m starving. And I’d really like to say that I could kill for a pizza but it just doesn’t seem right.” ...’‘
- So, just on this one page:
- You tell Natalie that Meredith ‘‘had her fucking throat cut’‘, which even the police didn’t know
- You are acting impatient with having to be at the police station
- You are kissing, joking, making faces with Raffaele
- Writing jokes about killing for a pizza
[Chapter 7, Page 83] ‘’ ... It was early morning by the time I put my notebook away. The police weren’t stopping to sleep and didn’t seem to be allowing us to, either. Raffaele and I were part of the last group to leave the questura, along with Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, and the other guys from downstairs, at 5:30 A.M.
The police gave Raffaele and me explicit instructions to be back at the questura a few hours later, at 11 A.M. “Sharp,” they said.
I can’t recall who dropped us off at Raffaele’s apartment. But I do remember being acutely aware that I didn’t have anywhere else to go.
- Interesting ... you claim you were singled out, yet Giacomo, Laura, Filomena, and ‘‘the other guys from downstairs’‘, were all kept until 5:30am
- And you aren’t clear how long you are actually questioned for. You said 6 hours earlier, although you seem to be notoriously bad with numbers. Were you questioned again later?
- So much for the cat-and-mouse game.
[Chapter 8, Page 85] ‘’ ... I had the same opportunity. Mom had asked in one of our phone conversations the night before if I wanted her to buy me a plane ticket to Seattle. “No,” I said. I had been adamant. “I’m helping the police.” ...’‘
- In your November 4th email, you said you wanted to leave, but couldn’t because you ‘‘were an important part of the investigation’‘. Which is it?
- In fact, you complained in that email about needing underwear since you wouldn’t be able to get into your house for a while.
[Chapter 8, Page 69] ‘’ ... I never considered going home. I didn’t think it was right to run away, and that’s exactly how I looked at it””as running away from being an adult. I knew that murders can and do happen anywhere, and I was determined not to let this tragedy undo all I’d worked so hard for over the past year. I liked my classes at the University for Foreigners, and I knew my family’s finances didn’t allow for re-dos. The way I saw it, if I went home, I’d be admitting defeat. And my leaving wouldn’t bring Meredith back….’‘
- You did consider going back home. Again, reread your November 4th email.
- Running away would be looked at as a failure as an adult? Umm ... people MIGHT view it as running from a murder charge.
- Your close friend is murdered, and you are thinking about redo’s?
[Chapter 8, Page 86] ‘’ ... I was already so paranoid I refused to let Raffaele out of sight in his one-room apartment. Walking down the street with his arm around me, I kept looking nervously over my shoulder to make sure no one was following us. Passing cars made me jump. Had the murderer watched our house, waiting until one of us was alone to make his move? I couldn’t help but wonder, Would I have died if I’d been home Thursday night? All that separated Meredith’s and my room was one thin wallboard. Why am I alive and she’s now lying in the morgue? And: Could I be the next victim?
- Were you paranoid about Raffaele leaving because you didn’t want to be alone, or because he might talk?
- His arm around you: Is this protection, or affection?
- Why are you alive and she dead? Good question.
[Chapter 7, Page 86] ‘’ ... I hated that I felt so traumatized. As my family, friends, and the UW foreign exchange office checked in one after another, they each said some version of “Oh my God, you must be so scared and alone.” ...’‘
- Why would the UW foreign exchange office be checking in? You weren’t on any formal exchange program.
[Chapter 8, Page 86] ‘’ ... I believed I had to demonstrate to Mom, Dad, and myself””as if my whole personhood depended on it””that I was in control, that I could take care of things in a mature, responsible way. And just as I’d had some wrong-headed notion about the link between casual sex and adulthood, I was also sure that an adult would know how to deal with whatever was thrown at her””including how to behave if her roommate were brutally murdered. It wasn’t logical, but I believed that I’d made the decision to come to Perugia and that, while no one could possibly have anticipated Meredith’s death, I just had to suck it up. I treated the whole incident as if it were an unanticipated situation I had found myself in and now I had to handle it….’‘
- You had to demonstrate that you were in control? So why did Dad end up hiring a PR firm?
- Why keep calling your Mother, if you were in control?
- So, what exactly was the ‘‘mature, responsible way’‘, you dealt with things?
- You are comparing casual sex with the aftermath of your roommate’s murder? Disingenuous to say the least.
- You just had to suck it up? Wow. Well, shit happens, but let’s move on with life.
[Chapter 8, Page 87] ‘’ ... So, anytime I was on the phone with my parents I put my energy into reassuring them that I was okay. Just as I hadn’t wanted to alarm my mom when I’d first run out of the villa after seeing the poop in the toilet, I still didn’t want to alarm her.
Therefore, each phone conversation was more or less the same. “Yeah, I’m really tired, but it’s going to be okay. I’m with Raffaele. He’s taking good care of me. My roommates are looking for a new place. Don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t worry.” ....’‘
- You and your roommates were looking for a new place? Both Laura and Filomena stated they had no interest in continuing to live with you.
- Raffaele is taking care of you? You mean with the ooh-la-la, or washing the blood out of your ears?
- Again with the poop? Again, you supposedly don’t even know it has anything to do with the crime scene. Or do you?
[Chapter 8, Page 90] ‘’ ... Sometime that afternoon the police drove me to the villa. Sitting in the backseat with an interpreter on the way there, I admitted, “I’m completely exhausted.”
One of the officers in the front seat swung around and looked at me. Her reaction was harsh: “Do you think we’re not tired? We’re working twenty-four/seven to solve this crime, and you need to stop complaining. Do you just not care that someone murdered your friend?”
- However, from accounts told later, Amanda frequently complained about being tired, and hungry, and cold
- Seriously, you were treated this way? What proof?
[Chapter 8, Page 91] ‘’ ... When the police finally came to get me, I saw that the entrance to our apartment was blocked off with yellow police tape. Instead of going in, the police had me show them from the outside what I’d noticed about Filomena’s window, asking whether the shutters were opened or closed when Raffaele and I had come home. They wanted details about how we lived. Did we usually lock the gate to our driveway? What about the faulty lock on the front door? Did anyone else have a key? Were there outside lights on at night? Did Meredith often stay there alone? Did we have frequent visitors?
They handed me protective booties and gloves. After I slipped them on, I sang out, “Ta-dah,” and thrust out my arms like the lead in a musical. It was an odd setting for anything lighthearted, but having just been reprimanded for complaining, I wanted to be friendly and show that I was cooperating. I hoped to ease the tension for myself, because this was so surreal and terrifying. Instead of smiling, they looked at me with scorn. I kept trying to recalibrate my actions, my attitude, my answers, to get along, but I couldn’t seem to make things better no matter what I did. I wasn’t sure why…..’‘
- Police tend to ask details such as locking doors, open windows, access to keys, visitors. Why include this?
- Your ‘‘ta-dah’’ is just weird. Why pretend this was normal? Are you five?
- So, they bring you back to your home. What precisely, besides marijuana, were they ‘‘looking for’‘?
- Recalibrate your answers? What exactly do you mean by that?
[Chapter 8, Page 92] ‘’ ... Next we went to the room that Marco and Giacomo shared. There was no blood””or contraband plants. While we stood there, the detectives started asking me pointed questions about Giacomo and Meredith. How long had they been together? Did she like anal sex? Did she use Vaseline?
“For her lips,” I said. When I’d first gotten to town, Meredith and I had hunted around at different grocery stores until we found a tiny tub of Vaseline.
Giacomo and Meredith had definitely had sex, but I certainly didn’t know which positions they’d tried. Meredith didn’t talk about her sex life in detail. The most she’d done was ask me once if she could have a couple of the condoms I kept stashed with
Brett’s still-unused gift, the bunny vibrator, in my see-through beauty case in the bathroom Meredith and I shared.
I couldn’t understand why the police were asking me about anal sex. It disturbed me. Were they hinting that Meredith had been raped? What other unthinkably hideous things had happened to her? ...’‘
- What I can’t understand is why you would add this in your book. You said you wanted Meredith’s family to read it.
- Seriously, you want Meredith’s parents to know she was hitting you up for condoms?
- Seriously, a homicide investigation, police would be asking about what sex positions Meredith liked?
- While they likely did ask how long Meredith and Giacomo were together, anal and vaseline probably never came up.
- Even if these questions did happen, couldn’t you have just left it as ‘‘personal questions’’ in your book? This is very distasteful.
[Chapter 8, Page 93] ‘’ ... Back at the questura, I had to repeat for the record everything I’d been asked about at the villa. It was a tedious process at the end of a difficult day.
Finally, at around 7 P.M., I was allowed to call Raffaele to pick me up. While I was waiting for him, Aunt Dolly phoned. “Did you ask the police if you can leave Perugia? If you can come to Germany?” she asked. “Yeah, and they said no, that I’d have to wait until they heard from the magistrate in three days. Whatever that means.” ...’‘
- You had to repeat everything for the record, yet you don’t say how long. I ask, simply because I am trying to figure out how you were ‘‘questioned for over 50 hours’’ as you claimed in your December 2013 email to Judge Nencini.
[Chapter 8, Page 94] ‘’ ... As I walked outside the questura, I saw the guys from downstairs coming in. After we said hello, I wavered for a moment over the police’s order that I never talk about what I saw. “I was at your apartment today and you should know that your comforter was splotched with blood, Stefano. It made me wonder if Meredith was down there before she died. It was awful.”
“Yeah,” Stefano, said. “I hope that was from our cat and not Meredith.” Stefano, Giacomo, and Marco exchanged anxious looks…’‘
- Not at all sure what the point of this is. Is Knox trying to drive suspicion between the men?
- I thought Knox wasn’t supposed to talk about the case. Isn’t that what she told her classmates?
[Chapter 8, Page 94] ‘’ ... Just then, Raffaele drove up and I said good-bye to the guys. Raffaele took me to a small boutique downtown called Bubble, next door to a luxury lingerie shop. Pulsating with music, Bubble catered to students, offering trendy, cheaply made clothing, the kind that’s not meant to outlast a season. I tried on a few things but decided to wait until my mom got to town to replace my staples, which were locked in the crime scene. I settled on one necessity, grabbing a pair of cotton bikini briefs in my size from a display rack near the cash register. In the long run it probably would have been better if I’d chosen a more sedate color than red. I didn’t give it another thought, but it turned out that what was insignificant to me was a big deal to other people. Standing at the cash register as he paid, Raffaele hugged me and gave me a few kisses””our lingua franca in a scary, sad time. A few weeks later, the press would report that I bought “a saucy G-string” and that Raffaele brazenly announced: “I’m going to take you home so we can have wild sex together.”
- According to bank records, they cost $60, or was it 60 Euros? And this was just for necessity?
- According to the surveillance video, it was more than just a few hugs and kisses.
- Why bring this up? How does it help clarify where you were, or what happened to Meredith?
- You remember the underwear store well, but not what you were doing when Meredith was killed?
[Chapter 8, Page 94] ‘’ ... “The police are grilling me endlessly,” I said. Filomena said, “I know it’s hard, Amanda. You’ve just got to be patient. They’re fixated on you because you knew Meredith better than we did.”
Laura and Filomena were each consulting a lawyer about how to get out of the lease. No doubt their lawyers were also counseling them on other things, such as how to deal with the police and on our pot-smoking habit, but they didn’t mention any of that.
“Are you okay living with Raffaele? How’s it going?” Laura asked. “Filomena and I are thinking about sharing another place.” “Would you guys mind if I live with you again?” Laura said, “Of course you can live with us.”
They both hugged me. “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay,” Filomena said. ...’‘
- According to you, they kept you, Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, and the other men downstairs into the wee hours of the morning. How were they focusing on you?
- And you think they ‘‘grilled’’ you because you knew Meredith so much better?
- You seriously think Laura and Filomena were asking their lawyers about the ‘‘alleged drugs’’ the police didn’t seem to care about?
- They wanted to keep living with you? Both testified that you were loud, messy, lazy, and brought home strange men.
[Chapter 8, Page 96] ‘’ ... It was after midnight when Raffaele and I finally went back to his apartment. I stayed up surfing the Internet on his computer, looking for articles about the case. As many answers as the police had demanded of me, they weren’t giving up much information. Then I wrote a long e-mail, which I sent to everyone at home, explaining what had happened since I’d gone back to the villa on Friday morning. I wrote it quickly, without a lot of thought, and sent it at 3:45 A.M….’‘
- This was your November 4th ‘‘alibi email’‘, right? Why did you really send it?
- Why did you send it to people, some of whom, were hearing for the first time Meredith was dead?
- Why did you include the personal details about Meredith? Was it to cause embarrassment?
- These people back home are not interrogating you. Why add every single detail?
- If you wanted to show a complete record, why did you not include the email (a full copy), in your book? After all, the police tried to use it against you. Certainly you could disclose it and set the record straight.
[Chapter 9, Page 97] ‘’ ... Had I seen a news item that morning in The Mail on Sunday, a London tabloid, it might have shifted everything for me. The article said the Italian police were investigating the possibility that the murderer was a woman””someone whom Meredith had known well. “”˜We are questioning her female housemates as well as her friends,’ a senior police detective said.”
- Interesting claim. The police are asking you for background info on Meredith, and you take ‘‘questioning’’ to be suspicions.
- I have not seen this ‘‘news item’‘. By any chance do you have a copy?
- Really, the police were looking for a woman? Any thoughts as to why that may be?
[Chapter 9, Page 98] ‘’ ... In quiet moments like this, as in the squad car the day before, my thoughts went straight to Meredith and the torture she’d been put through. I tried to imagine over and over how she might have died, what might have happened, and why. I replayed memories of our hours spent on the terrace talking, our walks around town, the people we’d met, the last time I’d seen her.
Either Meredith’s murder was completely arbitrary or, worse, irrationally committed by a psychopath who had targeted our villa as Chris had suggested. The hardest question I put to myself was: What if I’d been home that night? Could I have saved Meredith? Would she somehow still be alive? ...’‘
- ’‘Your thoughts went straight to Meredith and the torture she’d been put through’‘???? Ummm… Is this a confession?
- Why are you trying imagine over and over how she died? Do you like that sort of thing?
- ’‘... or worse, irrationally committed by a psychopath who had targeted our villa’‘? Could be.
- Could you have saved Meredith? You mean instead of stabbing her? Sure.
[Chapter 9, Page 97] ‘’ ... We stood together, talking quietly about nothing. I leaned against him, glad for his company. He kissed me.
Just then, Rita Ficarra, the police officer who’d said I couldn’t leave Perugia, walked by. She turned around and gave us a piercing stare. “What you’re doing is completely inappropriate,” she hissed. “You need to stop this instant.”
I was taken aback. It’s not like we were making out. What could she possibly think was improper about a few tender hugs and kisses? Raffaele was being compassionate, not passionate””giving me the reassurance I needed. But we were offending her.
Raffaele was the main reason I was able to keep myself somewhat together in those days. I’d known him for such a short time, and he had met Meredith just twice. Who would have blamed him if he hadn’t stuck around? Besides giving me a place to stay, he had been patient and kind. He’d dedicated himself to my safety and comfort “”driving me to and from the police station, making sure I ate, curling around me at night so I’d feel protected. I had put him on the phone with Mom, Dad, Chris, and Dolly to reassure them. He made sure I was never alone….’‘
- Well, this is the second time you’ve brought up kissing and cuddling in the police station. You also mentioned what went on in the shop Bubble. So, while you claim that the police made up stories about your behaviour, you seem to be confirming their version of events.
- Out of curiosity, and for the record, when Rita Ficarra scolded you, what language was it in? She testified at trial that she spoke no English and only talked to you in Italian. You, on the other hand, claim to know only minimal Italian. And this passage doesn’t say there was any translator. So, English or Italian? Or some third language perhaps?
[Chapter 9, Page 100] ‘’ ... I reached in, pushed a few knives around, and then stood up helplessly. I knew the assortment in the drawer might include the murder weapon””that they were asking me to pick out what might have been used to slash Meredith’s throat. Panic engulfed me.
I don’t know how long I stood there, arms limp at my sides. I started crying. Someone led me to the couch. “Do you need a doctor?” the interpreter asked.
“No,” I whimpered, my chest heaving. I couldn’t speak coherently enough between the sobs to explain. I could only think, I need to get away from here. I felt the way Filomena must have felt when she looked into Meredith’s room two days before. I didn’t have to see the blood, the body, the naked foot, to fully imagine the horror.
- Seriously? You were nowhere near the crime scene, never looked in Meredith’s room, and the police ask you to pick out a possible murder weapon?
- Why did panic engulf you? You don’t really elaborate on that point.
- You didn’t have to see the blood, the body, and the naked foot to fully imagine the horror? Why, did you have a front row seat?
[Chapter 9, Page 102] ‘’ ... I was naïve, in over my head, and with an innate stubborn tendency to see only what I wanted. Above all, I was innocent. There were so many what-ifs that I never even began to contemplate. What if I hadn’t thrown the bunny vibrator in my clear makeup case for anyone to see? What if I hadn’t gone on a campaign to have casual sex? What if Raffaele and I hadn’t been so immature? What if I’d flown home to Seattle right after the murder, or to Hamburg? What if I’d asked my mom to come immediately to help me? What if I had taken Dolly’s advice? What if I’d gotten a lawyer?...’‘
- Unless her mind is completely disjointed, am not sure how she makes these connections.
- You have an innate stubborn tendency to see only what you wanted? Is this narcissism or just not being observant?
- Why would throwing the bunny vibrator in the clear case cause problems ... unless it grossed Meredith out? And why do you keep talking and writing about it?
- How would the ‘‘casual sex campaign’’ have led to Meredith’s death? Did it annoy her, or did one of your ‘‘male friends’’ kill her?
- You and Raffaele are immature how? For acting this way after a murder? Before the murder? Thinking murder would solve your problems?
- If you had flown home to Seattle, would you not be in much the same position as Rudy Guede afterwards? As in a lower sentence?
- Why do you need a lawyer for what seems to be routine questioning? Do you have something to hide? It sure isn’t shame…
[Editorial note: it is in chapters 10 to 12 that Knox lays the Interrogation Hoax on thick and most inventions in those chapters will be exposed in that alternate series soon.]
[Chapter 10, Page 103] ‘’ ... Police officer Rita Ficarra slapped her palm against the back of my head, but the shock of the blow, even more than the force, left me dazed. I hadn’t expected to be slapped. I was turning around to yell, “Stop!”””my mouth halfway open””but before I even realized what had happened, I felt another whack, this one above my ear. She was right next to me, leaning over me, her voice as hard as her hand had been. “Stop lying, stop lying,” she insisted.
Stunned, I cried out, “Why are you hitting me?” “To get your attention,” she said. I have no idea how many cops were stuffed into the cramped, narrow room. Sometimes there were two, sometimes eight””police coming in and going out, always closing the door behind them. They loomed over me, each yelling the same thing: “You need to remember. You’re lying. Stop lying!” “I’m telling the truth,” I insisted. “I’m not lying.” I felt like I was suffocating. There was no way out. And still they kept yelling, insinuating. The authorities I trusted thought I was a liar. But I wasn’t lying. I was using the little energy I still had to show them I was telling the truth. Yet I couldn’t get them to believe me.
We weren’t even close to being on equal planes. I was twenty, and I barely spoke their language. Not only did they know the law, but it was their job to manipulate people, to get “criminals” to admit they’d done something wrong by bullying, by intimidation, by humiliation. They try to scare people, to coerce them, to make them frantic. That’s what they do. I was in their interrogation room. I was surrounded by police officers. I was alone.
- This makes for an entertaining story to start the chapter, but several problems here:
- You were in discussion with Rita Ficarra, primarily correct? You seem to understand her, but she testified she spoke no English, and you claim you barely understand any Italian. So what language were you ‘‘interrogated’’ in?
- An interpreter, Anna Donnino, was called from home when you were at the police station. She was present during the bulk of your ‘‘interview’‘. Is this true or false?
- You allege Rita Ficarra hit you. Why did you not name her until after you were released? You said only a ‘‘chestnut haired woman’‘.
- Why did your lawyer, Luciano Ghirga, deny publicly that you were ever hit? Why did you not mention this ‘‘assault’’ in your ECHR complaint?
- Police claim that you were not supposed to be at the police station, only Raffaele. When you complained of being tired they told you to go home.
- Police allege since you came anyway, they asked if you would be willing to help put together some names. Is that true?
- You claim it was teams and teams, yet there was considerable testimony that there were only 3 officers including two women and the interpreter Anna Donnino. Is that true?
[Chapter 10, Page 104] ‘’ ...That Monday morning, Meredith’s autopsy report was splashed across the British tabloids depicting a merciless, hellish end to her life. The fatal stabbing, the coroner said, had been done with a pocketknife, and skin and hair found beneath Meredith’s fingernails showed she was locked in a vicious to-the-death struggle with her killer. Mysteriously, news accounts reported that something in the same report had made the police bring Filomena, Laura, and me back to the villa. To this day I don’t know what it was.
There was evidence that Meredith had been penetrated, but none that proved there had been an actual rape. But other clues that would lead the police to the murderer had been left behind. There was a bloody handprint smeared on the wall and a bloody shoeprint on the floor. A blood-soaked handkerchief was lying in the street nearby. As the stories mounted, I was the only one of Meredith’s three housemates being mentioned consistently by name: “Amanda Knox, an American,” “Amanda Knox, fellow exchange student,” “Amanda Knox, Meredith’s American flatmate.” It was all going horribly wrong….’‘
- It seems very farfetched that police would go out of their way to leak embarrassing details about the victim. You, on the other hand, have shown again and again, that you have no qualms about posting embarrassing, and often false information.
- Meredith’s autopsy was splashed across the British tabloids? Really, can you name ONE precise newspaper?
- Really? The police compromised their own investigations by releasing half-finished findings?
- You weren’t paying attention to the news? Were any of your classmates? Did you hear from them?
[Chapter 10, Page 105] ‘’ ... I was desperate to get back to my regular routine, an almost impossible quest given that any minute I expected the police to call again. I didn’t have a place of my own to live or clean clothes to wear. But trying to be adult in an unmanageable situation, I borrowed Raffaele’s sweatpants and walked nervously to my 9 A.M. grammar class. It was the first time since Meredith’s body was found that I’d been out alone….’
- So, it was your first time being alone? How much of it was the police, and how much with Raffaele? You are not at all clear on the numbers. And remember, you did email Judge Nencini, telling him you were interrogated for 50 hours over 4 days.
[Chapter 10, Page 106] ‘’ ... When class ended I headed back toward Raffaele’s apartment. As I walked through Piazza Grimana, I saw Patrick standing in a crowd of students and journalists in front of the University for Foreigners administration building. He kissed me hello on both cheeks. “Do you want to talk to some BBC reporters?” he asked. “They’re looking for English-speaking students to interview.”
I said, “I can’t. The police have told me not to talk to anyone about the case.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you in a difficult position,” he said. “That’s okay. But Patrick . . .” I hesitated. “I’ve needed to call you. I don’t think I can work at Le Chic anymore. I’m too afraid to go out by myself at night now. I keep looking behind me to see if I’m being followed. And I feel like someone is lurking behind every building, watching me.”
- If this is true, then why were you expecting to work later? Remember that message Patrick sent, saying it is slow? Remember your reply, See you later? Why wouldn’t Patrick have taken you off the staff list, at least for the time being?
- The version Patrick tells, is that you didn’t keep silent out of respect, that you turned around and walked out at the attention Meredith was going to receive. How accurate is his version?
- You told him you don’t think you can come anymore? Patrick told the police he was going to replace you—with Meredith—for being lazy? Is that true?
Archived in Knox False Claims, Examples 35-72
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3. Knox Book Lies 73 To 129
Posted by Chimera
Also Implacably Nasty… Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. Overview Of This Post
My opinion is that this book is essentially Amanda Knox’s way of getting back at everyone in Italy she ever encountered, while falsely making her notoriously brash, sharp-elbowed, frequently drugged-up persona look endearing, naive, and squeaky-clean.
Knox includes numerous lies, smears, and stories to compromise literally dozens of others. None of them help clear up what happened to Meredith. And given how rampant the lies are, it doesn’t really clarify anything about Amanda Knox either. All it really does it muddy the waters, which may be the real desired benefit.
I previewed this series and explained why “Revenge of the Knox” in this post here. Series post #1 dissected pages 1 to 66 of the new paperback edition. Post #2 dissected pages 67 to 107.
2. Dissection Of Pages 107 to 168
[Chapter 10 Page 107] ‘’ ... That afternoon at Raffaele’s, I got a text from one of Meredith’s friends””a student from Poland””telling me about a candlelight memorial service for Meredith that night. Everyone was supposed to meet downtown, on Corso Vannucci, at 8 P.M. and walk in a procession to the Duomo. I kept wondering about what I should do. I wanted to be there but couldn’t decide if it was a good idea for me to go to such a public event. I was sure the people I ran into would ask me what I knew about the murder. In the end my decision was made for me””Raffaele had somewhere else to be, and I wouldn’t have considered going alone. It didn’t occur to me that people would later read my absence as another indication of guilt.
At around 9 P.M. Raffaele and I went to a neighbor’s apartment for a late dinner. Miserable and unable to sit still, I plucked absentmindedly at his friend’s ukulele, propped on a shelf in the living room. At about ten o’clock, while we were eating,Raffaele’s phone rang. “Pronto,” Raffaele said, picking up…’‘
- You get a text telling you there is a vigil for your murdered ‘‘friend’‘, and you aren’t sure what you should do?
- Yes, people might ask about the case, but you had no problem refusing to talk to your classmates about it, correct?
- Did Raffaele really have somewhere to be? Why couldn’t you go alone? You could go with the Polish student who texted you.
- Or did you simply not want to be confronted by anyone with what really happened, or not respect the victim?
[Chapter 10, Page17] ‘’... Raffaele said, “We’re just eating dinner. Would you mind if I finished first?” That was a bad idea, too.
While we cleared the table, Raffaele and I chatted quickly about what I should do while he was at the police station. I was terrified to be alone, even at his place, and uneasy about hanging out with someone I didn’t know. I could quickly organize myself to stay overnight with Laura or Filomena, but that seemed so complicated””and unnecessary. Tomorrow, when my mom arrived, this wouldn’t be a question we’d have to discuss.
“I’m sure it’s going to be quick,” Raffaele said. I said, “I’ll just come with you.” Did the police know I’d show up, or were they purposefully separating Raffaele and me? When we got there they said I couldn’t come inside, that I’d have to wait for Raffaele in the car. I begged them to change their minds. I said, “I’m afraid to be by myself in the dark.”
They gave me a chair outside the waiting room, by the elevator. I’d been doing drills in my grammar workbook for a few minutes when a silver-haired police officer””I never learned his name””came and sat next to me. He said, “As long as you’re here, do you mind if I ask you some questions?”
I was still clueless, still thinking I was helping the police, still unable or unwilling to recognize that I was a suspect. But as the next hours unfolded, I slowly came to understand that the police were trying to get something out of me, that they wouldn’t stop until they had it.
I’d done this so many times in the questura I felt as if I could dial it in. And finally someone there seemed nice. “Okay,” I said, starting in. “There are the guys who live downstairs.”As I was running through the list of male callers at No. 7, Via della Pergola, I suddenly remembered Rudy Guede for the first time. I’d met him only briefly. I said “Oh, and there’s this guy””I don’t know his name or his number””all I know is that heplays basketball with the guys downstairs. They introduced Meredith and me to him in Piazza IV Novembre. We all walked to the villa together, and then Meredith and I went to their apartment for a few minutes.
- ”The logic here is a bit convoluted. Raffaele is called to clear up discrepancies in his alibi, and you assume it is an elaborate plot to lure YOU in?
- You claim the police thought you were a suspect, yet you had to beg them to let you in, and to stay when you were told to go home to bed?
- Who was the “silver haired officer”? Did he even exist? There was trial testimony proving this untrue, that Rita Ficarra kept an eye on you and eventually suggest you list possible perps.
- If you had just been eating very late, and you were brought refreshments, then why complain later about not having been given anything to eat?
- You admit, once again, that you knew who Rudy Guede was. Again, why did you say in your December 2013 email to Judge Nencini, that you had never met him?
- You can see why lying to a judge about not ever meeting your co-accused might be suspicious?
- You later claim that Guede is a drug dealer. With what proof? If Guede was a drug dealer, why would he not break into the bottom floor (where the drugs were)?
- Why did you bring your college homework to the police station? Did you know Raffaele could be a long time in there?
- You definitely worked on a list of men who came by the apartment. In fact you produced a list of 7 names that included: Rudy Guede, Patrick, Shaky, Spyros and Jude. You drew maps to where they lived.
- Why did that never appear in your book? How long did this list take to make? Didn’t you only stop because Raffaele withdrew his alibi for you?
- Did you ever name Rudy, Patrick, Shaky, Spyros or Jude before? Or as the next hours unfolded?
- How long was it exactly before Raffaele ‘‘took away your alibi’‘? Just shortly before you finished your first statement at 1:45, right?
[Chapter 11, Page 125] ‘’ ... I signed my second “spontaneous declaration” at 5:45 A.M., just as the darkness was beginning to soften outside the small window on the far side of the interrogation room…’‘
- “spontaneous declaration” ? There is no obvious reason for the quotation marks. It WAS spontaneous made at your own request. Granted Cassation gave you the benefit of the doubt in excluding it form the main trial, it was completely your own decision to write it.
[Chapter 11, Page 125] ‘’ ... The room emptied in a rush. Except for Rita Ficarra, who sat at the wooden desk where she’d been all night, I was alone in the predawn hush. Just a few more hours and I’ll see Mom, I thought. We’ll spend the night in a hotel.
I asked permission to push two metal folding chairs together, balled myself into the fetal position, and passed out, spent. I probably didn’t sleep longer than an hour before doubt pricked me awake. Oh my God, what if I sent the police in the wrong direction? They’ll be looking for the wrong person while the real killer escapes. I sat up crying, straining to remember what had happened on the night of Meredith’s murder. Had I really met Patrick? Had I even been at the villa? Did I make all that up? I was too exhausted, too rattled, to think clearly. I was gripped by uncertainty about what I’d said to the police and the pubblico ministero. I tried to get Ficarra’s attention. “Um, scusi,” I murmured tentatively. “I’m not sure what I told you is right.” “The memories will come back with time,” Ficarra answered mechanically, barely raising her eyes to look at me. “You have to think hard.”
- Putting the chairs together for you to rest was actually Rita Ficarra’s idea. She and other investigators were trying to calm you down. She never brushed you off as you claim.
- Prior to this Dr Mignini chaired a hearing specifically to inform you that you were being held and charged and you should say no more without a lawyer - though you did talk and did write statements at 5:45 and noon.
- The evidence he listed against you was very substantial and was summarised at length in the reports of the Matteini and Ricciarelli hearings and the sharp refusal of the Supreme Court to allow house arrest.
- What language were you speaking in? You say that you are alone except for Rita Ficarra and she speaks no English, and you ‘‘virtually have no’’ Italian, and she testified she called for a translator as no progress was made.
- You are trying to ‘‘frame’’ it as doubt, but you did send the police on a wild goose chase naming numerous new suspects, and you did help your accomplice, Rudy Guede, escape.
- Just so we are clear: Did you speak with Dr Mignini prior to your second spontaneous declaration only, or prior to the first as well, though he is conclusively proven to have not been there?
- Your ‘‘account’’ of the fictional questioning by Dr Mignini is so detailed. How is it you have such ‘‘vague’’ recollections about everything else?
- You fell asleep? Was it exhaustion, or knowing the anticipation was over? Ask any American or Canadian police officer. Guilty perps who are arrested have no trouble falling asleep. But the innocent ones can’t.
[Chapter 11, Page 126] ‘’ ... I tried to weave the images that had flashed in my mind the night before into a coherent sequence. But my memories””of Patrick, the villa, Meredith’s screams””were disjointed, like pieces of different jigsaw puzzles that had ended up in the same box by mistake. They weren’t ever meant to fit together. I’d walked by the basketball court near the villa every day. I’d said, “It was Patrick,” because I saw his face. I imagined him in his brown jacket because that’s what he usually wore. The more I realized how fragmented these images were, the closer I came to understanding that they weren’t actual memories….’‘
- You are right in one sense. They were not memories. Various courts all concluded that they were lies.
- ’‘I imagined him’‘? Really, when you are faced with the loss of your alibi you start imagining people?
- Memories ... of Meredith screaming… You were the first to claim this and it was then was corroborated by several others, strong proof that you were there.
- So you have memories of Meredith screaming, you walked by the basketball court [where Rudy plays] everyday, and you imagine Patrick’s face?
[Chapter 11, Page 126] ‘’ ... Suddenly my cell phone, which had been lying on the desk since it was waved in my face, lit up and started ringing. Ficarra ignored this. “Can I please answer it?” I begged.
“I’m sure it’s my mom; I’m supposed to meet her at the train station. She’ll freak out if I don’t answer.” “No,” Ficarra said. “You cannot have your phone back. Your phone is evidence.”
- This is all made up. There is no proof this exchange took place. No call came through. Nobody took your phone, you yourself passed it across several times. You waved ii before the cops.
- Again, what language are you and Rita Ficarra talking in? Was the translator now there?
[Chapter 11, Page 127] ‘’ ... Around 2 P.M. on Tuesday””it was still the same day, although it felt as if it should be two weeks later””Ficarra took me to the cafeteria. I was starving. After the interrogation was over they brought me a cup of tea, but this was the first food or drink I’d been offered since Raffaele and I had arrived at the questura around 10:30 P.M. Monday. With my sneakers confiscated, I trailed her down the stairs wearing only my socks. She turned and said, “Sorry I hit you. I was just trying to help you remember the truth.”
- There is no proof this exchange took place. You were not hit ever by the police. Even your own lawyers confirmed this. The police had no need, and no time after you did the list and maps.
- Minute to minute it is known what happened, this came out at trial. In fact, you currently face more calunnia charges for this false accusation among others.
- This was the first food you had had since last night? In the 2009 trial, the police testified you were fed and brought drinks several times. You admitted this at trial.
[Chapter 11, Page 127] ‘’ ... I was still too confused to know what the truth was….’‘
- That reads very evasive and deceptive. If you were so confused then, and at trial, how is it you have such perfect recall now?
[Chapter 11, Page 128] ‘’ ... I didn’t want them to think I was a bad person. I wanted them to see me as I was “”as Amanda Knox, who loved her parents, who did well in school, who respected authority, and whose only brush with the law had been a ticket for violating a noise ordinance during a college party I’d thrown with my housemates in Seattle. I wanted to help the police track down the person who’d murdered my friend…’‘
- This is not how anyone in Perugia saw you. It reads like you are a lawyer trying to pitch for leniency at a trial. “Your Honor, really Ms. Knox is a good person. She does well in school, loves her family, and her only prior is for making noise. Please ignore the evidence about the sexual assault and stabbing.”
- Whether you love your parents is irrelevant. Whether you got good grades or not is irrelevant. Whether you respected authority is irrelevant. The ticket may have been your only police involvement, but you left out the rock throwing which was part of the offense.
[Chapter 11, Page 128] ‘’ ... What I did not know was that the police and I had very different ideas about where I stood. I saw myself as being helpful, someone who, having lived with Meredith, could answer the detectives’ questions. I would do that as long as they wanted. But the police saw me as a killer without a conscience. It would be a long time before I figured out that our presumptions were exactly the opposite of each other’s….’‘
- As they testified, the police thought no such thing. At most several of them thought you might be withholding vital information, based on what they overheard, but they were still pursuing numerous other leads.
- You three statements smacked of desperation given you were really treated well. It doesn’t help that you said you went out alone, or deliberately vague about Raffaele possibly also being there.
- In previous days the police merely asked you for some routine background about yourself and Meredith. They also asked where you were at the time, which is standard procedure. You would only have to do that ‘‘as long as they wanted’’ if you were either lying or being uncooperative. Remember, you complained (and in this book) that the questioning was excessive, though others were questioned too.
[Chapter 11, Page 129] ‘’ ... “We need to take you into custody,” she said. “Just for a couple of days””for bureaucratic reasons.”
- This is a complete fabrication. There is no proof this exchange took place. You knew full well you were being arrested, and signed a statement saying you understood why.
- By your own admission, they were still just looking for possible suspects. And if Sollecito had withdrawn your alibi, they wouldn’t need a name—they would suspect him and you. This makes no sense.
- Dr Mignini had just spelled out your status with great care. Why would Ficarra diifer from that? Custody? What does that mean?
- You claim the mysterious silver-haired cop who no-one else saw had told you during his “interrogation” that they would protect me if I cooperated, if I told them who the murderer was. Really?
[Chapter 11, Page 129] ‘’ ... I needed to say that I had doubts about what I’d signed, to let the police know they couldn’t rely on my declarations as the truth. I knew that undoing the cops’ work would almost surely mean they’d scream at me all over again. As paralyzing as that thought was, I had to risk it. In naming Patrick, I’d unintentionally misled them. What if they thought I did it on purpose? They’d wasted time on me when they could have been out pursuing the real killer….’‘
- According to Cassation, you did deliberately mislead the police, and you did it to divert suspicion from yourself. Many present testified that no-one screamed at you. The only screaming was yours, when you had several head-thumping fits.
- When you talked to your mother, why didn’t you then tell the police Patrick was innocent? Why didn’t Edda (your mother), tell anyone Patrick was innocent? You told her he was.
[Chapter 11, Page 130] ‘’ ... “Can I have a piece of paper?” I asked Ficarra. “I need to write down in English what I’m trying to tell you, because you apparently don’t understand me right now. You can bring the paper to someone who can tell you what it says in Italian. We can communicate better that way. You’re telling me that I’m going to remember when I’m telling you that I am remembering, and that I doubt what I said is true.”
She handed me a few sheets of paper and a pen. “You’d better write fast,” she said. “We have to get going.”
- Wow, either Rita Ficarra is learning English really fast .... or you speak Italian quite well. Really, Officer Ficarra is taking you to be confined and she isnt remotely interested in having you write another incriminating statement having had less sleep than you.
- You quote the noon statement in full. Answer the numerous points proving you piled lie upon lie made by Peter Hyatt here.
[Chapter 11, Page 135] ‘’ ... I finished writing and handed the pages to Ficarra. I didn’t remember the word for “explanation.” “This is a present for you”””“un regalo,” I said.
She said, “What is it””my birthday?” I felt so much lighter. I knew that I was blameless, and I was sure that was obvious to everyone. We’d just had a misunderstanding. I’d cleared the record. ....’‘
- There is no proof the exchange took place as described. Rita Ficarra is not known for even being sarcastic, she is regarded as firm but kind and had kindly looked after you all night.
- For days you deny knowing anything about Meredith’s murder. After Raffaele removes your alibi, you write that you left him to meet Patrick, and he murdered Meredith.
- You then write you met Patrick, he murdered Meredith, and Raffaele may or not be there. You then write this completely vague, contradictory, and convoluted letter to police.
- You tell Officer Ficarra you are giving her a ‘‘gift’‘, or was it an un-explanation? You now think it was just a misunderstanding, and you cleared the record???? Wow ....
[Chapter 11, Page 136] ‘’ ... I was on the police’s side, so I was sure they were on mine. I didn’t have a glimmer of understanding that I had just made my situation worse. I didn’t get that the police saw me as a brutal murderer who had admitted guilt and was now trying to squirm out of a hard-won confession….’‘
- Three statements proves you did know you had dropped yourself in it and every copy would regard three statemenst as overkill. Lying and obstructing justice would hardly put you ‘‘on the police’s side’‘?
- Why would they see you as a brutal murderer? How do you know how brutal the murder was? You inisisted to write all of these ‘‘confessions’’ and were not being interrogated, so how can any be ‘‘hard won’‘?
[Chapter 11, Page 136] ‘’ ... My memoriale changed nothing. As soon as I gave it to Ficarra, I was taken into the hall right outside the interrogation room, where a big crowd of cops gathered around me. I recognized Pubblico Ministero Giuliano Mignini, who I still believed was the mayor….”
- What big crowd of cops? There is no proof this event took place. You knew Dr Mignini’s full name and title, but not what his job is? He himself had told you three times - on the morning of the crime at the house, when the knives were shown to you at the house, and when you were arraigned and read your rights.
- There is no slightest hint that Dr Mignini was the mayor. Do politicians typically investigate homicides in America? The claim reeks of self-importance so typical of you.
- You seriously thought after writing that letter, you were going to be released? By the way, again, what language were your ‘‘declarations’’ in? If Italian, did you have a translator?
[Chapter 11, Page 136] ‘’ ... I thought that they were keeping me to protect me. But why would they have to arrest me? And why did they have to take me to prison? I’d imagined that maybe “custody” meant I’d be given a room in the questura. That Mom could be there with me….’
- Yes, police stations and prisons typically double as hotels in Italy…. More blatant lies. Dr Mignini fully explained your status with an interpreter there and you signed a statement that you fully understood.
- So Mom could be there in prison with you? Well, maybe, for not reporting her knowledge of your false accusation.
[Chapter 11, Page 137] ‘’ ... Still, what came next shocked me. After my arrest, I was taken downstairs to a room where, in front of a male doctor, female nurse, and a few female police officers, I was told to strip naked and spread my legs. I was embarrassed because of my nudity, my period””I felt frustrated and helpless. The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts. I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I thought, Why is this happening? What’s the purpose of this? ....’‘
- Did you tell this to any Judge? Matteini, Micheli, Massei, Hellmann, Nencini? No. If any of this were actually true, it would be sexual assault. Did your lawyers file a complaint? No, of course not, they knew it was made up.
- This was simply a routine frisk and testified to at trial, and in earlier descriptions you left all of this out. This farfetched claim is completely undermined by you elsewhere writing about your ‘‘medical check’’ as fairly routine.
[Chapter 11, Page 137] ‘’ ... Next they checked my entire body for cuts and bruises, clawing through my hair to get to my scalp and inspecting the bottoms of my feet. A female police officer pointed out different places to examine and document. I thought, Why are they measuring the length of my arms and the breadth of my hands? What does it matter how big my feet are? Later, I realized they were trying to fit the crime to my dimensions. What would Meredith’s wounds be like if I’d been the one who stabbed her? Could I have stabbed her from my height? They took pictures of anything they thought would be significant….’‘
- Well you did have a scratch on your neck, I mean hickey. There were bare bloody footprints at the crime scene.
- While checking for other injuries is quite routine you are trying to make it sound like an alien probe.
[Chapter 11, Page 137] ‘’ ... I asked to use the bathroom. A female police officer stood in front of the stall with the door open. Why is she standing here? I can’t relax enough to pee, even if she’s looking away. I guessed this unwanted guardian was somehow supposed to keep me safe.
Eventually I put aside my inhibitions long enough to be able to pee. After that they closed the handcuffs back around my wrists. I think they’d left them intentionally loose, but I was so submissive I reported their breach. “Excuse me,” I said. “But I can slip my hand out.”
- Do you really need to include the story about going to the bathroom? Being watched is untrue, in fact prior to 5:45 Knox was at any time free to go. And your Italian is progressing nicely since your ‘‘interrogation’‘.
[Chapter 11, Page 139] ‘’ ... I just wanted this ordeal to end.’‘
- This is probably about the only true statement in the book. After causing chaos in so many other lives, Knox just wants to get on with her own life.
[Chapter 11, Page 139] ‘’ ... I was consumed by worry for Patrick. I felt that time was running out for him if I didn’t remember for sure what had happened the night of Meredith’s murder. When I’d said, “It was Patrick,” in my interrogation, the police pushed me to tell them where he lived. As soon as I’d mentioned his neighborhood, several officers surrounding me raced out. I figured that they’d gone to question him. I didn’t know that it was too late, that they’d staged a middle-of-the-night raid on Patrick’s house and arrested him….’‘
- You claim you are consumed with worry, but still let him languish desperate and depressed in jail while his business tanked. You name someone as a sex-killer, and several officers rush out, and they only want to question him?
- They pushed you to tell them where he lived? But did you not eagerly draw a map previously?
[Chapter 11, Page 140] ‘’ ... Finally our car pulled through the main gate of the Casa Circondariale Capanne di Perugia””not that I knew where we were””and came to a stop inside a dim, cavernous garage. As the doors rumbled closed, I was allowed to sit up. A uniformed prison guard came over, and I tried to catch his eye. I wanted someone, anyone, to look at me and see me for who I was””Amanda Knox, a terrified twenty-year-old girl. He looked through me….’‘
- You want them to see you as a terrified 20 year old girl? Why, so they won’t think of you as a murderer? Do you know what most people call 20 year old girls? Women.
- You tried to catch his eye? Was he cute? He saw right through you? So have most people in Italy.
[Chapter 11, Page 141] ‘’ ... Ficarra ahead of me, the other officer behind, each gripping one of my arms. Once inside, they let go. “This is where we leave you,” they said. One of them leaned in to give me a quick, awkward hug. “Everything’s going to be okay. The police will take care of you.”
“Thank you,” I said. I gave her a last, beseeching look, hoping this meant that finally they knew we were on the same side….’‘
- This is absurd. Who gave such a hug? Mothers dropping their kids off at school give hugs. Police generally don’t hug accused killers as they leave them at the jail or say to them that all will be okay.
[Chapter 12, Page 144] ‘’ ... The cold traveled up from the concrete floor and through my bare feet. I hugged myself for warmth, waiting””for what? What’s coming next? Surely they wouldn’t give me a uniform, since I was a special case. It wouldn’t make sense, since I’d be in prison so briefly.
“Your panties and bra, please,” Lupa said. She was polite, even gentle, but it was still an order.
I stood naked in front of strangers for the second time that day. Completely disgraced, I hunched over, shielding my breasts with one arm. I had no dignity left. My eyes filled with tears. Cinema ran her fingers around the elastic of the period-stained red underwear I’d bought with Raffaele at Bubble, when I thought it’d be only a couple of days before I’d buy more with my mom….’‘
- This is gross. Why the heck is Knox adding these easy-to-disprove inventions in?
- Oddly, she is more precise, and certain about these details, than what she was doing before, during and after Meredith’s death, with fewer contradictions.
[Chapter 12, Page 147] ‘’ ... When I’d first been brought inside from the squad car, I’d seen Raffaele through a barred glass window, locked in a hallway near the prison entrance. He was wearing his gray faux fur”“lined jacket and was pacing back and forth, his head down. It was the first time since we’d been separated that I’d seen more than his feet. He didn’t look at me. I’d wondered if he hated me.
Raffaele and I hadn’t been together long, but I’d believed I knew him well. Now I felt I didn’t know him at all….’‘
- You wonder if he hated you? As in, he doesn’t love you enough to cover for you? His own statement to Judge Matteini did say he never wanted to see you again, it was all your fault.
[Chapter 12, Page 149] ‘’ ... “I feel terrible about what happened at the police office. No one was listening to me,” I said. Tears sprang to my eyes again.
“Hold up there, now,” Argirò said. “Wouldn’t listen to you?” the doctor asked. “I was hit on the head, twice,” I said. The doctor gestured to the nurse, who parted my hair and looked at my scalp.
“Not hard,” I said. “It just startled me. And scared me.” “I’ve heard similar things about the police from other prisoners,” the guard standing in the background said. Their sympathy gave me the wrongheaded idea that the prison officials were distinct and distant from the police.
“Do you need anything to sleep?” the doctor asked. I didn’t know what he meant, because the idea of taking a sleeping pill was as foreign to me as being handcuffed. “No,” I said. “I’m really tired already.”
- When exactly were you hit and why? What anonymous guard would say that? Italian police are well known in fact for being too nice. You claim that the prison officials were now aware you were ‘‘assaulted’’ by police, yet do not report it?
- Do these anonymous prison officials speak English? You did make such a huge deal about not understanding the language. And remember, you were interrogated in a ‘‘language you barely knew’’ just 24 hours ago.
[Chapter 13, Page 154] ‘’ ... Argirò had said this seclusion was to protect me from other prisoners””that it was standard procedure for people like me, people without a criminal record””but they were doing more than just keeping me separate. In forbidding me from watching TV or reading, in prohibiting me from contacting the people I loved and needed most, in not offering me a lawyer, and in leaving me alone with nothing but my own jumbled thoughts, they were maintaining my ignorance and must have been trying to control me, to push me to reveal why or how Meredith had died….’‘
- You were repeatedly advised to get a lawyer and meanwhile say no more and confirmed thgis in writing in fact. The interrogators themselves confirmed they did not want you watching news or hearing what Sollecito had claimed.
- In no US prison would you have been allowed to watch TV. And to keep asking this: Did Argiro say this in English or Italian? Remember, you barely speak any Italian….
- Why would they be pushing you further to reveal why or how Meredith died? Didn’t you just sign multiple statements saying how and why it happened, which Judge Matteini found more than enough?
[Chapter 13, Page 154] ‘’ ... But I had nothing more to tell them. I was desolate. My scratchy wool blanket didn’t stop the November chill from seeping bone deep. I lay on my bed crying, trying to soothe myself by softly singing the Beatles song “Let It Be,” over and over….’‘
- Actually, your third signed statement (the one you included in this book), gave many confusing and contradictory details and facts. In fact, you claimed that you are confused and ‘‘unsure about what the truth is.’’ Perhaps you can be the one to tell them what was fact, and what was total fiction.
- Didn’t stop the November chill? You said in your January 2014 interview with Simon Hattenstone that you and Meredith went sunbathing on your terrace—regularly. Wow, in Italy temperature drops are abrupt.
- According to accounts from the prison staff and other prisoners, you never ever cried.
[Chapter 10, Page 154] ‘’ ... I tried to answer, to say, “I’m okay,” but I couldn’t stop the surge of tears. Lupa asked her colleague to unlock the door and came inside. She squatted in front of me and took my cold hands in her large ones and rubbed them. “You have to stay strong,” she said. “Everything will be figured out soon.”
- Really? You are accused of sexual assault and murder, and her response is to hug you, and say ‘‘everything will be figured out’‘? There is no proof this exchange took place.
[Chapter 10, Page 155] ‘’ ... Six days ago I believed that I could, and should, cope with Meredith’s murder by myself. But everything had broken down so quickly. I was sure that if I’d asked for Mom’s help sooner, I wouldn’t have felt so trapped and alone during my interrogation. I could have stopped it. If my mom, my lifeline, had been ready to jump to my defense on the other side of the door, I’d be staying with her now, not in prison by myself….’‘
- Either you are REALLY bad at math, or this is disturbing. The ‘‘date’’ November 7th, and 6 days earlier would be November 1st while Meredith was still alive. So, you can cope with Meredith’s murder by yourself? Does this mean you will kill her by yourself, or you won’t need any comforting afterwards?
- Why would you not have felt trapped if your Mom was there? Would she not have let you write those incriminating and accusatory statements? Were you not thinking clearly?
- Why would you be home by now? Would you have fled Italy before the forensic testings were done?
[Chapter 13, Page 155] ‘’ ... And then, right after the nun had left, detail after detail suddenly came back to me.
I read a chapter in Harry Potter. We watched a movie. We cooked dinner. We smoked a joint. Raffaele and I had sex. And then I went to sleep.
- Well that clears it up. I assume you would agree to be questioned immediately.
- And if it ever goes to trial, I assume you will testify fully, without any restricted questionings.
[Chapter 13, Page 156] ‘’ ... I quickly wrote at the top of the page: “To the person who must know this.” Unlike my first memoriale, this one expressed less doubt and more certainty about where I’d been the night Meredith was killed. I rushed to get it down, so excited to finally be able to make sense of my memories for myself, and to be able to explain myself to the police. It read:
- If your memories are now clear, there shouldn’t be any doubt.
- You have dug yourself a deep hole already by ‘‘expressing yourself’‘
- But, okay, let’s clear things up
[Chapter 13, Page 156, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... Oh my God! I’m freaking out a bit now because I talked to a nun and I finally remember. It can’t be a coincidence. I remember what I was doing with Raffaele at the time of the murder of my friend! We are both innocent! This is why: After dinner Raffaele began washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was giving him a back massage while he was doing it….’‘
- I’m freaking out a bit now because I talked to a nun, and I finally remember? Talking in English or Italian?
- You remember what you were doing with Raffaele at the time of the murder of my friend? Your friend? Meredith I am assuming? How do you know exactly when she was murdered?
- We are both innocent! This is why: After dinner Raffaele began washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was giving him a back massage. Okay .... you are innocent, not because you say you didn’t do it, but because you were giving Raffaele a back massage?
[Chapter 13, Page 156, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... [backrubs are ] something we do for one another when someone is cleaning dishes, because it makes cleaning better. I remember now that it was AFTER dinner that we smoked marijuana and while we smoked I began by saying that he shouldn’t worry about the sink. He was upset because the sink was broken but it was new and I told him to not worry about it because it was only a little bad thing that had happened, and that little bad things are nothing to worry about…’‘
- I remember now it was after dinner we smoke marijuana? Umm, who cares?
- The sink was new? I thought the plumber had been there for prior problems. In fact, you claimed it, so that your ‘‘leaky pipe’’ story wouldn’t seem so convenient. But still not sure why you didn’t have towels or a mop handy….
- Stabbing Meredith…. where does that fit on the ‘‘spectrum’’ of bad thing?
[Chapter 13, Page 156, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... We began to talk more about what kind of people we were. We talked about how I’m more easy-going and less organized than he is, and how he is very organized because of the time he spent in Germany. It was during this conversation that Raffaele told me about his past. How he had a horrible experience with drugs and alcohol. He told me that he drove his friends to a concert and that they were using cocaine, marijuana, he was drinking rum, and how, after the concert, when he was driving his passed-out friends home, how he had realized what a bad thing he had done and had decided to change.
He told me about how in the past he dyed his hair yellow and another time when he was young had cut designs in his hair. He used to wear earrings. He did this because when he was young he played video games and watched Sailor Moon, a Japanese girl cartoon, and so he wasn’t a popular kid at school. People made fun of him. I told him about how in high school I had been unpopular as well, because the people in my school thought I was a lesbian. We talked about his friends, how they hadn’t changed from drug-using video game players, and how he was sad for them.
We talked about his mother, how she had died and how he felt guilty because he had left her alone before she died. He told me that before she died she told him she wanted to die because she was alone and had nothing to live for. I told Raffaele that wasn’t his fault that his mother was depressed and wanted to die. I told him he did the right thing by going to school….’‘
- So, you remember all of these topics being discussed, but at the police station, you are so vague about what you were doing? Interesting
- You remember all of this, but not when you woke up, or why you turned your phone off?
[Chapter 13, Page 157, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... I told him that life is full of choices, and those choices aren’t necessarily between good and bad. There are options between what is best and what is not, and all we have to do is do what we think is best….’‘
- So, stabbing Meredith, was that a good/bad choice, or a best/not best choice?
[Chapter 13, Page 158, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... Around five in the evening Raffaele and I returned to his place to get comfortable. I checked my email on his computer for a while and then afterward I read a little Harry Potter to him in German….’‘
- 5:00pm is not the evening. It is the afternoon. Anyway, didn’t you both claim at other times you were out, but that you didn’t remember what you did?
- So, you read a little Harry Potter to Raffaele (in German), and this was BEFORE watching Amelie, cooking dinner and doing dishes, having the pipe FLOOD the floor… However, remember this quote (Page 44/45), you claim to be reading Harry Potter to him AFTER the flood. REMEMBER???
‘’ ... After the movie ended, around 9:15 P.M., we sautéed a piece of fish and made a simple salad. We were washing the dishes when we realized that the kitchen sink was leaking. Raffaele, who’d already had a plumber come once, was frustrated and frantically tried to mop up a lot of water with a little rag. He ended up leaving a puddle. “I’ll bring the mop over from our house tomorrow. No big deal,” I said. Raffaele sat down at his desk and rolled a joint, and I climbed into his lap to read aloud to him from another Harry Potter book, this one in German. I translated the parts he didn’t understand, as best I could, into Italian or English while we smoked and giggled….’‘
[Chapter 13, Page 158, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... We watched Amelie and afterward we kissed for a little while. I told him about how I really liked this movie and how my friends thought I was similar to Amelie because I’m a bit of a weirdo, in that I like random little things, like birds singing, and these little things make me happy. I don’t remember if we had sex….’‘
- You are weird like Amelie? Does she publish lurid sexual details and rape stories?
- You remember a lengthy list of topics you talked about BUT NOT whether you had sex? You seemed to remember all the others….
[Chapter 13, Page 158, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... Raffaele made dinner and I watched him and we stayed together in the kitchen while dinner was cooking. After dinner Raffaele cleaned the dishes and this is when the pipes below came loose and flooded the kitchen floor with water. He was upset, but I told him we could clean it up tomorrow when I brought back a mop from my house. He put a few small towels over the water to soak up a little and then he threw them into the sink. I asked him what would make him feel better and he said he would like to smoke some hash…. ‘’
- Kitchen floor flooded with water? To heck with it, let’s smoke a joint.
- So, how much water was it, approximately? You are (not surprisingly), vague about this.
- You claimed the pipe had leaked before, (page 44 of WTBH…. did you not have an extra towel handy?
- Raffaele cleaned the dishes? Did you notice the ‘‘fish blood’’ on his hand you claimed earlier to have seen?
[Chapter 13, Page 158, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... I received a message from my boss about how I didn’t have to come into work and I sent him a message back with the words: “Ci vediamo. Buona serata.”
While Raffaele rolled the joint I laid in bed quietly watching him. He asked me what I was thinking about and I told him I thought we were very different kinds of people. And so our conversation began, which I have already written about. After our conversation I know we stayed in bed together for a long time. We had sex and then afterward we played our game of looking at each other and making faces. After this period of time we fell asleep and I didn’t wake up until Friday morning…’‘
- You had sex? You said just 2 paragraphs ago you didn’t remember if you had sex. You woke up Friday morning? Okay, care to specify WHEN exactly?
- So you get a message from Patrick (not to come to work), and in your letter to the police, it comes AFTER your dinner, washing the dishes, and the pipe bursting. However see your account on page 62 of the book.
- By the way in court that text was proven to have reached you away from the house.
[Chapter 13, Page 159, Knox letter to police] ‘’ ... I know the police will not be happy about this, but it’s the truth and I don’t know why my boyfriend told lies about me, but I think he is scared and doesn’t remember well either. But this is what it is, this is what I remember….’‘
- You are talking about what ‘‘could’’ have happened, and you can’t understand police frustration?
- But it’s the truth? You just said you COULD swear by it, not that you actually ARE swearing to it
- What doesn’t Raffaele remember? The truth? Or the ‘‘truth’’ you came up with?
[Chapter 13, Page 159] ‘’ ... I was a little girl again. I was doing what I’d done since I was seven years old, whenever I got into trouble with Mom. I’d sit with a Lion King notebook propped up against my knees, write out my explanation and apology, rip it out, fold it up, and then either hand it to Mom or, if I wasn’t brave enough, put it somewhere I knew she’d immediately find it. When I was older I had a small, old-fashioned, beat-up wooden desk with a matching chair and a drawerful of pens. I felt so much more articulate writing than speaking. When I talk, my thoughts rush together, and I say things that don’t always seem appropriate or make sense…’‘
- So you write you ‘‘apologies’’ to Mom, and give them to her? Out of curiosity, are those also completely full of B.S.?
- Yes, childhood discipline with Mom…. just like police questioning for a murder….
- You feel more articulate writing than speaking? That is scary, you are a university junior, and your writing is awful.
- You say things that don’t always seem to make sense? Either they make sense, or they don’t.
[Chapter 13, Page 160] ‘’ ... That’s what I wanted to have happen now. Somehow the kindness from the nun and that embrace from Agente Lupa had encouraged me that it would.
I believed it was only a matter of time before the police understood that I was trying to help them and I would be released. The guard would unlock the cell. Without leading me by the arm, she’d escort me to an office where I could reclaim my hiking boots, my cell phone, my life. I’d walk out and into my mom’s arms…’‘
- Either you are completely delusional, or just pretending to be. The police have charged you with sexual assault and murder, and you are just ‘‘trying to help them’‘?
- You think you will just walk out of here, into your mother’s arms? Wow ... and you thought you were mature?
[Chapter 13, Page 160] ‘’ ... I thought I’d made it clear that I couldn’t stand by what I’d said during my interrogation, that those words and my signature didn’t count.
We would have to talk again. This time they would have to listen and not shout.
I thought about what to do while I waited for my memoriale to get passed to the right readers and the paperwork to get filled in. Since I’d never been in a prison before “”and I’d never be here again””I decided to record what I saw so I wouldn’t forget.
I felt I had a duty to observe and collect information, just like a tourist who writes a travelogue or a war correspondent who witnesses devastation…’‘
- You couldn’t stand by your interrogation? So, I assumed you made all efforts to get Lumumba released immediately? No….
- So, you being here is just a ‘‘paperwork’’ issue?
- You have a duty to observe and collect information—just like a tourist ...? Guess you need something for material, should you ever get out and need to cash in on it.
[Chapter 13, Page 161] ‘’ ... As I gathered this insider’s information, I felt more like an observer than a participant. I found that being watched by a guard every time I peed or showered or just lay on my bed seemed less offensive when I looked at it with an impersonal eye. I saw the absurdity in it and documented it in my head…’‘
- So, you just ‘‘get used to’’ having people watching you ‘‘pee and shower’‘. Odd, you aren’t immediately okay with it. You…
- Published a rape story
- Have sex with random strangers
- Published lurid details about random sexual encounters
- Published about Grandma helping you get medicine for your STD.
- Published details about your strip search
- Flirt with people in court
- Just a thought: Even if you WERE watched in the shower, or on the toilet, you would probably enjoy it.
[Chapter 13, Page 161] ‘’ ... But no matter how much I tried to distance myself from my physical surroundings, I was stuck with the anger and self-doubt that were festering inside me. I was furious for putting myself in this situation, panicked that I’d steered the investigation off course by delaying the police’s search for the killer….’‘
- Of course there was self doubt. Rudy hadn’t been identified yet, had he?
- You were furious for putting yourself in that situation, but not for putting Patrick there? Classic narcissist.
- You didn’t ‘‘panic’’ for steering the investigation off course. It probably released the tension.
[Chapter 14, Page 163] ‘’ ... In the middle of my second full day as a prisoner, two agenti led me out of my cell, downstairs, outside, across the prison compound, and into the center building where I’d had my mug shot taken and my passport confiscated. There, in an empty office converted into a mini courtroom, seven people were waiting silently for me when I walked into the room, including two men, who stood as I entered.
Speaking in English, the taller, younger man, with spiky gray hair, said, “I’m Carlo Dalla Vedova. I’m from Rome.” He gestured toward a heavier-set man with smooth white hair. “This is Luciano Ghirga, from Perugia.” Each man was dressed in a crisp suit. “We’re your lawyers. Your family hired us. The American embassy gave him our names. Please, sit in this chair. And don’t say anything.”
- Hmm… so only 2 full days as a prisoner, and you already have 2 lawyers ready for you? Guess this isn’t Guantanamo Bay after all.
- Ghirga and Vedova? Funny, wasn’t there someone named Giancarlo Costa representing you for a while?
[Chapter 14, Page 164] ‘’ ... Also in the room were three women. The one in black robes was Judge Claudia Matteini. Her secretary, seated next to her, announced, “Please stand.”
In an emotionless monotone, the judge read, “You, Amanda Marie Knox, born 9 July 1987 in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., are formally under investigation for the murder of Meredith Kercher. How do you respond? You have the right to remain silent.”
I was stunned. My lower jaw plummeted. My legs trembled. I swung my face to the left to look at the only people I recognized in the room””Monica Napoleoni, the black-haired, taloned homicide chief; a male officer from my interrogation; and Pubblico Ministero Giuliano Mignini, the prosecutor, who I still thought was the mayor. Napoleoni was resting her chin on her hand glowering at me, studying my reaction. She seemed to be enjoying this….’‘
- Judge Matteini? Wasn’t she the one who would determine if you could be released, or had to be detained? Sounds a bit like a ‘‘bail hearing’‘. Wait, bail does not exist in Italy.
- You ‘‘still thought Mignini was the Mayor’‘? Are you that dense? He told you who he was both at the house on the morning after the murder and when presiding over the 5:45 am warning of charges.
- Why exactly do you think Napoleoni was enjoying this? There is no sign in her extensive testimony that she did.
- Just for reference, was this hearing done in all English, all Italian, or did you have an interpreter?
[Chapter 14, Page 165] ‘’ ... There hadn’t been enough time between their hiring and this preliminary hearing for Carlo and Luciano to meet with me. But more time might not have made a difference. It turned out that, mysteriously, Mignini had barred Raffaele’s lawyers from seeing him before his hearing. Would the prosecutor have treated me the same? I think so. I can’t be certain who ordered that I be put in isolation and not allowed to watch TV or to read, to cut me off from news from the outside world. But I believe that the police and prosecution purposely kept me uninformed so I would arrive at my first hearing totally unprepared to defend myself.
I do know this: if I’d met with my lawyers, I could have explained that I was innocent, that I knew nothing about the murder, that I imagined things during my interrogation that weren’t true. The only thing my lawyers knew about me was that when I talked I got myself in trouble. I understand their impulse to keep me silent then, but in the end, my silence harmed me as much as anything I’d previously said….’‘
- You had at least six opportunities before trial to argue the same thing - and failed at them all. The evidence list was long and you failed a psychological test to establish whether you could do more harm.
- And besides lawyers ALWAYS can get delays by saying they need to consult with their clients.
- Mignini barred Raffaele from seeing his lawyers? Really, in Honor Bound, Sollecito says no such thing. He told his father he saw his lawyers the very next day.
- You are in prison, you ARE cut off from the outside world. Why do you assume you have the right to a TV?
- Your silence harmed you? No, your mouth, and your ‘‘creative writing’’ harmed you.
[Chapter 14, Page 166] ‘’ ... It would be a long time before my Italian would be good enough to read Judge Matteini’s nineteen-page report, which came out, and was leaked to the press, the next day. But my lawyers told me the gist of it. The judge said, “There were no doubts” that Patrick, Raffaele, and I were involved. Our motive, according to her, was that Raffaele and I wanted “to try a new sensation,” while Patrick wanted to have sex with Meredith. When she refused, the three of us tried “to force her will,” using Raffaele’s pocketknife.
I couldn’t believe anyone could think that of me…’
- Well, considering November 5th you barely spoke the language, and November 7th you can converse with the guards, you may be the world’s fastest learner of the Italian language. Keep up the good work.
- Patrick wanted to have sex with Meredith? Who gave the police and judge THAT idea?
- The Judge thought you, Raffaele, and Patrick were involved? Did someone sign a statement or something?
- You can’t believe anyone would think that of you? This is a murder case, no one cares who YOU are.
[Chapter 14, Page 166, Matteini Report] ‘’ ... She went on to say that we hadn’t called 112, the emergency number for the Carabinieri military police; that the Postal Police arrived at 12:35 P.M., and that our calls to 112 came afterward, at 12:51 P.M. and 12:54 P.M., suggesting that the police’s appearance at the house took us by surprise and our calls were an attempt at orchestrating the appearance of our innocence. It wasn’t until our trial that this accusation was proven to be erroneous….’‘
- Interesting summary, except is WASN’T proven to be false. Your call to the police DID come after the Postal Police arrived
[Chapter 14, Page 166, Matteini Report] ‘’ ... The report said that in Raffaele’s second statement, made on November 5, he changed his story. Instead of saying that we’d stayed at his apartment all night, as he’d done originally, he told police we’d left my apartment to go downtown at around 8:30 or 9 P.M., that I went to Le Chic and he returned to his apartment. He said that I’d convinced him to lie….’‘
- Actually, Raffaele said that you left his apartment. He didn’t say you both left home, and that he went back later. You misconstrue Sollecito’s ‘‘amended’’ statement.
[Chapter 14, Page 167, Matteini Report] ‘’ ... A bloody footprint allegedly compatible with Raffaele’s Nikes was found at our villa, and the pocketknife he carried on his beltloop was presumed to be compatible with the murder weapon…’‘
- Yes, the sneaker did look similiar to Raffaele’s shoe
- In ‘‘Honor Bound’‘, Raffaele claims he told the Judge that someone stole his shoes. Any comment on this?
- In ‘‘Honor Bound’‘, Raffaele first claimed to never meet Patrick, then says he’s been to the bar. Any comment?
- Yes, the knife Raffaele had was confirmed at trial (and confirmed on appeal), to be used in the attack. Comments?
[Chapter 14, Page 167, Matteini Report] ‘’ ... The judge’s report concluded that we “lost the appearance that [we] were persons informed about the facts and became suspects” when I confessed that Patrick had killed Meredith; that I wasn’t sure whether or not Raffaele was there but that I woke up the next morning in his bed…’‘
- First and foremost: You do not CONFESS that someone else did something. You ACCUSE them of something.
- Well, you did say that you were with Raffaele at his apartment when Meredith was killed.
- You later wrote that you left Raffaele to go meet Patrick, and that he killed her (you were a witness).
- You later wrote that you witnessed Patrick killing Meredith, and you weren’t sure if Raffaele was there.
- You later wrote that you can’t remember for sure what happened.
- Sollecito first claimed he was at a party.
- Sollecito later said you two were at his apartment
- Sollecito later said you left, and that you asked him to lie for you
- Sollecito claimed his ‘‘matching shoes’’ were stolen, and he ‘‘wasn’t sure’’ if he ever met Patrick.
- Yes, you left Raffaele, met up with Patrick, heard him kill Meredith, and woke up the next morning with Raffaele. Makes sense.
- Gee, any wonder Judge Matteini has reasons to doubt you all? Well, Patrick, maybe not.
[Chapter 14, Page 167] ‘’ ... It was just the start of the many invented stories and giant leaps the prosecution would make to “prove” I was involved in the murder””and that my lawyers would have to try to knock down to prove my innocence…’‘
- Let’s see here:
- False accusation of innocent person (Susan Smith, Casey Anthony…), to divert attention.
- Multiple false alibis
- Statements saying you were at crime scene (contradicting earlier statements)
- Your alibi witness (Sollecito), removes his alibi for you, says you asked him to lie.
- Sollecito brings knife—and possible murder weapon—to police station, and says his ‘‘matching shoes’’ were stolen, then presumably returned.
- The prosecution did not make any of this up. You did.
[Chapter 14, Page 168] ‘’ ... “It’s the judge’s paperwork,” the male guard explained, his voice without inflection.
“The confirmation of your arrest. It says the judge “˜applies the cautionary measure of custody in prison for the duration of one year.’ “
“One year!” I cried out.
I was floored. I had to sit down and put my head between my knees. That’s when I learned how different Italian and U.S. laws can be. The law in Italy allows for suspects to be held without charge during an investigation for up to a year if a judge thinks they might flee, tamper with evidence, or commit a crime. In the United States, suspects have to be indicted to be kept in custody.
I felt I had only myself to blame. If I’d had the will to stick to the truth during my interrogation, I would never have been put in jail. My imprisonment was my fault, because I’d given in to the police’s suggestions. I’d been weak, and I hated myself for it….’‘
- This is being disingenuous. In America, you would have been indicted on this evidence.
- You were given the opportunity to speak up. Why didn’t you? You are not a timid person. Hell, people can’t shut you up.
- You do all of the ‘‘suspicious behaviour’’ listed above, it is your fault ... because you’d given in to their suggestions?
- Vedova and Ghirga didn’t do too well for you? What about the disbelieving Giancarlo Costa? Why do you never mention him?
Archived in Knox False Claims, Examples 73-129
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4. Knox Book Lies 130 To 171
Posted by Chimera
Also Implacably Nasty… Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. Overview Of This Post
My opinion is that this book is essentially Amanda Knox’s way of getting back at everyone in Italy she ever encountered, while falsely making her notoriously brash, sharp-elbowed, frequently drugged-up persona look endearing, naive, and squeaky-clean.
Knox includes numerous lies, smears, and stories to compromise literally dozens of others. None of them help clear up what happened to Meredith. And given how rampant the lies are, it doesn’t really clarify anything about Amanda Knox either. All it really does is to muddy the waters, which may be the real desired benefit.
I previewed this series and explained why “Revenge of the Knox” in this post here. Series post #1 dissected pages 1 to 66 of the new paperback edition. Post #2 dissected pages 67 to 107. And Post #3 disected pages 108 to 172.
2. Dissection Of Pages 173 to 207.
[Chapter 15, Page 173] ‘’ ... Her empathy and advice always made me feel on safe ground. I didn’t really get into trouble in high school, but I knew that if I did, she would support me through the situation. When I was at odds with myself, she’d reassure me that I was worthy of a happy life….’‘
- Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t like getting detention in high school.
[Chapter 15, Page 173] ‘’ ... Now my no-questions-asked, I’ll-come-help-you-wherever-you-are mother sat across from me in an empty room in Capanne Prison. This time she couldn’t just make it all go away. She couldn’t do anything but comfort me….’‘
- So, were you talking face to face, or was it over a telephone?
- Funny, in the book you don’t mention how you told your Mom ‘‘I was there’’ and that Patrick was innocent. Oops.
- She couldn’t make it all go away? Are you a child? No doubt you wanted her to.
[Chapter 15, Page 174] ‘’ ... “I’m so sorry, Mom. I’m so sorry,” I moaned. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
I had so much to explain. After four days of being ordered around and ignored, I was finally in front of the one person who had always listened. But I worried that the overwhelming need I’d felt to tell the police what they wanted to hear wouldn’t make sense to anyone who had never been pushed so far. How could I explain it to her when I didn’t even understand it myself? More than anything, I needed my mother to believe me….’‘
- Four days of being ordered around and ignored? Didn’t you say you wanted to stay in Perugia to help the police? Didn’t you go to class Monday morning, and spent the evening with Raffaele and a friend?
- Didn’t the police ask only for Raffaele that night—and that you had to beg them to let you in. Didn’t you say that in that first time at the Questura, they kept EVERYONE from the house: You, Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, the other men downstairs?
- Tell the police everything? Like how Meredith had her f***ing throat cut? She f***ing bled to death? That she screamed? That she was moved? Is that what you mean by telling the police everything?
- Yeah, you probably DID need Mom to believe you. She likely wouldn’t mortgage your house if you said you did it?
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... I went through my interrogation with her step by step””the repeated questions, the yelling, the threats, the slaps. I explained to her how terrified I’d felt…’‘
- Really, did you include the account (like in Chapter 10, about (Mayor) Mignini ‘‘interrogating’’ you, even when he was not there?
- Out of curiosity, you claim that you barely spoke Italian (though you evidently learn VERY quickly). You also said there was no interpreter, (even though Anna Donnino testified that she did act as an interpreter for you). So, how do you know they were threatening you?
- These ‘‘slaps’’ ... were you ‘‘beaten’’ by the police, or did it ‘‘only frighten’’ you? It can’t really be both.
- And as for being hit, your own lawyer, Luciano Ghirga, said publicly you were not hit. Was he lying?
- Why did Dalla Vedova ‘‘omit’’ your ‘‘beatings’’ by police in your ECHR complaint?
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... “I didn’t come up with those things on my own,” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.”
- Actually, you said (over the telephone, this was recorded) ‘‘I cannot lie. I was there.’’ What did you mean by that?
- Actually, they wanted to know Raffaele removed his alibi for you, as any police officer would wonder.
- They didn’t wonder who Patrick was. You gave them his name.
- A touching mother/daughter moment. But you still leave you the part where you tell your mom Patick is innocent, and she does nothing.
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... I told her that I had signed the witness statements out of confusion and exhaustion, that as soon as I had a few minutes by myself, I realized that what I’d said under pressure might be wrong. “I thought I could fix my mistake by explaining it in writing,” I said. “Instead, they arrested me.”
- Seriously? Did you actually read those witness statements?
- The first time you are quite clear you left Raffaele to meet Patrick, and he killed her. (but you omit it from your book)
- The second one you say you you were there when Patrick killed Meredith, Raffaele might be there (but you omit it from your book)
- The third one you say that your mind is making things up, but that you might have been there with Patrick
- You also didn’t include your November 4th ‘‘mass email’‘, which contradicts most of what the other statements say.
- And of course, these ‘‘written statements’’ contradict everything you said in all your other police statements.
- So, how does you writing statements do anything but muddy the waters? Unless that is your goal…
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... The immense burden I’d been carrying by myself lifted. I felt light-headed with relief. It was the first time since before my arrest that I’d talked to someone who knew I was innocent, who believed in me. I had longed to hear that for days””from anyone! Of course it came from the most important person in my life….’‘
- Umm… did you forget this passage from chapter 13, page 122?
‘’ I tried to answer, to say, “I’m okay,” but I couldn’t stop the surge of tears. Lupa asked her colleague to unlock the door and came inside. She squatted in front of me and took my cold hands in her large ones and rubbed them. “You have to stay strong,” she said. “Everything will be figured out soon.”
- So is Agente Lupa the first person who ‘‘knew’’ you were innocent, or was it your Mom?
- And for someone ‘‘keeping notes’’ in prison, how did you miss something like this?
[Chapter 15, Page 176] ‘’ ... Since the hearing, I’d realized that she couldn’t mamma-bear me out of prison. “Now I’ll have to stay here until the prosecutor figures out there isn’t any evidence against me””that I wasn’t at the scene of Meredith’s murder.”
Mom squeezed my hands reassuringly. “I promise everything’s going to be okay, Amanda. It’s not your fault that the police scared you””you tried to fix things.”
- No, the jails would likely be empty if ‘‘Mamma-Bearing’’ could get people out.
- Stay until the prosecutor figures out there isn’t any evidence? You gave false alibis, had your alibi pulled, make a Susan Smith style false accusation, let slip several personal details of the crime, and wrote statements saying you were there. There is evidence against you.
- And ‘‘wait until the prosecutor figures out’‘, as in what, identifies Guede from the traces you left?
- Yes, Amanda did try to ‘‘fix things’‘. Patrick was hauled out in handcuffs because of it.
[Chapter 15, Page 177] ‘’ ... “I’ll be back in a few days””as soon as they let me,” Mom said. “Carlo and Luciano will come talk to you again, and your dad is flying over. This is all a big misunderstanding, and it will get fixed. We’ll be here with you for as long as it takes. We’ll get through this together. I love you so much.”
- Carlo (Vedova) and Luciano (Ghirga)? Wasn’t there someone named Giancarlo Costa who represented you for a while? Is he still left out? You remember the topics you and Raffaele discussed the night Meredith was murdered, but not who your lawyers were at the time?
- ’‘It will get fixed’‘? Uh… are you looking through the ‘‘business Judge’’ directory?
[Chapter 15, Page 177] ‘’ ... My imprisonment didn’t change the dynamic between Mom and Dad. They didn’t suddenly seem like close friends. They didn’t show affection for each other. They both focused on me. But it made me swell with love for my parents to see that even though they were marked by their failed marriage, they were able to create a united front.
They’d arranged this visit together. They were talking to Luciano and Carlo together…’‘
- Still no Giancarlo Costa?
- Well, you have screwed up your family’s life, but at least you gave them some purpose. Kudos.
- No affection? What, you’d think they are divorced or something.
- So, when are we going to hear about dad hiring Marriott Gogerty?
[Chapter 15, Page 178] ‘’ ... Capanne made eight hours available for visitors each month””on Tuesdays and Saturdays””but the prison allowed each prisoner only six visits. This infuriated my parents, who wanted to be there each time the prison was open to outsiders. It made me crazy, too. Eventually Carlo and Luciano were able to arrange eight colloqui a month, and sometimes nine, by pleading with the prison authorities that my family had to come so far to see me. Even with the bumped-up hours, the amount of time I was able to spend with the people I loved was such a tiny fraction of the thousands of hours I was locked up, trapped among strangers…’‘
- So, the claims that you got special privileges .... you are already getting extra visiting time.
- Yes, visiting generally is a lot less time than the rest of the day. That is why it is called visiting time.
[Chapter 15, Page 179] ‘’ ... Without them, I think I would have had a complete breakdown. I would not have been able to survive my imprisonment.
Before my parents left together that first time, Mom grasped my hands again, leaned toward me, and, tears brimming, said urgently, “Amanda, I’d do anything to take your place. Your job now is to take care of yourself. I’m worried for you being here.”
Her words underscored what we all knew: that while my parents had my back, they couldn’t take care of me from day to day. I had to navigate prison alone. For other prisoners, the key to survival was to find someone to bond with, and that person would protect you and guide you through. But there was no one like me, no one I could confide in, no one whom I could trust to take me under her wing…’‘
- According to claims from ex-prisoners, and guards, you survived quite well, never cried, never needed medication, were never depressed
- Also, according to the same sources, you avoided making friends, preferring to enjoy your reading. Comments?
- Did you make any complaints when the U.S. State Department visited you?
[Chapter 16, Page 181] ‘’ ... In spite of all that had happened, I believed that the police, the prosecutor, a judge “”some official””would look at the facts and realize how wrong they’d been. They’d be jolted by the obvious: that I was incapable of murder. Surely someone would see that there was no evidence. My belief that my imprisonment was temporary was all that kept me from being overwhelmed. I guess my faith in eventual justice is what psychologists call a coping mechanism…’‘
- Wrong? You summarized the Matteini Report fairly well, and there is a lot to keep you there.
- So, if someone is ‘‘incapable of murder’‘, do we let her go, all evidence to the contrary?
- Now you say ‘‘surely they would see there is no evidence’‘?
- This is very ‘‘Ted Simon-like’’ Your Honour, there is no evidence, but if there was, she is incapable of murder.
- Faith? More like delusion, or things you mind makes up.
[Chapter 16, Page 182] ‘’ ... In the days after Meredith’s death I’d insisted on staying in Perugia. Back then, going home meant defeat. But my wants flipped with my arrest. Now the only thing that mattered was to reclaim my life in Seattle. I considered what I would do once my ordeal was over””how I’d rebuild myself, whether I’d live with Mom or find a place of my own, whether I’d go back to school or get a job, how much I wanted to reunite with the people I loved…’‘
- Going home meant defeat? How, as in fleeing rather than fooling the police?
- Okay, so since fooling them didn’t work,. now you want to go back to your old life?
- How to rebuild yourself? Well, you’ll probably qualify for social security by the time you get out.
- How to reunite? Here’s a tip: Don’t stab them.
[Chapter 16, Page 182] ‘’ ... A guard gave me an order form for groceries and other basics””ranging from salt to sewing needles””and a libretto, an eight-and-a-half-by-eleven-inch piece of paper folded in half with a handwritten spreadsheet inside to track what I spent. I had two hundred euros””about three hundred dollars””in my prison account from the purse/book bag they’d impounded upon my arrival. The order form was divided into three columns for the name of the item, the code number, and the quantity. Gufa badgered me to buy her a camp stove and a coffeemaker, but I refused to order so much as a carton of milk. I’d be gone before it reached its expiration date…’‘
- Yes, you did have a lot of money on you. Coincidently, Meredith was missing a lot of money.
- Gufa badgered you? Hmm… does she speak English, or are you fluent in Italian yet?
[Chapter 16, Page 183] ‘’ ... Getting me out of jail was the first priority whenever I talked to Carlo and Luciano. Their take was that when the media frenzy died down in a couple of weeks, a judge would probably put me under house arrest, either with my family or in a religious community. Then, when the prosecution saw they had no evidence against me, they would let me go…’‘
- Still no Giancarlo? Hmmmm.
- So, the media attention influences how courts rule? Seems you tried that in the U.S.
- You are charged with sexual assault and murder, and the judge will ‘‘probably put you under house arrest’‘?
- So, you still think that the prosecution is based on nothing? Surely you would scream out to be heard, even in Capanne. Funny, inmates said that you refused to ever talk about Meredith and your case.
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... Early on, I started keeping a journal, which I titled “Il mio diario del prigione”””“My Prison Diary”””on the cover:
My friend was murdered. My roommate, my friend. She was beautiful, smart, fun, and caring and she was murdered. Everyone I know is devastated for her, but we are also all at odds. We are angry. We want justice. But against who? We all want to know, but we all don’t . . .
Now there’s the sound of women wailing through bars and the sounds of wheels of the medicine carts rolling down the hard floors of the echoing halls.’‘
- Your ‘‘friend’’ was murdered? Do you ever mention Meredith by name?
- ’‘She was beautiful, smart, fun, caring’‘? Are you rehashing your November 4th, 2007 mass email?
- “everyone is devastated for her, but we are also at odds? We want justice. But against who?” Probably whoever murdered her.
- “We all want to know, but we all don’t…’’ Well, the murderer(s) probably don’t want that, but everyone else sure does
- Yes, people wailing can be so annoying. Can’t they just get on with their lives?
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... But I spent most of my time sitting on my bed wondering what was happening beyond the sixty-foot-high walls topped with coiled razor wire. What were my parents and family and friends doing and thinking? What was happening with the investigation? How long would it take to examine the forensic evidence that would clear me? ...’‘
- You know, there are many kinds of non-forensic evidence, and they don’t clear you.
- The evidence would clear you? You mean Rudy’s handprint?
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... Underneath every thought there was a bigger, louder one looping through my head. How could I have been so weak when I was interrogated? How did I lose my grip on the truth? Why didn’t I stand up to the police? I’d failed myself, Meredith, Patrick, Raffaele…’‘
- You failed Meredith by betraying her trust as a roommate, then killing her and robbing her.
- You failed Patrick by falsely accusing someone decent enough to give you a job, even without a work visa.
- You failed Raffaele by dragging him into your mess with Meredith, and having him help you out
- You failed yourself by going on a self destructive path of alcohol, drugs and sex, finally murder.
- The police didn’t fail you. All they did was pick up the pieces.
[Chapter 16, Page 192] ‘’ ... But sometimes what I thought was a kind overture would take an ugly turn. I was required to meet with Vice-Comandante Argirò every night at 8 P.M. in his office””the last order before lights out at 9 P.M. I thought he wanted to help me and to understand what had happened at the questura, but almost immediately I saw that he didn’t care.
When I ran into him in the hallway he’d hover over me, his face inches from mine, staring, sneering. “It’s a shame you’re here,” he’d say, “because you are such a pretty girl,” and “Be careful what you eat””you have a nice, hourglass figure, and you don’t want to ruin it like the other people here.”
- This makes for an entertaining read, but did you report it formally? Even after you left prison?
[Chapter 16, Page 193] ‘’ ... At first when he brought up sex I pretended I didn’t understand. “I’m sorry””Mi dispiace,” I’d say, shaking my head. But every night after dinner, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I had no choice but to meet with him. After about a week of this behavior, I told my parents what Argirò was saying. My dad said, “Amanda, he shouldn’t be doing that! You’ve got to tell someone!”
- You know, I might be inclined to believe that this happened, making you uncomfortable ....
- If you didn’t write in graphic detail about your ‘‘campaign for casual sex’‘
- If you didn’t write about Meredith’s sex life, and questions about whether she liked anal.
- If you didn’t write in graphic detail about strip searches.
- If you didn’t write about how you thought everyone was coming onto you.
- If you didn’t post your rape story ‘‘Baby Brother’‘.
- It seems you really enjoy writing and taking about sex. Makes me doubt this whole section.
[Chapter 16, Page 194] ‘’ ... Silently, I rehearsed what I would say to him: “These conversations repulse me.” But when we were face-to-face, I balked, settling on something more diplomatic””“Your questions make me uncomfortable,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.I thought, Because you’re an old perv. Instead I said, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but it’s my own business, and I don’t like to talk about it.”
- Really? Amanda, let me introduce you to a book called ‘‘Waiting to be Heard’‘. This woman publishes a memoir about her supposed wrongful imprisonment and conviction in Italy. Rather than provide a clear account of what happened to her roomate, she describes in great detail random encounters with Cristiano (or was it a drug dealer named Frederico)? Mirko, Bobby, and later Raffaele. She also writes (publishes), speculation about the sex lives of the women she lives with. She also goes on about a bunny vibrator she keeps. She also writes in detail about being strip searched.
- And this guy is the creepy perv?
[Chapter 16, Page 194] ‘’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
- Seriously? This type of treatment of a prisoner is illegal (male or female), and regardless of the country.
- Your lawyers, if they knew this was going on, would be legally obligated to report it. Why didn’t they?
- Ghirga and Vedova ‘‘know’’ that you are being preyed on, but don’t make a formal complaint? Or is this like the ‘‘beating’’ from Rita Ficarra, which Ghirga denies ever happened?
[Chapter 16, Page 195] ‘’ ... One night, Argirò asked me if I dreamed about sex, if I fantasized about it.
Finally I got up my courage. I took a deep breath. “For the last time,” I said, my voice pitched, “No! Why are you constantly asking me about sex?”
- Are we sure the roles are not reversed here?
[Chapter 17, Page 197] ‘’ ... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong….’
- If this were actually true, it would be (yet another) sexual assault, and abuse of power. Did you report it? No? Even tell your lawyers? No?
[Chapter 17, Page 197] ‘’ ... He pushed a printout of an Italian news article toward me. It took me a minute to translate the headline: “Murder Weapon Found””With DNA of Victim and Arrested Suspect Knox.” Beneath was a fuzzy photograph of a kitchen knife and the words “A knife has been found in Sollecito’s apartment with Knox’s DNA on the handle and the victim’s DNA on the blade. Investigators believe it to be the murder weapon.” That doesn’t make sense. I must have read it wrong.
I made myself start over, slowly rereading the story, checking each word as I went. By the end I knew language wasn’t the barrier.
Argirò glared at me cruelly. “Do you have anything to say?” he asked. “It’s impossible!” I blurted. “I didn’t kill Meredith! I’m innocent! I don’t care what the article says! It’s wrong!”
“It’s proof,” Argirò said, smirking. “Your fingerprints. Her DNA.” “I don’t know anything about a knife,” I said. “You can’t prove that I’m guilty when I’m innocent.”
The short conversation ended in a stalemate. I glowered at him. “Why don’t you go back to your cell and think about what you want to say,” Argirò said….’‘
- Wow, you ‘‘barely speak the language’‘, yet you are reading newspaper articles, and answering questions in Italian?
- Um… language was NEVER the barrier, only your lack of humanity.
[Chapter 17, Page 198] ‘’ ... Investigators were claiming that I’d been responsible for holding Meredith down while either Patrick or Raffaele cut her throat, that I’d pressed so hard on Meredith’s face during the attack I’d left an imprint of my fingers on her chin. The police said that because the bruises were small, they’d come from a woman’s fingers, even though that’s not how it works. “It isn’t like a fingerprint,” Carlo explained. “You can’t tell the size of the hand by the size of the bruise. It depends on the circumstances and the pressure.”
- Still waiting for Giancarlo Costa (who was at Knox’s December 17th questioning) to make his entrance.
- Okay, last time I will ask, what language were you and Luciano, and ‘‘Carlo’’ speaking in?
[Chapter 17, Page 198] ‘’ ... This was another example of the prosecution misinterpreting evidence so it would put me at the murder scene and discounting the things that didn’t fit into their explanation. They had done the same thing a few days before, when they circulated the idea that only a woman would have covered Meredith’s ravaged body with a blanket. A few years later I learned that this is something first-time killers also often do. The detectives didn’t mention how improbable it is for a woman to commit a violent crime, especially against another woman. Nor did they acknowledge that I didn’t fit the profile of a violent woman. I’d never been in a gang; I had no history of violence…’‘
- Misinterpreting evidence? You have always said there was no evidence. Which is it?
- So, the prosecutors have this silly notion that a woman might show compassion by covering Meredith? Guess you’ll show them.
- Improbable or not, the police have to go on the evidence, not what bias and ‘‘statistics’’ say. Women do harm other women.
- You don’t have to fit the ‘‘profile’’ to be found guilty if there is evidence.
- You don’t have to be a gangbanger to kill.
- Rock throwing riot aside, you don’t have to have a violent past to kill once.
- Why are you so obsessed with how you appear, and what kind of ‘‘profile’’ you have?
[Chapter 17, Page 199] ‘’ ... In mid-November the press announced that the striped sweater I’d worn the night of the murder was missing, implying I’d gotten rid of it to hide bloodstains. In truth I’d left it on top of my bed when I came home to change on the morning of November 2. The investigators found it in January 2008””in the same spot where I’d taken it off. It was captured in photos taken of my room, which my lawyers saw among the official court documents deposited as the investigation progressed. The prosecution quietly dropped the “missing sweater” as an element in the investigation without correcting the information publicly. Convinced that arguing the case in the media would dilute our credibility in the courtroom, Carlo and Luciano let the original story stand…’‘
- Well, most killers WOULD get rid of blood stained clothing.
- Hmm…. you don’t remember details of that night, but you are certain of the shirt you were wearing?
- Actually, it wasn’t found. The prosecution contends that to this day, the top was never found.
- Carlo and Luciano let it stand in the media? Seems they let it stand in court too.
[Chapter 17, Page 199] ‘’ ... The police leaked this to the local press, and it rippled out from there. If true, it would have contradicted my alibi: I hadn’t left Raffaele’s apartment that night. The local headlines in those days often read “Amanda Smentita”””“Amanda Found in a Lie.” It bolstered the prosecution’s characterization of me as a depraved, deceitful person capable of murder…’‘
- You are deliberately misconstruing what was said.
- Being found in a lie doesn’t mean you are a depraved, deceitful person capable of murder, but it does throw into question other things you have said and lead the police to at least question why you are lying.
- Why do you insist that everyone is trying to portray you as a monster or as depraved? No one did that but you.
[Chapter 17, Page 200] ‘’ ... The press reported police claims that Raffaele and I had destroyed the hard drives on four computers””his, mine, Filomena’s, and Meredith’s. False…’‘
- Okay, humour me, what reason did the police say you did this for? Unless you were emailing murder plans to each other, it could not possibly be related.
[Chapter 17, Page 200] ‘’ ... Later, when a computer expert examined the computers, he discovered that the police had fried the hard drives. Whether it was on purpose or out of extraordinary incompetence, I never learned. But it’s hard to see how they could inadvertently have wiped out four computers, one after the other. My computer wouldn’t have given me an alibi. All investigators would have found was evidence of Meredith’s and my friendship””pictures from the Eurochocolate festival and of our hanging out at home.
Journalists reported that the police had confiscated “incriminating” receipts for bleach, supposedly from the morning of November 2. False…’‘
- So, you suspect the police destroyed exculpatory evidence? Okay.
- Your computer wouldn’t give you an alibi, but Raffaele’s would have. Remember? He told police that you asked him to lie, and he spent time on the computer while you went out.
- And while it wouldn’t give YOU an alibi, would it have given Raffaele?
- Pictures of you and Meredith? Yet, in the photo section you include a press photo of her. You aren’t in any photo with Meredith.
- Seriously? You claim that ‘‘bleach receipts’‘, without any listing of bleach were used as evidence?
[Chapter 17, Page 201] ‘’ ... A knife from Raffaele’s kitchen with DNA from both Meredith and me wasn’t possible. In the week I’d known him, I’d used Raffaele’s chef’s knives to cook with, but we had never taken them out of his kitchen…’‘
- Yet, Raffaele told a story about Meredith coming to his house and cutting her hand while cooking. He later admitted it was made up.
- Raffaele also said (in Honor Bound), that he still had visions of Meredith cutting her hand while cooking at his flat.
- Impossible, why? Bleach does a better job than that?
- They weren’t taken from his kitchen? Was Meredith murdered at Raffaele’s apartment?
[Chapter 17, Page 202] ‘’ ... I couldn’t believe what they were asking me. “No! It’s impossible!” I shrieked, my body starting to shake. “The police have made a mistake. I never left Raffaele’s that night, I never took a knife from his apartment, and Meredith never visited me there. I didn’t have any reason to be angry with Meredith. And even if we’d had a fight I would have talked to her, not killed her!”
- Raffaele originally said you two were at a friend’s party.
- Raffaele said you left his apartment in his November 5, 2007 statement
- Raffaele claimed he was on his computer (alone), while you were out.
- Raffaele refused to confirm you alibi at your 2009 trial.
- Raffaele said you left his apartment in his July 2014 press conference
- Raffaele said on Porta a Porta, February 2015, that you were not with him that night.
- You said that you left Raffaele’s went to meet Patrick, and he killed Meredith.
- You later said that you were at your apartment, Patrick killed Meredith, and Raffaele might be there.
- You later said your mind was making things up, but you think Patrick might have killed Meredith.
- You might have talked in a fight, but what if she caught you stealing her rent money?
- Can’t understand why no one seems to believe you.
[Chapter 17, Page 202] ‘’ ... Investigators apparently had confiscated the knife””a chef’s knife with a black plastic handle and a six-and-a-half-inch blade””when they searched Raffaele’s apartment after our arrest. It was the only knife they considered out of every location they’d impounded, the top knife in a stack of other knives in a drawer that housed the carrot peeler and the salad tongs. I’d probably used it to slice tomatoes when Raffaele and I made dinner the night Meredith was killed.
The officer who confiscated the knife claimed that he’d been drawn to it by “investigative intuition.” It had struck him as suspiciously clean, as though we’d scrubbed it. When he chose it, he didn’t even know the dimensions of Meredith’s stab wounds….’‘
- You are again being disingenuous. The knife from the crime (while soaked in blood), made a very distinctive impression on the bed. Police were looking for a knife that could have left that stain. They knew what they were looking for.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... The knife was a game changer for my lawyers, who now feared that the prosecution was mishandling evidence and building an unsubstantiated case against me. Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
- You think the police are framing you? Pot, meet kettle.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... I was choked with fear. The knife was my first inkling that the investigation was not going as I’d expected. I didn’t accept the possibility that the police were biased against me. I believed that the prosecution would eventually figure out that it wasn’t the murder weapon and that I wasn’t the murderer. In retrospect I understand that the police were determined to make the evidence fit their theory of the crime, rather than the other way around, and that theory hinged on my involvement. But something in me refused to see this then…’
- The knife was the first inkling the investigation was not going as you expected? You mean, they should have arrested Rudy by now?
- And the first inkling? Wasn’t being taken to Capanne in handcuffs an earlier inkling?
- The police were not biased against you. You and Raffaele told many lies. You falsely accused an innocent person to divert attention. Forensic evidence is piling up. There is no bias here.
- Police would figure out it wasn’t the murder weapon? Funny, in your May 2014 with Chris Cuomo, you disputed that knife as being the murder weapon. How do you know so much more than the police and the courts? Right, you know which knife you used.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... My journal must have been what they were looking for, because Meredith’s British girlfriends testified after my arrest that I’d been writing in it in the waiting room at the questura. I had done so to calm myself, but soon the contents were leaked to the press. In it, they found, among other things, my comments about wanting to compose a song in tribute to Meredith. (Ironically, I would later get a bill for the translation of the journal into Italian.) ...’‘
- Yes, after my ‘‘friend’’ is murdered, I feel like writing how I would kill for a pizza too.
- You received a fine after you were convicted, not the same thing.
[Chapter 17, Page 204] ‘’ ... The officer shook his head and laughed derisively. “Another story? Another lie?” he scoffed. He looked at me as if I were the most vile, worthless thing he’d ever laid eyes on. No one had ever stared at me with so much hatred. To him, I was a lying, remorseless murderer. I heaved back great waves of anger but waited to get back to my cell before I broke down at the ugliness of it all””my friend being dead, my being in prison, the police following a cold and irrational trail because they had nothing better…’‘
- You seem to think that everyone has a nasty impression of you. Why exactly?
- Why do you think he made the assumption about you being remorseless?
- The police had nothing better? So they framed you to make their lives easier?
- False alibis, false accusation, inside knowledge of the crime, statements placing you at the scene, DNA evidence ... in a weird way you are right, Amanda, they don’t have anything better on anyone else.
[Chapter 18, Page 205] ‘’ ... My Italian was still elementary enough that if I wasn’t paying close attention, I couldn’t grasp much of what was being said. I embraced my new routine””do as many sit-ups as I could manage, write, read, repeat””as if ignoring the reports would make me immune to them, that they couldn’t hurt me. I convinced myself that whatever awful things the media were saying about me were irrelevant to the case. It doesn’t matter, I told myself. But in my heart I knew it did…’‘
- Your Italian was still elementary enough? Wow, you seem to unlearn it faster than you learn it
[Chapter 18, Page 206] ‘’ ... I felt violated, indignant that journalists could say or imply anything they wanted, that they could use my photo as a symbol of evil. I now understood the belief in some tribal cultures that having your picture taken robs you of your soul….’‘
- You felt violated? I wonder what Meredith felt, or was she already dead?
- You are charged with calunnia, for making false accusations, and you claim the media can say anything? Pot, meet kettle.
- No, they used your actions as a symbol of evil.
- You write a lurid account of your random sex, and you feel violated by the media? Bull$h1t.
[Chapter 18, Page 207] ‘’ ... Overnight my old nickname became my new persona. I was now known to the world as Foxy Knoxy or, in Italian, Volpe Cattiva””literally, “Wicked Fox.” “Foxy Knoxy” was necessary to the prosecution’s case. A regular, friendly, quirky schoolgirl couldn’t have committed these crimes. A wicked fox would be easier to convict.
They were convinced that Meredith had been raped””they’d found her lying on the floor half undressed, a pillow beneath her hips””and that the sexual violence had escalated to homicidal violence.
They theorized that the break-in was faked. To make me someone whom a jury would see as capable of orchestrating the rape and murder of my friend, they had to portray me as a sexually deviant, volatile, hate-filled, amoral, psychopathic killer. So they called me Foxy Knoxy. That innocent nickname summed up all their ideas about me…’‘
- Your nickname is not what convicted you. Mountains of evidence (which you deny exist), are what convicted you.
- Woman, half naked, stabbed to death? Rape and murder is a reasonable suspicion.
- Did you elaborate on WHY the police thought the break in was staged? Nothing taken, no glass outside, no evidence of a climb, glass ON TOP of the ransacked items…
- They don’t have to portray you as anything. They simply presented evidence.
- The prosecution did not try to demonstrate you were amoral and psychopathic, just that you were involved in certain crimes
- They called you ‘‘Foxy Knoxy’‘? That was your MySpace name.
Archived in Knox False Claims, Examples 130-171
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