Thursday, March 03, 2022
Russian Alexandra Rojkov Channels Anti-Italy Bigotry In Der Spiegel
Posted by Peter Quennell
Added: there are now text versions in German and English below in Comments. On Page 2 Knox hoodwinks Rojkov with her Interrogation Hoax (see link in our left column). Knox was not interrogated at all until 17 December, and on the night of 6 November she was merely building a list of visitors and spontaneously fingered Patrick, for which she rightly served three years. She did NOT confess. Rojkov is obviously ignorant of the fact that Knox is a convicted felon for life, and of many other aspects of the case. Appalling reporting for Der Spiegel.
Yet Another Amanda Knox Con-Job
Bizarre timing for a “Russian Jessica Bennett”...
This reporter, based in Berlin, flew to Seattle against the better advice of her colleagues (see the podcast summary below in Comments) for a gushy Knox interview, very obviously with zero due diligence.
German followers of the case know their facts and have generally tilted strongly on the side of caution. This pro-Knox fraud seems a first for Germany. However, despite it occupying four pages in Der Spiegel, it seems to have created zero buzz and spinoff, unlike the frequent misreporting in the New York Times
One of our German readers kindly sent us these page-images below. He could not offer good translation, but if anyone else with German might help us, we’d be grateful.
Main source appears to be the mafia tool Nina Burleigh, who we have warned about often.
Below: click for larger images
Okay. Here is a German text version from those images - imperfect of course because of the folds in the original.
Also here is a machine translation into English - also imperfect of course because of the folds in the original.
Rojkov also did a podcast.
This is from the Der Spiegel website, a summary of her podcast two weeks ago written by Olaf Heusen.
Amanda Knox was accused of murdering her roommate, Meredith Kercher, in 2007. She was finally acquitted in 2015 - and yet the story of the ruthless murderer persists. Why?
A podcast by Olaf Heuser
02/18/2022, 10:27 p.mHow do you react when you are innocently [untrue] suspected of a brutal murder? When there is no evidence [untrue] to prove one’s guilt and charges are still brought?
How do you deal with it when even a comprehensive acquittal [untrue] by the highest court cannot prevent parts of the media and the public from wanting to believe the tale of the nymphomaniac [untrue] murderess?
Amanda Knox has been living with all of this for years.
In 2007, Knox was accused of murdering her roommate, Meredith Kercher, in Italy. Although no valid DNA traces were found [untrue] at the scene of the crime, despite major inconsistencies in the evidence [untrue] and only through the interpretation of circumstantial evidence [untrue], the then responsible public prosecutor [untrue, there were various] constructed the story of an ice-cold [untrue] murderer. During the course of the trial, she was accused of having acted out of sex addiction [untrue], satanism [untrue] or simply murder.
These ideas have survived to this day. Just like the tabloid label “angel with the ice eyes” that Amanda Knox has been attached to ever since.
“It was actually like that,” reports SPIEGEL reporter Alexandra Rojkov in this podcast episode, “no matter who I told about going to Seattle to meet Amanda Knox, everyone asked me: Wasn’t that a murderess? Do you really want to go there? She killed someone… Is that for sure?’
Alexandra met a woman who was anything but cold as ice and spoke of how she has to fight the image of the other, fictional Amanda Knox every day of her life. So that this murderess, who never existed [untrue], doesn’t take up even more space in people’s minds.
“She is often asked: ‘Why don’t you change your name?’ says Alexandra. ‘Why don’t you completely withdraw from the public eye?’ And she says: ‘But I didn’t do anything. I was wrongly arrested. I was wrongly in prison. I can’t do anything about what happened…’ “
How did the wrong image [untrue] of Amanda Knox come about, how did it become so entrenched in our minds? That’s what this episode of “Eight Billion” is all about.
Rojkov even interviewed Sollecito. It was published behind the Der Spiegel paywall on 13 February.
In the thread under the previous post James Raper talks about rabid commenters under a Joe Rogan YouTube of an interview with Knox.
I think contending point by point mostly goes nowhere. But drop in a package of points (as Harry Rag often does) and one can see those points picked up and used elsewhere.
This has been my own package of late, posted maybe 2 dozen times. Help yourself.
Remember for Knox this is like Groundhog Day, she has had a dozen years to perfect how to get suckers on the hook. But! (1) Knox wasnever a well-funded and supervised exchange student; (2) Knox shacking up with her drug dealer; (3) Sollecito & Knox incessantly fighting from time of arrest; (4) the 2007-08 pro-bail hearing failures, (5) the huge body of evidence at trial that took 8 months to collect; (6) the prosecution’s major success of a unanimous verdict; (7) the obviously despondent defense’s obvious failures, such as Rudy as Lone Wolf; (8) the interrogation hoax and 34 other hoaxes; (9) the bending and then annulling of the Hellman appeal court; (10) Knox being found guilty of criminal defamation by all courts; (11) even a bent Supreme Court chamber confirming strong proof of Knox at the murder scene, and (12) Knox not ever being exonerated or ever suing for wrongful imprisonment.
Similarly on the Matt Damon Stillwater movie - where Knox took a lot of other heat as a moneygrubber herself.
Knox freaked out. She went on about copyright and blood money which should be hers alone. But the REAL reason she freaked was that at the end of the film the daughter admits she was responsible for the death.
Similarly on the claim that Knox was put on trial or found guilty twice:
You are wrong on the “again” which the PR is pushing to make this sound unfair. This was not a new trial. It was a repeat of her own first appeal. She failed, so the trial conviction stands for now.
Similarly on the claim that the “real killer” is already locked up.
Guede alone?!?! Big fail. EVEN THE DEFENSE LAWYERS abandoned “Guede alone”. That’s why they had 2 mafiosi at 2011 appeal desperately claiming others did it; total fiascos. Huge evidence RS & AK were there, pattern of 43 wounds rock-solid proof of pack attack.
We could create a whole new page for a few dozen of these. We’re on the majority side on YouTube over all and many commenters do mention they got something from the Wiki and TJMK.
So do the ghouls. When we mentioned that M & Mrs Kercher had passed away, they actually sent someone to the graveyard to check.
The FYI box that was at the top on Tueday day and Wednesday about TJMK’s rebuild is repeated here.
Headsup: Rather frequently now, media are suggesting we separate (a) our hard-facts areas (which interface with the Wiki, James Raper’s book, etc) from (b) our misinformation-exposing areas. So by end March this may be our new page structure. Suggestions welcome, and a book-writer for area (b).
Hi James
Here is another instance of a YouTube exchange not dissimilar to yours - the Knox proponent Grahame Johnson had been angrily spreading Knox PR hoaxes profusely.
What is it with you pro-guilt guys, what’s your agenda? Do you even care that this woman lost so much? Yes, she’s not THE victim, Meredith is THE victim. But I don’t see how you guys can lack compassion for Amanda. It’s wasn’t just the physical pain of being held in prison. She had to deal with the mental anguish of being attacked, the guilt of all her family was sacrificing to clear her name. And then when she got out, she suddenly has no privacy, people stalk her, and her classmates take pics of her in class. Then she was tortured with the possibility of going back to jail because no one would admit they were wrong. It’s still not over! People are sending her messages saying they hope her BABY gets murdered! This isn’t fake outrage I’m expressing. I wonder if you people even have a conscience.
Pro guilt??? (1) Correction, we are pro TRUTH, like all Italy, most US lawyers. (2) Proof 3 not 1 did it is enormous, every court and all lawyers agreed that. (3) She wrecked RS & RG lives as both often say. (4) We have theorized quite compassionately how via drugs & brutal dad & stepdad her mental state maybe became damaged. (5) Knox has zero career except blood money, lies endlessly about “57 hour interrogation” not supported one iota by Q&A records she signed on every page. (6) She has out a book with 500 lies and 100 hurtful defamations for $$$, gives talks for $10,000 or more, endlessly trashes a good country & good people & good justice on pro-mafia lines. (7) She leads stalking of Kerchers and many others, was doing that just the other day. (8) She was happy in prison (ignore “her” book on that) and some more years there could have cured her state. (9) Knox even now owes Patrick $100,000 for maliciously ruining the poor guy’s whole life. (10) Many, many once as damaging and pro mafia and anti-black as you come across have now seen the light, they dont now spread the damaging lies that you do in every post, and they may not now be on official anti-mafia watch-lists either.
Lady Macbeth Syndrome? “An obsessive but futile attempt to expunge guilt.”
Rojkov actually describes it here.
She decided to talk on Zoom with students in Ohio about her case. “I’m not good at saying no,” says Knox. Knox will speak for two hours, sometimes loudly and accusingly, sometimes quietly and trembling with tension, often in tears. It is the second time in three days that her events are told, and each time it takes so much out of her that one would ask her to stop. But she continues to speak, even if it seems as if she is breaking her nerves. “What do you do when half the world thinks you’re a monster?”, her husband Christopher Robinson will ask later. “Then you have to prove all the time that you are not.” Nevertheless, she almost always agrees to interview requests. Every conversation, every encounter is a chance to convince other people of their innocence.
Yeah. Well. How is that working out? Trashing good people every day, but never ever contending with hard evidence points. An obsessive but futile attempt to expunge guilt.
Thanks for your updates Peter, some of your posts above from Knox PRers and the above zoom description of her lady Macbeth behaviour are really galling.
I do find her psychology absolutely fascinating, it seems so bizarre to want to keep performing ones ‘innocence’ over and over, surely many criminals are happy to just disappear after their case or time is over? It reminds me of Follains book on the case, he recounted a description of Knox in a prison theatre production as the star of the show and possessing an uncommon ability/drive to perform.
I wonder what the impulse behind it is…certainly attention; to elicit sympathy for herself… very strange, narcissistic behaviour whatever it is.
And thanks for expanding on the models of communication in the other thread, I wasn’t aware of these different models.
Where next:
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Or to previous entry Correcting NY Times 24: No It Was Not TABLOIDS That So Misrepresented The Case