1 The Italian Justice Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
1) USA
US & world comparisons
elected judges
strong prosecutors
weak oversight (tho Heavey)
black box juries, no qualifications
few sentencing reports
few automatic appeals
unpopular, lack of trust
trial via PR endemic
media talks but neautral
2) Italy
Few or none at end of day wrongly locked up
career path
restricted prosecutors
CSM & President
open juries, quals
always sentencing reports
2. Hard Truths
Click for Post: Why Numerous American JUDGES Favor The Supremely Neutral Italian Kind Of System
Click for Post: The US Lacks Legal Authority To Decline To Deliver A Guilty Knox To Italian Authorities
Click for Post: Italy’s Unpopular Politicians And Mafia Fellow Travelers Against Italy’s Popular Justice System
Click for Post: After 6 Years Heavey Is Still Heedless Of His Errors Pointed Out Again & Again & Again
Click for Post: Differences Between Micheli, Massei, Hellmann and Nencini Courts Pointing To Almost Certain Outcome
Click for Post: Questions For Sollecito: Do You Stand By Your Smear Of Reasonable Doubt In Italian Law?
Click for Post: The Florence Palace Of Justice Where Sollecito And Knox Are Expected To Be Seen In Court Soon
Click for Post: Tips For The Media: In Fact Knox Extradition Is Likely To Be Readily Granted
Click for Post: The New Palace Of Justice In Florence Where The Repeat of The Appeal Will Take Place
Click for Post: Supreme Court Appeals: A Good Briefing On Tomorow’s Court Proceedings By Italy-Based Andrea Vogt
Click for Post: FBI Reporting Close Co-operation With Italy In Arresting And Soon Extraditing A Fugitive Swindler
Click for Post: Some Homework For Curt Knox/Marriott/FOA: How Leaning On Italian Judiciary Can Seriously Misfire
Click for Post: Italy’s Advanced, Effective, Humane Law & Order System Also Adopted By City Of New York
Click for Post: Reasonable Doubt In Italian Law: How Sollecito, Hellmann, And Zanetti Seriously Garbled It
2 The Italian Milieu Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
Deeply Catholic
3 The No Evidence Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
4 The No Firm DNA Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
5 The No-Pack-Attack Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
6 The No-Staging Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
(1) nothing (not even jewellery or the computer) was missing from Romanelli’s room, which was the focal point;
(2) there was no evidence of climbing on the outside wall of the house over the distance of 3.5 meters from the ground to the window through which the phantom burglar supposedly entered, nor was there any trace of trampling on the grass on the ground underneath the window;
(3) there were no traces of the blood of the climber on the window sill, which he would have had to grip among the glass shards in order to sneak inside the room;
(4) the glass shards were found on the inside but not on the outside of the window, a sign that the rock was thrown with the outside shutters closed, forming a shield that prevented pieces of glass from spraying to the outside;
(5) the shards were found in abundance on top of the clothes and objects ransacked by the alleged intruder, proving that this ransacking had occurred before the window was broken;
(6) the sound of the rock, hypothetically thrown from the ground, had not startled the young English woman so as to make her call for help outside the house before being attacked (given the lapse of time between the throwing the stone and the climbing up the wall). (Judge Chieffi’s Supreme Court report, pages 63-64).
7 The No Witnesses Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
8 The No-Motive Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
9 The Mignini V Knox Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
A lot of Americans are in prison for false criminal changes made to investigators and police and to the courts.
Falsely accuse someone of murder (as Knox falsely accused Patrick) in some states you can be sent way, not for a mere three years, but for LIFE.
But only one false accuser lies about what happened in the face of final rulings by possible courts, and has even ended up running her own show.
Only one has conned over a dozen legal groups and Innocence groups; over a dozen media groups, and over 100 reporters and crime professionals.
Giuliano Mignini has been demonized far, far more than Knox, if she was ever demonized at all. Always in English, of course. With the Atlantic Ocean in between. Numerous books, articles and appearances on TV.
The cowardly Doug Preston, who was a caught committing a crime, has made an industry out of it. Michael Heavey too. Steve Moore too. Bruce Fischer too. Paul Ciolino too. Examples there.
2. Hard Truths
10 The Mignini And MOF Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
11 The No Court Bent Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
12 The Rabid Media Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
13 The Knox Demonized Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
14 The Knox & Sollecito Got On Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
15 The Knox Single Alibi Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
16 The Knox Interrogation Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
Click for Post: #1: Overview Of The Series - The Two Version of the 5-6 Nov 2007 Events
Click for Post: #2: Trial Testimony From Rita Ficcara On Realities 5-6 Nov
Click for Post: #3: More Defense Pussyfooting Toward Rita Ficcara, Key Witness
Click for Post: #4: More Hard Realities Fron Rita Ficcara, More Nervousness From Defense
Click for Post: #5: Key Witness Monica Napoleoni Confirms Knox Self-Imploded 5-6 Nov
Click for Post: #6: Sollecito Transcript & Actions Further Damage Knox Version
Click for Post: #7: Testimony Of Witness Lorena Zugarini On The Knox Conniption 5-6 Nov
Click for Post: #8: Testimony Of Interpreter Donnino On Events Night Of 5 November
Click for Post: #9: Officer Moscatelli’s Recap/Summary Session With Sollecito 5-6 Nov
Click for Post: #10: Challenge To Readers: Spot The Two Landmines For Lawyers & Knox
Click for Post: #11: Why Prosecution And Defenses Never Believed Knox’s Version
Click for Post: #12: Proof Released That In 5-6 Nov Session Knox Worked On Names List
Click for Post: #13: The First Two Pre-Trial Opportunities Which Knox Flunked
Click for Post: #14: The Third Pre-Trial Opportunitty Which Knox Flunked
Click for Post: #15: Dr Mignini’s Knowledge Of Knox “Interrogation” Explained To Media
Click for Post: #16: The Fourth Pre-Trial Opportunity Which Knox Flunked
Click for Post: #17: Sollecito April 2008 Before Supreme Court Again Coldsholders Knox
Click for Post: #18: The Final Pre-Trial Opportunities Which Knox Flunked
Click for Post: #19: ALL Knox Q&A Sessions 2-6 November 2007 WERE Recorded #1
Click for Post: #20: ALL Knox Q&A Sessions 2-6 November 2007 WERE Recorded #2
Click for Post: #21: Illustrating How Batshit Crazy The Interrogation Hoax Has Become
17 The Knox False Memory Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
18 The Knox No-Drug-Use Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
19 The Knox HIV Test Leak Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
20 The Knox No-Public-Relations Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
21 The Knox Nasty-Prison Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
Click for Post: Much-Admired Feminist On Knox As Ice-Cold In Capanne And Media’s Mixed Performance On The Case
Click for Post: The Amanda Knox Book: Claims About Prison Traumas Widely Contradicted By Solid Sources
Click for Post: Human Rights Group “Human Rights Watch” Gives An Approving Nod To Italy
Click for Post: Guide For Smart Media: Note Extensive Hard Evidence In Exceptionally Fair, Careful Legal Process
Click for Post: The Amanda Knox Trainwreck: What The Newly Published Knox Writings Reveal To Professional Eyes
Click for Post: Focus In Italy Now On Knox Psychology As Her Claims Meet With Skepticism, Lack Any Proof
Click for Post: (2) The Oggi Article Which Conveys To Italy Knox’s Claims Of Crimes: Our Own Rebuttals
Click for Post: (1) The Oggi Article Which Conveys To Italy Knox’s Claims Of Crimes Committed By Justice Officials
Click for Post: For Multiple False Accusations Against Italian Officials Knox Book Is Expected To Be Ordered Withdrawn
Click for Post: The Hands Of Time Video With Screenplay By Amanda Knox - A Confessional Obsession?
Click for Post: A Famous Black Widow Confirms What MP Girlanda Told Us First: Italian Prisons Are Pretty Nice Places
Click for Post: A Belated Attempt To Do A U-Turn On The Misconceived Loser Of A PR Campaign?
Click for Post: Newsweek Report From Italy On Damage Shrill Campaign Is Doing To Knox’s Interests & America’s Image
Click for Post: Our Letter To Rocco Girlanda, Parliamentarian For Gubbio In Umbria, Concerning His Amanda Knox Book
Click for Post: Amanda Knox’s Supporters’ Incredible Shrinking Island Now Shrinks Some More
Click for Post: Rome Panel On Meredith’s Case: Seems To Have Been Shallow, But Of No Comfort To Knox Apologists
Click for Post: Rocco Girlanda’s Very Criticised Book On Knox Is Discussed By A Panel In Rome
Click for Post: Where The Convicted Perp And The Defendants Are Now
Click for Post: The Letters Between The Women’s And Men’s Wings In Capanne
Click for Post: Sollecito Not To Be Trumped By Knox Antics In The Female Wing Of Capanne
Click for Post: The Letters Between The Women’s And Men’s Wings In Capanne
Click for Post: Prison Movie Co-starring Knox Now In Slow-Motion Meltdown?!
22 The Knox-Was-Exonerated Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
23 The Knox Double Trial & No Extradition Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
Click for Post: The US Lacks Legal Authority To Decline To Deliver A Guilty Knox To Italian Authorities
Click for Post: Tips For The Media: In Fact Knox Extradition Is Likely To Be Readily Granted
Click for Post: RIP FOA; Could The Adults Soon Decide To Encourage AK To Head To Italy Without Argument?
Click for Post: Human Rights Group “Human Rights Watch” Gives An Approving Nod To Italy
Click for Post: Appeal Session #10: After Defense Remarks Panel Of Judges Reaches Its Decision: BOTH GUILTY
Click for Post: Rejected Yet Again By Knox, Sollecito Seems Frantic To Avoid What Might Be A Final Return To Italy
Click for Post: The Prospects In Favor Of A Possible Fugitive Amanda Knox
Click for Post: Some Homework For Curt Knox/Marriott/FOA: How Leaning On Italian Judiciary Can Seriously Misfire
Click for Post: Another US-Italian Case Shows The Utter Futility Of Trying To Strongarm The Italian Justice System
Click for Post: Italian Judge Ruling Is Tough But Fair In Another Case Involving Americans
Click for Post: The Considerable Number Of Suspected Perps That Countries Extradite Daily To Other Countries #2
Click for Post: The Considerable Number Of Suspected Perps That Countries Extradite Daily To Other Countries
Click for Post: An Extremely Significant Development For The Perugia Case In Italy-American Relations?
24 The Knox’s ECHR Appeal Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
25 The Sollecito Persona Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
26 The Sollecito & Knox Got On Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
27 The Sollecito Single Alibi Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
28 The Sollecito Not At Crime Scene Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
29 The Deal Offered Sollecito Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
30 The Sollecito Witness Alessi Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
Remember Meredith’s room was thoroughly dusted for fingerprints (none were found) meaning it could not be comprehensively tested for DNA. It is untrue that only one sample of Sollecito’s DNA and no sample of Knox’s were there in the room, end of story - had the room been comprehensively tested there might have been dozens.
The recreations at trial pointed to three attackers and Cassation accepted that was full proved. The Sollecito defense put the imprisoned child-killer Alessi on the stand in 2011 to say Guede confessed he did it with one other, but Alessi was so desperately nervous about a perjury charge that he was sick and perhaps the least convincing of all witnesses.
Click for Post: Judge Nencini Issues Harsh Warning To Tell The Truth - So Amanda Knox Does The Precise Opposite
Click for Post: The Much-Demonized Rudy Guede Is Back In The News And Increasingly Threatening
Click for Post: Questions For Knox and Sollecito: Why Claim Rudy Guede Did It Alone When Vast Proof Of The Opposite?
Click for Post: Tips for The Media: In Fact Guede Absolutely Couldnt Have Attacked Meredith Alone
Click for Post: Alarm Bells Ignored: Overconfident PR And Lawyers May Have Led To That Shock At Cassation Outcome
Click for Post: How Much Or How Little To Blame Rudy Guede? The Defenses’ Immense Headache Coming Up
Click for Post: The Terrible Weight On The Victim’s Family Because The Italian System Is So Very, Very Pro Defendant
Click for Post: An Overview Of What The Italian Media Are Saying In Advance Of The Final Appeal Sessions
Click for Post: If Rudy Guede Testifies On Monday As He Might, It Could Be Game Over For Sollecito And Knox
Click for Post: Current Court Reporting: Seattle Post Intelligencer Still Posts The Best, Least Bias, Most Detail
Click for Post: Today’s Desperate Moves By The Defense Lawyers Seem To Have Backfired On The Two Defendants
Click for Post: Today’s Star Witness For The Defense Mario Alessi Looks To Be Up To His Neck In Trouble
Click for Post: So The Two Pressed Defense Teams Decide To Go Eyeball To Eyeball With The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: Defenses’ Possible But Extremely Unlikely Star Witness Is Once Again Back In The News
Click for Post: Harsh Language For Possible Defense Witness Mario Alessi From The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: Stinging Guede Final Appeal Rejection Spells Serious New Trouble For Sollecito And Knox
Click for Post: Andrea Vogt Provides Her Heads-Up On What May Be Heading Perugia’s Way In The Appeal
Click for Post: Italy’s LA7 Is Running A Series On The Rare Phenomenon For Italy Of Female Criminality
Click for Post: How Each of The Three Subtly But Surely Pushed The Other Two Closer to The Fire (Part 4 of 4)
Click for Post: Claimed Guede Confidant Mario Alessi Has Been Moved Two Hours North To Parma Prison
Click for Post: Behind Mario Alessi’s Own Trial And Life Sentence: The Kidnap And Murder of A Baby Boy
Click for Post: Rudy Guede Now Counter-Claims From Prison That Knox And Sollecito Were Real Instigators
Click for Post: Jailhouse Snitch With “New Evidence” Doesn’t Seem To Be Widely Believed
31 The Aviello Witness Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
At trial in 2009 the ascription of the entire attack to Guede proved a defense disaster. At year’s end (1) Knox and Sollecito had been found guilty and (2) Cassation had rejected Guede’s final appeal - but also ascribed the attack to THREE PEOPLE.
So from 2010 a defense hunt was on for any two or three possible attackers other than RS and AK. They leaped upon two contradictory possibilities, both claims by men in prison: (1) Alessi said Guede told him Guede did do the attack, with two others; (2) Aviello said Guede, RS and AK were not involved, and the attackers were his brother and an Albanian.
Both testified at the Hellman appeal. Alessi’s claim collapsed instantly, but Aviello’s reverberated on for seven years, because of (1) two U-turns, and (2) strong hints, still unresolved, of witness tampering via a large payment.
Click for Post: The Aviello Story Seems To Show The RS & AK Defenses All But Concede Guilt Of All 3
Click for Post: Andrea Vogt Provides Heads-Up On What May Happen In The Appeal
Click for Post: Proposed Defense Witness Aviello Cell Searched: Could Be Setback For Defenses
Click for Post: The New 80,000 Pound Gorilla In The Room Introduced By The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation
Click for Post: Harsh Language For Possible Defense Witness Mario Alessi From The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: A Witness Icognito: Could Outnumbered Knox And Sollecito Defenses Be Forced To Resort To This?
Click for Post: So The Two Pressed Defense Teams Decide To Go Eyeball To Eyeball With The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: Today’s Star Witnesses For The Defense Alessi & Aviello Up To Necks In Trouble?
Click for Post: Today’s Desperate Moves By The Defense Lawyers Seem To Have Backfired On The Two Defendants
Click for Post: Giulia Bongiorno’s Next Super-Witness? The Apple Of Her Witness Luciano Aviello’s Eye
Click for Post: Witness Tampering By Defenses? Investigations Launched After Witness Aviello U-Turns
Click for Post:
Thirteenth Appeal Session: It Looks Like The Defenses Have A Real Friend in Court - Judge Hellmann
Click for Post: Umbria’s Chief Prosecutor Will Proceed Against Knox And Sollecito And Also Aviello
Click for Post: Dissecting The Hellmann Report #2: How Judges Zanetti And Hellman Tilted The Legal Playing Field
Click for Post: Strong Trend: Increasingly The Good Lawyers Are On One Planet And The PR Shills Are On Another
Click for Post: A Summary Of The Cassazione Ruling On Annulment Of The Knox-Sollecito Appeal
Post pending: Aviello is put on trial in Florence for perjury at the annulled Hellman appeal.
Click for Post: Trashing Of Italian Justice To Bend Trial Outcomes And How The Republic Pushes Back
Click for Post: Breaking News From Italy-Based Andrea Vogt On The Aviello And Knox/Sollecito Court Actions
Click for Post: Appeal Session #1 (A) Judges And Lay Judges Address The Biz Of Procedures And Enquiry Scope
Click for Post: Tomorrow Could See The Beginning Of The End Of The Rampaging “Public Relations” Campaign
Click for Post: Appeal Session #2: Witness Luciano Aviello And Knife Test Arrangement Main Biz In Court
DUPLICATE Hoax 31: The Aviello Arc 2010-2018
Posted by Peter Quennell
At trial in 2009 the ascription of the entire attack to Guede proved a defense disaster. At year’s end (1) Knox and Sollecito had been found guilty and (2) Cassation had rejected Guede’s final appeal - but also ascribed the attack to THREE PEOPLE.
So from 2010 a defense hunt was on for any two or three possible attackers other than RS and AK. They leaped upon two contradictory possibilities, both claims by men in prison: (1) Alessi said Guede told him Guede did do the attack, with two others; (2) Aviello said Guede, RS and AK were not involved, and the attackers were his brother and an Albanian.
Both testified at the Hellman appeal. Alessi’s claim collapsed instantly, but Aviello’s reverberated on for seven years, because of (1) two U-turns, and (2) strong hints, still unresolved, of witness tampering via a large payment.
Click for Post: The Aviello Story Seems To Show The RS & AK Defenses All But Concede Guilt Of All 3
Click for Post: Andrea Vogt Provides Heads-Up On What May Happen In The Appeal
Click for Post: Proposed Defense Witness Aviello Cell Searched: Could Be Setback For Defenses
Click for Post: The New 80,000 Pound Gorilla In The Room Introduced By The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation
Click for Post: Harsh Language For Possible Defense Witness Mario Alessi From The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: A Witness Icognito: Could Outnumbered Knox And Sollecito Defenses Be Forced To Resort To This?
Click for Post: So The Two Pressed Defense Teams Decide To Go Eyeball To Eyeball With The Supreme Court Of Cassation
Click for Post: Today’s Star Witnesses For The Defense Alessi & Aviello Up To Necks In Trouble?
Click for Post: Today’s Desperate Moves By The Defense Lawyers Seem To Have Backfired On The Two Defendants
Click for Post: Giulia Bongiorno’s Next Super-Witness? The Apple Of Her Witness Luciano Aviello’s Eye
Click for Post: Witness Tampering By Defenses? Investigations Launched After Witness Aviello U-Turns
Click for Post:
Thirteenth Appeal Session: It Looks Like The Defenses Have A Real Friend in Court - Judge Hellmann
Click for Post: Umbria’s Chief Prosecutor Will Proceed Against Knox And Sollecito And Also Aviello
Click for Post: Dissecting The Hellmann Report #2: How Judges Zanetti And Hellman Tilted The Legal Playing Field
Click for Post: Strong Trend: Increasingly The Good Lawyers Are On One Planet And The PR Shills Are On Another
Click for Post: A Summary Of The Cassazione Ruling On Annulment Of The Knox-Sollecito Appeal
Post pending: Aviello is put on trial in Florence for perjury at the annulled Hellman appeal.
Click for Post: Trashing Of Italian Justice To Bend Trial Outcomes And How The Republic Pushes Back
Click for Post: Breaking News From Italy-Based Andrea Vogt On The Aviello And Knox/Sollecito Court Actions
Click for Post: Appeal Session #1 (A) Judges And Lay Judges Address The Biz Of Procedures And Enquiry Scope
Click for Post: Tomorrow Could See The Beginning Of The End Of The Rampaging “Public Relations” Campaign
Click for Post: Appeal Session #2: Witness Luciano Aviello And Knife Test Arrangement Main Biz In Court
32 The Sollecito No-Public-Relations Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
33 The Guede As Sole Perp/Lone Wolf Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
It is unquestionable that Rudy Guede was a part of the attack on Meredith. But as the Supreme Court ruled (“in concorso”) he was not ALL of it.
Numerous posts discounting the Lone Worlf theory can be found here.
Numerous myths have been concocted in an attempt to frame Guede for ALL of the crime in the minds of gullible, ill-informed people.
One of the myths was that he was a proven drug dealer.
Another was that Guede had broken into someone’s house. The police and Judge Micheli did not believe Christian Tramontano and he never testified in court or was cross-examined.
The only comprehensive and accurate Wiki on the case includes these two rebuttals:
Myth: Rudy Guede was a drifter and a convicted burglar
Not true. The drifter allegation is a product of the Gogerty Mariott firm. Guede had lived in Perugia since immigrating there when he was five, was raised by a well-to-do family and had his own apartment 100 metres from Sollecito’s. Guede was known to the police, but never charged or had a previous conviction, however minor. All three defendants had had minor brushes with the law. In 2003 the Carabinieri found Sollecito in possession of 2.67 grams of hashish. Amanda Knox had been issued a ticket and fined for a rowdy party where students were throwing rocks at passing cars. Guede had been found in a Nursery School in Milan, where he had apparently spent the night, but had not broken in, and the police were called. They found him in possession of a laptop computer which had been stolen from a Perugia law office (which he claimed to have bought) and other items that might have been stolen property. He was questioned by police, but released. A charge of possessing stolen goods was eventually brought in February 2008, by which time he was in custody for Meredith’s murder. Still, if we accept the allegation of Guede’s experience on its face, the illogicality of the alleged break-in becomes even harder to understand.
Myth: Guede cut a deal with prosecutors
Not true. While Knox and Sollecito have recently been alleging deals being offered or deals being made, deals of the sort Americans are accustomed to are not allowed in Italy. All three accused were initially meant to be tried together, and likely were advised of all of their options at the outset. One of these options is what’s known as a fast-track trial, usually involving a not-guilty plea but with less evidence presented from either side. For this a one-third reduction in sentence is automatically granted in the event of a conviction””and life sentences are reduced to 30 years. Guede elected to sever his case from Knox and Sollecito, fearing they would gang up on him in a joint trial, and to take the fast-track option.
At Guede’s trial Judge Micheli imposed a 30-year sentence, the fast-track equivalent of a life sentence, and the harshest sentence that the court could award. By the time of Guede’s appeal, Knox and Sollecito’s trial had been concluded, with their being given the benefit of generic mitigating factors, such as their young age””hence they were given 24 year sentences for the murder charge. At Guede’s appeal, he was credited with the same mitigating factors (he is, for example, younger than Sollecito). The fast-track tariff (one third reduction) means that his equivalent sentence is two thirds of 24 years, which is 16 years. That is the sentence that he is currently serving. Under Article 176 of the Italian Criminal Code, he will be eligible for parole (libertà condizionata) when he has less than five years remaining of his sentence, which will be in 2018. Prior to that, in 2014 Guede will be eligible to leave the prison during the day on work release (semilibertà ).
Guede has thus received no reductions in his sentence other than the generic mitigating factors also enjoyed by Knox and Sollecito, plus the automatic fast-track reduction of one third””an option open to Knox and Sollecito which they chose to reject.
Paolo Brocchi
The building was equipped with an alarm system but that night was not activated, because, I also ricostruii the story, had just been installed. Quella sera io uscii verso le venti e trenta e ricordo perfettamente che non attivai il sistema di allarme. That evening I went out to half past eight and I remember perfectly well that I activated the alarm system.
La cosa strana che posso evidenziare al riguardo è che notai che il sistema di allarme il giorno dopo, quando entrammo, non venne danneggiato perché la cellula luminosa era sempre in funzione, anche se è disattivato, e la persona o le persone che sono entrate non hanno danneggiato l’allarme, ma hanno solo disattivato il combinatore telefonico, quindi con ciò manifestando una minima competenza, comunque una certa competenza in materia di allarmi, di elettronica perché disattivare un combinatore telefonico senza danneggiare l’allarme io non sarei in grado, pur essendone proprietario, quindi non avrei questa competenza.
The strange thing about it is that I can show that I noticed that the alarm system the next day, when we entered, was not damaged because the cell light was always on, even if it is turned off, and the person or persons who had not have damaged the alarm, but they just turned off the phone dialer, and thereby manifesting a minimal competence, though a certain expertise in the field of alarms, electronics because disable a phone dialer without damaging the alarm I would not be able, even essendone owner, so I would not have this expertise.
So, that window looks out onto a private courtyard that is protected from the then state-owned, municipal, by another gate. Quindi è probabile, non lo so se questo possa essere… perché poi vicino a quella finestra ci sono altre finestre di altri appartamenti, che sono… c’è una finestra che dista circa un metro dal balcone del mio studio, quindi tutto può essere. So chances are, I do not know if this can be ... because then close that window there are other windows of other apartments, which are ... there is a window that is about a meter from the balcony of my study, then anything can be.
Ma comunque questa persona o queste persone, se fossero transitate dalla pubblica via, avrebbero dovuto aprire un cancello che dà su una proprietà privata e poi, con l’ausilio non so di quali mezzi, arrampicarsi per circa tre metri, quattro metri, su una parete verticale per poi arrivare sul terrazzo del mio studio dov’era collocata, dov’è collocata tuttora questa finestra e poi attraverso questa finestra entrare all’interno dello studio, se fosse questa la via.
But anyway this person or these people, if they were transited from the public highway, they would have had to open a gate that opens onto a private property and then, with the help I do not know what means, climb to about three feet, four feet, on a vertical wall and then get on the roof of my studio where it was located, where is this still placed through this dialog box and then enter the studio, if this is the way.
2. Hard Truths
Remember Meredith’s room was thoroughly dusted for fingerprints (none were found) meaning it could not be comprehensively tested for DNA. It is untrue that only one sample of Sollecito’s DNA and no sample of Knox’s were there in the room, end of story - had the room been comprehensively tested there might have been dozens.
The recreations at trial pointed to three attackers and Cassation accepted that was full proved. The Sollecito defense put the imprisoned child-killer Alessi on the stand in 2011 to say Guede confessed he did it with one other, but Alessi was so desperately nervous about a perjury charge that he was sick and perhaps the least convincing of all witnesses.
[Above: the 2009 Massei verdict that still stands that the defenses will try to overturn]
[Dalla Vedova and Ghirga] guessed that Guede had probably been in the middle of robbing the villa when Meredith came home, and he had attacked her. As soon as they suggested this scenario, it made perfect sense to me. I hadn’t been able to put all those pieces together before. Meredith’s murder had been so horrific, and my arrest too absurd, it had been impossible for me to think logically about it.
34 The Guede As A Bad Guy Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths
35 The Guede As A Good Guy Hoax
Posted by Peter Quennell
1. False Claims
2. Hard Truths